I like to think that somewhere in the current revised edition of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Detarou has a footnote all their own, only instead of "mostly harmless", it's just a bunch of question marks. Detemita Escape locks you up somewhere weird, but let's be honest... that's what we're all here for. If there weren't grown men in strange costumes doing vaguely unsettling things, we'd go home disappointed. The cursor will change whenever you mouse over something you can interact with, but that's the only help you're going to get. Clues are hidden everywhere, and even different viewpoints can be sneakily tucked away in odd locations, so pay attention to everything. Detarou delights at peppering puzzles that require codes to crack, but even the typical "use item X on object Y" point-and-click gameplay requires a little thinking outside the box. Double-click an item to view it up close, or click it once to "equip" it for use, and remember to save your game from time to time. There are three endings to find, after all, but not all of them are good.
We talk a lot about how strange Detarou's games are because, well, they're really freaking strange, but we shouldn't lose sight of how clever and even aesthetically pleasing they usually are... as aesthetically pleasing as a man in a hotdog suit rubbing his stomach while making unflinching eye contact can be said to be. Detemita Escape is all clean lines that render perfect expressions and animation with minimal detail, which isn't easy to do. Like a lot of Detarou's games, this one features a big reliance on numbers and codes, usually consisting of combining multiple elements scattered around the entire environment, so you may want to keep a pen and paper handy to jot things down. As long as you remember that some clues can be used for multiple puzzles, you'll be fine, though when in doubt you also might want to try "combining" some objects in your inventory. That latter point isn't really that unintuitive considering the functionality you need for some obstacles, but you'd be forgiven for going in circles trying to look for a different item to get by them instead of working with what you have. What is a little unintuitive is the conditions for the best "stamp" ending, but despite that quibble, Detemita Escape is Detarou in fine form, and a welcome escape from any day.
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Walkthrough Guide
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A Wearisome Wordy Walkthrough
Let’s start with some exploration. Back away from the poster—wait, it’s on the floor and not the wall this time?! O_o
Immediately, we see a water works contraption shaped like a four, a FIGHTING STICK screwed to the wall, and an angry rabbit that looks like it’s ready to jump at our throats. (Let’s not do anything to set him on that goal, eh?)
We can interact with the contraption and note that there is a WIND UP KEY in a ball that we cannot get to, a square peg sticking out of the wall that we can’t turn, and a slot above the glass that seems to serve no purpose at all for us at this time.
If we turn to the right,
we’re facing the angry man dressed in a rabbit suit. I wouldn’t go any closer if I were—Ugh, fine, we’ll walk even closer to the rabid rabbit man who looks ready to strangle me harder than
Peeta strangles Katniss in Mockingjay—oops, spoiler alert! Ohh, too late now? My bad, that’s what you get for leading me closer to a killer rabbit!
Okay, I won’t poke him if you don—Hey! What the heck do you think you’re doing?! He’s gonna kill—oh, look, there’s either something way up in the sky or the sky is painted on the ceiling and that’s a key hole. hmm
Okay, we’ve had our fun, and WE’RE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE!!! So let’s back away from Rabid Rabbit Roger and inspect the box upon which he is standing. Oh, look, a color code for which we do not have a combination.
Let’s keep moving right, shall we. Yesss, away from your creepy friend. That’s it. Good gender neutral friend of mine. Thank you!
Looks to me like we have some flowers on a table of sorts…a table with a man’s feet sticking out of it? Oh, and there’s a book shelf. Let’s look at the table first.
You’ll notice we can examine the man’s feet, but, alas and alack, we cannot tickle his toes to make him move. What we should be taking note of instead is the color, order, and height of the flowers.
For the color blind, from left to right the flowers are colored WHITE, YELLOW, BLUE, then RED.
If we examine the YELLOW flower, we’ll notice that we can move it to see through some glass. Oh goodie, the man under the table is holding a SCREWDRIVER! Hold on! Is he…naked?! Yeah, I’d be hiding under the table too, good sir. Let’s leave him to his privacy and examine the RED flower instead. We can move this one too—there’s a little door we can open!—but all we’re rewarded with is a look at a balding head and a bad comb over. Dang it, man! Give us your SCREWDRIVER!
Okay, let’s examine the bookshelf, instead. On the top shelf is a blue lock box with an indentation of a WIND UP KEY. Too bad we have no way of getting said key from the water works contraption just yet. On the second shelf is an open book that we can look at.
Is that a tie sticking out of a flower pot on the first page? And a line of boxes on the right? What’s on the bookmark?
That symbol on the left resembles the shape of the flowers we just saw. Looks like we have yet another clue, one of letters, 8514, and a red arrow pointing down that splits the numbers in half.
Okay, let’s open the bookshelf cabinet shall we?
Oh goodie, the number 79…or is it merely a GREEN colored 7 and a BLACK colored 9. I recommend you take note of that,…friend who tried to kill me by poking a rabbit!
I think we’re done here, let’s move right again, yes?
A door with a gold door knob and key hole! This is Detarou, so that must be our way of escape! Hmm, three men standing on a platform. Let’s go introduce ourselves to them, yes? THEY don’t look like they want to kill us.
The man to our left is wearing a blue tie. The man in the middle seems to be missing a tie, but he is certainly rocking some nice shades. I recommend you lose the afro though, bro. Not your style. The man to our right is wearing a nice yellow tie. Let us give the traditional Japanese bow in greeting.
It is returned by both the man in the blue tie and the man in the yellow tie…but are they trying to kiss us?! Okayyy, time to move on from here.
Unless you want to return to previously visited sides of this room, I recommend that we continue moving right.
Hello, there’s a man sized hole right in front of us.
I wonder if we can escape through here—gosh darn it!—we need a screwdriver to open it. If that man wasn’t naked I would drag him out and…are you mocking my use of the phrase “gosh darn it”?
At this point, I’m weary to meet anyone else in this room, but I suppose we can say hello to the strange man wearing a head…on top of his head and making that awful noise. I wondered where that was coming from…maybe HE’S the reason why your murderous rabbit friend is so angry!
Nothing interesting here, let’s look at the purple pillow. Whoa! Hello there, man wearing a green tie. So sorry, to disturb you. You may continue to hide in your little hole
I’m done being friendly, time to look at the desk!
Well, the single drawer to the left is locked, but the top drawer to the right gives us a set of BINOCULARS. I call dibs! The second, middle drawer has a clue:
under what appears to be a symbol of a rabbit head are the numbers 4957.
The third, bottom drawer shows us a RED 8.
Let’s back away from the desk and the ear splitting noise of mister bobble head opera singer wannabe and look out that window. Fineee, I’ll let you use the BINOCULARS to do so.
Well, there’s a giant WHITE colored 1 to our left. Further examination of the building across from us shows a big headed, bald…person? child?...holding a tool that we need. Is that a man wearing a giant praying mantis suit? The real praying mantis does not look impressed with his dance. Look at that log; it has a BLUE 4 printed on it.
All right! We’re done our main exploration. Let’s start putting together clues to begin our journey of getting out of here and away from all the crazies!
As much as I hate to say it, we’ll need to return to your scary rabbit man friend to find one more clue before we can take a crack at solving the code of the box he’s standing on.
Let’s reexamine that spot in the sky using our BINOCULARS. A floating YELLOW 5 with a poor man hanging from it. Interesting.
Well, now we have all the clues we need to solve the color code under your scary friend.
To do this, we’ll need to combine our observations of the various colors of numbers we’ve collected so far (
) with the sequence of numbers we found under the symbol of the rabbit head in one of the desk drawers (
Substitute the numbers with their colors to get the color code
Input this color code into the box. For the color blind:
Using the first row buttons, click the first button THREE times, the second FIVE times, the third TWICE, and the fourth FOUR times. The color sequence for each input resets after six clicks.
Bahahaha, did you see that?! Let’s go get our SCREWDRIVER! Yessss!!!
I think I’ll make you take the SCREWDRIVER from the naked man. Would kindly please move the RED flower, open the little door upon which it sits, and remove our tool from the naked man?
Forward and onward, my new friend!
Let us use the SCREWDRIVER upon the manhole cover and descend down that ladder.
First, turn around.
Be sure to take note of that picture, will ya? That white arrow and black dot in it looks important to this clue, now doesn’t it?
Okay, we can turn back around and move forward now. Ooh, let’s take a gander at that door to our right, shall we? Better yet, let’s enter the room!
Ugh, I’m done meeting the locals. YOU go and say hello to these men in gray spandex suits. What? They each want something from us? Give the one on the left our BINOCULARS. We won’t be needing them anymore. Ooh, the red dot above his head is now green. We’ll have to return to give the others the items they desire, but for now, please, continue to let the man with the binoculars whack them into his face! >:)
Okay, we can leave the room now, turn left, and continue moving forward. I know you want to explore the room to our left, but, trust me, we’re not ready for it yet. Looks like we have another puzzle to solve.
Yes, we have the necessary clues for it. Remember the bookmark with the numbers interrupted by the red arrow pointing down? And the varying heights of those flowers on the table? How about the different colors each number represents? Good. Combine all of those clues.
Also notice that the arrow of the bookmark clue is pointing down, but the arrow above the panel we are facing is pointing up.
So our sequence of numbers from the bookmark, 8514, can be translated to the colors RED, YELLOW, WHITE, and BLUE, which correlates to the colors of the flowers.
Since the arrow in front of us is pointing up, the code from the bookmark translated into colors must be upside down, or reversed. Therefore, our color code becomes
Complicated enough for you? Dying from spoiler tags? Good! I’m still mad at you for poking the rabbit! Never mind the fact it led us to a necessary clue. Now that we have our color code in the order that it should be, we can combine each color with the height of each flower and input that result into the panel in front of us.
So the first knob should be second from the bottom, the second all the way to the bottom, the third all the way to the top, and the fourth second from the top.
Sweet, we now have the bottom of what I will call a DETAROU DOLL.
Okay, let’s move up the ladder, eh? Ooh, new room. You know what that means? More exploration!
What do we see first, a man dressed in a hot dog costume…and petting his—PG, I will do my best to keep this PG! Maybe he’s simply motioning us over. Yeah, we can hope for that, right? Let’s say hello.
Man, we’re just getting closer and closer to this guy. Finally, another clue!. Take careful note of it and the numbers in each block, my friend. Have we seen a blocked tower like this before?
Let’s turn our attention to the various dots of red in front of us.
The first one to our left obviously needs a DETAROU DOLL. Too bad ours in incomplete. The one in the middle has that super happy smiley face we saw on the door of the tunnel we were just in. I wonder if giving those guys in spandex the items of their desires will affect this red dot. The one to the right has a panel with a black dot to the right of it. Heyyy, remember that clue I had you turn around to view at the beginning of our tunnel adventure? Let’s see if we can use that here.
The image from that clue had the black dot above it, but this panel has the dot to the right. Therefore, we’ll need to turn that image 90 degrees clockwise.
Since the image was formed by black squares and pushing the buttons of the panels turns them bright white, form the turned image from our clue by keeping the correlating squares a solid gray.
Excellent! We now have a FILE. Let’s just go ahead and use that on our SCREWDRIVER to turn it from a philips to a flat head.
Okay, we’re done here. Time to turn to our right. Why not left? Well, fine, if you wanna go left, go left! Either way, we’ll end up seeing the exact same thing.
Whadya know, it’s that big head kid…or man. Whatever, just grab that LEVER from him and let’s get out of here!
Back into the tunnel! Nooo, we are NOT going into the Panda room, yet. Keep moving forward and go up that ladder. Now we have lots to do here so let’s not waste time.
Take that LEVER and use it on that peg sticking out of the water works contraption we first noticed when we mysteriously found ourselves staring at that poster on the floor. Great, now we have the WIND UP KEY inside the PLASTIC BALL! While we’re here, let’s use our new flathead SCREWDRIVER to extricate the FIGHTING STICK from the wall.
Okay, now let’s open that blue lockbox on the bookshelf.
If you haven’t done so already, free that WIND UP KEY from that PLASTIC BALL and open that lockbox. Lookey there, we have ourselves a RED TIE. Who do we know that’s missing a tie? Why our friend in between the kissing, bowing tie guys, of course! Let’s see if he’ll trade this tie for that awful afro he’s so attached to.
Hmm, no go. He just won’t trade with us. Awk, nooo! Now he bows and kisses too?! Maybe now’s the time to combine some of our clues and see if we can’t at least change something about this guy’s choice of fashion since changing his mannerisms is beyond us now.
Okay, so remember the pages of the book with the tie and the blocked tower in flower pots? And the clue with the numbers in the blocks of a similar blocked tower that we found by the wiener wearing wonder? Great, combine those clues and use them with our tie guys here.
That the tie and blocked tower were in flower pots should lead us once again to those flowers on the table.
Look at their colors and heights and imagine that they correlate to the positions of the blocks on the numbered blocked tower clue.
So YELLOW is the top bock, under that is RED, then BLUE, then WHITE.
Combining this with the blocked tile clue, we can see that
RED=3, 6
BLUE= 2, 4, 5
This is the order in which we must have our tie guy friends bow.
yellow, blue, red, blue, blue, red
Yes, we have freed our middle man from that ugly afro! Ooh, and that afro has a SILVER KEY for us to use. Sha-weet!
Quickly now, we are almost through. I can feel it. Let us open that locked desk drawer.
Using our SILVER KEY, we get the head needed to complete our DETAROU DOLL.
Back into the tunnel. Guess what, my friend? Your patience will be rewarded. We are now equipped to enter the panda room!
Now, if you choose to trust these panda friends by helping them to reach that trophy on the shelf. I highly recommend you save our game first.
Like me, you do not trust these pandas? Excellent, my friend. Please, equip our new FIGHTING STICK and give that nasty panda to the right of us a good whack. No, please, I insist. You have waited so long for this…
Bwahahahahaha!!!!! Look at them, fallen into the very trap they set for us. I am so proud of you. You are completely forgiven for poking Roger the Raving Rabid Rabbit.
Let us leave this room and enter the door across from us.
Go ahead, give the man in the middle our PLASTIC BALL and the man to the right our FIGHTING STICK. For extra laughs and giggles, make them inflict self harm with their new items as we revel in the changing of the red dots to green dots.
Let us continue forward, up the ladder into the room with our wiener friend.
Look, giving our spandex comrades the items of their desires has changed that red dot over our joyous emoji to green. Let’s make the dot to the left green by placing our DETAROU DOLL in that compartment.
Why, look! The red button above our dots is now green as well! Push it!
We now have the GOLD KEY! Finally, we can escape this place full of loonies!
Hurry now, let us make our escape!
Use that GOLD KEY to unlock that door beside our kissing, bowing, tie wearing friends. Should we leave now? Why ye—what? You say no? You say this is a Detarou game. Now what has that got to do with my need to leave before I become as insane as the locals?
Ah, you wish to retrieve the coveted RED STAMP before we leave? You believe the rumors that it exists? Fine, you did vanquish my nemesis the Panda. I will humor your pursuit.
Move down the ladder and turn around? Why, whadya know, that black dot beside our pattern clue has moved. Does this mean we should pay one last visit to our wiener friend? I believe it does.
The button is red again. So is the red dot to our right. Let us reposition our pattern according to new location of that black dot and see what happens when we input it into this panel. By George, the dot and button are green again!
Yes, I think I shall push the button this time. The RED STAMP! It does exist! Forgive me, my friend for ever doubting you. NOW we are ready to make our escape. Y’know what? I think you and I will be good friends for a long while.
Posted by: shjack180
December 27, 2014 11:21 PM