Deretaraano is the latest "is this an escape game or have I sustained massive head injuries" title from Detarou, wherein you find yourself trapped with a shirtless, gesticulating man, two human stag beetles locked in grunty combat, and an oblivious couple cuddling on a couch. Among... other things.
There are three endings to uncover as you click around gathering items, and both puzzles and environment are distinctively surreal in that very special Detarou way that manages to baffle and unnerve some people as easily as it morbidly fascinates the rest of us. While they certainly lack the logical reality of, say, Tesshi-e's titles, Detarou's bizarre but imaginative games are a welcome change from the typical herd of escape titles. Just don't expect them to make a whole lot of sense.
Walkthrough Guide
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Haha! And out :)
I love the wacky ideas Detarou comes up with!
A possibly comical and probably over specific Walkthrough: (although this one isn't TOO tough to do on your own)
The Setting
Looks like this one takes place in a nice two story home. A living area, a bedroom, a shower and laundry room, a half bath, and an upstairs area, all accessible through the various brown doors (one of which needs a key.) A kitchen area is visible, but not accessible.
The Suspects
One of the best parts of any Detarou escapes is of course the characters! We have the afore mentioned "shirtless, gesticulating man (is he air drumming?), two human stag beetles locked in grunty combat, and an oblivious couple cuddling on a couch" inhibiting the main living space of this place, as well as an unacceptably calm gentleman loafing about on a cabinet and another odd fellow trapped inside a cupboard. In the bedroom we have a rambunctious youth jumping on the bed, three gentlemen who look as though they could use a dose of rogaine located unhappily in a closet, a crouching figure in white upon the desk, and a Mighty Morphin pile of bodies just outside the sliding glass door. As for the other areas, there is only a mysteriously familiar fortune teller upstairs and a beautiful figure behind the frosted shower door in the laundry room ;)
The Solution
--Looking Around--
Alright, you start off with a view of the shirtless wonder, a drawer with cabinets, and a cupboard with drawers. Also is the stairwell upstairs on the left, but that comes later.
Click on wonderboy for a closeup of his gesticulationary skills, that's all you can do with him though. Click back to the previous view (navigation is with edge arrows as in previous installments)
Working our way right we come to the three drawers, clicking reveals the top one is number code locked. Open the second drawer to find disappointment and possibly some resolve. Collect those and move to the last drawer, which contains a... hair... thing. Pick it up (it's a toupee, I know) to reveal a CLUE!
triangle = two bananas. or is that a Pi symbol? (heh, banana Pi...)
The cabinet to the right of the drawers is unclickable. Back out.
Over to the right once more is the cupboard, click it. Mister hugs and kisses is inside. Trying to open it reveals it is stuck with something stretchy. Back out.
Check the cabinet below Mr O X to find another puzzle, this time a color code. The clue to it's right looks like... something... with... something else in it. (aren't I helpful?) Nothing to do here for now, so back up.
Clicking our way to the right 'round (baby, right 'round like a record, baby) the room brings us to a view of captain calm on his cabinet, and a brown door. Let's leave the door for now.
Clicking mister mundane leads to nothing stupendous... yet. Clicking beneath him gives a view of his cabinet, but his clods are in the way of us grabbing at the sw33t l00t, so we'll have to leave that for now too. click out.
Right 'round (baby) the room again brings us to the infatuated ones, another brown door, and a hallway. Clicking on mister and misses disgustingly happy reveals nothing... yet. (Other than the fact that a man can only feel secure wearing a pink scarf if it is also twined round the neck of the person he was animated to spend the rest of his life next to.) Click out.
Leave the brown door for now, and click down the hallway. This brings us to another brown door and *GASP* a grey door. clicking the grey door brings us to a closeup, but that's about it. go ahead and check out the brown door. Go on, it's not gonna bite.
Behind the door we find ourselves in the half bath. Not much of interest in here save the toilet. Click once to lift the lid and find ANOTHER CLUE
Three bananas = Nine (guess it wasn't banana pi)
Click in the toilet water to find and obtain a soggy key. Almost as disgusting as the couple on the couch. Click out once to return to the bathroom view, and again to return to the hall. (Though I would close the lid to that can else mister happy is gonna get an earful later on)
Clicking out once more returns us to the couch couple, and then a click to the ri-i-iiight brings us to a staggering view. Nothing to do with them save gaze upon their agony. Click right once more.
Hey, we've been here! Let's check out that stairwell now! One click leads us to some steps, another to a brown door. But clicking it reveals it shall not open! Oh wait. We've got a key, duh! Pop the lock with the soggy key (for items, one click USES and a double click EXAMINES. Click once to USE the key [a blue ring will show which item is active]) and get inside!
This is a good point to SAVE YOUR GAME
Hrm... this fortune teller looks... familiar somehow. And there are two compartments to open. Choices choices. Click on the crystal ball for a closeup. Looks like the lady in purple wants you to choose left. Follow the directions if you want
You're washed up partner! Bad Ending 1! Hope you listened when I told you to save :P
OR, if you are a skeptic like myself, go with the right side compartment. Ooh, a teapot! Grab it (notice the water is somehow already boiling within) And reveal another CLUE
Square = ... Three bananas?... that seems familiar...
Back out once to the room view, and again for the stairwell. Then a click forward to descend back to the living room.
Ahead of us is the couple, and one of those tempting doors. Let's check it out now. Hey look, a laundry room. Isn't it quaint? I love the aesthetics of the little laundry basket on the left next to the washer, and the quaint (if, unclickable) sink on the right. Nothing else in here worth looking at, no sir!!... Ok, fine. Pervert. Go check out that figure in the shower. Might take you a couple clicks to get inside.
Once you've peeped your fill of the gratuitous flesh in the shower, why don't you click for a closeup of the afore mentioned laundry basket. Oh, look. A CLUE
Triangle = Square... Things are starting to make sense
Not that you deserve it. You can click the towel in the basket to reveal more disappointment, and some guilt and shame for you shower snoopers. Collect and click back.
Click to the right of the shower to leave the poor person in peace and modesty. You should probably take a shower when you are through playing too. Wash off that guilt. Another click back returns us to the living room.
Take a click to the left for a view of lieutenant lazy and the last brown door to explore. Explore.
BOOM, bedroom. Straight ahead is a closet, click to open and reveal a jumpsuit trio straight from the emerald city. Clicking for a close up shows a few less than enthused mugs. We can't do much here... for now, so click back and take a spin to the left. (I felt like you might be getting dizzy, so we're changing it up)
In front of us now is the enthusiastic youth and his momma infuriating fascination with bedroom gymnastics. Click on him for a close up. Several actually. None of which do a darn bit of good. Back WAAAY out and click under the bed. Just darkness down here. Can't see a thing. Back out and click left.
A few things to take in here. From the right; the door back to weirdo central, a light switch, a box that has caution written all over it, a desk with... something white on it, and what appears to be part of a clue above. Since we can't click on the desk, the white thing, or the clue, lets investigate the box. [SAVE]
Hrm... a Big red button. Putting one of those in front of a man with a mouse is just asking for trouble. Click if you dare
and become a crater. Bad ending 2! Did you save?
OR if you have more willpower than myself, back out.
Let's try that light switch. Ok, now it's dark. Flip it back on (or not) and take a click to the left.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! was my personal first reaction upon viewing the carnage outside the sliding glass doors. A closeup reveals a stack of colorful ranger wreckage. Priceless.
Well that's it for the bedroom, so click back to the brown door into our main area and let's begin step TWO
--Solving Puzzles--
Let's start with the color code lock under Mr O X. We have four color spots to choose, and four colors to choose from. Then there's that odd clue to the right of the puzzle. I've seen something shaped like that VERY recently...
It's the shape of the masks the Mighty Mangled Power Pile outside the bedroom is wearing.
Take notice of the color of the uniforms, this is your CLUE
Do I need to spell it out for you? Only four colors in the lock, and there are four piled rangers. Ignore the protruding half of blue and you have (from top to bottom) GREEN YELLOW RED GREEN
Enter your code into the lock in the living room (for you individuals with a good excuse to run red lights on a dark night - AKA color Blindness - the code is as follows
Top button: 1 click - second button: 3 clicks - third button: 0 clicks - bottom button - 1 click
And reveal goodies! Grab that cup 'o' noodles and take notice of the CLUE
A star with its FIVE points circled
Next puzzle to tackle is that pesky number lock beside Air Drum Hero. Hrm, Four digits, numbered from one to nine. Let's review the clues we have so far:
We know that THREE BANANAS equals NINE. We know that TWO BANANAS equals TRIANGLE, and SQUARE equals THREE BANANAS. We can therefore assume that SQUARE equals NINE and vice-versa. "But abloker" you cry, "BANANAS and SHAPES aren't numbers! This is a number lock!" Well my friends, allow me to blow your minds with a little BASIC ALGEBRA.
The bananas as well as the shapes are variables. a group of three bananas is just three times the value of one banana. So the 3xBanana = 9 we got earlier tells us that each INDIVIDUAL banana is worth THREE. And we know that the square also equals 3xbananas, and the triangle is equal to TWO bananas. To sum up, Each Banana = 3, Triangle = 6, Square = 9.
And as fine and dandy as all that math was to do, IT STILL DOESN'T HELP OPEN THE LOCK YET. We need some more info. Namely, where to put all these delicious numbers in the code. Let's change gears for a minute.
You remember that cup 'o' noodle you nabbed earlier? Give it a close examine (double click.) If you click in close up view you lift the lid on the cup, just like in real life! But it isn't cooked yet. We should fix that. Now I KNOW all you gamers have made cup noodles before... right? Ok, fine, I'll walk you through it.
With the cup in close up view and the lid lifted, select the teapot from your inventory and USE it on the noodles. You pour the boiling water into the cup, cooking the noodles. Close the lid again (for safety :) and then close the close up view of the noodles.
Now that we've got a tasty cup 'o' cooked noodles, we need somebody who is hungry. Maybe the noodles would make a nice dish to SHARE
Give it to the couple on the couch, and watch them (humorously) slurp them up Lady and the Tramp style. When you've watched enough slurping action, check out the noodle cup for a couple vegetable heads and a CLUE
With your new armed information, you can attack that pesky number lock again.
The square, triangle, and banana have already been deciphered thanks to the powers of ALGEBRA, and the only unknown is the STAR. But we got a clue for that earlier, in the noodle cupboard.
The star in the cupboard had it's points circled, and it has FIVE points. Combining clues that makes the code
Pop the drawer open for a lovely set of scissors! Totally worth it!
Ok, in the home stretch now! Time to "cut loose" mister hugs and kisses
use the scissors on the cupboard that the man with the O and X signs is in. you may have to try to open it before being able to cut out the item
And we get an elastic band! Groovy :)
Mister O X is still a bit on the useless side, all you can do is push his arms. Let's find a use for that elastic you just got. Maybe it would be fun to play with? We could USE IT ON SOMEBODY THAT ISN'T DOING ANYTHING
And that somebody is the unacceptably calm gentleman on the cabinet in the living room!
USE the elastic on him in close up view to present it to him, then click several more times on the band to stretch it out and snap it in his FACE! That'll teach him to sit around a Detarou game like there is nothing going on!
Now check the cabinet his feet were blocking. The shock moved him out of the way, so help yourself to the SW33T L00T
Another Toupee! Yippee! We should probably find a use for these... Speaking of which we still have one more puzzle to solve! Hugs and Kisses time! (AKA, how the heck do I get out of here?!?)
Those toupees would look really great on a guy in a JUMPSUIT
Go arrange the two head rugs you picked up on the glossy brows of the trio in the closet of the bedroom. You'll know you've got the right match because they will give you a grin
But we are still one toupee short... There is only one place we haven't searched out in full yet. It's in the bedroom, and it's DARK
under the bed. However, you can't see in there and if you just go and reach under you're likely to me eaten by a grue. Have to fine some way to EQUALIZE THE LIGHTING
by turning off the light switch by the door, your eyes adjust to the darkness of the room and you can see under the bed.
Aha! The last toupee! Arrange it and then enjoy the show!
After the toupee troupe does their gig, have a look around
The white figure on the desk is a chicken! and his wings complete the code from earlier!
Lets take that back to our cross-legged cabinet buddy, mister hugs and kisses! With the code translated into directions, PUSH
Mister O X enjoys some cabinet calisthenics, And YOU get a KEY!
Guess what this goes to? THAT'S RIGHT
It Fits the grey door in the back hallway!
Congratulations! You're Free!
Whew! That took a bit. Thank you JAY and DORA!
Posted by: abloker
December 30, 2011 4:56 AM