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Short and sweet with just the right amount of challenge, Tototo Room's Button Escape 24 is as strange an escape game as you could wish for without getting Detarou involved. To get out, not only will you need to crack some codes and solve some puzzles (all without an inventory!) but you'll need to find and click eleven gray buttons as well. The cursor doesn't change to show what you can interact with, but as long as you keep your eyes open and your brain working, you'll be out in no time... right?
Walkthrough Guide
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For maximum enjoyment I'll not mention the buttons except at the end. Have fun!
Door scene
The gray panel
Needs a letter code
The blue panel
Needs a number code
There's a beautiful picture
Note the shape
and it seems to need something
not just a key
To open we'll need
... a 3x7 pictosomething
To open this one we'll create
An image of some kind
All we need here is
Four simple digits
Clicking the corners changes the image. We only need to
Make it match the picture from the...
... door scene. NOTE: You have to look at the picture carefully before solving the bear's podium.
The bear is revealed, along with a switch
Notice the background changes with the switch
Switch the background until one is displayed a bear might like
The cave, he wants to be in a cave
Click the bear when the cave is displayed
That is some serious progress!
You may notice the puzzles are single-threaded, next is the rabbit.
So our clue comes from the bear scene. Clicking around there reveals
The apple lower left, which is dirty so spit on it and rub
The code we need is revealed, 2925
Enter that code into the rabbit podium.
The switch is displayed. Which scene works for a rabbit?
If you guessed field of carrots, you are CORRECT. Click the rabbit.
A baby rabbit is revealed. Also appearing on the scene is a UFO. Click it!
A strange symbol is displayed. Where can we use it?
One remaining room scene, with a pictosomething symbol.
Looking backward on our the path, the answer must be in the
Rabbit scene, indeed, but where? Maybe the
UFO reveals a clue. It shows us
the pattern required for the penguin!
Producing the required symbol reveals another switch.
By this point we only have a couple of unused scenes. Hmm, desert or ice floe?
Yes, the ice floe! Click the penguin. Fish!
From the GRAY scales I'll say they are salmon. Also we see
Some writing with an explanation. What could it mean?
The explainer seems to say
Roll the top part around the bottom part, as show for B
So that means our code is
A (obviously) and, um, E? then Q and P
Gray safe
The code for the letters, we got it from the rabbit, right?
Enter it in the panel, upper left by the door. It opens!
Get the camel, and...
Don't miss the button on the upper right of the safe
Where could we put the camel?
Clearly he wants to stand alone
How about below the picture? Try it.
Red lines reveal a clue. Where have we seen those shapes?
9 apples with the bear
2 fish with the penguin
2 rabbits
1 Unidentified Flying Object
Blue safe
We need numbers! From the camel picture clue we know they are
Open the blue safe. Grab the key, and look at the clue.
What could it mean?
Behind the beautiful picture
Unlock it with the key
Inside we find...
The last switch! Pick the unused scene.
The desert will work nicely. Place the camel in the desert.
The scene is complete and the moon comes in, what?!
... and now all eleven buttons are displayed, click them all to exit :)
Eleven buttons
As displayed by door #1-5 first row, #6-10 second, plus #11:
In the camel scene, that's not a moon but a sun!
The scales of the fish
Penguin scene, the sign with the writing, upper left
Upper left on door scene
Listed only for completeness, this is the most obvious one, on the penguin scene
In the lap of the baby rabbit
Upper left looking at the bear in the cave
The tack holding the picture
Looking at it the whole time
Near the About button lower right
In the blue safe
In the letter safe with the camel
Posted by: callmerob
September 15, 2014 6:29 PM