Free the Bird is a Flash point-and-click game similar to a room escape game except that the objective is to, of course, free the bird instead. Now if you're at all familiar with
Bart Bonte's previous work,
Bonte Room and
Bonte Room 2, you may be scratching your head wondering why on Earth would anyone want to let that annoying bird out, other than perhaps letting it go free; it has a spine-tingling screech that doesn't take long to dislike very much.
Submitted to our game design competition in August, Free the Bird is a simple puzzle game that offers a satisfying reward if you solve it by yourself. The game features the same pleasing minimalism artistic style that Bart is noted for, and it is of clever design, too. Just enough for a midday break.
Play Free the Bird
Walkthrough Guide
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I finally got the hang of it!
Note the time on your computer.
Duplicate it to the clock by pulling the 4 "tails" below the clock.
Right lever activates the cuckoo bird
Left lever.... positions where the bird will appear (4 positions)
Time and tide waits for no man. If the cuckoo does not appear, check your clock again. Perhaps 1 min has passed.
You should activate the Left 4th lever and click repeatedly on the right lever.
The cuckoo bird should bite the string and release the bird.
Posted by: Wheee | October 21, 2006 2:53 AM