Dungeon Escape! (Complete)
Once upon a time (about seven years ago), there was a brave man who got locked up inside a dungeon. As he fought to escape the many rooms of the dungeon, he found that many more rooms were added over the course of the next few years. Originally featured here back in 2006, Studiohunty is proud to present the completed version of the point-and-click puzzle game, Dungeon Escape!
In the style of old laserdisc arcade games such as Dragon's Lair and Space Ace, the goal of Dungeon Escape! is to quickly click the flashing ovals to let your hero (named "Guy") react to his surroundings. Clicking too slowly or clicking in the wrong area means an unfortunate (yet oddly humorous) death. Some rooms might take a single click to escape from, while others require a complex chain of ten or more clicks to conquer. You're allowed to die three times, but after that, it's game over.
While the graphics are much simpler than the original Don Bluth animations, Dungeon Escape! still packs a lot of quirk and pizzazz into each scene. In fact, this is one of the few games where I've found myself to be laughing when I die (which happens a lot). To make it through the game, it might take a bit of memorization to recall where the hotspots are in each scene, but more importantly, fast reflexes and an agile clicker-finger (touchpad users might have difficulty with this game). So if you're ready to take a trip back to the 80's (or a few years ago, which ever is more comfortable for you), lead on, brave stick figure! Your destiny awaits!
Walkthrough Guide
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I haven't completed the game yet, but I've gotten to the point where I started redoing levels. Here's an explanation of the level system for those of you who haven't already figured it out.
The level system basically has an intro (level 0), three sets of 9 levels, and 3 bosses. The bosses are at levels 10, 20, and 30. Once you finish all levels except the last boss, you will repeat any levels you died at.
I'll write up a walkthrough from memory of levels 20+, not including the last boss.
Posted by: bluemoose19
July 28, 2010 10:21 PM
Walkthrough of levels 20+ (some from memory)
It's more reliable to learn the clicks from trial and error, but it gets tedious practicing the later levels. Hopefully this will help.
I won't mention this for individual clicks, but obviously don't click until it flashes.
Dragon boss
You have to be fast for this one. Click floor right, floor center, dragon (quickly), floor center, left wall, center (quickly), floor left, floor center, floor far left, right wall, dragon head.
Sneaking past guard
This is the easiest of the later levels. Just click on the door.
Leaking wall
This one is easy. Click on the leak, wait for the scene to change and click on the vine in the center.
Yellow Ninjas
wait through the scene. Click on the moon when you jump. More scene... When it shows your feet running, and click on them. In the big view, click on your sword
Square staircase
Click on each corner of the staircase in order. When you get to the top, rather than clicking on the top stair, click on the rope near it. You'll start ziplining. Dodge left and right. Click in the center, and click on the bottom of the rope (you should already be lined up for the rope).
Green goo
Click on the goo, staircase, chandelier, (scene change), next two chandeliers in order, rope above last chandelier.
(From memory) Click on the lowest blue book, other blue books going up, slightly above rather than on last book, right side of room, (scene change), left fist of fire monster, right fist of fire monster.
Wall with a face
(from memory) Two clicks to dodge two attacks, click nose in center, click lower center.
Click on the mummy, left spear, left torch, lower part of mummy (for the sword).
Fire room and dragon
(I haven't completed this one yet, so there may be more steps). Click on the window on the right, (scene change), stalagmite, ceiling, stalagtite, top of stalagtite, (maybe right wall), dragon's head, (might be more steps).
Posted by: bluemoose19
July 28, 2010 11:13 PM
I'm out! The steep challenge made the victory much more satisfying.
Oh, and sorry for the triple post. I'll add a bit to the walkthrough so this comment has a more of a purpose.
Walkthrough (Fire room and last boss)
Here's a correction for the fire room first.
First click right to jump through the window, (Scene change), click on stalagmite, click on ceiling, click ceiling again, click on stalactite, click on upper part of stalactite, click on serpent's head (will be a bit down and left from the center), and you're out.
Now the last boss
If you lose to the last boss, you'll go back to the beginning and you'll reset to 3 lives. So it's best not to mess up. However, getting to the last boss means you've beat the rest of the levels, so it will be easier to get back again. After I got to the last boss the first time, I got back there with every subsequent playthrough (4 tries total).
I won't do a specific click-by-click for this one, since I only completed it once and didn't record it. However, here's a guide for the trickier clicks.
Click at the top of the tower. (Scene change) He'll attack you and nock away your sword. You'll go after your sword. Next he'll summon warriors. You can beat the warriors pretty easily, since the click range is large. Once you get to him, there may be a click before this but you click between his legs. Next click in front of him and it's pretty straitforward from there. There will be some scenes after you beat him, but there won't be any more clicks. The clicks that tricked me were the top of the tower and between the boss's legs. Hopefully it will take you fewer playthroughs with this guide.
I don't think I ever have, of ever will again, write "click" so many times in one walkthrough
Posted by: bluemoose19
July 29, 2010 3:18 AM