An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Escape Artist

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JessEscape ArtistUpon first playing Escape Artist, a new room escape game from the venerable Pastel Games studio, you may be surprised that this is a creation of the same designers who produced such dark, brooding classics as the Submachine and Covert Front series. You'll soon find out, however, that Mateusz Skutnik & company do sweet, serene and light very well indeed; Escape Artist is lovely, cute without crossing the line into saccharine, and a real pleasure to play.

As one might infer from the title, in Escape Artist you find yourself trapped in a painter's studio. It's a very nice place to be stuck in, what with the pets and art supplies and comfortable-looking furniture, but I suppose that even the most dedicated artist must eventually venture into the outside world (to get milk for the cats, if nothing else). However, the piece of stained glass that adorns your door seems to have broken, and you must find the remaining pieces and assemble the image before leaving.

In truth, Escape Artist is not very difficult; I completed the game in about 10 minutes, and was never stumped or tempted to look for a walkthrough. I don't think, however, that that's really the point. Perhaps, as the theme might suggest, the game is intended to be enjoyed more as a piece of interactive puzzle-art than a true intellectual challenge; if so, it succeeds wonderfully. The game is chock-full of little details to enjoy; the tubes of paint can be squeezed, books can be opened, even the yummy-looking slice of cake can be eaten. Despite the lack of difficulty, Escape Artist really becomes alive through these non-puzzle related elements.

Enter a real Pastel Story:

Play Escape Artist

Cheers to Linda for the alert about the new game! =)

Walkthrough Guide

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The Tale of the Escape Artist (a.k.a. Walkthrough)

I don't know why or how I got locked into an artist's studio, but I know an escapable room when I see one. I started by assessing the area in front of me; a dog was napping on a couch.

I took the trowel from on top of the table to the left, and opened the cabinet to the right, in which I found a blue shape painting. Under the couch I found a piece of something, which I pocketed for later use.

I hung the painting on the wall between two others that looked like it, and discovered that when I touched the colored shapes they turned into other shapes. On a hunch, I made a mental note of the shapes and their colors: red triangle, blue square, yellow circle.

Turning right, I picked up a paintbrush someone had left on the floor, then moved the chair aside to reveal another mystery piece. I also used the trowel to scrape some paint off the painting in front of me, revealing a third piece.

After that, I set up a folding easel by standing it up, then spreading out its legs. I also found a fourth piece behind an art cabinet, and ate up the fruit that had been left on a plate next to it. I then shifted the empty plate to the floor for no apparent reason before turning right again.

A white cat sat on a chair, but I didn't pay it much attention. I picked up a carton of milk on the ground to the right, and checked one of the posters on the ground. When I touched the three shapes on the poster, they changed. I fiddled with them until they matched the three paintings from before, then took the piece on the back of the poster. I also found yet another mystery piece in the left cabinet of the desk.

A third right turn presented me with the door, but it was locked (as usual). Another piece hid behind the legs of the end table, and moving some empty frames aside revealed a blank canvas which I also took with me. I didn't try to put the pieces in the door just yet. I had to find the rest of them first.

I turned around and faced the easels again. I installed the blank canvas on the folding easel, then used the paintbrush to paint a picture of what I imagined the jewelry box key to look like. Amazingly, my drawing became a real key, which I took. I then poured some milk from the carton into the empty dish, and when the black cat came to drink it, I immediately turned back around and snatched the piece it was sitting on.

While I was facing the door, I used the key to unlock the jewelry box. Inside was piece number nine. I now had nine pieces, exactly the number I needed. Approaching the circular frame on the door, I fitted all nine of my pieces into their appropriate spots. When they were all in, I was out.

...Hey, who blocked the door with a giant landscape painting?

My first walkthrough!

Couch room:

  1. Click under the couch below the dog to get stained glass piece

  2. Rifle through ottoman to get picture frame then hang it on the wall above the couch.

  3. Click on the paintings and note the shapes revealed.(pink triangle, blue square, yellow circle)

  4. Pick up the trowel

Portrait room:

  • Click on the fruit to eat it and place the plate on the floor.

  • Use the spatula on the painting to reveal a stained glass piece.

  • Set up the easel

  • Look below the cabinet by clicking on the far left leg, get the stained glass piece.

  • Office

  • Get stained glass piece from left cabinet.

  • Get the milk

  • Unroll canvas in bin - change the pictures to match the hidden shapes in the couch room. There are two different triangle shapes, so make sure you have the right one.

  • Entryway

  • Find canvas behind picture frames

  • Get the stained glass piece from under the table

  • Go back to Portrait room and put the canvas on the easel.

  • Pick up the paint brush from the floor and "paint" a key on the canvas. Get the key.

  • Put the milk on the empty plate on the floor

  • Go back to entry way and get piece the cat had been sitting on

  • Unlock the chest and retrieve a piece.

  • Now you have all the pieces. Click on the stained glass door, and put them into place.

  • You're free!


    SilvorMoon July 12, 2008 4:15 PM

    So pretty and cute and... pink! I really enjoyed that, and got a kick out of all the little doodads you can interact with, even when they aren't part of the escape process.

    You're right, it definitely isn't very hard. It's rare for me to get through one of these without a hint, but I did this one completely solo.

    Dragonflie July 12, 2008 4:26 PM

    This is so cute! I love escape the room games lacking the element of impending doom... But I got stuck. I need the last two peices of the door- thingy...



    I can't for the life of me work out what to do with the paint trowel

    Very pretty and rather relaxing though.

    Patrick July 12, 2008 4:42 PM

    I still need three pieces. What does the spade do? What does the dog do?


    Dragonfile, I seem to be in the same predicament.

    I can't figure out how to use the spatula/shovel thing, either.

    mariolinamay July 12, 2008 4:45 PM

    i'm still missing the last part of the stain window and don't know what to do with the shovel


    Where to use the painting knife (a.k.a trowel, shovel, spade, spatula):

    On the painting, silly


    I'm also stuck with two more pieces to go. Here are the ones I've found so far:

    under the couch that the dog is lying on

    behind the chair in the screen with the easel and painting

    on the painting in the screen with the easel and painting

    It's underneath the paint...

    Use the trowel

    (from the screen with the couch)

    to scrape the paint off

    in the left-hand cabinet of the desk, on the top shelf

    in one of the rolls of paper in the wastebasket (on the screen with the desk)

    Where else have you seen colors and shapes in this room?

    Click on the paintings on the wall above the dog. The third painting is...

    in the pink cushiony thing on the right

    Beware, there are TWO different triangles! Make sure you have the right one.

    behind the table leg on the screen with the door

    in the chest on the screen with the door

    The chest is locked.

    You need three things:


    behind the paintings on the screen with the door

    a paintbrush

    on the floor on the screen with the easel and painting

    an easel

    on the left behind the cabinet on the screen with the easel and painting

    Click (twice, I think) on the easel to pull it out and open it up; use the canvas on the easel; use the paintbrush on the canvas

    ...but where are those last two? I have

    some milk

    but don't know how to use it...

    Patrick July 12, 2008 4:52 PM

    I'm missing the top-right piece still. Does the dog have something to do with it?


    Found one more!

    On the screen with the painting and easel, click the farthest left leg of the cabinet.


    This game is awesome!

    Here are some tips for the certain item.

    Try the pie cutter/shovel thing on the painting.

    And help on some of the picture peaces.

    Try under the couch and under some of the desks.


    Patrick, the one I just found is the top-right piece. Where'd you find the bottom-left one?



    Who do you know that might enjoy some milk?

    On the screen with the easel, eat the food on the plate and then click the plate to put it on the floor. Then fill it with refreshing milk!


    Patrick, I can't figure out

    how to give milk to either cat or get the dog to eat the bone.

    So many little cool fun things to play with that have no meaning at all, but I'm wondering it if doesn't come down to some sort of pixel hunt?


    A-ha! Thanks for the tip, Neddo. I found that last piece!


    yaaa! finally got it.
    i was making it way too complicated!

    I was trying to shake the bottles of paint in some particular order, possibly from the order of flowers/stars in the desk drawer near the white cat. what was up with the letters on the wall behind the desk?


    Oh, yay---persistence paid off!

    Anonymous July 12, 2008 5:00 PM

    @ Chrys

    Use the milk

    on the screen with the easel, eat the apple and all the food, then click on the plate, it will 'fly' to the other side of the screen. The black cat will come drink it.

    Now, I have

    a key, but I'm missing one last piece.


    What's funny was

    I did indeed eat all of the food in the room, but when I couldn't get the milk to pour into the coffee cup, I gave up on the idea!

    Just goes to show that you have to try EVERYTHING!!!

    I do think that last piece did not become available until after all the other pieces were in place, as that point had not been clickable earlier.


    wow. Annoying. especially that last one.

    thanks chris.

    Patreon Crew SonicLover July 12, 2008 5:09 PM

    The Tale of the Escape Artist (a.k.a. Walkthrough)

    I don't know why or how I got locked into an artist's studio, but I know an escapable room when I see one. I started by assessing the area in front of me; a dog was napping on a couch.

    I took the trowel from on top of the table to the left, and opened the cabinet to the right, in which I found a blue shape painting. Under the couch I found a piece of something, which I pocketed for later use.

    I hung the painting on the wall between two others that looked like it, and discovered that when I touched the colored shapes they turned into other shapes. On a hunch, I made a mental note of the shapes and their colors: red triangle, blue square, yellow circle.

    Turning right, I picked up a paintbrush someone had left on the floor, then moved the chair aside to reveal another mystery piece. I also used the trowel to scrape some paint off the painting in front of me, revealing a third piece.

    After that, I set up a folding easel by standing it up, then spreading out its legs. I also found a fourth piece behind an art cabinet, and ate up the fruit that had been left on a plate next to it. I then shifted the empty plate to the floor for no apparent reason before turning right again.

    A white cat sat on a chair, but I didn't pay it much attention. I picked up a carton of milk on the ground to the right, and checked one of the posters on the ground. When I touched the three shapes on the poster, they changed. I fiddled with them until they matched the three paintings from before, then took the piece on the back of the poster. I also found yet another mystery piece in the left cabinet of the desk.

    A third right turn presented me with the door, but it was locked (as usual). Another piece hid behind the legs of the end table, and moving some empty frames aside revealed a blank canvas which I also took with me. I didn't try to put the pieces in the door just yet. I had to find the rest of them first.

    I turned around and faced the easels again. I installed the blank canvas on the folding easel, then used the paintbrush to paint a picture of what I imagined the jewelry box key to look like. Amazingly, my drawing became a real key, which I took. I then poured some milk from the carton into the empty dish, and when the black cat came to drink it, I immediately turned back around and snatched the piece it was sitting on.

    While I was facing the door, I used the key to unlock the jewelry box. Inside was piece number nine. I now had nine pieces, exactly the number I needed. Approaching the circular frame on the door, I fitted all nine of my pieces into their appropriate spots. When they were all in, I was out.

    ...Hey, who blocked the door with a giant landscape painting?


    Oh dear, I'm missing the last piece! And like someone else said

    I too have a key

    but so far it's useless and I have no idea where to find the last piece (the second from the top left).

    can't seem to be able to get the dog to move to eat the bone either

    what place are you referring to? maybe I'm overlooking!


    My first walkthrough!

    Couch room:

    1. Click under the couch below the dog to get stained glass piece

    2. Rifle through ottoman to get picture frame then hang it on the wall above the couch.

    3. Click on the paintings and note the shapes revealed.(pink triangle, blue square, yellow circle)

    4. Pick up the trowel

    Portrait room:

    1. Click on the fruit to eat it and place the plate on the floor.

    2. Use the spatula on the painting to reveal a stained glass piece.

    3. Set up the easel

    4. Look below the cabinet by clicking on the far left leg, get the stained glass piece.

    5. Office

      1. Get stained glass piece from left cabinet.

      2. Get the milk

      3. Unroll canvas in bin - change the pictures to match the hidden shapes in the couch room. There are two different triangle shapes, so make sure you have the right one.

      4. Entryway

        1. Find canvas behind picture frames

        2. Get the stained glass piece from under the table

        3. Go back to Portrait room and put the canvas on the easel.

        4. Pick up the paint brush from the floor and "paint" a key on the canvas. Get the key.

        5. Put the milk on the empty plate on the floor

        6. Go back to entry way and get piece the cat had been sitting on

        7. Unlock the chest and retrieve a piece.

        8. Now you have all the pieces. Click on the stained glass door, and put them into place.

        9. You're free!

          Anonymous July 12, 2008 5:42 PM

          Umm. It's a palette knife? XD
          Trowel, honestly! Get with the art theme guys! :D
          I wonder what has prompted Mr Skutnic and his team into this saccharine foray.

          Denita TwoDragons July 12, 2008 5:46 PM

          A nice, shiny new room escape game??? There goes my plans for doing laundry this afternoon...

          I keep having to remind myself that this is the same Mateusz Skutnik that made Daymare Town and 1o Gnomes. What a departure from his usual style!

          Not that that's anything BAD, of course! *dashes off to play*


          Kabarett July 12, 2008 6:06 PM

          Regarding the letters on the wall...

          If you want to find them - they aren't really relevant to the solution - then:

          Keep waving your cursor over the three lights above the desk in the screen with the white cat.


          I searched "Milegodnia" on google and the only result found was a Polish phrase "Milego dnia" which means "Have a nice day."

          hespetre July 12, 2008 6:32 PM

          Really cute. A little on the easy side. I liked all the little thingies that moved even if they weren't part of the puzzle. And I liked the 'milego dnia' bit.


          This game was fun and pretty simple. Some minor glitches with picking up and putting down objects - the canvas would not let go so we had to restart. The final piece took numerous clicks to drop. Otherwise it was cute.


          I have the last piece of the stained glass in my item bar but I can't click on it. I imagine that it's the magic piece that gets me out of the room since I can't find anything else. :(



          I'm a bit disappointed

          the dog doesn't get the bone!


          I do like that you can play with a lot of things, like looking into teacups and such.

          wardrich July 12, 2008 8:44 PM

          Really nice game, but it glitches far too much. I had to restart once because the trowel got caught on top of the canvas and it wouldn't let me click the trowel again... then the last piece of the door that I had to put in (the top left corner) didn't want to go in place... But there was a lot of attention to detail put into it, which was really cool.

          amofilem July 12, 2008 9:39 PM

          I am also having glitch issues. I have two items in my inventory that are on top of two of the other items and I cannot pick them up. I am going to have to restart, and hope it fixes the problem.


          I had glitch issues too--I was down to one last piece and I couldn't put down the trowel. I didn't mind restarting though...the game was nice to go through a second time.

          Got a kick out of the cat who bounced the yarn ball back onto the dance. That's one nimble cat!


          Relaxing, easy, short and pleasing :)

          Sue Lester July 12, 2008 11:36 PM

          Yea!! This was the first room escape I have ever finished without resorting to using a walk through.

          cenovis July 13, 2008 3:18 AM

          A nice game but I had to restart 3 times because of bugs. All three times items that were in my inventory became "stuck" to my mouse pointer and I couldn't use them nor put them back into my inventory. I did solve the game after all that though, pretty simple for an escape game.


          I don't like to be too critical but I was mightily irritated by having to restart this game, TWICE! Once because the trowel got stuck when I tried to combine it with the canvas. And again because

          ...having poured the milk into the dish, before I'd worked out that I needed to quickly go to where the black cat was seated--I hadn't even seen that particular cat before then--it was used up and couldn't be used again!

          It also seems to me that there was rather a lot of wasted effort all round--for both authors and solvers--by having so many seemingly pointless elements in the game. I got the impression that a lot more depth was originally intended, but was simply abandoned and left in as red herring material.

          Overall quite disappointing, really.


          Very relaxing, epecially in sunday morning. Thanks for "milego dnia" :)


          I've gotten escape the room fatigue lately, but this game really impressed me. it's probably the first game of this type I've seen with so many bits of the room that you can interact with. It really helped give a sense of immersion.


          I had glitches too and had to restart a couple of times. The inventory seems to be the main culprit. Otherwise a refreshingly nice game. I like the fact you can interact with just about everything around.


          Very cute, even though it took me a bit to realize that some of the little surprises really had no gameplay element. But I think that that's just the result of many other escape rooms being much more minimalist. Also, I think the other escape rooms of Skutnik & co. have had those sorts of details before, and that most of the time, it's obvious that they're just little things to find -- the short animations that "reset" like the cat and ball being the most clear. Though I was tripped up by having one of the details be

          openable paint tubes, since you can pick up a palette knife. I assumed the paintings were dry, and so spent way too much time trying to mix paint with the knife...


          Graah I almost finished that one without a hint. I wasn't able to find the piece that was

          under the couch under the dog


          Pastel Games, you rock!


          Neat little game, I really liked it! :-)

          The attention to details is amazing. No other escape game emphasizes the 'seek' aspect more than Escape Artist. Just like searching in the real world, we have to move many things until we find the right one. Too many escape games animate only the bare necessities, so this was a welcomed change. :-)

          I couldn't find one piece, because normally I don't think that

          vandalizing paintings is a good idea.

          I was surprised to see a download option - a generosity so rare in Flash games nowadays! The executable installed flawlessly, but unfortunately the gameplay had glitches that made it impossible to finish. The inventory messes up sometimes, and reading the above comments, the swf has the same problem.

          Architectonic July 14, 2008 7:48 AM

          Lovely little game. Oddly, the only trouble I had was

          putting the pieces in the door at the end.

          Good to see another Skutnik game.

          mrsallisonf July 14, 2008 11:41 AM

          That was really cute and relaxing to play. For once I needed no hints. The only part that I didn't like quite so much was

          that a couple of the pieces required a bit of pixel-hunting.

          Lunakku July 15, 2008 1:13 AM

          I gave up after items glitched twice. That's a pretty obvious bug, it should have been caught and fixed for sure.


          Unfortunately, the game author does not feel the item glitching is a bug, therefore it won't be getting 'fixed' anytime soon.

          He says it's because the item doesn't move as fast after the cursor due to slower machine and gets stuck. And he says he can't control that nor prevent it from happening.


          I finished this on my first try without hints. It was both fun and easy. I wish there was something to do with the dog's bone, but I guess not...Good luck on it!


          i have completed it yes


          everyone keeps saying things about the piece under the couch but I can't find that one


          I couldn't find the milk. Where is it and what does it look like?

          lindsey July 20, 2008 5:04 AM

          How do i get the dog to m,ove or there isnt any piece under him?i only need the 1st piece to complete the flower and be free pls help!

          lindsey July 20, 2008 5:09 AM

          I cant take the trowel help!


          It was a good thing to kill time, but it wasn't that hard. But i still like it. :D

          And that was the first one I've done on my own. :D


          great job! =)

          Plump girl July 23, 2008 11:52 AM

          that game is really good
          i found the cat peice hard but i got it
          all by my self


          ok for all you people trying to find the last piece here it is:

          in the scene where the milk is open one of the rolls then make sure you have pink triangle FACING UPWARDS, blue square, and yellow circle. then it will turn around and there is the last piece. You're free.

          i was stuck on it too until i played around and figured out that i had the triangle facing the wrong way.

          Have fun!!!


          i need 2 more pieces what are letters on wall for and why wont the dog get the bone?


          It's too easy.. it was fun though! lol..


          Game's music is available for download at =)



          I have 1 piece missing. I also have 1 piece stuck in my inventory and won't go on the painting. Other than that I think that this is an interesting game.

          jaime g. July 31, 2008 5:07 PM

          Wow!That was a little bit tough but it was calm and enjoyable. That was the only escape game I've ever finished! Thanks!

          Anonymous August 25, 2008 5:08 PM

          The last two pieces that you don't get are in:

          the office in the left hand side cupbord closest to the white cat in the back of the top shelf

          and behind the chair in the portrait studio


          That was pretty cool. Very straight forward and fairly simple. More like that please :-)


          Eat all the fruits in the canvas room and click on plate, then pour milk and go to where cat was and you got the piece.


          What a relief to get tht music out of my head! I kept searching for the missing last piece and it was under the cabinet in the potrait room. Grh...


          This was so cute!

          At first some items didn't work and I had to reload the page (make sure you don't try to mix items :-S).

          Easy, entertaining and beautiful. :)


          One of these actions won't work:

          The milk on the plate. I've eaten everything and it's on the floor, but the milk won't budge.

          What do I do?

          Princess101 December 21, 2008 2:10 AM

          wow! awsome , cool , hard , everybody must try


          that was really cute, nicely illustrated. second escape game i have completed myself now. not bad for beginners, but if you don't know where to look then i guess it could be tricky too. it is nice and logical.


          This is a really easy and simple walkthrough! Thanks for making it so easy! I finished the game in 5 minutes because of this walkthrough!

          Anonymous May 1, 2009 9:36 AM

          This game is hard! so please HELP!!!!!!

          MarioMan May 13, 2009 6:40 PM

          I finally found the second to top left stained glass peice! It is in the easel-portrait room. Click on the chair to the right of the room and pick up the peice.


          it was cool but i couldent find the

          last piece of door (top right hand corner)

          can someone help please

          Crazycreature June 14, 2009 5:55 PM

          Yeah, pretty glitchy... I still like Submachine more...
          Also, after the cat drinks the milk, you DON'T have to be fast to get the puzzle piece. It's still there, you can click the part that's sticking out! I did.

          Anonymous June 17, 2009 2:18 AM

          This game was fun, but I totally had to use this to find the very last piece.
          And I was hoping the door would open to another level or something.

          Anonymous July 26, 2009 12:14 PM

          great game!! really fun and just the right difficulty

          Anonymous August 4, 2009 8:36 PM

          The ending was dissapointing because

          your'e blocked by a landcape painting,

          but I guess that's Mateusz Skutnik for you.


          Done it! Thanks peeps :D
          The dog is just something to mess you up, thats it... This game was so easy, you should all manage to do it!
          Good luck and thanx for the tips! :)


          Short, sweet, and fun. Only quibble I have was with the pieces stuck under furniture...didn't exactly 'fit' with how you found the other pieces. Other than that tiny bit of hunting, no problems whatsoever. Great little diversion even if it is a bit pink for a guy; I love cats and dogs.


          Did I go through all that just to hear a silly pun? :P


          the last piece is found on far left leg of the cabinet near the easel.. ;-) I'm free!


          That was a really genius, non-gloomy escape game. I did it without hints the first time, then forgot and had to cheat. ;)


          Where do you find the last two pieces?


          Several years on, and the glitches remain. I couldn't finish because one piece of stained glass got stuck to the inventory; at first I could neither set it in the window nor put it down. Finally I was able to put it back into inventory, where it remained untouchable. It's a very sweet game, but sticky pieces and glitches are a problem.


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