Here's the situation. You've got three tiles: a B, a C, and an L. You've got the root "-OCK" to work with, you can place up to two tiles before the root and one after. What words can you spell? No, this isn't Words with Friends or some everyday word game like that, this is Gatamari Escape #22, the latest escape game by developer Gatamari. If you've ever wanted to play an escape game and a word game rolled into one (a combination that's definitely a little unusual), here's your chance. The game is themed around spelling English words to make things happen around the room, so feel free to start having flashbacks to your days playing with letter blocks in kindergarten.
Gameplay is standard for escapers and entirely mouse-controlled: click the green arrowheads to navigate, click on things to examine, pick up, and otherwise fiddle with them, and so on. Once an object is in your inventory, highlight it and click the environment to use it, or use the "About Item" button to see it up close. Should you want to save or toggle the audio, the other two buttons in the lower right corner should be self-explanatory. Gatamari has a very distinctive style... it's not hard to see that this game and Mission in Department Store were made by the same person, which won't be winning any awards for realism, but keeps things clear yet simple. The puzzles are the meat of the game, and they are very clever whether they're about wordplay or not, maintaining just the right level of difficulty to be challenging without being frustrating. The only serious flaw is that the game's vocabulary is a little limited, which becomes especially clear when working towards the second of the game's two endings. Still, that's easily overlooked in what is otherwise a fantastic and creative escaper no lexicomaniac should hesitate to play.
Walkthrough Guide
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Gatamari Escape #22 Walkthrough
This is a bit more narrative than some escapes- I've separated by individual puzzles or locks in the approximate order that they open. Some open differently.
Space Invader
You'll notice that you keep seeming to miss the alien ship, no matter how good your timing. If only we could lock on...
On the green wall, you'll see the word LOW. Collect L Tile
On the blue wall, make LOCK
Play space invader again
Get C Tile from Clear. It'll fall in the cubby underneath the game.
Dial Panel
Now we have a C and an L. With these, make CLOCK on the blue wall.
Get Pointy Arrow from the clock.
You should now remove the L tile and put in the only combination we haven't made: COCK. Turn to the pink wall, and the sealed panel with a dial behind it has opened
Locked Panel
Once you turn the Dial, the balloon below it inflates
Pop with Pointy Arrow to get Key
Use Key on the locked panel get Beakers
Pink Door
Remove the C Tile from the blue wall and place it where you found the L to make COW
The Pink Cow door opens!
Milk Code Box
Place Beakers on the ‘milk’ circles underneath the cow
Tug udders to get as much milk as possible
The level of milk gives the clue for the lock box.
Receive B Tile
Tetris Blocks
Now that you have more letters, use B Tile and L Tile to make BLOCK on the blue wall.
Get Tetris block from empty cubby next to it
Put Tetris block in the empty hole. Tetris-style, it will clear.
Get Circle Piece
Book Panel
Use Circle Piece on the C in -OCK. It will now read -OOK.
Use B tile to make BOOK
Green Door
Replace B with C Tile to make COOK.
Refrigerator Code
The code uses gray up and down arrows.
The hint is in your Book on pages 2-4.
The grayed out part of the letters make up arrows.
Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Down, Up, Up, Down, Down
Yellow Door Code
Get Steak from Fridge
Cook steak in oven. It burns- get Charcoal
back in the main room, replace C with L Tile to make LOOK.
The screen on green wall shows you where to look
It indicates the floor in front of pink wall.
Use Charcoal on spot on floor to get code for yellow door
Tiny Door Code
Take Kn Tile
Take out Circle Piece and use Kn Tile to make KnOCK
On yellow wall, knock on little doors once each. They will respond with knocking back.
In yellow room, use knocks to make code on doors
Receive SOS Gun
Getting H Tile
Collect Arrow from Storm Trooper’s head
Using B Tile, make BOW
Receive Bow from cubby above BOW and combine with Arrow
Shoot ‘HIGH’ and receive H Tile
Grey Cabinet Code
Use Kn Tile and then H Tile to make KnOW and HOW
On green wall there are now two rows of partially like screens
Use hint in Book of green and black addition
If the lines on the top and bottom dial overlap, they negate each other, but single lines combine. It combines to make 4 numbers.
Use code on the grey cabinet in pink room
Receive Broom
Ceiling Hatch
Use Circle Piece and H Tile to make HOOK
Use Broom on the ceiling hook that has descended
Fire SOS Gun into the skylight
Receive UN airdrop- collect Un Tile
Use L Tile and Un Tile to make UnLOCK
Get a Red Button
Use L Tile to make LIGHT in yellow room
Flip the green light switch and go back into main room
Note clue on ceiling hatch: Double arrow x21
This double arrow is in the green room. Click 21 times, or however many it takes for the button to fall off
Collect Red Button
Get the Last Letter Tile
Put the Red Button in the indent above LIGHT and press it
Receive R Tile
Use R Tile to make ROCK
Collect Remote from opening next to ROCK
Use Remote on the screen on green wall
Observe the video of the man tapping feet and clapping hands
Use this code on the yellow wall, at the two feet and hand button
Left Foot, Left Foot, Hand, Right Foot, Left Foot, Hand, Left Foot, Right Foot, Hand, Right Foot, Right Foot, Hand
A hand has come out of the little door above.
Receive Et Tile
Basement Door
Use R Tile and the Et Tile to make ROCKEt
There's now a trapdoor in the floor. Go down the ladder into the Basement.
Final Door Code
Note the hint to the right of the ladder
Go down the hallway to find a door with 4 indents next to it- 4 tiles will fit here.
Where have we seen the letters A-Z? Check your Book
If you’re counting out the 2nd, 4th, 6th letters in the alphabet, you’ll notice you don’t have those letters on tiles.
Count the letters of ‘alphabet’ instead
Missing a tile you need?
To get L Tile back, go upstairs and make RIGHT again and press the red button
Put in the tiles in the basement door
L, H, B, Et
3, 2, 1, BLASTOFF
Congratulations...! I think
Posted by: VoxPopuli42
July 2, 2014 3:24 PM