Welcome to your first day of ninja training school. Before we get started, let's go over a few basics. These are little known and widely misunderstood ninja fun facts: ninjas have an affinity for hiding in unusual places, ninjas are dangerous when startled, ninjas' favorite color is green and ninjas often spend their free-time playing No1Game's Find the Escape-Men: In the Ninja House. Now is your own special opportunity to train essential ninja escape game tactics.
As you begin your journey from impercipient novice to acutely adroit, you must first test your ninja spotting senses by finding the ten escape men in and about the ninja house. You will be provided very few aids in this task, no changing cursor, and thus must rely solely on power of observation, puzzle-solving skills and an ability to creatively utilize found objects. Grey bars along the edges of the screen indicate when and where to turn and numerous clues are scattered about for your scrutiny. Check inventory carefully for hints and possible tools to guide you in your quest.
Occasional frustration may ensue as not all answers are found in the obvious and those who abhor hunting for pixels should refrain from entering. As ninjas do savor trickery, expect some misdirection and fruitless leads. Also be warned that your sensibilities could be offended by the more disreputable inhabitants of the ninja house. Of course, this venture could heighten your humorous instincts as well. If it is amusement you seek and an insatiable longing for more Ninja in your day, applications for admission to the Ninja factory are now being accepted. Test number one: find and use the "play" button.
Walkthrough Guide
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In the Ninja House Walkthrough
General Tips
Select "English" or "Japanese" before starting.
To win the game, you must "escape" by finding all 10 green escape men.
Hover your cursor along the sides, top and bottom of the screen to activate navigation bars.
Click anywhere that seems like something you'd want to look more closely at; don't overlook tables or objects near the corners or bottom of the game screen.
Items you can pick up will be automatically added to the inventory column when you click on them:
When you first pick it up, it will be in close-up view. Click on the item to examine it further. Then click "close" to put it away.
To use an item, click it once to highlight its icon in your inventory.
To examine an inventory item close-up, select the "?" on its icon and it will pop up in its own window.
To combine items in your inventory, examine one close-up and highlight the other then click to combine.
You can find the escape-men in almost any order, as long as you have the tools needed.
Starting Out: Inside House and FirstAid Kit
You begin facing the TV wall.
Click on the table at the bottom of the scene to zoom in on it:
Pick up the MAKIMONO (SCROLL) on the left side of the table.
Examine the first-aid kit to see you need a 4-digit number code.
Click under the table to see an escape man quickly skitter away. You'll need something to capture him.
Back up twice.
Turn left to see wall with a blue Ninja Factory poster on it:
Make a note of the red shape with one point on the wall.
Zoom in on the poster:
Click several times on the green ninja ESCAPE MAN (1/10) until he's added to your inventory.
Back up.
Click on the floor mat (tatami) below and to the left of the poster to zoom in on it:
Click the left corner of the mat to lift it up.
There is an escape-man there, but you'll need something to scrape him off.
Back up.
Turn left to face the double sliding doors:
Zoom in to look closer at the cabinet:
Open the top drawer and get CLEANING PAPER.
Notice that the bottom door of the cabinet has four colored buttons.
Click each button to change the number of points on the ninja star shape. You'll need to continue looking for the code.
Click the doors to close them.
Another ninja ESCAPE-MAN (2/10) is revealed on the left side of the doors. Click him twice to pick him up.
Back up.
Turn left to see a wall-hanging with an eye on it.
Click on the cubbies underneath the hanging and open the left side:
Get the TV REMOTE.
Click to open the back of the remote. Batteries are still needed.
Open the right side of the cubby to see a white shape with six points. Make a note of it.
Back up and zoom in on the eye wall hanging. From this position, click the top right corner of the screen:
The panel above the wall hanging is loose. Click on it to look inside...
There is another green ninja ESCAPE-MAN (3/10). Use CLEANING PAPER then click to get him.
Back up three times.
Turn right to face the doors. Click on the table again to examine its contents from this new angle:
Look under the table from this angle and you'll find:
Back up.
Zoom in on the first-aid kit. Now, you should see the back of the kit:
Notice the numbers? They're also backwards.
Back out twice then turn right twice to face the TV again.
Zoom in on the table and examine the front of the first-aid kit:
Enter the numbers from the back:
Turn the numbers as if in a rear-view mirror (notice the way "ajnin" appears on the back also):
5 2 1 3
With the correct code entered, click the red cross to open the kit: take the TRANQUILIZER.
Back up.
Turn to face the doors (open them if needed) and click outside to go out.
Outside: Drunk, Tree and Shed
When you first go outside, you'll be facing a pond.
Click on the tuft of grass in the right corner to zoom in on it:
Take the CANDLE.
Back up.
There is a reed sticking out of the water. So far, there is nothing else to do with it.
Turn right to face the exit gate and a drunk ninja on the ground.
Use the TRANQUILIZER on the drunk ninja.
Click the now sleeping drunk to get ESCAPE-MAN (4/10).
Zoom in on the tuft of grass nearest to you:
There is an escape-man in the grass but he's clinging to the ground. You'll need something to get him out.
Back out.
Click the edge of the building on the right to look around the corner:
Take the HAMMER.
Back up.
Turn right to face the house's deck and a faucet in the ground.
Take the ESC-MEN MOTEL from under the deck.
Note the blue shape with two points.
You can run the faucet but have nothing to put the water in at this time.
Turn right to face a storage shed and tree.
If you click the tree trunk, you can shake the tree...
Continue to click on the tree trunk until something falls out of the tree: a MANIPULATOR. Take it.
Click the shed door to open it and go inside...
Get the blue HOSE from the shelf on the left.
Click on the bucket in the corner to look inside:
Make note of the yellow shape with five points.
Back up.
Look inside the box on the shelf on the right:
Get the FLINTS rocks.
Examine the CANDLE in your inventory. Use the FLINTS to light it.
Open up the MAKIMONO SCROLL in your inventory.
Use the CANDLE on the scroll.
Click on the green ninja that appears on the scroll to get ESCAPE-MAN (5/10).
Back out twice to leave the shed.
Turn left to face the ninja house deck again. Click the green area at the top of the screen to go back inside the house.
Back in House: Fast Ninja, Floor Mat and Bottom Cabinet Door
Back inside the house, facing the TV, click on the table at the bottom of your screen:
Click underneath the table.
Set the ESC-MEN MOTEL on the floor under the table.
Now turn click the left edge of the screen to turn left and watch the ninja skitter to the right. So, click the right edge of the screen to check your trap:
Pick up the ESC-MEN MOTEL and check inside.
Get green ninja ESCAPE-MAN (6/10)
Back up twice.
Examine the TV:
Open the REMOTE in your inventory.
Click to open the back of the remote
then insert the BATTERIES.
Click again to close the battery compartment and turn the remote face-up.
Use the REMOTE on the TV to turn it on and see another escape-man delivering the news.
Use the HAMMER to break open the TV.
Click twice on the green ninja ESCAPE-MAN (7/10) to get him.
Turn left to face the blue poster.
Click twice on the green floor mat to look under it:
Use the MANIPULATOR three times on the escape-man until he turns red.
Click him one more time to get ESCAPE MAN (8/10).
Back up.
Turn left to face the doors and small cabinet again.
Zoom in on the chest of drawers and on the bottom drawer.
For each button, select the number of points to match the colored shapes you found while exploring:
1st (blue) = two
2nd (white) = six
3rd (red) = one
4th (yellow) = five
After setting the correct number of points on each ninja star shape, press the black bar to open the cabinet's door:
Get the SICKLE.
Back up.
Go back outside.
Outside Again: Grass and Pond
When you go back outside after finding the sickle, turn right to face the exit gate.
Examine the tuft of grass closest to you:
Use the SICKLE four times to cut the grass down.
Take the ESCAPE-MAN (9/10).
Back up.
Now it's time to get whatever is hiding in the pond.
Turn right to face the faucet:
Connect the blue HOSE to the faucet.
Turn right twice to face the pond.
Click the other end of the blue hose to connect it to the reed in the pond.
Turn around twice again...
...tap the spiget to turn on the water.
Turn back to the pond and listen as whoever is under the water gulps in more water. He'll pop up in a minute (he's not happy!)
Click on the angry green ninja to get ESCAPE-MAN (10/10).
After you find all 10 escape man, you'll be told you have done well....but he doesn't offer the scroll.
You have a number of items in your inventory; maybe you can turn on the ol' ninja charm and convince him to give it to you. Here's one way to do it:
Clock him over the head with the HAMMER.
Tickle him with the MANIPULATOR until he turns red.
Use the TRANQUILIZER on him.
Then wave the SICKLE at him.
Once you have the scroll, that's it. (For now at least!)
List of Escape-Men Locations:
(Includes tools needed to access each)
On the blue poster inside the house.
Behind the sliding doors.
Up in the ceiling (above the eye wall hanging alcove). Needs cleaning paper.
Drunk ninja on the ground outside. Needs tranquilizer.
On the makimono scroll. Needs flint and candle.
Under the table (when facing the TV). Needs esc-men motel.
Anchorman on TV. Needs batteries, remote and hammer.
Beneath the floor mat (blue poster wall). Needs manipulator.
In a tuft of grass. The sickle is needed.
Under water in the pond. A hose is needed.
Posted by: elle
August 1, 2012 2:17 AM