Hoshi Saga Ringohime
Hoshi Saga Ringohime is the latest installment of the popular and revered Hoshi Saga series by Yoshio Ishii, and it's in full, glorious full color as all the "Ringo" versions of the series have been. There are 25 new stages to clear, so don't just sit there, click and play! :)
For anyone uninitiated to Hoshi Saga, there is but one objective: find the star in each stage. How you go about doing that will be different with each new stage you come to, so you'll have to use your imagination to find it. The artwork is gorgeous with its soft and striking watercolor hues and textured backgrounds. So beautiful, in fact, that you won't mind just staring at it for a while as you work through what to do.
Ringohime continues the relatively light difficulty of puzzles as with the rest of the Ringo series, and some of the more hardcore puzzlers out there have complained about this. However, when you consider the fact that the series enjoys an enormous fan-base, it's also not difficult to understand why the games have drifted into light and casual territory.
Play the entire Hoshi Saga Series:
Ringohime is believed to the be last installment in the "Ringo" set of games with this one ending at level 100, just as the first 3 Hoshi Saga games came to a conclusion before Ringo. Considering the popularity of the series, I am sure we can expect more Hoshi Saga in the future as this has become a tremendously successful puzzle series for its author. Hoshi Saga Next, please, and be quick about it.
Walkthroughs for the Hoshi Saga series...Similar games:
- Hoshi Saga Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga 2 Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga 3 Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringo Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringoame Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringoen Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringohime Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Dokuringo Walkthrough
Walkthrough Guide
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Enjoyed this game a lot, a new Hoshi Saga is always welcome :)
And here's a Hoshi Saga Ringohime Walkthrough!
Stage 76
Open the panel on the left, turn all the lights on. Rotate them until the light forms a star (they need to face the painting directly).
Stage 77
The solution looks like this:
Stage 78
Just touch the rotating stars until one of them turns out to be the correct one.
Stage 79
Move the mouse over the lamp for the star to appear. You don't need to press any mouse buttons.
Stage 80
Drag the segment in the bottom-left corner around the field, then keep clicking the tail segment. When the star appears, you may need to move the snake a little so it's unobscured.
Stage 81
Drag the little triangle down to reveal the first star segment. Drag from the middle to reveal the other four.
Stage 82
Click the edges of the large grass patches to reveal the star.
Stage 83
Click the triangles to form the star. It will look like this:
Stage 84
Drag the leaves down to reveal a star behind.
Stage 85
Press the mouse button anywhere on the screen when a spark overlaps with the orange line until a star appears.
Stage 86
Drag the panels to left and right until they connect.
Stage 87
Just drag anywhere on the screen with your mouse.
Stage 88
Press the bottom-right circle to loose a screw, then press the colored circles to reveal the star.
Stage 89
After the "explosion", keep holding the mouse button anywhere on the screen to reconstruct the star.
Stage 90
Press those segments (from left): 2th, 5th, 7th.
Stage 91
Shoot the arrow just above the visible "crack" in the third plank from the left.
Stage 92
Touch the scratch cards at the top of the screen, drag across silver spaces. One of them will have the star, the solution however is random.
Stage 93
Drag the bottom part of the curtain to the right, then drag the balls to the bottom left, out of the screen. One of them will eventually have the star on it.
Stage 94
Keep dragging the paper star upwards.
Stage 95
Drag the colored blocks in those directions:
Blue - upwards,
Red - to the left,
Green - downwards,
Yellow - to the right.
Now click on all revealed crystals.
Stage 96
Keep clicking the top-right part of the tree to reveal a secret apple. Click it to get the star. (Other apples are red herrings!)
Stage 97
Grab the "G" part of the arrow, rotate it so the arrow points upwards.
Stage 98
Grab the top-right part of *the wall* and move it to the left to form a Tetris.
Stage 99
Rotate the green lines until it looks like this:
When a piece doesn't seem to fit, rotate it 180 degrees.
Stage 100
It's an Unexpected Shmup Level! COntrol the spaceship with your mouse, keep shooting the center of the boss, avoid lasers and bullets; don't touch the enemy either. Its health depletes quickly once you destroy the 3 barriers blocking the core. Here you just need good reflexes ;)
Now press the star that appeared on the right side of the main menu to watch the ending!
Posted by: Marach
September 22, 2011 4:57 PM
Just finished... Here's a complete walkthrough. I very much enjoyed this one.
Stage 76 requires you to rearrange the lights to point at the painting, then open the panel on the side and turn the four off lights on, forming the star.
Stage 77 involves rearranging the blocks by pushing them in and out until a star is formed.
Stage 78 requires you to catch the falling star. It is yellow/green.
Stage 79 requires you to rub the lamp repeatedly until all of the dust comes out. It will fly over to form the star.
Stage 80 doesn't require you to draw anything. Click the back of the stone "snake" until it pops open to reveal the star. The "snake" follows the mouse pointer when the mouse is held down.
Stage 81 requires you drag the white arrow down to reveal the top piece of a star, then do the same outward from the center (work clockwise)
Stage 82 involves clicking on the earth pieces around the center where the girls are sitting. There should be about 3 pieces.
Stage 83 can be solved by clicking on the star pieces to move them into the shape of a star. They should amass in the left upper area.
Stage 84 requires you to pull away the leaves to reveal the star underneath. There are a couple layers, and the star is on the left side
Stage 85 does not require perfect timing (intended? bug?), so you can simply repeatedly click if you have trouble with the timing. You need to click the center when each line is over the symbol there, much like a drum rhythm game.
Stage 86 requires you to click and drag the two pieces together. They are basically hooked in to an invisible screw in the center of the screen. Both need to be moved.
Stage 87 involves just drawing around with the mouse held down. The engine places the string for you.
In Stage 88, click the ball onscreen, then the one that appears under it. Click on the circle in the bottom right to get the girder out of the way and click on the ball that just dropped down
In Stage 89, hold the mouse button and time will reverse to before the explosion
Stage 90 requires you to select the three pieces that make a star. Two, five and seven from the left, if you don't want to experiment.
Stage 91 just involves clicking to fire the arrow.
Stage 92 involves bringing down a scratch card by clicking on it, then scratching off the three circles on it. Click and rub the cursor over each.
In Stage 93, move the bottom row to the right (it's a ramp), then move the balls that drop by dragging them over. A star ball will drop from one of the openings.
In Stage 94, simply drag the star (located at the bottom) all the way to the top. It should go through the odd glass shape in the center.
In Stage 95, remove each of the colored sections by clicking and pulling them offscreen (each goes in exactly one cardinal direction), then click on all of the gem pieces to place them in the center
In Stage 96, click on each apple to feed it to the pig, then click on the bushy branches at the top of the trees. One more apple will form, and this one needs to be fed to the pig too.
In Stage 97, drag the "g" symbol to change gravity to up. It will reveal the star from the floor.
In Stage 98, find the place on the right hand edge of the Tetris frame you can click on to move a straight piece in and not only get a Tetris, but also have the star fall from the falling blocks.
In Stage 99, spin each stick within its circle to form the outline of the star.
In Stage 100, guide your ship to shoot the center of the star. Your health does not appear to completely run out, but you have to hit the center of the other star to do damage. It has a few walls around the core you have to destroy first
Posted by: Chraxia
September 22, 2011 4:58 PM