ClickPLAY has returned! NinjaDoodle's crazy mouse-based game of discovery, geometric shapes, and rampant clicking is back for more with ClickPLAY 2! One part puzzle, one part action, and three parts experimentation, ClickPLAY is all about messing with your environment to see what you can accomplish. And, next to eating chocolate cake while riding a roller coaster through a pool of bacon, it's one of the best ways to spend 15 minutes of your afternoon!
So, what's the point of ClickPLAY? To click "play"! In each of the levels, your job is to locate the play button by manipulating items, completing puzzles, or just playing with things on the screen. Maybe you're a duck bobbing its head under the water every time you click the mouse. Maybe you need to shuffle a container while you drop pieces of a puzzle inside. Maybe you're Godzilla eating muffins out of a pizza box (ok, I made that one up). The point is, you click the mouse, things on the screen react. Now you just have to figure out what to do to make that play button appear.
Play all the ClickPLAY games:
There's no time limit, but the catch is the game counts each click you make. At the end of it all you're given a rank based on that number. The fewer clicks the better, meaning you'll probably have to play through the game twice, first to get a feel for the puzzles, then go back and do everything again with minimal clicking. Don't let the counter discourage you from experimenting on your first time around, as that's where all the fun's at!
From the whimsical music to the black and white visual style, ClickPLAY 2 makes you feel like you're playing an old Charlie Chaplin film. Not that it has anything to do with The Tramp, but the atmosphere of playfulness is the same. It's a short experience, especially once you learn how to complete each level, but it's one of those rare games where you love figuring things out on your own. Simply put, ClickPLAY 2 is wildly entertaining.
Walkthrough Guide
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ClickPLAY 2 walkthrough
Level 1
Drag the moon down, and the play button will pop up on the other side.
Level 2
Look for the egg that is spinning the opposite way as all the others, click that one and it will open revealing the button.
Level 3
Click the lever to turn on the machine, then drag the circle and the triangle into the machine. It will spit out the button afterwards.
Level 4
Click on the the stick that is at the top of the pile until there are none left.
Level 5
Click on the men to change their hats. Give them each hats that match what their holding.
The whip keeps the hat they start with, the hook gets the pirate hat, the magnifying glass gets the tweed hat, and the ninja star gets the black hood.
Level 6
Click the box once and it will move to the right.
Click the two parts of the PLAY button that are over the box.
Click the box again until it is centered over the two remaining parts of the PLAY button.
Click the parts of the play button and they will fall into the box completing the button.
Level 7
Click the car once to start it. Click and hold the mouse button down to make it turn. Keep it in the center of the track so it collects all the stars.
Level 8
Click and hold on each of the screws to take the plate off.
click on the sections of the PLAY button until they are rotated to where they should be.
Level 9
Click and hold on the rope and drag your mouse down to pull the screen up.
Keep doing this until you are at the top of the mountain.
Level 10
Click on the car to start it, and click again to make the car jump over the spikes.
Level 11
Click and hold the top of the pump, move it up and down to inflate the balloon. Once the balloon pops click play button that's flying around.
Level 12
For this one you have to get the bomb to blow up on the crate after 7 seconds. The best way I found to do this was to first make the setup in this screenshot, make note of the button marked with a red dot. Step one.
click on the bomb to get it started
After the bomb hits the button in the screenshot with the red dot, make that button point right.
If you did it right the bomb should explode right on the crate.
Level 13
click the buttons on the sides to spin the wheel and make it all white.
The optimal pattern is
+3. +3, -2, +3, -2, +3.
Level 14
Click where you want the golf ball to go. You need to get it into the hole in 4 shots and it can't touch the sides.
If you are having trouble refer to this screenshot for a solution. Mini Putt
Level 15
Watch where the button drops, and have the duck dive in the water to get the button.
Level 16
Look at the time on the clock, and look out the window to see if its night or day.
Once you figure out the time enter it in 24-hour time into the safe and then hit #.
Level 17
As the plane flies overhead click the screen to make the plane drop a bomb.
Bomb the three buildings and the play button will appear.
Level 18
When the ball bounces it will change shape. Just drop it a little bit at a time until it is the PLAY button.
Level 19
Click on the cats in the right order to make the PLAY button appear.
To find the right order
Look at the bowls they are eating from and click them in alphabetical order.
Level 20
Click on the monsters eyes to make him open all of them.
Starting with all eyes closed click:
The bottom left eye, The top left eye, The top right eye, and the bottom right eye.
Level 21
For this one you just need to click all the pieces really fast, as well as in the correct order.
The order is
Bottom right, top right, bottom left, top left.
Level 22
Drag the cloud in the sky over the sun and Humpty will take off his sunglasses.
Click his eye to make him wink and hop to one direction a little bit. Keep this up and he will eventually fall off.
Level 23
Click on the bottles to change their labels and put them in the correct order.
Note the first letter of each label.
Poison, Lemon, Ale, Yolk.
Level 24
Click on the penguin to make him jump.
Avoid 15 snowballs in a row.
Posted by: Kero
November 14, 2009 7:19 PM
Here is my version of the walkthrough. I corrected some errors.
1.Starry Night
Drag the moon down.
2.Egg Spin
Click on the egg that spins in the wrong way.
Click on the switch to open the machine, then put the circle and the triangle in it.
Click on the stick that is over the pile until there is no more.
5.Who's Hat
Click on the top right guy once, then twice on the bottom left one, and finally click 3 times on the bottom right one.
6.Boxed In
Click on the box, then on the two blocks over it. Click on the box 4 times, then click on the two blocks over it.
7.Lap Star
When you click on the car, he starts moving. When you keep the mouse button pressed, it turns left. Get every star to continue.
8.High Voltage
Put the cursor over a screw and keep pressing the button until it falls. Repeat with every screw. Click on every block until they are in the correct angle.
9.Ropey Rockies
Drag the top of the rope down, then the other one, again and again. Caution, when you stop dragging, the screen goes up. You may do it in 3 clicks.
10.Jumpin' Ride
Click on the car to start it and on the screen to make it jump. Avoid the spikes. Don't jump too soon.
Drag the pump down and up until the ball breaks, freeing the button. Try to click it know...
Even if there are lots of solutions, here is mine. The numbers shown here represent the buttons and the number of times you have to click them.
When you click on the bomb, it will move and follow the arrows. At the end, it will get stuck between the 0 and the 2 of the bottom line. You will have to click on the 2 button once when the bomb has 2 seconds left.
Click on 2-3-2-3-2-3
14.Round the Bend
Click where you want the ball to go, but don't make it fall off the track. Click only 4 times.
15.Head Bopping
Notice where the button falls, then dive the duck's mouth in the water by clicking it, to make him catch the button.
16.Break In
This level is not always the same. Look at the clock. I think it is always 12:15. Now look at the windows. You know if it is AM or PM. Write the hour in 24-hour based form, then press #. Note that after 23:59, it is not 24:00, but 00:00.
17.Drop Zone
Click on the screen when the plane is over a building. Destroy all buildings.
18.Bouncy Bounce
The best way to do it is to drag the ball all the way up, then let it bounce.
19.Meaw Meaw
Click on the cats in alphabetical order according to their names.
20.Eyes Wide Open
Click once on the four corner eyes, but not on the middle one.
21.Piece Me Together
Click really fast on the blocks in this order :
22.Humpty's Fall
Drag the cloud over the sun. Click on one eye. Again. Again and again...
23.Happy Hour
Click on the pots to write the word PLAY with their first letter (Poison-Lemon-Ale-Yolk
24.Penguin Bowling
Click on the penguin to make him jump. Don't touch the snowballs.
Posted by: jacque
November 28, 2009 5:24 PM
Sorry for double-posting, but I found useful to write here the minimum clicks needed for each level.
1. Starry Night : 2
2. Egg Spin : 2
3. Ingredients : 4
4. Mikado : 9
5. Who's Hat : 7
6. Boxed In : 10
7. Lap Star : 2*
8. High Voltage : 13
9. Ropey Rockies : 2**
10. Jumpin' Ride: 5
11. Ballbuster : 2
12. Boombastic : 5***
13. Round'n'Round : 7
14. Round the Bent : 5
15. Head Bopping : 2
16. Break in : 6
17. Drop Zone : 7
18. Bouncy Bounce : 2
19. Meaw Meaw : 7
20. Eyes Wide Open : 5
21. Piece Me together : 5
22. Humpty's Fall : 10
23. Happy Hour : 9
24. Penguin Bowling : 16
Total : 144, if I'm right.
*In the "Lap Star" level, you need to click once to start the car and then many times to make it turn. I don't actually know the true number of times you need to click to turn perfectly. Then you click again for the play button.
**In the "Ropey Rockies" level, you need to grab the ropes in order to get up the mountain. When you grab a rope, you can get the rope out of the screen. I could do the level by clicking only 2 ropes, then the button, but someone with a bigger screen might do it by clicking only one rope.
***The "Boombastic" level is kind of custom, so you might find a better solution than me, but I did it in 8 clicks (counting clicking the bomb and the play button). It is impossible to do it in less than 5, but I didn't find a better solution than 8.
Posted by: jacque
November 28, 2009 7:03 PM