Looking for a bit of nightmare fuel wrapped up in a deceptively cute watercolour setting with some adorable moppet protagonists? Gretel and Hansel 2, from Mako Pudding, is finally here, and the strange saga continues. After the events of the first game, Gretel and Hansel find themselves stranded in the woods, and it isn't long before they're separated as well. Much longer than the first chapter, with more puzzles to solve and more areas to explore, this sequel should be a welcome treat for fans of the weird and morbid.
If you played the original, then you'll be familiar with the controls, which use either [WASD] or the [arrow] keys to move around, and the mouse to (usually) interact with things. Early on Gretel picks up a quaint Littlest Hobo-esque kerchief on a stick that she uses to carry the items she gathers, and you can open it by clicking on it and dragging items out to use them. Whenever you can interact with something, a cartoon bubble depicting an action appears above it when you get close enough. And, yes, there's even a mute button in the upper left corner if you get tired of the sound.
While your first objective is to reunite with Gretel's brother, it will quickly become apparent that you'll also want to find a way out of this forest which is filled with all manner of terrible waiting to happen to our intrepid heroine. Although you can die, and probably will at least once, death is a temporary setback and you'll resume playing from the last area you entered, and the auto-save means you can come back to the game whenever you like. Half the fun of the game lies in experimenting, so don't be afraid to make the obviously wrong choices now and again to see where they take you. Go ahead. Touch that bear with your soft, fleshy, chubby childlike hand. What could possibly go wrong. *flat stare*
Analysis: If you're of a certain age, the macabre tones herein are going to seem less like sacrilege to you. What Gretel and Hansel does really, really well is actually to capture the sense of creepy, wonderful strangeness that pervaded a lot of older children's movies, like Labyrinth or The Dark Crystal by way of Gullermo del Toro. While it's chock full of black humour and gore, including a lot of moments designed to make you feel like a terrible person for laughing at, it has a great otherworldly feeling with the strange spirits and denizens of the forest to explore that makes uncovering the dark secrets a lot of fun.
Unfortunately, Gretel and Hansel's biggest problem is that there's a lot of trial and error happening. Its offbeat world means that it isn't always immediately clear what you should do in any given situation, leading to that age old strategy of using everything in your inventory on everything else, everywhere. It doesn't help that finding the correct position to trigger an action button can frequently be a bit finicky, so even if you are using the right item in the right place, the game might not register it because you're not positioned just so.
Play both games in the Gretel and Hansel series:
Ultimately, this is the best kind of sequel; something that keeps all the elements of what made the original good and expands upon it in all the right ways. The finale may be a long time away, but judging by the impressive quality put forth in this middle chapter, we're going to have a lot to look forward to in the meantime. See? I'm a "glass half full" kinda gal. Of course, if I were Gretel, the glass would probably be full of nails and rabid rats. And also on fire. That girl has the worst luck.
Walkthrough Guide
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Gretel and Hansel Pt. 2 Walkthrough
Intro Scene
Walk over to stone
Click on stone icon
Click on pull icon
Walk over to father's head
Click on pull icon
Clearing Scene
Walk over to hollow in log (bottom right corner)
Click on the touch icon
Walk up to Hansel
Open inventory, click and drag meat icon onto Hansel
Walk to the exit of the screen (middle right)
Pathway Scene
Walk to stone
Click down to fire slingshot
Walk over to pile of leave (center of the screen)
Dinner Scene
Click on the leg icon when menu appears (not the acorns)
Click on each of the children
Click the eat icon to eat the leg
Click on the arm icon when the menu appears (not the pie)
Click on the arm to eat the arm ( the arm is added to your inventory)
Click on the wine icon to order the wine
Click on the wine to drink the wine
Click on the fish icon to order the fish (not the apple skull)
Click on the fish to eat the fish
Click on the cake icon to order the cake
Click the wine jug on the floor to drink the wine when the cake is served
Click the spit icon when it appears over the eat and refuse icons(its is only there briefly)
Click on the knife
Walk to the right to exit the dinner area
Kitchen Scene
Walk over to the top center of stickman's burnt body
Click on the stick breaking icon that appears
Press the space bar to swing the stick arm
Walk to the bookshelf, press the space bar to knock the book off the shelf
Walk to the right of the screen where the pile of rocks is and press spacebar to break the rock pile
Move to the hole in the wall (right side of room)
Click on the crawl icon that appears to exit kitchen
Bear Scenario
Walk behind the log you crawl out of towards the top right of the log to get a coin
Take the south exit of the screen
Walk over to frog to add it to your inventory
Head north back to fourway path
Go West to the path with the bear trap
Walk up to Bear trap a thought bubble should appear
Click on your inventory and drag the frog to the bear trap
Take the bear trap and coin
Go West to the eyeball tree screen
Take the coin in the bottom left corner of the screen
Walk up to the roots around the eyeball tree
Stand next to each root and click the pull icon three times on each root so they are all looking in the bottom right corner of the screen.
A Treasure chest should appear, walk over to it to receive the magic glasses
Go back to the fourway path
Go north to the screen with the bell on the tree
Take the coin that is behind the tree
Walk up to the silver bell in the tree (its shining)
Press the spacebar to hit the bell with your stick
Buy the carrot from the merchant
Go south to the four way path
Walk up to the rope circle on the ground and a carrot icon should appear
Open your inventory and drag the carrot to the rope circle
Walk towards the western exit of the screen where the rope is tied around the tree
Stand still and wait for the rabbit to approach the carrot
Click the rope icon that appears to catch the rabbit
Walk up to the rabbit till a thought bubble appears
Open your inventory and drag the knife to the rabbit
Walk over to the rabbit corpse to take some guts
Go East to the bear screen
Walk up directly left of the bear, a thought bubble should appear
Open your inventory and drag the trap to the ground near the thought bubble
Walk to the left of the trap till another thought bubble appears
Open your inventory and drag the guts to the trap
Axe Scenario
Walk across the log and pick up the coin near the stream on the lower mid section of the screen
Take the lower eastern path to the skull tree screen
Take the coin bag next to the tree with skulls around its base
Go south to the screen with the vine cliff
Walk up to the vine cliff with a coin bag perched on a log above
Hit the vine cliff twice to knock the coin bag off, take the coin bag
Go back to the screen with the dead bear
Take the upper eastern path
Take the coin bag hidden in the log on the lower left portion of the screen
Take the glass jug that is sitting on a log near the upper middle part of the screen
Walk to the bottom right of the screen till a hand appears from behind the tree
Stand in front of the hand
Open your inventory and drag the hand to the hand behind the tree
Take the coin bag it gives you
Go back to the merchant
Buy the map and the shovel
Go back to the screen with the glass jug
Go North to the burnt house screen
Click on the glasses and watch the scene play out
Walk up to where the mound of dirt was shown during the cut scene, a thought bubble should appear
Open you inventory and drag the shovel icon to the mound of dirt
Take the axe
Walk behind the tree stump above the woman, take the coin
Go back to the fourway path screen
Go south to the tree with the roots blocking the path
Walk up to the tree roots blocking the path, a thought bubble should appear
Open your inventory and drag the axe to the roots
Get the coin on the right side of the tree
Take the upper right path
Watch the cut scene then follow the reflection in the pond to the log on the left side of the screen
Click the icon that appears to jump up on the log
Watch the cutscene
Fairy Play Scenario
Fairy will move to where you click with the mouse
Click near the oil lamp hanging from the tree
Click on the oil lamp or the oil lamp icon to take the oil lamp
Click on the space above an left of Hansel to move there
Click on the right arrow icon that appears to make Hansel move near the vine cliff
Click on the waterfall in the bottom right corner to move the fairy to the water to fill the lamp
Click above and left of Hansel, icons should appear
Click the oil lamp icon to pour water into hansel's mouth
Click on the touch icon that appears to make Hansel grab the tentacle
Watch the cutscene
Take the mirror
Walk up to the upper right side of the pond, a thought bubble should appear
Open your inventory and drag the glass jug to the pond to fill the jug
Fruit Tree Scenario
Go back to the screen where the glass jug was.
Go east to the swamp
Walk up to Hansel
Click on the icon that appears to jump on his back
On the next screen take the coin that is in the water (top right of water)
Go East to the swamp tree screen
Stand on the patch of dirt and use your shovel to dig up a coin
Stand on the right side of the tree and use the filled glass jug of fairy water on the tree (must be fairy water NOT normal water)
Stand near the tree and press space bar to knock down a piece of fruit
Take the fruit
Use the map and go back to the skull tree screen
Stand near the circular hole in the skull tree and a thought bubble should appear
Drag the fruit item from your inventory to the circular hole in the tree
Walk across the grass bridge that has formed
Ice Cave Puzzle
Use the map and go back to the swamp fruit tree screen
Walk over to the circular stone on the bottom of the pillar to the right of the tree
Click on the hand icon that appears
Stone Tree Puzzle Solution
Click on the inner circle four times
Click on the middle circle nine times
Click on the outer circle four times
Take the torch that drops down after solving the swamp tree puzzle
Use the map to go to the water wheel screen
Walk near Hansel and click on the hand icon to have him run over and start turning the waterwheel
Walk over to the fire pillar till a thought bubble appears
Drag the torch from your inventory to the fire
Walk east with the fire to the raining screen, then walk south
Enter the cave and light only one stand either the arrow or bone
Take the arrow or the bone
Walk behind the ice rock in the cave and take the coin that is there
Rufus Face return
Go to the rainy screen with the giant pink flower.
Walk up to the log to the right of the flower and an icon should appear
Click on the icon to get a coin sack
Walk behind the stump rufus is on, get the coin there
Use the glasses and look in between the flower and the tree with the coin sack, a hidden path should reveal
Walk up through the path to the Screen with the old man
Walk up to the upper left corner and use the shovel on the dig spot for two coins
Walk over to the old man and use the glasses on him to reveal a conversation
Walk up near the two large floating stones, as you start to walk through them run back towards the left side of the screen as they start to smash, then run through them while they reset
Walk up to the hat till you see a thought bubble
Drag the shovel to the hat or thought bubble
When the spirit is stunned a mirror thought bubble appears, drag the mirror to it
Take the hat
Walk over to Rufus, a thought bubble should appear
Drag the mirror to Rufus
Drag the hat to Rufus
Emma Face return
Use the map to go to the swamp tree screen
Walk east
Walk behind the rock on the left side of the screen, get the coin there
Use the glasses and look towards the bottom of the screen, there should be a mound of dirt
Walk over to where the mound of dirt was with the glasses, a thought bubble should appear
Drag the shovel to the invisible mound
Take the stone tablet that Gretel digs up
Use the map to go back to the raining flower screen
Walk to the circular tab with the glowing will-o-wisps
Click on the hand icon that appears
Drag the stone tab in your inventory to the empty stone slot
Drag that open eye stone tab up to the top tear icon to switch places, the open eye stone tab should now be in the top spot.
Click on the outer stone wheel to rotate until the sun icon is on the top of the wheel directly above the open eye stone tab
The rain should fade away
Click on the edge of the screen to leave the stone tab
Walk over to the now open flower a thought bubble should appear
Drag the mirror from your inventory to the woman
Use the map to go to the burnt house sceen
Walk up to the woman (Emma) a thought bubble should appear
Drag the mirror to Emma
See, Hear and Speak No Evil Solution
Hear No Evil
Use the map to go to either the pond screen or the bear screen
Walk up to the pond or river and an icon should appear
Drag your jug to the water to get water
Use the map to go to the raining flower screen
Walk east to the gargoyle screen
Walk behind the lower left gargoyle, get the coin
Walk up to the withered root in the top left corner, stand on top of it and a thought bubble should appear
Use the water filled jug on the root
Click on the hand icon that appears to pull the root out of the ground
Walk the root over to the screen with rufus and stand near the floating head with the big ears
Take the stone ear that pops out of the stump
Speak no Evil
Go to the ice cave entrance
Walk up to the floating head with the big mouth
Use the evil book in your inventory
Take the stone mouth that pops out of the stump
See no Evil
Go back to the merchant
Purchase the Bow and Arrow (you'll need 24 coins… if you need more coins dig up all the other dig spots, like the one near the eyeball tree, the vinecliff, the bear screen, the merchant screen, etc.)
Go to the skull tree screen with the deer
Stand directly left of the deer towards the left hand side of the screen till a thought bubble appears with a target
Drag the bow and arrow to the deer or to the thought bubble
Take the stone eye that appears out of the stump with the red head with big eyes
Wolf Scene
Go to the gargoyle screen
Put the stone eye, ear and mouth into the gargoyles by standing near them and dragging the eye, ear and mouth to the respective gargoyles
Walk across the bridge to the next screen
Walk towards the wolf, a hand icon should appear
Click the hand icon and either you will shoot the wolf with the magic arrow or throw a bone depending on what you took from the ice cave
Walk east
Watch the credits, you beat the game!
Hidden room Screen
To access the hidden room you need to get all 14 deaths, once you have all 14 go to the screen with the skull hole pillar to the right of the swamp tree screen. The pillar should rise and robo Gretel and Hansel should appear. Walk up to them and you'll be taken to the hidden room
Stickman death: Eat or refuse the cake he gives you
Bear death: Walk up to the bear and click the hand icon that appears
Trap death: Walk over the bear trap
Snake death: Try to cross the swamp without Hansel
Pit death: on the skull tree screen with the deer walk up to the pit in the top right corner and try to cross it
Fairy death: Make Hansel walk down towards the scissors. Click on the scissor icon that appears to have him pick up the scissors. Then click near the scissors he is holding to move the fairy close to them
Scissor Eat death: Make Hansel walk down towards the scissors. Click on the scissor icon that appears to have him pick up the scissors. Click on the scissor icon again to have him eat the scissors
Swamp Death: One the screen with the skull holes pillar (east of the swap tree screen) walk to the far right near the water's edge, a hand icon should appear. Click on it to dive into the water.
Ice Witch death: Melt both the bone and arrow in the ice cave
Strangle death: Stand in front of rufus and hit him with your stick
Stone crush death: After using the glasses on rufus and the rocks start floating, walk in between them and wait for them to crush you
Mushroom death: On the raining screen with the stone dial with the will- o- wisps move the closed eye stone icon to the top slot, then rotate the outer wheel till the star icon is on the top. The screen should turn dark. Exit out of the puzzle and mushrooms should appear towards the bottom of the sceen. Walk over to them and click on the icon that appears
Hansel death: go to the gargoyle screen and hit Hansel with the stick
Wolf death: on the screen with the wolf walk towards him and don't click on the icon that appears, Gretel will run back to the gargoyle screen. Let the wolf catch you here.
A huge "Thank you!" to Mako for compiling this great walkthrough for us.
Posted by: Jay
October 11, 2010 8:08 PM