What do you want for Christmas? A new car? That awesome new video game? Or maybe you want your room turned into a room escape game? If you're the protagonist of Endless X'mas, then that last one's what you want... and that last one's exactly what you get when Santa comes down your chimney one Christmas.
So what do you do when St. Nick turns your living quarters into a room escape puzzler for the holidays? Naturally, you try to escape. Like most games in this genre, you pick up items you find around the room, use them in various places, and try to solve puzzles. When an item goes into your inventory, click once to use it, or double-click to examine it further. The rest you should have down by now.
Analysis: What a delight! Endless X'mas is a good sample of what room escaping should be like. The puzzles are exceedingly creative compared to most, and the graphics and music are quite nice as well, bringing everything together into a quaint atmosphere.
The only serious flaw Endless X'mas has is its difficulty, or lack thereof to be more precise. Most of the time it was fairly obvious what I had to use and where, but maybe that's just because I'm a seasoned room escape veteran. There was really only one part that slowed me down, and I got over it quickly. If you're a hardcore escaper, then this game may seem like more of a light snack to you.
But don't let that stop you. This is a charm of a game that's especially appropriate for the holidays. Now go forth and open your present... and with this present, getting it open is the whole point!
Walkthrough Guide
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pick up candle
look at candle
note order of symbols
click on candle and notice key in back
place candle on ther side of scale
pick up package
take the candle again
turn right
look under sheet near pillow
note the color of the hearts (white)
look under sheet at foot of the bed
take half a carrot
turn right
note color of bell (yellow) and flame (black)
note the order of the santas by size
turn right
note color of star (green)
Open the package
input colors by order of symbols on candle
white, yellow, black, green
open box, take santa
open all nesting santas
turn right
you need to balance the santas
put smallest in biggest, other two together
place them on the scale
take picture
turn left
place picture on hook
you need to turn the pictures to connect the lighning power to the outlet
plug in the tree lights
note the order of the colors and input them into the package
take other half of carrot
place the carrots together
turn right twice
place carrot in snowmans nose
press where shadow of nose ends
place santas in order shown by door
medium small, bug, space, medium big, smallest
pace candle in space
take key
turn right
use key on door
you need to match the arrows to the direction the lights move on each string of lights on the three
Then click the star to enter
Posted by: jeblis
December 22, 2010 1:13 AM