Empty White Room
"I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!" Why the song from the White Rabbit you may ask? Does this game feature a rabbit, or Alice in Wonderland? Well, no, but it does feature a lot of white. Seriously. Lots and lots of white. Hottategoya, that master of mini room escapes is back with the intriguing Empty White Room, a very interesting twist on the usual escaping madness.
Unusually for hottategoya, Empty White Room has a theme, and what a theme it is. The game begins in an empty, almost featureless white room. There is no furniture, no windows, no doors to be had. This amusing and short point-and-click is so minimal it makes Sagrario's Room Escape look like something that belongs on Hoarders. What do you do in such a sparse space? You must look very, very closely is what, and you will soon discover the three intriguing puzzles that make up the bulk of the game. Three puzzles may seem short but they're pretty complex for such a simple game, and one particularly fun one is color-based. Empty White Room brings a lot to the genre with such a simple concept that makes the usual wandering around a room much more entertaining.
Walkthrough Guide
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Empty White Room Walkthrough
General Information
There are three puzzles only in this game.
Directions for the colorblind will be included in the walkthrough.
There is only one ending.
Good luck!
This will be a pretty short section. Not much to see in a room of white on white.
You start facing a section of white wall. There is the shadow of a panel or something on the left part of the wall, and two parallel lines in the middle of the wall.
On the floor, to the right of the parallel lines, is another vague outline of a panel.
Turn right.
You are facing a section of featureless white wall. On the floor are two small vague square outlines.
Turn right.
Once again, white wall. This wall has two sets of parallel lines.
Turn right.
More white wall. There are two rectangular outlines on the floor, and what looks like the outline of a panel on the right side of the wall.
Click on the panel outline for a close up.
Hey, an actual small door, with hinges and a notch. Click on the door to open it.
Inside is a button, push it.
Back up.
One of the rectangular outlines has risen up, revealing a white desk. Click on the desk for a close up.
Click to open the desk drawer. Inside is a spiral line with an arrow, and some symbols around the outside. The symbols appear to be a plus sign and three Xs.
Back up.
Let's see if anything else changed. Turn right.
We're back at the beginning, with the parallel lines. Note that the left outline is now a blank screen.
Turn right.
On of the two small squares has risen up into a column. Click on the column for a close up, there's a four digit code needed.
Back up and turn right.
This is the wall with the two sets of parallel lines. Now there are four pictures revealed. Each picture has a grid of letters, surrounded by symbols. The symbols are combinations of plus signs and Xs.
Turn right.
And we're back to the desk. Time to solve some puzzles!
Puzzle 1
Turn left to face the four pictures.
Notice the symbols around the letter grids?
We need to find one that matches the arrow spiral in the desk drawer.
Remember, that one had three Xs and one plus sign.
The third from the left picture has three Xs and one plus sign, although the plus sign is in the upper left corner, instead of the lower left corner.
This is probably the grid that is correct.
The spiral line with the arrow is a direction to chain the letters together. However, if you follow the line pattern just like it was in the drawer you just get gibberish.
The clue is that plus sign. In the spiral picture it was in the lower left, in the picture on the wall it is on the upper left.
This is a clue to tilt that spiral picture 90 degrees clockwise, so that the plus sign is in the upper left.
Once you do that, you can trace the line in the letter grid and you will find four words: four, six, zero, three.
So 4603 must be the four digit code needed for the column.
Back up and turn left.
Click on the column for a close up and enter the four digit code.
Once you do you will hear a mechanical noise. Back up.
Puzzle 2
There is now another column, this one on the left. Click on it for a close up.
This column has a grid of white squares, connected by colored lines. We need to find a color code!
Back up and turn right.
The pictures on the wall haven't changed. Go right again.
A second desk has appeared, this one on the right. Click on the right desk for a close up, then click on the drawer to open it.
Inside the drawer is a graphic, six squares connected with colored lines. From left to right they are yellow, red, white, green, and green.
Back up twice and turn right.
The black screen hasn't changed. Turn right.
You should be back to the columns. Click on the left column for a close up.
How do we know what sequence to press the buttons?
Click on the left column for a close up.
Note the colored lines between the buttons.
Remember the colored lines between the squares in the drawer picture? The ones with arrows?
Maybe we have to push the buttons in a sequence and direction involving those colors?
Remember the colors were yellow, red, white, green, green.
There are two yellow lines in the puzzle, one in the upper left of the buttons the other in the lower right.
The one in the upper left won't lead to a red line, so you need to start in the lower right.
The sequence: Lower right button, lower middle button, middle button, middle left button, lower left button, middle left button.
If you enter the sequence correctly, you will hear another mechanical sound.
Back up.
Puzzle 3
Okay, something has changed! Notice the right column is now to the ceiling, and has numbers on it, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 from top to bottom.
Turn right.
The pictures look the same. Turn right.
Hmmm, the desks haven't changed. Turn right.
Whoa! Okay, the black screen has letters on it, the parallel lines have become a hallway to a locked door, and the rectangular area on the floor has risen up to reveal a safe.
Click on the safe for a close up.
Okay, we need a number code of some sort. Back up.
Click on the screen to the left of the hall for a close up.
We have columns of letters with numbers below.
Now what?
The clue was on the column to the ceiling, the one that revealed the numbers.
Notice that the letters are in 5 rows, and that there were 5 numbers on that column.
Each column of letters, the top letter would be 5, the next one down 4, the middle one 3, the next one down 2, and the one on the bottom 1.
Now look at the numbers at the bottom of the letters.
That number tells you which letter in each column is important.
So the letter associated with 3 in the first column is F. The letter associated with 1 in the second column is I, etc.
Go through each column and pull the correct letter. You will spell five one nine.
Back up, then click on the safe for a close up.
Enter the three digit code then press the "E" button to unlock the safe.
Click on the handle to open the safe door, then take the key.
Back up, then click on the door for a close up.
Use the key to unlock the door, then click on the door to exit.
Congratulations, you are clear!
Posted by: grinnyp
October 7, 2012 12:14 PM