Awwwwwww yisssss, ain't no escape like a Tesshi-e escape, 'cause Tesshi-e escapes don't stop 'til you've enjoyed a finely crafted series of puzzles! In Escape from the Round Room, you're enjoying a nice extended vacation in a quaint little lodge, but when it comes time to leave, you find yourself locked in. That, besides the fact that there's no stove, bathroom, or refrigerator, or basic amenities whatsoever beyond that fabulous bedazzled toaster would make me think they owe you a refund, but the incredibly swanky smooth jazz they're piping in makes me willing to forgive a lot. Making sure you select "English" from the title screen unless you speak Japanese, to play, click to interact and navigate, and view items you gather by clicking once to highlight them, then again on the About Item button. If you want to see if something you're holding can be used in the environment, click to highlight, and then again where you're trying to use it. True to Tesshi-e fashion, there are clues hidden everywhere to help you solve the locks and codes barring your way, so click every cranny and ponder every puzzle!
One of the things Tesshi-e does best is design spaces that seem small and sparse, but wind up hosting a surprising amount of puzzles and clues. Escape from the Round Room is a prime example with its economical design that at first glance seems emptier than other Tesshi-e titles, leading you from objective in objective in a natural progression, each one nudging you towards the next. It's a mix of the straight-forward and the more eclectic, though none of it is what you'd call unintuitive except maybe in one instance where a locked object doesn't need a traditional key, or you have to revisit a "solved" object you might not necessarily think to. Still, Escape from the Round Room winds up being quite creative in some unexpected ways, and Tesshi-e's usual level of intellectual polish and style shines through. It may not have been what you expected when you rented this circular little lodge for a weekend of rest, but Tesshi-e is one land lady you never have to worry about disappointing you.
Walkthrough Guide
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Escape from the Round Room Hint-through
Normal end
Gathering items:
Before solving any puzzles, you can find:
- A note
In the drawer downstairs
- A battery
Under the pillows upstairs
Windows puzzle:
There is a wobbly sign in the upper floor with an arrow pointing upwards...
...and there are six special windows in the building...
...that have arrows on them. What order could they have?
After solving it you will obtain:
A screwdriver
A pink Mr. Birdy figure
Rotating device puzzle:
In the lower floor, there is a device with two wheels, and one of them can be rotated.
The other one looks quite alike. Why can't it rotate like the other one?
There is something in the upper wheel, and you want to get it out...
After solving it, you will obtain:
A coin
Escape puzzle:
On the big table on the lower floor, there is a box with the word "escape" on it.
It has to do with the "space" clue on the stairs.
All of the letters in the word "space" exists in the word "escape"...
After finishing the puzzle, you will obtain:
Hippo puzzle:
In the upper floor, there are five hippos on a panel with buttons on it. The buttons operate the hippos mouths. The big rectangular button in the lower left resets the puzzle.
The puzzle has to do with the photo of the hippos downstairs...
When finishing you will obtain:
Spade key
Brown box:
On the left part of the bookshelf in the upper floor, there is a brown box.
You seem to need a key to open it, but the lock is to big for any normal keys...
When opening it, you will obtain:
A tap head part
The wall cabinet:
In the lower floor, there is a wall cabinet to the left of the door.
It cannot be opened, but it doesn't appear to be locked. What could the problem be?
When opened, you will obtain:
Clover key
The note:
You can find a note in the downstairs drawer, but it seems to be empty...
If you look in the drawer again, the word "water" is written in it.
The note needs to be wet. Where could you find water?
The sink would be a good place, but it is missing a part...
When solved you will obtain:
A 4-number code
The clover drawer:
In the upper floor, there is a drawer that can be opened with the clover key and a 4-number code.
The clover key can be found in:
The downstairs wall cabinet
The code can be found on:
The note from the drawer downstairs
When opening it, you will find:
A pink Mr. Birdy figure
The green cabinet:
In the lower floor, a green cabinet stands to the left of the stairs.
The upper part needs the spade key, which can be found in:
The hippo puzzle upstairs
The lower part needs a 3-number code.
It can be found by revisiting an old puzzle...
When opening both parts, you will find:
A loaf of bread
A pink Mr. Birdy figure
The bread:
The bread has to be used somewhere in the lower room...
When used you will obtain:
A big number code
The lower drawer:
To open the lower drawer usptairs, you will need a 3-number code...
To get it, you will have to find:
- The big number code, that can be found:
On the loaf of bread
- A hint frase, that can be found:
In the bookshelf upstairs
They need to be used together, in some sort of way...
When opened, you will find:
A robot
The robot:
You can find a robot in the lower drawer upstairs. It has to be used somewhere...
Somewhere you can't reach...
But there is another problem:
The robot doesn't have any batteries
When finished, you will obtain:
A ball with a diamond key inside it
Upper drawer:
The upper drawer upstairs is locked...
And you have to find the diamond key to open it
The diamond key is found:
By solving the robot puzzle and opening the ball
When opened you will obtain:
A pink Mr. Birdy figure
Mr. Birdy puzzle:
Upstairs, there is a little red box, with four holders.
You have to put a pink Mr. birdy figure on each of them.
They can be found by:
Completing the wobbly picture puzzle upstairs
Opening the upper part of the green cabinet downstairs
Opening the clover drawer upstairs
Opening the upper drawer upstairs
When finished, you will obtain:
Heart key
To open the door, you will need the heart key. It can be found:
By completing the Mr. Birdy puzzle upstairs.
Exit through the door and enjoy the ending.
Happy coin end
Follow the Normal end hint-through, but don't go through the door.
Instead, you have to find another hint.
It has to do with the Mr. Birdy puzzle...
...and is hidden in the green cabinet. After finding the Happy coin, go through the exit door and enjoy the special ending.
Puzzle solutions
Windows puzzle:
Push the corners of the painting in the order of the arrows (on the windows) from bottom to top:
Lower right, upper right, upper left, lower right, upper left, lower left.
Rotating device puzzle:
Remove the screw, and rotate the upper wheel so that the coin points down. Rotate the lower wheel so that the hole points up, and the coin will fall to the lower wheel. Rotate the lower wheel so the coin is pointing down, and it will fall out.
Escape puzzle:
Set the gauges to the position the letter in "escape" has in the word "space". For example "e" is last in space and will have the highest setting, while "a" is in the middle, and will have the middle setting. The code is :
(H = Lever, O = Nothing)
Hippo puzzle:
Push the buttons so all hippo mouth's are open, for example all buttons except the middle one.
Brown box:
Use the coin to open the box.
The wall cabinet:
Cut open the wire with the pliers.
The note:
Put the tap head part on the sink, and wet the note.
The green cabinet (lower):
Rotate the upper wheel on the rotating device. It will show you a 3-number code with a triangle and a star on the sides. Don't forget to put the code in the right direction, as the symbols indicate which way it goes.
The bread:
Put the bread in the toaster and move around a bit in the room.
The lower drawer:
The numbers indicates letters from the frace, for example 13 in the code is the 13:th letter of the sentence, O. The code is ONE, THREE, NINE. (139)
The robot:
Open the robot, and put the battery in. Then you shall put the robot in the compartment behind the stairs.
Happy coin end:
The mugs in the cabinet indicates the direction in wich the pink Mr. Birdy figures shall point. Rotate them so they are pointing to:
Right, Right, Left, Left.
Posted by: Questioner
April 17, 2014 6:56 AM