Here's a delicious little treat from DJ Trousdale at deviantART. Crossblock is a simple and rewarding puzzle game with a sublimely deceptive difficulty curve. At first, you might think it's too easy—after all, each puzzle is just a collection of white squares on a grid—but the complexity grows organically, quicksanding you deeper with each level, until you find yourself waist-deep in Puzzle Solving Mode, goggling at some mad conglomeration of blockwork, your brain shutting down in whinnying, eye-rolling stupefaction.
Your goal is to eliminate all the blocks on a level by dragging a line across them, one horizontal or vertical group at a time. Each level has a number that indicates how many blocks you can cross out at once. Just click and drag across a group, consisting of exactly that number of blocks, to erase them.
This is all a lot easier to understand when you're looking at it, and the game eases you into it with a gracious and sinister hand. The lovely hand-pixeled scrolling backgrounds and jazzy soundtrack (all by the game's author) help make you feel comfortable and unthreatened, but don't be fooled. There will come a point where you just can't believe that such a straightforward, honest-looking pile of blocks can hold so many baffling complications; that such a friendly, casual game can so effortlessly grab you by the peaknuckles and lead you around the room skipping.
Nice work, DJ Trousdale. Good puzzle game.
Walkthrough Guide
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Crossblock Walkthrough - Levels 20 through 50
Here's help for levels 20 through 50, which seems to be the point where people start to get stuck. Special thanks to jan.jan, who wrote this walkthrough, and to caitsithff7 for getting the ball rolling with them. :)
Level 20
Clear the bottom-right row, the top-right column, second column from the left, two rows then one column.
Level 21
Clear the two columns of four, then the two rows of four then the two columns.
Level 22
Clear three columns of four, then the four rows of four.
Level 23
Clear the far left column then the far right column, then the three rows of four and the two columns.
Level 24
Clear the two columns of four, the two rows then the two columns.
Level 25
Clear the two left columns of four, four off the top of the left column, clear the row of four, then the left column and two lots from the right column.
Level 26
Clear the middle column of four, the middle row of four, the two columns of four then the row.
Level 27
Clear the bottom four from the second column from the left, the row of four, the second column from the right, the row of four, then the two columns.
Level 28
Clear the column of four, the row of four, the column of four, row of four then column of four.
Level 29
Clear the five columns of four, then the five rows of four.
Level 30
Clear the bottom four from the third column, the top four from the fourth column, the middle two rows of four, the first column then the four rows.
Level 31
Clear the column of five, the row of five, then the remaining three columns.
Level 32
Clear the two rows of five, the two columns then the row.
Level 33
Clear the two columns of five then the rows.
Level 34
Clear the left five from the top two rows and the right five from the bottom two rows, then the remaining five columns.
Level 35
Clear the middle row of five, the far-left and far-right columns of five, the highest row of five then the five columns.
Level 36
Clear the middle five from the bottom row, the middle five from the next row up, the two middle columns of five, the two rows of five, then the two columns.
Level 37
Clear the three columns of five, the top and bottom rows of five, the middle column then the three rows.
Level 38
Clear both bolumns of five, both rows of five, both columns of five, the row of five then the column.
Level 39
Clear the left five from the top row of six, the left column of five, the bottom row of five, the right column of five, the top five from the left column of six, the left five from the bottom row of six, the bottom five from the right column of six, the row of five, the left five the the left row of six, the right five from the row of six, then the two columns.
Level 40
Clear the bottom five from the left column of six, the middle row of five, the right column of five, the bottom row of five, the column then the row.
Level 41
Clear the sixth row, both columns of six, the row of six, then the four columns.
Level 42
Clear the bottom six from each of the two far-left columns, the two rows of six, the two columns of six, then the two rows.
Level 43
Clear the bottom row of six, the middle six from the top row of eight, the two columns of six, the row of six, the two columns of six, then the two rows.
Level 44
Clear the fifth and seventh columns, the two rows of six, the column of six, the two rows of six, the column of six, the two rows of six, then the three columns.
Level 45
Clear the column of six, the row of six, the column of six, the row of six etc.
Level 46
Clear the column of six, the row of six, the two columns of six, the five rows of six, then the columns.
Level 47
Clear the left six from the bottom row, the bottom six from the far-right column, the right six from the top row, the top six from the left column, the second row, the second-to-bottom row, the second from the left column and the second from the right column, the top six from columns three and four, the top two rows of six, the two columns of six, then the two rows.
Level 48
Clear the two rows of seven, the two columns of seven, the two rows of seven, the two columns of seven, the row of seven, then the column.
Level 49
Clear the right seven from the third row, the column of seven, the row of seven, the column of seven, the row of seven, the two columns, then the row.
Level 50
Clear the two rows and two columns of seven, the second to the eight of the fourth column, the second to the eight of the fourth row from the bottom, the fourth to the tenth of the fourth column from the right, the third to the ninth of the fourth row, the second to the eight of the fifth row from the bottom, the third to the ninth of the fifth column from the right, the third to the ninth of the fifth row from the top, the second to the eigth of the fifth column from the left, the two columns of seven, the four rows of seven, then, finally, the two columns.
Posted by: Pam
January 10, 2009 11:59 AM