Yay, it's still summertime (in the Northern Hemisphere)! Don't you just love it? Camping. Boating. Kickin' back down on the beach with all your good dwarf buddies. What, you don't have any of these peppy pint-sized pals? Such a blight in your social network can be readily remedied, don't fret. Here's Nekonote, an old cohort known to us at JIG for Nekonote Escape 7: Doll and who just happens to be in-the-know when it comes to befriending dwarfs, as you can see by this delightful point-and-click island hide-and-seek: Find Dwarfs in Summer 2011.
Although they're a tad shy, finding dwarfs is as easy as an August breeze. Somewhat similar to the 10 Gnomes series, the gnomes in which also come in tens and enjoy hiding at the Seashore, the Nekonote summer dwarf is uncovered by pointing at and clicking on any spot you could imagine a dwarf might squirm his tiny self into. Spa-like, leisure-inspired music not only makes a lovely soundtrack, the soothing tunes help lure, um, I mean, entertain the hidden minis so they're more likely to appear. A snoozing bear and sailing chicken are among others who will join your friend-making quest, provided you gather and arrange the proper items. If you want the happiest ending, all ten are needed so be sure to have a nice, cozy spot to gather everybody together; dwarfs are really rather wiggly. Try that itty bitty cage in the corner, for instance. Those little peepers will love it in there, I swear!
Play Find Dwarfs in Summer 2011
Walkthrough Guide
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Here's a walkthrough to the game, hope it helps.
The Island:
You first arrive at a little peaceful island. Look at the beautiful birds and listen to the soothing music... Beautiful, isn't it? Well, ten dwarfs are invading this island: your goal is to catch them and lock them up in your cage.
The Tent:
Click on the tent to zoom in on it. Two little chicks are sitting on a log, and the tent has three flags on it (red, blue and green).
Cooking Fireplace:
Clicking behind the tent will bring you to a cooking fireplace screen, where you can see two eaten fish. Zoom out to the island screen.
The Bird Nest:
Now, if you click on the area to the left of the island, you will arrive at a bird nest, and near it you can see three mushrooms (blue, red and green). Zoom out.
The Palm Tree:
By clicking on the palm tree, you arrive at a majestic palm tree (obviously). There isn't much to do here, but you can click on the right coconut to make it fall down. Pick it up, you will need it later on.
The Boat:
If you click on the boat, you see a chicken that seems angry? Sad? Clicking on him reveals that he needs a fishing rod. Let's see if you can help the poor lad out. Zoom back to island view.
Catching The Dwarfs
Dwarf #1 (The Tent):
To start off, go see the two chicks sitting on the log. Hey! A dwarf is hiding to the right of the log! Catch him by clicking on him.
Dwarf #2 (Cooking Fireplace):
Now, get to the fireplace screen: clicking the fish bones to the left moves them, revealing a dwarf.
Dwarf #3 (Cooking Fireplace):
The third dwarf is also hiding in this area: you can see him hanging off the branch on top of the fireplace. Zoom back out and head to the bird's nest.
Dwarf #4 (The Bird Nest):
This dwarf likes nature: you can see him playing and hiding in the grass, on the bottom right of the screen.
The Bird and The Mushrooms:
Click on the bird: While he's moving to the mushrooms, pick up the match box in his nest. Wait a minute! He's showing us some colors on the mushrooms... Where have we seen these colors before? Note them down (green, blue, red, blue, green).
Dwarf #5 (The Palm Tree):
Go to the palm tree: here, you can see a dwarf hiding behind it (the palm tree, not the dwarf). If you didn't do so yet, collect the coconut to the right of the tree (click on it to make it fall).
The Tent's Flags:
Upon returning to the tent, you may notice the flags are the same colors of the mushrooms, and clicking on them makes them spin. By entering the colors the bird showed you, the tent's opening unlocks (you can see the red light turning blue).
Inside The Tent:
Go in the tent. Uh oh! A bear is sleeping here, make sure not to wake him up... Grab the fishing rod on his right side, and leave before he wakes up.
Catching a Fish:
You now have a fishing rod: the chicken at the boat is going to be glad. Get to him and give him the rod: he should start fishing. By clicking on him, you will start a mini-game.
Fishes will swim in the water: when they bite to the bait, click on the chicken. If you do this right, you guys will catch the fish. Click on it to collect it.
Cooking The Fish:
Go back to the fireplace: over here, use the box of matches on the branches. Once the fire lights up, use the fish on the spit-roast stick to start cooking it.
Dwarf #6 (Inside The Tent):
Return to the inside of the tent: the bear left, and you can now see a dwarf sitting on the floor. Catch him and zoom back out.
Dwarf #7 (The Tent):
Go see the two chicks on the log, and give them the broken coconut. They play in the coconut halves, and leave with them. A dwarf is now sitting on the log.
The Bear's Meal:
Move on back to the fireplace: looks like the bear ate the fish that was cooking here. Pick up it's bones and zoom back out to the island view
Dwarf #8 (The Bird's Nest):
Get back to the bird nest, and give the bird the remainder of the fish (the bones you just collected), and as a trade, he will throw a dwarf out of his nest.
Dwarf #9 (The Palm Tree):
Two more dwarfs to go! Hmm... Apparently, they're hiding pretty well, as we didn't notice them until now. Get back to the palm tree: here, click on the dark green leafs at the top right of the tree to move them and show a dwarf.
Dwarf #10 (The Boat):
To finish off, return to the boat. Here, you can see the chicken taking a rest and the two chicks having fun in the water. To see the dwarf here, click on the bottom right corner of the bright blue sail to fold it and reveal the dwarf.
Leaving The Island
You take one last look at the peaceful little island. The smooth music is still playing, the birds are still gliding and the soft wind is pushing out the clouds. Your only wish is that you could stay here longer. But your job is done, and now you have to move on home.
Click on the exit sign: here you will be asked if you really want to leave the island. Click on yes to finish the game. Good job! You found all the dwarfs!
Posted by: Vince
August 12, 2011 12:40 PM
General Information
Point. Click. No combining. Go back with the little blue arrows at the bottom of the screen.
Dwarfs are light brown. When you click on them they will be transferred to the little cage in the lower right corner. You can check how many you have by clicking the EXIT sign. Don't click "leave" until you're ready!
The Walkthrough
Click "start."
The Nest
Let's start with those little colored dots on the far left of the island, shall we? Click them for a close-up. It seems to be some sort of nest with a mother bird, and three mushrooms.
Your very first dwarf is hiding in the grass at the bottom right, directly below the nest.
Let's click on the mother bird and see what she wants.
As she leaves the nest, click on the little corner of red she was sitting on and collect the matches.
Notice how she moves from mushroom to mushroom. Almost like a pattern, no?
The bird indicates the pattern: green, blue, red, blue, green.
Back out.
The Tree
Those coconuts look tasty. Let's click on the tree for a close-up.
Your second dwarf is peeking out to the left of the trunk, just above the ground.
The tree has three leaves which are darker than the rest.
Click on the bottom-right corner of the rightmost leaf for your third dwarf.
Let's try to grab a coconut. That big one on the right.
Oops! It fell down and broke! Oh well, let's collect it anyhow.
Back out.
The Tent
Time to check out the big tent in the middle. Click it for a close-up.
Your fourth dwarf is peeking out behind the upper-right corner of the big log.
Aww, look at those cute chicks. I bet I know what would really cheer them up.
Give them your broken coconut.
Look, there's a dwarf where they were sitting! That's number five.
Look at those flags on the top of the tent. We can click on each one and they turn. Do they remind you of anything?
They look just like those mushrooms, don't they? Why don't we copy that mother hen?
Click on them in this order: green, blue, red, blue, green. If you mess up, back out and zoom in again. When you click the correct code, the light above the tent flap will change to blue.
Now that the tent is open, let's check inside.
Looks like someone's sleeping in my tent! Let's not wake him. However...
That inside corner looks funny, doesn't it? What's that black thing?
Click where the side of the tent meets the floor of the tent, on the inside, either on the black or the long tan pieces. Collect the fishing rod.
Back out and zoom in again, so we can check out that odd brown thing sticking out from behind the left side of the tent.
Looks like someone was hungry! Your sixth dwarf is hidden very cleverly here, on the very right end of the stick hanging over the campfire. It's to the right of the right y-shaped support, and above the right fish skeleton, a little tan dot on the brown stick.
The seventh dwarf is also hiding here. Click on the head of the left fish skeleton to reveal him.
As long as we're here and we have matches, let's get this campfire roaring. Click the matches and then the fire pit to start a fire, then back out.
The Boat
Let's take a cruise. Click on the blue boat for a close-up. Hey, look, the chicks are here! And so's dad!
Dwarf number eight is hiding behind the sail. Click on the very bottom rightmost corner of the sail to reveal him.
Click on dad to see his innermost thoughts ... all he wants to do is go fishing on this nice summer day. We can help him fulfill that dream!
Give him the fishing rod.
Now that dad's fishing, let's see if we can help him actually catch one. Click on him to move the angle of your view to include the fish swimming by.
Your goal here is to click on the bird at just the moment when the fish begins to bite.
If you miss, don't worry, fish will keep coming and they all follow the same pattern.
Click on the bird just when the fish first angles its head up at the line.
Eventually dad is successful, and he'll reward you with the spoils. Click on the shiny fish to take it, and then back out.
Finishing Up
Now that we have a fish, let's make breakfast. Go back to the tent and then the campfire.
Click on the fish and then the suspended stick to cook breakfast.
Now where is that lazy bear? Let's see if he's still asleep.
Click back into the tent to find that the bear is gone, and it looks like he was sleeping on the ninth dwarf!
Boy that bear moves fast. Is he at breakfast already?
Looks like he came and went, but let's grab his leftovers.
I bet I know who would like a bit of tasty fish: mama bird! Let's go back to her nest.
Give mama the fish skeleton and she give you a present in return: the tenth dwarf, who was hiding in her nest.
Now that we have all ten dwarfs, let's click on that giant exit sign and get out of here! Enjoy the dancing dwarfs!
Posted by: The Logical Ghost
August 12, 2011 12:56 PM