An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Escape from Mr. M's Room

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Escape from Mr. M's Room

elleYour friend Mr. M and you share a common interest: love of a nice cup of tea. Therefore, when he invites you to drop by his new place with a great view, you go there at once. Here, inside this lovely mod style flat, you learn that Mr. M and you share another common interest: locking friends up and requiring them to solve a slew of tricky puzzles in order to get out. Thusly begins Tesshi-e's 89th escape game and first paid download game, Escape from Mr. M's Room.

Escape from Mr. M's RoomAfter purchasing and downloading the Flash file, Escape from Mr. M's Room is played the same as any other Tesshi-e game. Point-and-click to explore each scene, gather clues, operate devices and utilize inventory. Mr. M is rather more guileful than Tesshi-e's other friends, so puzzle solutions require much more diligence to come by while the lack of changing cursor or a hint system leaves you without extra assistance. Still, textual descriptions—choose English or Japanese before starting—keep confusion down. Despite a couple abstruse puzzles, made more challenging by subtlety, complicated computations in mathematical logic and a profusion of "clues" that aren't actually cluing you into anything, once you get past a couple rough spots, the rest should roll smoothly.

As a download, the graphics are higher definition and Mr. M takes advantage of this fact with extra touches of animation. It's fun to behold these details yet they distract from the real clues and can cause frustration. Just note that not everything you see will have a purpose beyond looking good. Is it worth the download? If you love escape games, the answer is a resounding yes! There is no disputing Tesshi-e is a star author when it comes to room escape games. A mastery of puzzle design and a true talent for building charismatic game environments makes any Tesshi-e creation a must play. We've been extremely fortunate to be treated to an abundance of free browser games from this author, even at a time that others are slowing down their output. That should be reason enough to purchase Escape from Mr. M's Room, to support an artist who has provided countless hours of enjoyment to escape fans everywhere and to ensure we continue to get quality games to play. Other than that, Escape from Mr. M's room is just what you expect from a Tesshi-e game, nothing more and, gladly, nothing less. For Tesshi-e fans and friends everywhere, that is a very good thing indeed.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Escape from Mr. M's Room Walkthrough

Explore the Room & Solve the Mr. Birdy Puzzle

  1. You start the game facing the exit door and the television area. Turn left once towards the windows.

  2. Click the left end of the long shelf under the windows to inspect the stack of books beside the bed.

    • If you lift the books at the top of stack, you'll find a NOTE. Examine the note in your inventory.

      • The words "Cut off" are written between a series of four symbols: a circle, an upright triangle, an upside-down triangle, and a square.

      • Hmm... These clues may not seem relevant yet, but let's keep them in mind for later.

  3. Click the edge of the bed to look over the right side and into the gap between the bed and the wall.

    • Take the sneakily hidden TV REMOTE leaning against the bottom of the wall.

  4. Back up twice to zoom out completely, then turn left for a full view of the back of the room.

  5. Click the pillow on top of the bed for a closer look.

    • Lift up the yellow pillow and you'll see the word "YELLOW" written at the top.

  6. Back away from the bed and then click the couch to zoom in.

    • Inspect the two pillows on the couch. The white pillow on the left is labeled "WHITE" and the red pillow on the right is labeled "RED".

      • These clues seem a bit obvious, I wonder what the significance of writing the words out on each pillow is?

  7. Click the back button to move away from the couch, then take a step towards the checkered back wall. Examine the three Mr. Birdys on swings found in the lower middle panel of the wall.

    • If you zoom in on the red Mr. Birdy at the left, you'll see the number 3 on his hat.

    • Similarly, the white Mr. Birdy in the middle has the number 3 on his hat and the yellow Mr. Birdy has a hat with the number 1 written on it.

    • In the box under the birds you'll find three buttons that cycle through a list of letters that are not in alphabetical order and a compartment that looks like it might dispense something. We've found our first puzzle!

  8. HINT:

    • I'm sure you've noticed by now that the colors of the three birds are identical to the colors of the three pillows you inspected earlier. But what could the numbers on their hats mean and how do they relate to the 3-digit combination box below the birds?


    • Remember how the word for each color was written out on the pillows? The number on the matching colored Mr. Birdy refers to the position of the letter in those words.

    • For example, the number 3 on the red bird indicates the 3rd letter of the word "red" which is "D".

      • Since the red bird is on the left swing, enter the letter D into the left button.

    • The white Mr. Birdy also had the number 3 on its hat. The 3rd letter of the word "white" is "I".

      • Enter the letter I into the middle button of the box.

    • Lastly, the yellow Mr. Birdy's hat was numbered 1. The first letter of "yellow" is "Y".

      • Press the right button on the box to enter the letter Y.

    • After the combination "D-I-Y" has been set, a BOTTLE OPENER will appear in the dispenser at the bottom of the box. Click it to add it to your inventory.

  10. We're all done here for now. Move back twice and then turn right twice to return to the view of the exit door and television set.

Solving the TV Puzzle

  1. Examine the TV REMOTE in your inventory.

    • Remove the panel at the bottom of the remote and take out the batteries.

    • There's a strange, hourglass-shaped white pattern inside the battery compartment. Jot the clue down in your memory bank, then close the item window to return the item to normal.

  2. Click the clock hanging on the wall above the TV for a close-up view.

    • Ah-ha! It's that same hourglass shape you saw inside the remote, this time it's on the clock's hour hand. Take note of the time the clock has rather suspiciously stopped on, 7:00.

  3. Back out, then click the television to examine it next.

    • Notice that the TV REMOTE from your inventory appears at the left side of the screen while you're viewing the television.

    • Press the red power button at the upper left side of the remote to turn on the TV. You can watch several different channels, but only a few have important clues for you.

    • First push the 4 button on the remote to go to Channel 4.

      • On this channel you'll see a green doll wearing a hat move to one of four locations in a pattern that's repeated on loop.

      • The doll starts at the inner right location, from there it jumps to the inner left position, then the outer right spot, back to the inner right, then to the outer left, and lastly at the outer right again.

      • In short, the pattern of the doll's movements is: Inner Right - Inner Left - Right - Inner Left - Left - Right.

    • Next, go to Channel 7. The doll's here again with a brand new pattern!

      • Watch it carefully and note the unique order: this time it's: Inner Left - Left - Inner Right - Left - Right - Inner Right.

    • That's enough TV for now. Let's see if we cant put those clues to use.

  4. Back away from the television and turn left twice to view the back wall again. Click the wall to view it more closely, then click the doll sitting in the left glossy panel to zoom in.

    • Well, this doll should look plenty familiar, you just saw the little celebrity on TV!

    • To the left of the doll are four small, white buttons that light up when pressed. Now you just need to figure out what order to click them!

    • HINT:

      • Only one of the codes is correct. Use the information from the clock & remote to determine which pattern is the one you need.


      • The hourglass shape inside the TV remote indicates the "time" and the time on the clock that had a matching hourglass symbol on its hour hand was stopped at 7:00.

      • Therefore, you need to press the buttons in matching order of the doll's movements in the pattern that you saw on Channel 7. You can ignore the red herring on Channel 4 completely.

      • For example, if the doll appeared in the far left position, you would push the far left button. If it moved to the inner right position after that, then you push the inner right button next, etc.

      • On Channel 7, the doll appeared in this order:

        • Inner left - Left - Inner right - Left - Right - Inner right.

      • So all you need to do is simply push the buttons in the exact same order, and voila! Another puzzle bites the dust.

    • Once the right combination is entered, the panel will pop open. Take the PACHINKO MACHINE (a slingshot) from the revealed cache.

  5. There seems to be something else inside the compartment in the wall, but it's too dark to see. You'll have to return later when you've found a way to light the area.

"Cut Off" - The Shapes Puzzle

  1. Examine the NOTE that you found earlier in the middle of the stack of books.

    • Click the BOX CUTTER in your inventory to select it. Don't worry, you're not going to have to cut anything off! But you do need to cut something out...

    • Use the BOX CUTTER on the NOTE to cut out the green shapes, leaving four geometric holes in the piece of paper.

  2. Turn left towards the four framed pictures on the wall. Examine the spade picture at the far left first.

    • There sure are a lot of numbers here, let's single out the important ones. Place the NOTE on top of the center of the picture.

    • The paper covers most of the numbers, but the four in the middle of the circle shape are plain to see: 5859. You can ignore the cut off combination in the square shape, it's another red herring.

  3. Back up, then click the framed heart picture next.

    • Place the NOTE over the picture and take a look at what's visible inside the shape cut-outs.

    • Specifically, you can see "/12" in the upright triangle at the lower right corner of the picture. Ignore the numbers in the square again, this herring is even redder than the last one.

  4. Move back again and then click the club picture to take a closer look.

    • Well, this is an easy one. Put the NOTE on the picture and you can plainly see the number 16 is tucked neatly into the center of the upside-down triangle shape.

  5. Back away, then click the last framed picture on the right, the diamond picture.

    • Place the NOTE over the game of tic-tac-toe to see what appears inside the shapes.

    • Inside the circle shape is... a circle, so we can ignore that.

    • But inside the square shape you'll find a big "X". This looks a little more important, so keep it in mind!

    • You may have noticed that there are some screws around both the diamond picture and the heart picture. They're stuck on tight for now, so we'll have to come back again later when we have something to get rid of them.

  6. Step back from the wall and turn left towards the television set. Click the box beside the flower vase on the wall shelf to take a closer look.

    • On this box are the four shapes you've seen a lot of in the past few minutes as well as a combination lock that you can click the cycle through the numbers 0-9.

    • The first shape on the left is the upside down triangle, then the square, then the circle, and lastly the upright triangle. But what does it mean? You'll need to put together all the clues to figure it out!

    • HINT:

      • You're not looking for a single digit number that corresponds with each shape. Rather, you need to put all the shapes together. Order is important!


      • Combine the values you found inside each shape when you placed the NOTE on the framed pictures to create an equation. Solve the equation to find the final combination.

        • First on the box is the upside-down triangle. When you put the note on the club picture, the number 16 appeared inside the upside-down triangle. There's your first part of the equation.

        • Next is the square. The X shape you found inside the square when you placed the note on the diamond picture is actually a multiplication symbol.

        • The third shape on the box is the circle. In the spade picture you found the number 5859 inside the circular cut-out.

        • The last shape is the upright triangle, which is the trickiest one. When you placed the NOTE over the date in the heart picture, both the number 12 AND the "/" symbol, indicating division, appeared in the upright triangle.

      • Put it all together and you're left with this equation:

        • 16 x 5859 / 12 = 7812.

      • Enter 7812 into the box to solve the puzzle.

    • Once the puzzle is solved, take the HEART PANEL from the opened puzzle box.

  7. Now that that's out of the way, let's start putting some of our inventory to good use.

More Exploring & The Diamond Puzzle

  1. Click on top of the left speaker beside the TV to zoom in on a glass bottle.

    • The bottle's shut tight with a cork, but you've got just the tool to take care of that!

    • Remove the cork with the BOTTLE OPENER. Take the BOX CUTTER inside the opened bottle as well as the popped CORK that is placed beside the bottle.

  2. Step back from the bottle and then turn around towards the back of the room. Click the glass coffee table for a closer look.

    • The wooden box on the table has a key with a string which keeps it just out of reach of the lock.

    • Cut the string with the BOX CUTTER, then use the freed SPADE KEY to unlock the box and take the SCREWDRIVER.

  3. Back up from the table and turn left towards the framed pictures on the wall. First click the heart picture to inspect it.

    • Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the two screws at the center.

    • Remove the heart panel to reveal a hidden compartment behind the picture, then take the CAMERA inside.

  4. Move back from the picture, then turn right. Click the checkered wall to get closer, then zoom in on the left panel where you solved the doll puzzle earlier.

    • Click the panel to open it and look inside the wall cache. Use the CAMERA to light the dark area.

      • A picture of a red diamond surrounded by a series of numbers will appear inside the CAMERA. Take note of the numbers and which corner they appear in, you're gonna need this info very soon!

    • Once it's been lit, you can click the inside of the cache to take out the CLUB KEY.

  5. Back away from the wall and turn left to return to the view of the framed pictures. Click the diamond picture to check it out.

    • Remove the four screws at the center of this picture with the SCREWDRIVER. The picture won't come off the wall, but it is loosened enough that you can move the corners.

    • Ohhh, it's one of those puzzles, isn't it?


      • Simply click the corners of the picture frame in numeric order as they appear in the CAMERA clue.

      • Examine the CAMERA in your inventory. 4 and 6 are in the upper left corner, 2 and 3 are in the upper right, 1 is in the lower left corner, and 5 is in the lower right.

      • Therefore, the order you need to click the corners of the frame is: Lower Left, Upper Right, Upper Right, Upper Left, Lower Right, Upper Left.

  6. If you clicked the corners in the correct order, the diamond picture at the center of the frame will pop open, allowing you to take the SPADE PANEL inside.

The Pachinko Machine & The Hippo Puzzle

  1. Turn right to face the back wall. Click the right side of the couch to look underneath it.

    • Use the CLUB KEY to open the red box under the side of the couch, then take the HANDLE from the opened box.

  2. Back up and move towards the wall again, then click the top right section of the wall to look upwards.

    • Near the very top of the wall you'll see a clear plastic ball just out of reach. You have just the right tool to get that ball down.

    • Examine the PACHINKO MACHINE in your inventory.

      • Select the CORK and add it to the band of the slingshot to load the weapon.

    • Use the PACHINKO MACHINE on the plastic ball to shoot it down from the wall. Now let's find where it landed!

  3. Move back twice to zoom out, then click the bottom of the bed to look underneath it.

  4. Pick up the PLASTIC BALL on the floor under the bed, then inspect the ball in your inventory.

    • Click the ball to open it, leaving you with a wind-up key SPRING.

  5. Back away from the bed, then turn right twice to return to the view of the television. Click the trio of miniature hippos on top of the DVD player between the tv and the right speaker to zoom in.

    • Insert the SPRING into the socket at the lower left side of the green box under the hippos.

    • Pay close attention to the order in which the hippos open their mouths: Middle - Right - Left - Left - Right - Right.

  6. Back up and turn left once to face the windows. Examine the wheel on the floor underneath the shelf.

    • Attach the HANDLE to the side of the wheel, then click the handle to turn it.

    • Take the white BALL that rolls out of the wheel and on to the tray.

  7. Inspect the PACHINKO MACHINE in your inventory again.

    • Load the white BALL into the slingshot to ready your weapon with another round.

  8. Zoom out and turn left towards the wall again. Click the top left section of the wall to look up.

    • You can see a small diamond shape near the top of the wall, but it's just out of reach again.

    • Use the PACHINKO MACHINE to shoot the tile down.

  9. Back up, then click the right side of the purple couch to look underneath it, where you'll find the fallen DIAMOND PANEL on the floor behind the couch.

  10. Back away and turn right to face the windows once again. Click the small wooden hippo at the right end of the shelf under the window.

    • Here's a simple puzzle. The small hippo is standing on a box that has three buttons which you can click to light. All you need to do is push them in the correct order.


      • Press the buttons in the same order that the three hippos by the television opened their mouths.

      • For example, since the middle hippo opened its mouth first, you would therefore push the middle button first.

      • Push the buttons in the following order to complete the puzzle: Middle, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right.

    • After the puzzle is solved, take the DIAMOND KEY from the hippo's opened mouth.

The Panel Puzzle

  1. Turn towards the back wall. Click the section of the wall above the headboard of the bed for a closer look.

    • Use the DIAMOND KEY on the keyhole in the wall to open the glossy panel above it, revealing a strange digital box.

    • Note the equation currently showing on the box (Diamond + Club = 6) then remove the CLUB PANEL from the lower left side of the box.

    • Next, insert the HEART PANEL into the empty socket on the box.

      • Study the new equation that appears: Heart + Diamond = 8.

    • Take back the HEART PANEL, then place the DIAMOND PANEL into the box.

      • There's another equation: Diamond + Spade = 11.

    • Remove the DIAMOND PANEL. Put the SPADE PANEL in its place.

      • Memorize this final equation: Heart + Spade = 9.

    • Take the SPADE PANEL back and step away from the wall.

  2. Turn right once, then click the odd box on the wall between the two windows for a closer look.

    • This strange little box has four sockets which the HEART, CLUB, DIAMOND, and SPADE PANELS all fit nicely into.

    • Once a panel is inserted, its shape appears at the left side of the box and a digital number appears at the center.

    • The right and left buttons beside the numbers can be pressed to cycle forwards and backwards through the numbers, respectively.

    • But what order should the panels be inserted into the box? We'll have to take another look around the room to find out.

  3. Step away from the box and turn around to face the four framed pictures on the opposite wall.

    • At the center of each picture is one of the four all-important symbols: spade, heart, club, and diamond.

    • But we don't need them in order of left to right! We need them from top to bottom.

      • Look closely at the position of the frames and note them in order of highest to lowest frame on the wall: Heart - Diamond - Spade - Club.

  4. Now you're all set to get started on the puzzle! Turn back around and click the box between the windows to zoom in.


      • Insert the panels from your inventory into the box in the order you observed from the framed pictures on the wall.

      • At the top is the HEART PANEL, followed by the DIAMOND PANEL, and then the SPADE PANEL, and finally at the bottom is the CLUB PANEL.


      • Now that all the panels are in place, you'll need to set the right number beside each shape.

      • Solve the equations from the digital box where you used the panels earlier to find the value of the four shapes.

      • With some mathematics and the help of the substitution method, you end up with the following equations.

        • Diamond = D, Heart = H, Club = C, Spade = S.

        • Solving for Heart:

          • H + D = 8.

            • D = 8 - H.

          • H + S = 9.

            • S = 9 - H

          • D + S = 11.

            • 8 - H + 9 - H = 11.

            • 17 - 2H = 11.

            • 17 = 11 + 2H.

            • 6 = 2H

            • H = 3

        • Solving for Diamond:

          • 3 + D = 8

            • D = 5

        • Solving for Spade:

          • 5 + S = 11.

            • S = 6.

        • Solving for Club:

          • 5 + C = 6.

            • C = 1.

        • Enter the numbers into the box to complete the puzzle:

          • Heart - 3, Diamond - 5, Spade - 6, Club - 1.

    • Once the puzzle is solved, take the HEART KEY that's dispensed at the bottom of the box.

  5. You can turn right and use the HEART KEY to unlock the exit door, but don't go out the door just yet!.

    • If you leave now, you will receive the Normal End. There's still work left to do if you want the Happy Coin End!

Happy Coin End

  1. Inspect the HEART KEY in your inventory.

    • Click and hold the key to look at the back side. Note the number 10 inscribed at the top.

    • Now that's a vague clue! But there is one place where 10 is an important number. You'll just have to channel your inner Room-Escape-Guru (hint, hint).

    • Go to the TV and press the power button on the remote to turn it on.

    • Press the button to go to Channel 10, where you'll see the word "ROW" spinning across the screen.

    • I don't see any boats, so where else would a three-letter word like "ROW" come in handy? (wink, wink)

    • Turn around to face the back wall. Click the Mr. Birdy box to take another look.

    • Press the buttons to set the letters R-O-W into the box.

    • Yay! Take the HAPPY COIN that appears in the dispenser at the bottom of the box.

  2. Go to the exit and walk out the door, HAPPY COIN in hand, to complete the game and receive the Happy Coin Ending. Hooray for you!


BubbaJoe August 5, 2013 3:22 PM

I'd happily fork over a few dollars (or Y231, in this case), but that purchase interface really isn't intended for anyone who isn't in Japan (even when the English option is turned on).


Really? Maybe I just lucked out or use to navigating pay sites because I didn't have too much trouble.

Oh, expect at the sign-in your account part. For new people you had to scroll down and give them an address and such, not very obvious at first and I was trying to sign in what turned out to be "If you have an existing account" area.


...Wow, I was looking elsewhere for a clearer hint on the math puzzle and there's a lot of people hating the fact they have to pay and hating on Tesshi-e in general for doing this.

Is Tesshi-e planning on just making paid games now? Because that's what everyone seems to be saying.


Their translation on the page uses Google Translate...but at the login, you can login with Facebook or Twitter, but not Google. That seems a strange omission. (It matters to me, because I have a Google account, but not Twitter or Facebook.)

ninjamomma August 5, 2013 6:53 PM

As these are my favorite of all escape games, and of superb quality, I am happy to pay. I hope it doesn't deter too many people as I frequently need assistance. I wish there was an easier interface for purchasing though.


I can understand needing some income, but an easier way for non-jp fans to buy this would be nice.

Also, I'm -really- hoping this doesn't become the norm for Tesshi-e's games. They're worth the purchase, yes, but I'd still like to be able to just pull them up on the browser and play them right there. :[

ninjamomma August 5, 2013 10:25 PM

So sorry to be so stupid, but I can't figure out how to open it and play it now that I've purchased it. Can anyone help?


Ugh, I'd rather not pay, and I'm not sure that I'll ever play this game because of it, but I find it very annoying if Tesshi-e is getting hate over his decision to make a pay game. He's provided me hours of entertainment for free throughout 88 or so escape games of very high quality and amusement value, so if he needs to do this to support himself, I'm not going to get down on him for it.


That's funny that everybody likes to play and have fun but people do not want to pay at least once.

I bought the game the same day it appeared and I did not face any problems with Japanese (I used Google translator to translate the page). All the steps are the same they are on any other online store.


Hi there, another person with a problem! I've managed to navigate through purchasing downloading and opening the files. The page I get is plain white, has Japanese writing with the odd phrase in English but no game. I'm using Firefox, is something blocking it maybe?


Maybe the problem is in adblocks and Flash player?

Patreon VIP abfdrumz August 6, 2013 4:30 AM

The only issue that I had with the purchase process (with Google Translate in effect) is that there's a "terms and conditions" checkbox that is easy to miss, and skipping over it brings up a Japanese-only error panel. Took me a few tries to figure out what was up, so if this happens to you as well, that's what's up. :)

Also, in case you were wondering, Y231 is ~US$2.35. A bit more than I might normally pay for an escape game given their typical price on mobile, but I'm not gonna begrudge it to Tesshi-e on occasion.


Ah, solved my problem, re-downloaded it, something not downloaded properly.

nerdypants August 6, 2013 7:38 AM

Can anyone help with the shapes/numbers puzzle? I can't for the life of me figure it out.

I've already cut out the shapes on the piece of paper I have and put it on all the pictures on the wall, I just have no idea what to do with all this information.



Make sure that you are looking not only for numbers fitting in the shapes.

I hope this will help you.



Shapes- and number puzzle hints.

There are four symbols in brown at the top of the note, from left to right: circle, triangle point up, triangle point down, and square.

They denote which cut out symbol's hole you should read from in each of the four card suit pictures, from left to right on the wall: spades - circle, hearts - triangle point up, cloves - triangle point down, and diamonds - square.

Symbols, their characters and numbers:

- spades/circle: 5859
- hearts/triangle point up: /12 (yes, incl. the forward slash, i.e. division character)
- cloves/triangle point down: 16
- diamonds/square: X (multiplication character)

Rearrange the characters and numbers according to the order shown on the code box, and calculate the code for opening it.


[triangle point down] [square] [circle] [triangle point down] -->

--> [16] [X] [5859] [/12] -->

--> 16*5859/12

� which gives us the answer:


LightWarriorK August 6, 2013 9:51 AM

Because Tesshi-e has always been free, I suppose I am curious as to whether it's worth the money. Yes, I know Tesshi-e IS worth paying for, but is there an increase in the quality of the game beyond a few higher resolution graphics that set it apart from his 88 free offerings? Better animation? Complex and logical puzzles above the norm for him? A substantially increased length?

Simply asked: Is this worth the money because Tesshi-e has always been worth the money, or is this particular escape a league unto itself and worth the price?

ninjamomma August 6, 2013 11:37 AM


As Elle mentioned, it's the same great quality perhaps taken up a notch. My opinion is that it's not because it's so much better, just that it has become impossible to continue to do this for free. So... worth it because it has always been worth it?

ninjamomma August 6, 2013 11:39 AM

And... stuck already. C'mon walkthrough!


Happy to support this developed after all the free games. There may be a need for a walkthrough to complete the purchase though :)

Anyway, I managed eventually, only to find myself stuck almost immediately... Walkthrough please!

ninjamomma August 6, 2013 12:18 PM


I'm with you. Where are you stuck. Maybe we can help each other out.


Ninja, so far all I've got is:

the remote from down the side of the bed

the catapult from the second green man sequence


the shape bit of paper- can't get anything to use with the catapult or get the knife from the jar

ninjamomma August 6, 2013 12:33 PM


Try the birdy puzzle

Hint 1

look closely at each bird

Hint 2

Look at the pillows on the bed


Ahhhhhh Duh! Thanks :)


Ninjamomma- have you found:

the club key and diamond code in the green man alcove?

can't see what to do with them and

I've lost the cork! can't get the diamond panel from the high shelf


ok, it was the

diamond is wobbly picture

just need the



How do you know the final order of the panels? is there anyone out there?? :)


Never mind! Done it... Good escape. Well worth the donation, tesshi-e.



Thanks, that hint made a part of the math puzzle much clearer.

Especially if

you take the order on the box the shapes are on as the order you're suppose to make the equation.


Sorry, meant that for Lakrits, their hint was to nerdypants.

vulpisfoxfire August 6, 2013 5:54 PM

Hmm. I'm not going to hate on Tesshi-e for deciding they want $$$ for this now, though I am disappointed that such a great escape series is going to have to be tossed in the same bin as all the phone-games and such that have shown up on here lately (that is, completely useless to me). Seems like there keeps being less and less of the flash games that this site was started on, and more and more phone-games and pay-fer games (particularly both Big Fish games and ones from Steam, both front-page and Greenlight-indies).

ninjamomma August 6, 2013 8:17 PM

Hey Gen
Since you've finished, you've probably left, but I had the same question. Apparently I don't have the order right. Hint anyone?


@vulpisfoxfire Ironically a mainstay of JiG's used to be Gotmail... which were almost all advergames.


Escape from Mr. M's Room Walkthrough

Explore the Room & Solve the Mr. Birdy Puzzle

  1. You start the game facing the exit door and the television area. Turn left once towards the windows.

  2. Click the left end of the long shelf under the windows to inspect the stack of books beside the bed.

    • If you lift the books at the top of stack, you'll find a NOTE. Examine the note in your inventory.

      • The words "Cut off" are written between a series of four symbols: a circle, an upright triangle, an upside-down triangle, and a square.

      • Hmm... These clues may not seem relevant yet, but let's keep them in mind for later.

  3. Click the edge of the bed to look over the right side and into the gap between the bed and the wall.

    • Take the sneakily hidden TV REMOTE leaning against the bottom of the wall.

  4. Back up twice to zoom out completely, then turn left for a full view of the back of the room.

  5. Click the pillow on top of the bed for a closer look.

    • Lift up the yellow pillow and you'll see the word "YELLOW" written at the top.

  6. Back away from the bed and then click the couch to zoom in.

    • Inspect the two pillows on the couch. The white pillow on the left is labeled "WHITE" and the red pillow on the right is labeled "RED".

      • These clues seem a bit obvious, I wonder what the significance of writing the words out on each pillow is?

  7. Click the back button to move away from the couch, then take a step towards the checkered back wall. Examine the three Mr. Birdys on swings found in the lower middle panel of the wall.

    • If you zoom in on the red Mr. Birdy at the left, you'll see the number 3 on his hat.

    • Similarly, the white Mr. Birdy in the middle has the number 3 on his hat and the yellow Mr. Birdy has a hat with the number 1 written on it.

    • In the box under the birds you'll find three buttons that cycle through a list of letters that are not in alphabetical order and a compartment that looks like it might dispense something. We've found our first puzzle!

  8. HINT:

    • I'm sure you've noticed by now that the colors of the three birds are identical to the colors of the three pillows you inspected earlier. But what could the numbers on their hats mean and how do they relate to the 3-digit combination box below the birds?


    • Remember how the word for each color was written out on the pillows? The number on the matching colored Mr. Birdy refers to the position of the letter in those words.

    • For example, the number 3 on the red bird indicates the 3rd letter of the word "red" which is "D".

      • Since the red bird is on the left swing, enter the letter D into the left button.

    • The white Mr. Birdy also had the number 3 on its hat. The 3rd letter of the word "white" is "I".

      • Enter the letter I into the middle button of the box.

    • Lastly, the yellow Mr. Birdy's hat was numbered 1. The first letter of "yellow" is "Y".

      • Press the right button on the box to enter the letter Y.

    • After the combination "D-I-Y" has been set, a BOTTLE OPENER will appear in the dispenser at the bottom of the box. Click it to add it to your inventory.

  10. We're all done here for now. Move back twice and then turn right twice to return to the view of the exit door and television set.

Solving the TV Puzzle

  1. Examine the TV REMOTE in your inventory.

    • Remove the panel at the bottom of the remote and take out the batteries.

    • There's a strange, hourglass-shaped white pattern inside the battery compartment. Jot the clue down in your memory bank, then close the item window to return the item to normal.

  2. Click the clock hanging on the wall above the TV for a close-up view.

    • Ah-ha! It's that same hourglass shape you saw inside the remote, this time it's on the clock's hour hand. Take note of the time the clock has rather suspiciously stopped on, 7:00.

  3. Back out, then click the television to examine it next.

    • Notice that the TV REMOTE from your inventory appears at the left side of the screen while you're viewing the television.

    • Press the red power button at the upper left side of the remote to turn on the TV. You can watch several different channels, but only a few have important clues for you.

    • First push the 4 button on the remote to go to Channel 4.

      • On this channel you'll see a green doll wearing a hat move to one of four locations in a pattern that's repeated on loop.

      • The doll starts at the inner right location, from there it jumps to the inner left position, then the outer right spot, back to the inner right, then to the outer left, and lastly at the outer right again.

      • In short, the pattern of the doll's movements is: Inner Right - Inner Left - Right - Inner Left - Left - Right.

    • Next, go to Channel 7. The doll's here again with a brand new pattern!

      • Watch it carefully and note the unique order: this time it's: Inner Left - Left - Inner Right - Left - Right - Inner Right.

    • That's enough TV for now. Let's see if we cant put those clues to use.

  4. Back away from the television and turn left twice to view the back wall again. Click the wall to view it more closely, then click the doll sitting in the left glossy panel to zoom in.

    • Well, this doll should look plenty familiar, you just saw the little celebrity on TV!

    • To the left of the doll are four small, white buttons that light up when pressed. Now you just need to figure out what order to click them!

    • HINT:

      • Only one of the codes is correct. Use the information from the clock & remote to determine which pattern is the one you need.


      • The hourglass shape inside the TV remote indicates the "time" and the time on the clock that had a matching hourglass symbol on its hour hand was stopped at 7:00.

      • Therefore, you need to press the buttons in matching order of the doll's movements in the pattern that you saw on Channel 7. You can ignore the red herring on Channel 4 completely.

      • For example, if the doll appeared in the far left position, you would push the far left button. If it moved to the inner right position after that, then you push the inner right button next, etc.

      • On Channel 7, the doll appeared in this order:

        • Inner left - Left - Inner right - Left - Right - Inner right.

      • So all you need to do is simply push the buttons in the exact same order, and voila! Another puzzle bites the dust.

    • Once the right combination is entered, the panel will pop open. Take the PACHINKO MACHINE (a slingshot) from the revealed cache.

  5. There seems to be something else inside the compartment in the wall, but it's too dark to see. You'll have to return later when you've found a way to light the area.

"Cut Off" - The Shapes Puzzle

  1. Examine the NOTE that you found earlier in the middle of the stack of books.

    • Click the BOX CUTTER in your inventory to select it. Don't worry, you're not going to have to cut anything off! But you do need to cut something out...

    • Use the BOX CUTTER on the NOTE to cut out the green shapes, leaving four geometric holes in the piece of paper.

  2. Turn left towards the four framed pictures on the wall. Examine the spade picture at the far left first.

    • There sure are a lot of numbers here, let's single out the important ones. Place the NOTE on top of the center of the picture.

    • The paper covers most of the numbers, but the four in the middle of the circle shape are plain to see: 5859. You can ignore the cut off combination in the square shape, it's another red herring.

  3. Back up, then click the framed heart picture next.

    • Place the NOTE over the picture and take a look at what's visible inside the shape cut-outs.

    • Specifically, you can see "/12" in the upright triangle at the lower right corner of the picture. Ignore the numbers in the square again, this herring is even redder than the last one.

  4. Move back again and then click the club picture to take a closer look.

    • Well, this is an easy one. Put the NOTE on the picture and you can plainly see the number 16 is tucked neatly into the center of the upside-down triangle shape.

  5. Back away, then click the last framed picture on the right, the diamond picture.

    • Place the NOTE over the game of tic-tac-toe to see what appears inside the shapes.

    • Inside the circle shape is... a circle, so we can ignore that.

    • But inside the square shape you'll find a big "X". This looks a little more important, so keep it in mind!

    • You may have noticed that there are some screws around both the diamond picture and the heart picture. They're stuck on tight for now, so we'll have to come back again later when we have something to get rid of them.

  6. Step back from the wall and turn left towards the television set. Click the box beside the flower vase on the wall shelf to take a closer look.

    • On this box are the four shapes you've seen a lot of in the past few minutes as well as a combination lock that you can click the cycle through the numbers 0-9.

    • The first shape on the left is the upside down triangle, then the square, then the circle, and lastly the upright triangle. But what does it mean? You'll need to put together all the clues to figure it out!

    • HINT:

      • You're not looking for a single digit number that corresponds with each shape. Rather, you need to put all the shapes together. Order is important!


      • Combine the values you found inside each shape when you placed the NOTE on the framed pictures to create an equation. Solve the equation to find the final combination.

        • First on the box is the upside-down triangle. When you put the note on the club picture, the number 16 appeared inside the upside-down triangle. There's your first part of the equation.

        • Next is the square. The X shape you found inside the square when you placed the note on the diamond picture is actually a multiplication symbol.

        • The third shape on the box is the circle. In the spade picture you found the number 5859 inside the circular cut-out.

        • The last shape is the upright triangle, which is the trickiest one. When you placed the NOTE over the date in the heart picture, both the number 12 AND the "/" symbol, indicating division, appeared in the upright triangle.

      • Put it all together and you're left with this equation:

        • 16 x 5859 / 12 = 7812.

      • Enter 7812 into the box to solve the puzzle.

    • Once the puzzle is solved, take the HEART PANEL from the opened puzzle box.

  7. Now that that's out of the way, let's start putting some of our inventory to good use.

More Exploring & The Diamond Puzzle

  1. Click on top of the left speaker beside the TV to zoom in on a glass bottle.

    • The bottle's shut tight with a cork, but you've got just the tool to take care of that!

    • Remove the cork with the BOTTLE OPENER. Take the BOX CUTTER inside the opened bottle as well as the popped CORK that is placed beside the bottle.

  2. Step back from the bottle and then turn around towards the back of the room. Click the glass coffee table for a closer look.

    • The wooden box on the table has a key with a string which keeps it just out of reach of the lock.

    • Cut the string with the BOX CUTTER, then use the freed SPADE KEY to unlock the box and take the SCREWDRIVER.

  3. Back up from the table and turn left towards the framed pictures on the wall. First click the heart picture to inspect it.

    • Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the two screws at the center.

    • Remove the heart panel to reveal a hidden compartment behind the picture, then take the CAMERA inside.

  4. Move back from the picture, then turn right. Click the checkered wall to get closer, then zoom in on the left panel where you solved the doll puzzle earlier.

    • Click the panel to open it and look inside the wall cache. Use the CAMERA to light the dark area.

      • A picture of a red diamond surrounded by a series of numbers will appear inside the CAMERA. Take note of the numbers and which corner they appear in, you're gonna need this info very soon!

    • Once it's been lit, you can click the inside of the cache to take out the CLUB KEY.

  5. Back away from the wall and turn left to return to the view of the framed pictures. Click the diamond picture to check it out.

    • Remove the four screws at the center of this picture with the SCREWDRIVER. The picture won't come off the wall, but it is loosened enough that you can move the corners.

    • Ohhh, it's one of those puzzles, isn't it?


      • Simply click the corners of the picture frame in numeric order as they appear in the CAMERA clue.

      • Examine the CAMERA in your inventory. 4 and 6 are in the upper left corner, 2 and 3 are in the upper right, 1 is in the lower left corner, and 5 is in the lower right.

      • Therefore, the order you need to click the corners of the frame is: Lower Left, Upper Right, Upper Right, Upper Left, Lower Right, Upper Left.

  6. If you clicked the corners in the correct order, the diamond picture at the center of the frame will pop open, allowing you to take the SPADE PANEL inside.

The Pachinko Machine & The Hippo Puzzle

  1. Turn right to face the back wall. Click the right side of the couch to look underneath it.

    • Use the CLUB KEY to open the red box under the side of the couch, then take the HANDLE from the opened box.

  2. Back up and move towards the wall again, then click the top right section of the wall to look upwards.

    • Near the very top of the wall you'll see a clear plastic ball just out of reach. You have just the right tool to get that ball down.

    • Examine the PACHINKO MACHINE in your inventory.

      • Select the CORK and add it to the band of the slingshot to load the weapon.

    • Use the PACHINKO MACHINE on the plastic ball to shoot it down from the wall. Now let's find where it landed!

  3. Move back twice to zoom out, then click the bottom of the bed to look underneath it.

  4. Pick up the PLASTIC BALL on the floor under the bed, then inspect the ball in your inventory.

    • Click the ball to open it, leaving you with a wind-up key SPRING.

  5. Back away from the bed, then turn right twice to return to the view of the television. Click the trio of miniature hippos on top of the DVD player between the tv and the right speaker to zoom in.

    • Insert the SPRING into the socket at the lower left side of the green box under the hippos.

    • Pay close attention to the order in which the hippos open their mouths: Middle - Right - Left - Left - Right - Right.

  6. Back up and turn left once to face the windows. Examine the wheel on the floor underneath the shelf.

    • Attach the HANDLE to the side of the wheel, then click the handle to turn it.

    • Take the white BALL that rolls out of the wheel and on to the tray.

  7. Inspect the PACHINKO MACHINE in your inventory again.

    • Load the white BALL into the slingshot to ready your weapon with another round.

  8. Zoom out and turn left towards the wall again. Click the top left section of the wall to look up.

    • You can see a small diamond shape near the top of the wall, but it's just out of reach again.

    • Use the PACHINKO MACHINE to shoot the tile down.

  9. Back up, then click the right side of the purple couch to look underneath it, where you'll find the fallen DIAMOND PANEL on the floor behind the couch.

  10. Back away and turn right to face the windows once again. Click the small wooden hippo at the right end of the shelf under the window.

    • Here's a simple puzzle. The small hippo is standing on a box that has three buttons which you can click to light. All you need to do is push them in the correct order.


      • Press the buttons in the same order that the three hippos by the television opened their mouths.

      • For example, since the middle hippo opened its mouth first, you would therefore push the middle button first.

      • Push the buttons in the following order to complete the puzzle: Middle, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right.

    • After the puzzle is solved, take the DIAMOND KEY from the hippo's opened mouth.

The Panel Puzzle

  1. Turn towards the back wall. Click the section of the wall above the headboard of the bed for a closer look.

    • Use the DIAMOND KEY on the keyhole in the wall to open the glossy panel above it, revealing a strange digital box.

    • Note the equation currently showing on the box (Diamond + Club = 6) then remove the CLUB PANEL from the lower left side of the box.

    • Next, insert the HEART PANEL into the empty socket on the box.

      • Study the new equation that appears: Heart + Diamond = 8.

    • Take back the HEART PANEL, then place the DIAMOND PANEL into the box.

      • There's another equation: Diamond + Spade = 11.

    • Remove the DIAMOND PANEL. Put the SPADE PANEL in its place.

      • Memorize this final equation: Heart + Spade = 9.

    • Take the SPADE PANEL back and step away from the wall.

  2. Turn right once, then click the odd box on the wall between the two windows for a closer look.

    • This strange little box has four sockets which the HEART, CLUB, DIAMOND, and SPADE PANELS all fit nicely into.

    • Once a panel is inserted, its shape appears at the left side of the box and a digital number appears at the center.

    • The right and left buttons beside the numbers can be pressed to cycle forwards and backwards through the numbers, respectively.

    • But what order should the panels be inserted into the box? We'll have to take another look around the room to find out.

  3. Step away from the box and turn around to face the four framed pictures on the opposite wall.

    • At the center of each picture is one of the four all-important symbols: spade, heart, club, and diamond.

    • But we don't need them in order of left to right! We need them from top to bottom.

      • Look closely at the position of the frames and note them in order of highest to lowest frame on the wall: Heart - Diamond - Spade - Club.

  4. Now you're all set to get started on the puzzle! Turn back around and click the box between the windows to zoom in.


      • Insert the panels from your inventory into the box in the order you observed from the framed pictures on the wall.

      • At the top is the HEART PANEL, followed by the DIAMOND PANEL, and then the SPADE PANEL, and finally at the bottom is the CLUB PANEL.


      • Now that all the panels are in place, you'll need to set the right number beside each shape.

      • Solve the equations from the digital box where you used the panels earlier to find the value of the four shapes.

      • With some mathematics and the help of the substitution method, you end up with the following equations.

        • Diamond = D, Heart = H, Club = C, Spade = S.

        • Solving for Heart:

          • H + D = 8.

            • D = 8 - H.

          • H + S = 9.

            • S = 9 - H

          • D + S = 11.

            • 8 - H + 9 - H = 11.

            • 17 - 2H = 11.

            • 17 = 11 + 2H.

            • 6 = 2H

            • H = 3

        • Solving for Diamond:

          • 3 + D = 8

            • D = 5

        • Solving for Spade:

          • 5 + S = 11.

            • S = 6.

        • Solving for Club:

          • 5 + C = 6.

            • C = 1.

        • Enter the numbers into the box to complete the puzzle:

          • Heart - 3, Diamond - 5, Spade - 6, Club - 1.

    • Once the puzzle is solved, take the HEART KEY that's dispensed at the bottom of the box.

  5. You can turn right and use the HEART KEY to unlock the exit door, but don't go out the door just yet!.

    • If you leave now, you will receive the Normal End. There's still work left to do if you want the Happy Coin End!

Happy Coin End

  1. Inspect the HEART KEY in your inventory.

    • Click and hold the key to look at the back side. Note the number 10 inscribed at the top.

    • Now that's a vague clue! But there is one place where 10 is an important number. You'll just have to channel your inner Room-Escape-Guru (hint, hint).

    • Go to the TV and press the power button on the remote to turn it on.

    • Press the button to go to Channel 10, where you'll see the word "ROW" spinning across the screen.

    • I don't see any boats, so where else would a three-letter word like "ROW" come in handy? (wink, wink)

    • Turn around to face the back wall. Click the Mr. Birdy box to take another look.

    • Press the buttons to set the letters R-O-W into the box.

    • Yay! Take the HAPPY COIN that appears in the dispenser at the bottom of the box.

  2. Go to the exit and walk out the door, HAPPY COIN in hand, to complete the game and receive the Happy Coin Ending. Hooray for you!

ninjamomma August 7, 2013 11:38 AM

Thanks for the walkthrough Trinn! Lovely game.

ninjamomma August 7, 2013 11:45 AM


Thanks for the info. Prefer the web based games, but I'll take what I can get. :)

I know there has been a lot of chatter from people who don't want to pay for browser games, but I am happy to pay if it means fewer "dry" spells.

Can you tell us what is going on with some of the other "greats" like Neutral and Kotorinosu?


Our focus is on great games, period. Whether free or paid, we're devoted to covering the games that we played and loved and wanted to share with you guys. We don't feel we should limit ourselves to free browser games when there is a ton of great content available out there in other shapes and forms... especially since the tags and tabs allow you guys to choose what you want to see. ;)

vulpisfoxfire August 7, 2013 6:27 PM

*nod* Elle and Dora, apologies if you were taking that as a knock at JIG, as it wasn't meand to be--it was meant as a lament about the 'state of the industry' as it were, since as Elle pointed out, you can't really present the games when noone's making them. It's like cable--you're not going to get mad at the cable company that they're not being supplied shows that you'd want to watch. :-/


I would love to buy this game, if the website would let me purchase the stupid thing.


Seriously, how the hell do I translate the form-checkout page? The dropdown menu isn't showing up on that page, and when my browser tries to auto-translate it, the stupid thing throws a server error.

How the hell did all of you get this stupid thing to work? What am I doing wrong?

Screw this. Tesshi-e can suck it if he expects me to pay for this kind of service.

shadowmax August 9, 2013 6:22 PM

I was glad to contribute. That one puzzle alone was worth it. Rock on Tesshi-e!


I am a bit late to the game, but the download page (the one) doesn't seem to work anymore for me? It's just a blank page - tried on Chrome, FF, and IE9. Did they take the game down? If so, dern I missed my chance!


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