Dismantlement: Barber Pole
Pondering the greater world around escape titles is rarely a fruitful endeavor, but even by those standards the popular Dismantlement series from Gam.eBB.jp stretches the imagination. Who is this lunatic who keeps putting bombs inside of radios, alarm clocks, and even burgers? Perhaps more importantly, who are you? Are you on the bomb squad? What kind of bomb squad arms people with just a screwdriver anyway? Or do you just go around taking things apart randomly and happen to run into bombs? Shouldn't the two of you, bomber and dismantler, get together and have a coffee sometime? You probably would hit it off. Anyway, today your random potential firebomb sits in front of the hairdresser: Dismantlement: Barber Pole.
Like the previous games, you solve several layers of puzzles, using only your own smarts and trusty cursor. In this game, one puzzle requires either a genius-level spatial intelligence or a real life paper and scissors to model the clue. Or you could cheat. Look, we don't judge here. That's what the combox is for. Comment with your breakthroughs and frustrations. The "power of posting" is inscrutable and probably magic. Use it wisely.
Maybe you, the dismantler, and the bomb placer are indeed in some kind of relationship. That's the only explanation I can find for why you somehow know to take apart this particular barber pole. This is all some kind of sick game for you, isn't it? Wow, my mind is blown. Much like yours will be (not to mention the rest of your body) if you don't dismantle the bomb before the timer runs out.
Walkthrough Guide
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Click the screw, then click the screw again, to start the game.
You start facing the front of a barber shop. You can click to zoom in on five areas: the piece of paper taped to the window to the right; the writing on the door that says "Barbar Seven"; the doormat to the bottom left; the spinning part of the barber pole; and the top of the barber pole.
The Doormat Puzzle
Zoom in on the doormat. You see a four-by-four grid with some numbers on it. You might want to write that down. Back up by clicking the "Return" button at the top right of the screen.
Zoom in on the top of the barber pole. Click the top to open it. You see in front of you a four-by-four keypad, just like the one on the doormat. But if you click the spaces corresponding to the numbers 1-7, nothing happens. The trick is...
You have to push all the buttons on the keypad, not just the numbered ones. It's like a game of connect the dots: click the space corresponding to 1, then click all the spaces in a straight line from 1 to 2, then from 2 to 3, etc., until you've pushed all the buttons.
After you've pushed the buttons correctly, the keypad lights up green and some screws are exposed. Unscrew them, then hit the "Close" button at the top right of the screen. Click the top of the barber pole again to remove the top level.
The Barber Pole Stripes Puzzle
Click twice to zoom in and uncover the next puzzle.
Now you need to enter a four-letter code. There are two rows of four blocks under where you enter the code: the top row is blue and the bottom row is red. Underneath those blocks is a little button striped just like the barber pole. Click it and it lights up.
After you've lit up the button, back up until you can see the barber pole.
Zoom in on the spinning stripes of the pole. You can now see some letters have been lit up, and that those letters are a certain color:
Blue: ABCD
Back up, then zoom in to the top of the pole.
You now have four blue letters and four red letters. These letters correspond to the blue and red blocks you see below where you enter the code. Notice that there are two blue blocks filled in and two red blocks filled in. Those are the letters you're going to use. So, if blue is on top and red is on bottom, the letters you should enter above are
Enter those letters, and another screw will appear. Unscrew it, close the lid, then click again to reveal the next layer.
The Combination Lock Puzzle
You now see a combination lock, with the words "GIRL FEHF" at the bottom. But there are other words above the lock: "RIGHT" and "LEFT". Consider the relation between the two sets of words.
All the letters in "GIRL FEHF" can be found in either "RIGHT" or "LEFT", but not both. Whichever word, "RIGHT" or "LEFT", that the letter appears in is the direction that you should click the lock. The combination is
right, right, right, left, left, left, right, left
Unscrew the screw, close the lid, and remove that layer.
The Paper in the Window
You need another four-letter code for this one. Notice under the letters are the circled numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. These refer to the paper in the window of the barber shop. Back up all the way from the pole and zoom in on the paper in the window.
The paper in the window has four numbered blocks on it. The blocks are divided up into pieces, and there are shapes on each piece. There is also a pair of scissors in the bottom right corner of the paper.
Don't be tempted to overthink this. You probably did stuff like this when you were a little kid in school.
Use your imagination (or a Paint-like program if you want) to cut up the first square and assemble the pieces into one big letter, by matching up the shapes (diamond with diamond, etc.). Do this with all of the squares to come up with a four-letter code.
Now go back to the top of the barber pole and enter the code. Unscrew the screw and remove the layer.
The Bomb Puzzle
Zoom in on the box that says "WARNING". Unscrew the screws and remove the lid of the box.
You need another four-letter code.
Notice the numbers to the left. Those numbers correspond to the writing on the door of the barber shop:
Meaning that B = 1, A = 2, etc.
Above where you enter the code you see four numbers: 1357. Use the number/letter pairs you got from "BARBAR SEVEN" to enter the correct code:
Click the screw under where you entered the code. The countdown will stop. Click the green button below it to remove the panel, click the screw that appears, then click again to remove the bomb section, then click again, and you're finished!
Posted by: nerdypants
January 20, 2011 9:15 PM