An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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elleGlue EscapeWe welcome good escape games of all shapes and sizes here at JIG, especially when they're well-designed, delivering logical puzzles in a neat environment, with enough nooks and crannies to explore without the frustration of pixel-hunting. My sincerest gamer esteem goes to every game author who even attempts such a feat. Tateita delivers a sample of this deed, cementing the enjoyment of escapes into a nifty little dollop of Glue.

As both an up and a downside, there is nothing especially innovative nor recondite in the gameplay here—you just point-and-click around the room, piece together clues and use found objects to open locks until you make your way out. Glue is just crafty enough to provide mental busywork while easy enough to not leave you frustratingly stuck. Although Japanese characters are found in some parts, any information an English speaker needs is well at hand. It's quite short—more like an escape demo than a full game—yet that brevity makes it fit well into a 5 minute intermission. As a bonus, this Glue doesn't drip on everything and leave your fingers all goopy when you're done.

Play Glue

Walkthrough Guide

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Thanks to elle for the awesome walkthrough!

A glue walkthrough

  1. You start out looking at a corner—double closet doors on the left, window on the right, and a small table in front of you:

    • Click on the table to look down on it.

    • Take note of the pillows strewn around it.

  2. Click on the closet to view it from a straight angle.

  3. Open the right side of the closet:

    • Click twice on the green safe to view the puzzle on its front.

    • Use the information you already found to solve this code:

    • Change the shapes according to the pillows around the table.


      LEFT=solid triangle
      RIGHT=hollow circle

      Click "OK" and the safe will unlock.

    • Open the safe and get the GREEN KEY.

    • Back up from the right side of the closet.

  4. Open the left side of the closet and look inside:

    • Open the top drawer of the clear translucent plastic organizer and take the:

      • GLUE.

    • Close the top drawer then note the pattern of a dozen dots on the bottom drawer.

    • Back out of the closet then back up to the starting view.

  5. Turn left from the closet to see a refrigerator. Click twice on it to get a better view:

    • Use the GREEN KEY to remove the lock.

    • Open the door and look inside the fridge (bottom door):

      • Take the BOX from the second shelf.

      • Then, examine the eggs in the top door shelf:

      • Make a note of eggs' positions in the caddy.

    • Back up once and then click twice on the freezer door (top of fridge) to look inside there:

      • Take the KNOB PIECE from inside the freezer.

  6. Back away from the refrigerator and return to the closet:

    • Open the left side of the closet again and zoom in on the bottom drawer of the organizer:

      • Use the information from inside the fridge to change the colors of the dots on the display.

      • When they're patterned correctly, click "OK" to unlock the drawer.

      • SOLUTION:

        o x o o o
        x o x x O

        x = click to blue out the dot

      • Look inside the bottom drawer to get:

        • CLIPPERS

    • Back out of the closet.

  7. Go back to the refrigerator and examine the microwave on top of it:

    • Use the CLIPPERS to cut the wire tie.

    • Press the button on the bottom edge of the microwave door to open it.

    • Wondering what you need a microwave for?

      • Taking a second look at your GLUE, you notice it says something about 80 degrees celcius.

      • Looking more closely at the box you got out of the fridge, you notice a line of glue. Sealed tight. Hmmm...

    • Put the BOX inside the microwave and turn it on.

    • When it is done, take the box out of the microwave, take off the box's lid and get...

      • a KNOB PIECE.

  8. Now you have two knob pieces. They seem to belong together...

    • Use the GLUE on the larger knob piece.

    • Then, stick the smaller knob piece on it. Instantly fixed!

  9. Back up three times, turn right twice, then examine the books on the stand in the corner:

    • Make a note of the colors and where they're located.

  10. Turn right again and zoom in on the panel next to the exit door:

    • First, stick the newly repaired KNOB into the hole at the top of the panel. This opens the panel.

    • Next, take a closer look at the code box:

      • You can push the buttons on the left and right edges of each row to move the white space toward the left or the right.

      • Move each white space into the proper place, then click "OK" when you have the answer.

      • CLUE:

        Look around the room again for a line up of 8 things. Also look for anything you have access to that can help you translate those 8 things to the code by the door.


        The back of your box lid combined with the colored books tells you how to arrange the white spaces on the panel...


        O=white space

      • With the correct code entered, the door is now unlocked.

      -NOTE- you must examine all the clues or the code, even if correct, will not work.

  11. Back up from the panel, click on the handle to open the door, then step through to exit the game.

Congratulations! We now leave you to resume your regularly scheduled activities.


Thanks to elle for the awesome walkthrough!

A glue walkthrough

  1. You start out looking at a corner—double closet doors on the left, window on the right, and a small table in front of you:

    • Click on the table to look down on it.

    • Take note of the pillows strewn around it.

  2. Click on the closet to view it from a straight angle.

  3. Open the right side of the closet:

    • Click twice on the green safe to view the puzzle on its front.

    • Use the information you already found to solve this code:

    • Change the shapes according to the pillows around the table.


      LEFT=solid triangle
      RIGHT=hollow circle

      Click "OK" and the safe will unlock.

    • Open the safe and get the GREEN KEY.

    • Back up from the right side of the closet.

  4. Open the left side of the closet and look inside:

    • Open the top drawer of the clear translucent plastic organizer and take the:

      • GLUE.

    • Close the top drawer then note the pattern of a dozen dots on the bottom drawer.

    • Back out of the closet then back up to the starting view.

  5. Turn left from the closet to see a refrigerator. Click twice on it to get a better view:

    • Use the GREEN KEY to remove the lock.

    • Open the door and look inside the fridge (bottom door):

      • Take the BOX from the second shelf.

      • Then, examine the eggs in the top door shelf:

      • Make a note of eggs' positions in the caddy.

    • Back up once and then click twice on the freezer door (top of fridge) to look inside there:

      • Take the KNOB PIECE from inside the freezer.

  6. Back away from the refrigerator and return to the closet:

    • Open the left side of the closet again and zoom in on the bottom drawer of the organizer:

      • Use the information from inside the fridge to change the colors of the dots on the display.

      • When they're patterned correctly, click "OK" to unlock the drawer.

      • SOLUTION:

        o x o o o
        x o x x O

        x = click to blue out the dot

      • Look inside the bottom drawer to get:

        • CLIPPERS

    • Back out of the closet.

  7. Go back to the refrigerator and examine the microwave on top of it:

    • Use the CLIPPERS to cut the wire tie.

    • Press the button on the bottom edge of the microwave door to open it.

    • Wondering what you need a microwave for?

      • Taking a second look at your GLUE, you notice it says something about 80 degrees celcius.

      • Looking more closely at the box you got out of the fridge, you notice a line of glue. Sealed tight. Hmmm...

    • Put the BOX inside the microwave and turn it on.

    • When it is done, take the box out of the microwave, take off the box's lid and get...

      • a KNOB PIECE.

  8. Now you have two knob pieces. They seem to belong together...

    • Use the GLUE on the larger knob piece.

    • Then, stick the smaller knob piece on it. Instantly fixed!

  9. Back up three times, turn right twice, then examine the books on the stand in the corner:

    • Make a note of the colors and where they're located.

  10. Turn right again and zoom in on the panel next to the exit door:

    • First, stick the newly repaired KNOB into the hole at the top of the panel. This opens the panel.

    • Next, take a closer look at the code box:

      • You can push the buttons on the left and right edges of each row to move the white space toward the left or the right.

      • Move each white space into the proper place, then click "OK" when you have the answer.

      • CLUE:

        Look around the room again for a line up of 8 things. Also look for anything you have access to that can help you translate those 8 things to the code by the door.


        The back of your box lid combined with the colored books tells you how to arrange the white spaces on the panel...


        O=white space

      • With the correct code entered, the door is now unlocked.

      -NOTE- you must examine all the clues or the code, even if correct, will not work.

  11. Back up from the panel, click on the handle to open the door, then step through to exit the game.

Congratulations! We now leave you to resume your regularly scheduled activities.

librarysmiles September 13, 2012 10:11 AM

Cute game. Got as far as

putting together the knob

by myself and I'm very grateful for the help finishing the game! :)


Only one ending?


Quick and simple escape game. Good to kill 5 min.


Quick and logical. I quite enjoyed it but wished it were longer!

infanttyrone September 13, 2012 12:55 PM

A hot cursor would have helped; without it it kind of seems like pixel hunting.

And I think I know what I need to do but I can't make it work--

Don't I have to microwave the glue up to 80? I can't put it in the microwave. Nor can I use it to glue the knob pieces together.

infanttyrone September 13, 2012 12:58 PM

Ah power of posting. Never mind.


Wow, FAST game. Fun and easy.


This one really made sense to me. Thanks, Tateita, for a game that caters to my style of logic!


It's so nice to be able to solve an escape game without needing a walkthrough, every once in a while! Short and sweet.

(Does anybody know if eggs are sold ten at a time in Japan, instead of the dozen (12) Westerners are used to? The fridge graphics made me curious...)

noschultz4 May 27, 2013 11:09 AM



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