In the first installment of the new point-and-click dark fantasy adventure from Hyptosis, Kingdom of Liars 1, your career as the newest member of the Hernessian Guard doesn't exactly begin with the best of omens. Then again, you are now living in what they call The City of Rats, so you probably weren't expecting a cakewalk to begin with. Click to interact, and pay attention to the way your cursor changes to denote people to speak to, items of interest, or objects to pick up. Once something is in your inventory, just click to select it, and then again wherever you want to use it.
Kingdom of Liars is a short but fascinating little game that really showcases how far Hyptosis has come in his work. The way descriptions pop up when you mouse over items and the cursor changes over certain areas eliminates a lot of random clicking, letting you just scan around to take in all the little textual details. The artwork is pretty darned gorgeous, with imaginative, eerie designs, and since it this game exists in the same world as some of Hyptosis' other titles, fans will welcome the chance to explore a bit more. The downside? The game is so linear it's easy, with the last and really only puzzle perhaps posing a bit of confusion due to some awkward wording. Kingdom of Liars is full of creative ideas and boasts a much tidier user interface than we've seen from the developer before, and though it might be over before you're done with your coffee break, represents the start of an intriguing new mystery.
Walkthrough Guide
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Kingdom of Liars 1 Walkthrough
Posted by: Trinn
August 29, 2012 5:09 PM