Getting into a science laboratory is much easier than it looks... just ask Dee Dee. Getting out of one, however, is another story, as is evidenced in Escape from Mystery Science Room. espcgm's clever little escaper drops you into what appears to be a chemistry lab, and tasks you with puzzling your way out. The navigation is all mouse-controlled and should be self-explanatory, but just in case... click on things to examine, interact with, or take them, click the arrows to navigate, click something in your inventory to highlight it for use, and click the "about item" button for a close-up of the highlighted item. Below "about item" are a language toggle, a sound toggle, and a save button for later resumption.
(Note: to get the description text to appear in English, click the "Jp" button on the title screen or below the inventory. It will turn to "En".)
Don't let the MS Paint graphics throw you off. Escape from Mystery Science Room is not a bad game. The meat of an escaper is its gameplay, and this is a game that has it. The puzzles are logical and flow well, and although there's no changing cursor, the lack of pixel-hunting means you don't really need it. There's one part that the scientifically handicapped may be especially troubled by, but not hard to deduce with trial and error (and seriously, what elementary school graduate doesn't know what shape memory alloys react to?). Escape from Mystery Science Room is a game that's just difficult enough, and well worth the trip. Now, let me stand back while you try science.
Walkthrough Guide
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Escape from Mystery Science Room Walkthrough
You'll start facing a cabinet and a workbench. The workbench contains a microscope, an alcohol lamp tripod, and a sink, none of which you have the assets to do anything with at the moment. Zoom in on the cabinet and open the upper doors, one at a time, to retrieve the weight set and beaker.
Back away and turn right. The door's held shut by a memory alloy bar, and what's with that image of the world with the rectangular hole in it? The rest is useless for now, so turn right again.
A cabinet, a table with a scale on it, and a nook in the wall. "300g"? I'm guessing something that weighs 300 grams needs to be stuck there. Open the cabinet and take the dustcloth from the floor, and the magnet from the ceiling. (It should be visible even when not zoomed in.)
Let's weigh our things on the scale. Beaker 80, weight set 66, dustcloth 52, magnet 104. None of that will make 300 grams, so let's just back away and turn right one more time.
A poster of a woman from KGB38, whatever that is, plus a larger table with a glass box and a balance scale. "20g"? My guess is that when the scale platforms are balanced and add up to 20 grams-- in other words, 10 grams on each side-- the little cabinet will open.
We don't have the weights for that, though, so let's look at the box instead. Weird. A metal latch that looks like it was latched from the inside... hmm... I know! Use the magnet to unlatch it, then take the key.
There's not a lot locked in this room. Turn right one more time to return to where you started, then use the key to unlock the lower doors of the cabinet. Inside you'll find an alcohol lamp and a box of matches.
Stick the alcohol lamp under the tripod and light it with the matches... hmm... we need something to heat. We'll come back to that one later; I have another idea.
Turn right again and zoom in on that globe. The magnet's just the right shape and size for the hole in the globe; I'm guessing it represents the magnetic poles. You get a "handle of water service" (a.k.a. a water tap) for your trouble.
Turn back left and put the tap handle where it belongs, on the faucet. Then turn the water on and fill up the beaker with water.
Put the beaker above the alcohol lamp to heat it to boiling. You can't pick up the beaker again bare-handed due to how hot it is, so use the dustcloth to do so.
Pour the hot water on the shape memory alloy bar to get it out of the way. The door can then be moved... but... you don't have the clue for the puzzle behind it. Darn.
Why do you still have the beaker? Fill it with water again, then go weigh it on the platform scale. Score, it weighs exactly 300 grams!
Stick the beaker on the button above the platform scale, and take the coin. Hmm... the coin's probably pretty light. Try it on the platform scale and you'll find it weighs 4 grams.
With the coin's help, you can solve the balance scale puzzle. Put the coin and 6 weight on one platform, and the other four weights on the other platform, and both will equal 10 grams.
A microscope slide! Put it on the microscope (no duh) and look at it. "I am liar"? Weird.
You now have the clue you need to solve the puzzle behind the door. Use the snippets of the element list above the puzzle to translate I-Am-Li-Ar to 53-95-3-18. Enter that sequence of numbers and hit OK.
Step away from the puzzle and you'll automatically exit. Congratulations!
Posted by: SonicLover
January 18, 2013 4:54 PM