It's a truth universally acknowledged that a single lunch in possession of a good screwdriver must be in want of a sequel. So it is with the point-and-click puzzle game Dismantlement: Box Lunch 2, the perfectly explosive follow up to Gam.eBB's earlier game in the Dismantlement series titled... what else? Dismantlement: Box Lunch.
You're not going to find any new revelations in gameplay or design here. It is more of the same and—as a fan of this popular series—that's exactly what you ordered. Starting out with a screwdriver, and only a screwdriver, make your way through a series of food shaped puzzles until you reveal the secret at the bottom of the box lunch: a bomb! From there you have a generous 5 minutes to work out the last solution before it blows up in your face.
As with the first, this Dismantlement is on the easy side yet still likely to cause more than a few "face palm" moments amongst its players out there. Nevertheless, it is an irresistibly satisfying bite-sized bit of point-and-click fun. Dig in and enjoy!
Walkthrough Guide
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Bomb Proof Walkthrough
Dismantlement: Box Lunch 2
1. Taking the Lid Off of Things
Aw, a fork!
Look at the cute chicks.
Some make pink hearts when they look at each other.
Others make blue hearts as they stare off into the distant sunset.
Time to get the lid off this box.
Turn the first heart blue (two clicks);
turn the third heart pink (one click).
Back up and click the lid to remove it.
2. Meatballs
Spin the colors as if you're making a mix, to match the color in the dot betwixt.
Top Dial: yellow and white at top; red and green at the bottom.
Left Dial: white and blue at top; yellow and red at the bottom.
Right Dial: yellow and blue at top; red and green at the bottom.
Bottom Dial: yellow and white at top; red and green at the bottom.
Now unscrew the revealed screws; back up and remove the meatballs.
3. Two Tomatos and a Broccoli
Each tomato has five segments. In those segments are seeds. If you were to put the two tomatos together to form one tomato, how many seeds are in each segment?
Remove the screw, close, take out the veggies, then undo the screw revealed underneath them.
Back up and then zero in on the rolls.
4. Rolls?
Open up the yellow twinkie-like rolls and you'll see two things circumnavigating the outer track. They occasionally pause.
Note also that one blip is square while the other is round.
Top square = O
Bottom square = U
Left circle = F
Right circle = U
Unscrew the two screws. Close. Remove the rolls. Then, unscrew the screw underneath. Back up. Take off the middle portion of the box lunch.
5. Veggie Pie
The four shapes keep changing and usually they're different...
...occasionally they equal eachother, though.
Top Left = X
Top Right = Triangle
Bottom Left = Circle
Bottom Right = Star
Four more screws to remove. Close lid, remove pie, then remove white tray. Finally, take out the screw left behind. Back up.
Open up the red sushi sort of delicacy there on the left side of the box.
Up pops for little balls with slices taken out of them.
Those slices resemble arrows. Turn them so their arrow shapes mirror the arrows on the panel below.
Left = 1 click, so that slice is on right side.
Second from Left = 2 clicks, so the slice is on top.
Second from Right = 2 clicks, so slice is on top.
Right = 3 clicks, so slice is on left.
Remove screws. Close. Remove sushi sort of thing. Remove screw. Remove green panel. Remove screw.
7. Rice Bomb
Here's the trickiest part. Unfortunately, you have a limited amount of time to stop the bomb (fortunately, you have an unlimited number of lives here to do it).
Take a look at how many letters there are. Yes, there is a pattern, but doesn't it also look like something familiar?
Those letters line up with digits on a clock face.
Change the 9 o'clock A to an N for "nine" and...
...T for ten, E for eleven, and T for twelve.
Then hit the "stop bomb" button. Click the green light at top. Remove the screw left behind...
Mmm. Looks yummy, don't it? Dig in and Enjoy!
Posted by: elle
December 29, 2011 5:37 AM
Fun as always.
I see there's no walkthrough... Or comment yet, anyway, so...
Also, I am sorry. I don't know the names of these meals, if they have any.
1 - the box lid - bird love
There's a fork and a box. Observe the fork, you'll find the key to unlock the box lid on it.
There are 6 birds on the box, and only 5 on the fork - maybe you shouldn't just copy it...
Observe the patterns on the fork - you can see when there is a pruple heart between two birds and when there is a blue one.
You have to put a blue heart (one-side love) between two birds facing left and a purple heart (actual love :D) between two birds facing each other.
The hearts on the lid should be set up as follows:
Blue, White, Purple, White, White
The box lid comes off. Underneath, you'll find three sections. Only the middle one can be opened right now, though.
2a - the middle - colour mixing
There are colours on the rings you can rotate, and some colours between them.
You will have to set the rings up so that each two neighboring colours produce the one in between them when mixed.
Purple = Red + Blue
Orange = Red + Yellow
Greenish yellow (:) = Green + Yellow
Magenta = Red + White
The top-left colour on each rings should be the following (start with the upper ring, proceed in counter-clockwise direction)
Yellow, White, Yellow, Yellow
This puzzle is a bit weird - the colours are (sorta) okay, but the text that appears when you mouse-over them... Eh
Unscrew the four screws, close the... orbs, remove them, remove the cupcake. Now you can access both the left part and the right part.
2b - the left - letter timing
There are two objects moving around the puzzle, stopping periodically, next to some boxes with letters.
Notice there are two types of letter boxes - rounds ones and square ones.
There are also two types of objects - their base is either round or square.
You will have to see what letter is formed when the objects pause, and enter that in the letter box.
The letters are (start at top, proceed in clockwise direction)
O, U, U, F
Unscrew the two screws, close the puzzle, remove it, unscrew the big screw.
2c - the right - simple maths
There are two... tomatoes, each has five sub-sections, with some dots in it. Between the tomatoes is a plus symbol. Below the symbol, there are five number boxes.
You have to add the number of dots in each section, then put the result in the corresponding number box.
The numbers are (start at the top, proceed in CW direction)
9, 5, 8, 7, 7
Unscrew the screw, close the puzzle, unscrew the big screw. The upper part of the box will now come off.
There are three parts / meals, none of which can be removed / opened except the noodle one.
3a - the noodle one - symbol pairing
There are four symbols in the outer circle, and four symbol boxes in the inner circle. The outer symbols change periodically.
Notice that there is an equals (=) sign in between each two changing symbol boxes. Underneath the sign, there is an arrow pointing at one of the input symbol boxes.
Every now and then, two symbols next to each other in the outer circle are the same.
When that happens, you have to change the symbol in the inner circle that is between the two to the same symbol.
The symbols are (start with the top-left one, proceed in CW direction)
Cross, Triangle, Star, Circle
Unscrew the four screws, close the puzzle, remove it, remove the cup. Unscrew the big screw.
Now, the meal in the top-left can be opened (is it sushi?).
3b - sushi-doppelgänger - arrow pointing
In the top, there are four rotatable parts. Underneath each of them is an arrow, pointing somewhere.
You'll have to rotate the four parts so that they match the arrows.
Notice that the parts that are missing from each of the four parts look a bit like the arrows.
The arrows in the four parts have to be pointing in these directions (start at the left one)
Left, Up, Up, Right
In other words, rotate each part this number of times
1, 2, 2, 3
Unscrew the two screws, close the puzzle, remove it, unscrew the big screw. Click on the green part, it can now be removed. Unscrew the last screw. Now the rice can be removed.
4 - the bomb - clock lettering (yes, I can't come up with anything better)
Oh no, it's the bomb. In the middle, there is the timer. Around it, there are 12 letter boxes, four of which can be changed.
Notice that the boxes are all around one timer - clock.
Clocks have 12 hours...
The letters in the boxes correspond to to the first letters of the 12 hours.
O - One
T - Two
T - Three
F - Four
F - Five
S - Six
S - Seven
E - Eight
Fill the last four boxes with the following letters (start with the bottom one, proceed in CW direction)
N, T, E, T
Unscrew the disarming screw... Whew, it didn't blow up. Just remove anything that's left and you've finished the game. Congratulations...
Posted by: Aureal Nyan
December 29, 2011 6:04 AM