Hoshi Saga Ringoame
A remarkably fun and inventive puzzle game series we won't ever get tired of seeing new installments of, Hoshi Saga returns to give us more opportunities to find the hidden star in each of the 25 brand new levels. Yoshio Ishii of Nekogames has created more full-color artwork for Hoshi Saga Ringoame, the latest iteration of the popular and revered series.
Play the entire Hoshi Saga Series:
As before, you are to figure out what it takes to find the star hidden within each screen. Feel free to click around and explore each level to find the solution. Some will have you clicking, some dragging, some standing on your head. Ok, well maybe not literally, but you'll have to use your brain and hand-eye coordination skills to solve all the puzzles contained therein. The puzzles are not very difficult this time around, again, but you will never the less have fun figuring them all out. If you're new to the series, this is an excellent warm-up exercise to get you used to the sort of puzzles seen throughout the series.
Walkthroughs for the Hoshi Saga series...Similar games:
- Hoshi Saga Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga 2 Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga 3 Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringo Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringoame Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringoen Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringohime Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Dokuringo Walkthrough
Walkthrough Guide
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Hoshi Saga Ringoame Walkthrough
Level 26
Click on the right side of the screen, hold, and slowly drag to the left.
Watch the shadow underneath the shape, when it becomes a star, stop dragging and release the mouse button.
If you get to the left of the screen and the shadow hasn't become a star yet, release, go to the right, click and drag again.
Level 27
Click on the block and drag it left and upwards until it lines up with the block next to the nearly complete star.
Release and watch the block sink to create the star.
Level 28
Click and drag the chains by the top, where they are attached to the poles.
Leave the far left chain where it is.
Click and drag the middle chain to the left until the hanging yellow piece just touches the one on the far left.
Click and drag the piece attached to the top bar until it forms the top of the star.
Click and drag the far right chain until the piece just touches.
Click and drag the now far right piece into place and you have a star.
Level 29
Click anywhere on the scenery and drag to the right until the star appears between the trees.
Level 30
Notice that your cursor has an unlit candle attached.
Drag the cursor to the central candle and light it.
Once your candle is lit hover to the edges of the star shape and light the candles.
Level 31
Click and drag the bottom piece of metal from right to left until the painted part of the gear rotates to the bottom.
Level 32
The blue eight pointed star is on a series of concentric squares.
Clicking on the right side of a square flips a piece to the left, clicking on the right side of a square flips to the right.
Start with the inner square and click on the right side.
The next square out click on the left side.
The third square out click on the right side.
At this point the inside should start to take the shape of a yellow star.
The fourth square out click on the left.
The fifth square out click on the right.
The last square out click on the left.
Level 33
Move the magnifying glass to the right until the edge of the glass covers the gap in the star.
Level 34
Drag the strings to the left and downwards until the star is formed.
Level 35
Pull down the zipper to reveal the star.
Level 36
You will notice three areas that don't quite blend in with the background.
Click on the "back" or the blue middle section several times to tip it backwards.
Once it tips backwards, the star will be revealed.
Level 37
Each girl is carrying half of the star.
You can make them jump by clicking with the mouse.
Wait until they are near the step, then click and they will jump to the next level.
Continue jumping the girls until they meet in the middle.
Level 38
This is a simple slider puzzle.
Click on one "band" and drag it until it matches the one next to it.
Continue to drag the "bands" until the stars are formed.
Level 39
Wait until the machinery slams the blocks together in the middle.
When the blocks meet, click on the left block and part of the star will drop down. Click fast!
Whey the blocks meet again, click on the right block to get the rest of the star.
Level 40
You can click and drag the circles, but that won't get you anywhere.
Click on the bottom of the "box" and drag upwards, like opening a window.
Level 41
Look carefully at the pieces of the star on top.
You want them to arrive in the proper place at the bottom, and that means figuring out which path goes where.
Connect the dots from the top row to the circles below in this order:
Top left dot to the second circle from the left on the bottom.
Second from the left dot on the top to the far right circle on the bottom.
Middle top dot to the middle bottom circle (right below).
Fourth dot from the left (top) to the fourth circle from the left (bottom) (right below).
Far right dot on the top to the far left circle on the bottom.
Level 42
As the circles fall down from the pipe on the left, hold the mouse over them and they turn into triangles.
Quickly move the mouse to the shapes coming out of the pipe on the bottom, holding the mouse over the triangles turns them into squares.
Quickly move to the right and hold the mouse over the squares to turn them into pentagons.
Quickly move the mouse to the top and hold the cursor over the pentagons to create stars.
Stars should then fall from the end of the pipe.
Level 43
Notice the green strip at the top of the blue square? You want to rotate the blue square so that the green strip is at the bottom.
Click on either of the arrow circles twice to rotate the blue square. Notice that the green box that drops out has a yellow stripe.
Click on the arrow circle at the bottom left of the blue box to rotate the shapes so that the yellow stripe is now at the "bottom".
The yellow box that drops out has a brown line, you now want that brown line at the bottom.
Click on the arrow circle at the top left of the blue box to rotate the shapes so that the brown line is at the bottom.
The brown box has a purple stripe that you want at the bottom. Click on the circle arrow in the lower left of the blue box to rotate.
Now the purple shape has a blue line at the bottom. Click on the circle arrow on the lower right of the blue box to rotate.
The final small blue box has an open edge. Click on the circle arrow on the upper right of the big blue box to rotate.
Level 44
Notice that the bubble at the top will follow your cursor to the left or right.
Move until the bubble is directly over one "X" on the board.
Now move the cursor up to the bubble and click on the bubble to drop it.
If you aimed right, the bubble will "paint" the area around the X pink.
Continue to aim and drop the bubble on the Xs until the star is formed.
The bubble will cause the shape to rotate, so if an X is in a place where you can't drop the bubble, drop the bubble on the star tips to rotate.
Level 45
Notice the hand with the pointed finger at the left of the screen, on the bar where the yellow shapes are.
Think of the yellow shapes as dominoes.
Space the shapes out with one at the very right of the bar.
Click on the finger and it will push the first shape.
If you spaced them correctly, they will fall like dominoes, forcing the one on the far right to fall and slide down the slope.
Level 46
The center gray box is an x-ray machine that can look into any box you drag behind it.
The star is in the bottom right box. Click and drag the box to the x-ray machine to see the star.
Level 47
Behind the shape with the cutouts is the star on a chain. Drag the shape quickly to the right or left and the star will swing out from behind.
Level 48
There are several smaller boxes with Chinese characters (Japanese characters?) on them. The largest box, in the upper middle, is hiding the star.
Click and drag that shape down to reveal the star.
Level 49
Click on the yellow cat and the "floor" will raise up.
Notice that the cat is a cut out and that the yellow dot was underneath.
Move the yellow dot to the left of the floor, then click on the top to drop it down.
Now you can see the star. It may take several tries to get the yellow dot in the exact right area to illuminate the entire star cutout.
Level 50
If you pick up the green box by the corner and turn it over, a medium sized green box will fall out.
Pick up the medium green box by the corner and turn it over to drop out the small green box.
Rotate the large green box until the star tips are at the top.
Rotate the medium green box and drop it on the large green box to form the star shape.
Now rotate the small green box and drop it on the medium to complete the star.
Posted by: grinnyp
April 18, 2010 3:03 PM
Stage 26
Click and drag to the left until the shadow on the ground makes a star.
Stage 27
Click and drag the cube with the triangle on it so it falls into the space above the rest of the star.
Stage 28
Move the chains (using the dots above) so that the pieces of star fit together.
Stage 29
Click and drag left and right until you uncover the star.
Stage 30
Move your mouse over the flame in the middle to light your candle. Now use your candle to light the candles at the points of the star.
Stage 31
Click and drag the bottom section to the left or right until you find the rest of the star.
Stage 32
The picture is divided into sections which flip like pages in a book. Click the various sections on the right or left side until you've revealed all parts of the star.
Stage 33
Click and drag the magnifying glass until its bottom left edge meets the bottom left edge of the little detached section of star. That should magnify it, revealing the whole star.
Stage 34
For this one, your cursor needs to be in the bottom left section of the screen. Start at about where that inner corner of the star would be, and move out towards the edge of the screen.
Stage 35
Pull the zipper down.
Stage 36
Click the backs of the L-shaped boards (top half of the screen) repeatedly until they fall over.
Stage 37
When you click, the little kids jump. Click at the right time so that they climb the stairs.
Stage 38
Slide the thin sections up and down until they make whole stars.
Stage 39
Hover your cursor over the two blocks up top. Notice that there is a spot on each that you can click. Click on one of those spots to reveal part of the star, then click again to make it fall. Repeat with the other half.
Stage 40
Click the very bottom of the screen and drag up, moving all the balls up at once.
Stage 41
Follow the strings to figure out where each piece of the star puzzle goes. Drag the dots to the correct U-shaped ports. Solution, if the top row is 1,2,3,4,5 and the bottom row is A,B,C,D,E:
1B, 2E, 3C, 4D, 5A
Stage 42
When you mouse over one of the shapes, it changes. Hover near the first section of tube (where the shapes enter) for a while to make a long string of triangles. Then quickly mouse over the following sections, turning the triangles into squares, then pentagons, and finally stars.
Stage 43
Rotate the box clockwise twice so that the green section falls out. Keep rotating the box until the star falls out.
Stage 44
There is a bubble at the top of the screen, which you control with your mouse. Move the bubble so that it's over one of the X's, then click the bubble so it drops onto the X. Repeat for all the other X's.
Stage 45
Think of these as dominoes. Your goal is to make the rightmost domino fall off the edge. Set up the dominoes so they will knock that last one off, then click the hand to the left to knock them over. (You might have to do this a couple times to make sure the finger hits the first domino.)
Stage 46
This is an X-ray machine. Drag the blocks behind the screen in the middle until you find the star.
Stage 47
Grab the rectangle and swing it back and forth until you see the star.
Stage 48
Grab the biggest block (top center) and move it aside.
Stage 49
Click the floor (around the cat) to flip it upwards, revealing a yellow circle which was illuminating the cat cutout. Move the circle around to the left, then click the back wall to flip the floor down again. Keep moving the circle around until you light up all of the star.
Stage 50
Pick the box up and spin it around until another box falls out. Then pick up the new box and spin it until another box falls out. Stack them on top of each other until you get a complete star.
Posted by: nerdypants
April 18, 2010 3:52 PM