Dirty Room Escape 3 might not sound like the most glamorous setting for an escape game, but if Detarame Factory is involved, you know it's got to be cute. As you may have guessed from the title (after clicking English to change the language if you can't read Japanese), the only way out of this room is to clean it up, which is easier said than done given that it both looks like a bomb went off, and has a smattering of puzzles as well. The cursor will change when it passes over something you can interact with, so click your way to cleanliness! Don't forget the little arrow in the upper-right corner of the screen that will let you see the rest of the mess in the room. Some items will simply pop back into their proper tidy space when you click them, but others will need a little more thought... though putting a combination lock on a spray bottle seems like extreme measures to find an excuse to procrastinate cleaning up. While not aggressively challenging, Dirty Room Escape 3 offers some light-hearted puzzles that will wake your brain up gently, all rendered in Detarame Factory's signature cuddly style. And hey, you can say you already did your chores for the day!
Thanks to Lisa for sending this one in, who says, "I enjoyed this very much. In this game you are challenged to clean up your apartment before you can escape! The puzzles were just challenging enough to be fun but not too hard. Many had more than one step to complete. The puzzles also made sense, for example, you couldn't put something away until you had solved the puzzle to make a space for it. And the whole game had a good sense of humour. I definitely recommend you take a look at this game."
Walkthrough Guide
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Dirty Room 2: Walkthrough (with colorblind help)
Initial Cleaning & Collecting
Before solving anything, you can clean up a fair amount:
Kitchen view:
Click & Clean:
Soda bottle on left
DF can on left
Orange bowl
Small bottles (two on left, one middle, one right)
Plates (left & right, inside left cupboard, inside microwave)
Book on right
Pencil (left of bag)
Trash from on top of microwave (you'll need changing cursor to get it from the zoomed-out view)
You can collect:
A locked Deodorizing Spray
And a Battery from the back of the clock
Yet-to-Solve Items:
Frankenstein is missing a zipper
Plant can't be touched because of mushrooms
Lock with a pie chart - needs color
Top middle drawer: needs 3 number code
Bottom middle drawer: needs 4 arrows
Scale needs Turtles
Robot (turn on using the back) needs a code of 4 buttons
Bed View:
Click & Clean:
Can on left
Pencil on left
Books (left and right under bed)
Small jars (left under closet, right under bed)
Plate on left
Kettle (will only move if you removed the dirty plate in the Kitchen cabinet)
Chip bag on bed
Smelly Slippers
Canned mackerel --> click again and get Chopsticks
Big Turtle
Remote Controller
A dirty Light Bulb
Collect a Screwdriver
Click on the iPod to get coordinates: (X,Y) = (3,2)
Use those coordinates on the wall art of axes
third row, second column (farthest right dot in the middle)
Kitchen Right Cabinet
You will need Chopsticks
Use Chopsticks on the plant in the Kitchen View to get a Pull Tab zipper
Use Pull Tab on the Frankenstein doll to get the code:
Largest section Yellow
Second-largest Blue
Smallest bit Green
Colorblind help
Click largest part TWO TIMES
Click second-largest FOUR TIMES
Click smallest THREE TIMES
Get Battery and a book
Robot Code
You'll need Remote Control, a Screwdriver, and two Batteries
Open the Remote with the Screwdriver & place batteries in.
Use Remote on the fan in the Kitchen View
Go into Bed view to see that the brown haze has moved & revealed a pattern on the mirror.
Code is:
Receive Key
Opening Closet
Solve the Robot to get a Closet key
Click & Clean:
You can now clean up all the hangers from both views: there are two in Bed View & one in Kitchen View
Then clean up the jacket & pants from Kitchen & T-shirt from Bed View
Top Computer Drawer
The bookshelf above the computer will need to be full - so you'll have to have opened the closet & the right cabinet in Kitchen View
Read the first letters of all the books, left to right
Collect Sticky Roller and a Roomba
Peel off cover of Sticky Roller to clean up the chips on the Bed
You can now click on Frankenstein to put him away as well as the Iron on Bed View
To get the computer code, you'll have to have opened the closet & cleaned up all the clothes on the floor
in Kitchen View, the fridge will now open to allow you to collect two plates, and the front will be clear to see a drawn "M"
Using the arrow as reference, you can enter the code into the computer
3 - 5
2 4 6
1 - 7
Once you see the overwhelming number of apps, click the bottom-right tile to clean up the computer
Bottom Computer Drawer
You'll need to have an unlocked Computer & a functioning Remote
Remove the Batteries from the Remote & put them in the clock. Step away and change views, then come back to see the current time
Use the buttons on the bottom drawer to spell out "9:30", making sure you're not overlapping lines, and going top-bottom
9 = bottom middle button, top middle button
: = bottom right button
3 = top left button, top middle button
0 = top right button, bottom left button
Get Dish Soap & Sponge as well as a new Light Bulb
Unlocking Deodorizing Spray
You'll need Dish Soap & Sponge plus all the dirty Plates
Wash all the plates to see that they've been moved back to the shelves above the sink
Match the darker plates in each stack to the position of the lock
second-highest position; second-lowest position; middle position; top position
You now have unlocked Deodorizing Spray
Use it on your smelly Slippers
...to get worst-smelling slippers. Dangit!
Kitchen Top Drawer
You'll need to have unlocked & used your Deodorizing Spray
Examine the used bottle to get a 3-digit code
You can now clean up the tweezers, mirror, comb, and cotton swab
Small Closet Box
To open, you'll need to have opened Top Kitchen Drawer & collected two Turtles
Place both Turtles on the scale to receive a Card
This access Card opens the small box
Receive Hammer
Japan Closet Box
You should have a dirty Lightbulb and a Hammer
Break open the Lightbulb to get Hokkaido
Use Hokkaido on the empty part of the Japan Box to get an Ice Cube with something it.
Follow the advice of the computer Note & place your worst-smelling Slippers in the icebox.
Closet Wrench Box
You will need the ice cube w/ object inside
Melt the ice cube to get a Coin, and use it on the Piggy Bank in the Closet
The Wrench view has left & right buttons with "in" in the middle
Use this with the pig's reaction to the Coin to get a code
The pig says:
so the code will be: LRLRLLLR
Collect Wrench
Kitchen Bottom Drawer
You'll need to have the Roomba/Vacuum Cleaning Robot & a clear floor in the Bed View
Have the Roomba clean the floor (it'll change color)
It will then get stuck in the corner in a "State of Confusion"
Collect Paper
Going by the picture of the bulb, make sure the lamp has a clean Lightbulb and use the Paper on it
Use the Paper code to open the cabinet with:
NE - E
W - S
Collect Dustcloth & Eraser
You'll need a Wrench & the computer
The Roomba has revealed a trapdoor. Use the Wrench to open it
Go to the Computer & use the Ladder app to unlock the ladder
Now that you can reach it, clean the mirror with the Dustcloth
Final Cleaning
Click the last items on the Kitchen floor & use the Roomba to clean it up.
Use the Eraser on the drawn "M" we used before.
You can admire how all the drawers & cabinets are now full with the items you picked up from the floor.
Congrats - your room is clean!
Posted by: VoxPopuli42
June 23, 2015 11:53 AM