Bloons Tower Defense 4
There's something in human nature that makes it inherently intriguing to watch natural enemies go at each other. Cats vs. dogs, lions vs. hyenas, Hatfields vs. McCoys, monkeys vs. balloons— what, you didn't know monkeys and balloons were natural enemies? In their natural environment, wild balloons are silent, deadly killers. What does all of this mean? Well, only that NinjaKiwi's Bloons Tower Defense 4 is here at last, stepping over Bloons Tower Defense 3 and adding much more of everything we love!
For those four or five readers who have never heard of bloons, here's a crash course. There is a path. The path can be long and meandering, or short and nearly straight, or a series of paths. Suddenly, from one end of the path will come balloons, those deceptively cute menaces. If the balloons make it to the end of the path, lives are lost. What's a casual gamer to do? Why, put towers along the path to combat the balloons. And by towers we mean, of course, monkeys. Well, mostly monkeys. Each balloon you pop brings in money which can be spent on different towers or upgrading the towers to make them more deadly to the evil balloons.
Each tower has its own strengths and weaknesses. Begin with the simplest form: a dart monkey. The dart monkey can shoot darts at the oncoming balloons, but only pop one at a time. However, the humble dart monkey can be upgraded to pop more balloons, to move faster, cover more area, etc. A handy feature, as the balloons coming down the pike increase in speed and complexity (zebra, camouflage, and porcelain balloons, anyone?).
Returning are familiar defenses such as the dart monkey, the tack tower, boomerang monkey, super monkey and plenty more, each with its own battery of improvements. The best new features are the water and air defenses. Place a monkey ace and watch it circle the battlefield in a figure eight pattern, continually shooting and dropping pineapple bombs. There's also a monkey buccaneer ship which can be placed in water to defend nearby areas of the path. You can even drop a banana plantation to generate extra money and, presumably, food for the troops!
Analysis: NinjaKiwi has pulled out a few stops with this sequel. Graphics have improved tremendously, especially with the new monkey ace and monkey buccaneer towers. The new upgrades are fabulous, especially the fifth level upgrades. A wonderful addition is the use of military stripes to indicate how much a tower has been upgraded, eliminating the need to click on every tower to see what level it is at. Old favorites are still along for the ride, such as the super monkey's plasma vision and the ever popular flying monkey blitz attack. A lot of effort has gone into making this a fun, fantastic experience.
Taking a page from Plants vs. Zombies, NinjaKiwi has changed the dynamics of the game for the fourth installment. Towers and other defenses unlock one at a time rather than all at once. Each tower itself has four upgrade capabilities, and a super-secret, roly-poly, cutesy cuddly fifth upgrade that will only be unlocked when you achieve a certain rank in the game. And the way to achieve rank is, of course, by wiping out as many balloons as possible. Somewhere around rank 16, upper-level upgrades become really interesting, and once you achieve rank 31, "Apopalypse" mode becomes available, where bloons come at you non-stop until you run out of lives.
Play all the Bloons games:
NinjaKiwi has gone further and added even more upgrades that can be purchased with mochi coins, such as upgrades that bring in more money, turn your buccaneer into a dreadnaught, turn your boomerang monkey into a two-handed thrower, etc. These upgrades are fun cheats, but are not necessary to play the game. An additional seven paths are also available for purchase as well. Bloons veterans who don't want to work their way up the ranks can also purchase rank 31 immediately. According to NinjaKiwi, a new feature will be coming soon (hopefully by mid-November) which allows you to create your own paths! Challenge your friends! Or just go bananas.
Some might complain about the mochi coins, but BTD4 can generate hours of fun without ever having to go near the purchasable content. So kick back, peel a banana, and begin the balloon popping fun!
Walkthrough Guide
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Bloons Tower Defense 4 Unlockables
Dart Monkey
Piercing Darts: Pops 2 Bloons
Long Range Darts: + Range
Spike-O-Pult: Throws Spiked Balls
Triple Shot: Throws 3 Spiked Balls
Tack Shooter
Faster Shooting: + Fire Rate
Extra Range: + Range
Blade Shooter: Shoots Blades
Ring of Fire: Shoots Fire
Boomerang Thrower
Multi Target: + Bloons Shot
Sonic Boom: Destroys Frozen Bloons
Glaive Thrower: + Bloons Shooted
Lightsabre Thrower: + Bloons Shooted
Bomb Tower
Bigger Bombs: + Area Affected
Longer Range: + Range
Missile Launcher:
Shoots Missiles That + Range, +Bloons Shooted + Speed
MOAB Mauler: Cause 10x damage to MOABs and BFBs
Ice Tower
Improved Ice Tower: + Freeze Time and + Range
Permafrost: Slows bloons even after thawing
Snap Freeze: Bloons pop before thawing
Mortar Tower
Greater Accuracy: + Accuracy
Rapid Reload: + Fire Rate
Bloon Buster: Destroys 2 layers
Glue Gunner
Stickier Glue: Lasts longer
Glue Soak: Glues all layers of bloons
Corrosive Glue: Causes damage to bloons every 2 seconds
Monkey BeaconWider Influence: + Range
Jungle Drums: To all towers in range + Fire Rate
Sonar Beacon: To all towers in range- Allows targeting of camo bloons
Monkey Storm: Destroys ALL BLOONS ON SCREEN
Monkey Ace
Pineapple Express: Drops Pineapples
Spy Plane: To all towers in range- Allows targeting of camo bloons
Rapidfire: + Fire Rate
Monkey Buccaneer
Grape Shot: Shoots grapes with the attack
Crow's Nest: To all towers in range- Allows targeting of camo bloons
Longer Cannons: + Range
Monkey Apprentice
Intense Magic: + Bloons Shooted
Fireball: Shoots Fireballs occasionally
Summon Whirlwind: Move bloons backwards, but thaws and removes glue
Super Range: + Range
Laser Vision: Pops 2 bloons at once and pops frozen ones
Plasma Vision: + Speed
Banana Farm
More Bananas: 120 per round
Banana Plantation: 250 per round
Banana Republic: 500 per round
Banana Research Facility: ? (SORRY ILL INFORM YOU WHEN I FIND OUT)
Road Spikes- Pops bloons that pass over them
Monkey Glue- Slows down bloons
Pineapple- Bomb that explodes after 3 seconds
This is my first post I hope you like it.
[Formatted ~Kero]
Posted by: cjquines | November 27, 2009 1:44 AM
Tower Upgrades
These are the all of the towers' final upgrades and their prices in Easy mode.
Dart Monkey: Triple Shot ~ Spike-o-pult becomes three times as deadly. (850)
Tac Shooter: Ring of Fire ~ Throw out a firey hot burst of flame that can pop anything. (2,125)
Boomerang Thrower: Lightsabre Thrower ~ Lightsabre slices through anything and everything - up to 70 bloons at once! (1,575)
Bomb Tower: MOAB Mauler ~ Special missles cause 10x Damage to MOABs and BFBs. (765)
Ice Tower: Arctic Wind ~ Extreme cold slows down anything that comes near the ice tower. (5,100)
Mortar Tower: Mortar Battery ~ Triple the pain. (1,700)
Glue Gunner: Glue Splatter ~ Affects a large area around impact, soaking up to 20 bloons at once. (2,550)
Monkey Beacon: Monkey Storm ~ Calls in a wave of super monkey that wipes out all bloons on screen. Unique. (2,975)
Monkey Ace: Operation: Dart Storm ~ Our darts will block out the sun. (2550)
Monkey Buccaneer: Battle Ship ~ Total nautical domination. (1,700)
Monkey Apprentice: Tempest Tornado ~ Tempest tornados pop bloons as well as push them around. Affects up to 120 bloons at once. (6,800)
Super Monkey: Sun God ~ Legend speaks of a being that fears no bloon. (17,000)
Banana Farm: Banana Research Facility ~ High tech banana facility earns you a staggering 2,000 per round. (8,500)
Thanks to reader Mike G. for the tips!
Posted by: Mike
January 13, 2011 4:36 PM
Bloons Tower Defense 4 Towers Guide
All prices in medium. Easy prices are 96%, Hard is 108%
Dart Monkey (200)
Dart Monkeys are cheap, and thus, useful in the beginning. Not reliable on later levels.
Piercing Darts (140)
Darts go through one bloon, popping it, and still go forward to pop up to 2 bloons.
Long Range Darts (90)
Monkey throws darts with bigger range, darts go further before disappearing.
Spike-o-pult (300)
Spikes go further and pop more.
Triple Shot (1000)
Three spikes in a row, spikes go further.
Tack Shooter (360)
Tack Shooters are slightly more expensive than Dart Monkeys, are good at corners and useful from beginning to end.
Faster Shooting (210)
Shoots faster.
Extra Range (100)
Shoots futher.
Blade Shooter (280)
Blades are able to pierce, and are bigger with more accuracy, go faster.
Ring Of Fire (2500)
Fire is able to pop lead bloons. Has 360 range. Shoots faster. Shoots further.
Boomerang Thrower (400)
Boomerang Throwers are not-so-cheap, not-so-strong and not a lot of range, making it perfect for the levels before blimps.
Multi Target (250)
Shoots through 7 bloons.
Sonic Boom (100)
Pierces frozen bloons.
Glaive Thrower (280)
Glaives pop 12 bloons.
Lightsabre Thrower (1850)
Lightsabres pop through 180 bloons.
Bomb Tower (700)
Bomb Towers are quite expensive and have splash damage. Last upgrade is especially effective for blimps.
Bigger Bombs (400)
Bigger Bombs have more splash area.
Longer Range (200)
Shoots further.
Missile Launcher (210)
Missiles have more splash area, more accuracy, more speed, more fire rate.
MOAB Mauler (900)
Does 10x damage to MOABs and BFBs, normal damage to everything else. (20 MOAB Missiles destroy a MOAB, 40 MOAB Missiles destroy a BFB)
Ice Tower (380)
The Ice Tower freezes bloons, allowing other towers to shoot at them for a longer time. Frozen bloons are like lead bloons, immune to sharp things.
Improved Ice Tower (225)
Doubled freeze time and more range.
Permafrost (100)
Ice Tower now doubles as a glue tower, thawed bloons are slowed by 50%.
Snap Freeze (400)
Pops bloons, the freezes them.
Arctic Wind (6000)
Slows everything in range by 66%. Bigger range. Does not slow down Zebras or Whites.
Mortar Tower (825)
Bombs an area on the ground. Effective for almost anything.
Greater Accuracy (200)
Increases accuracy.
Rapid Reaload (250)
Doubles Firing Rate.
Bloon Buster (800)
Smashes through two layers of bloons.
Mortar Battery (2000)
Doubles Firing Rate.
Glue Gunner
Slows bloons down, wears out over time.
Stickier Glue (150)
Doubles length of glueyness. (is that a word?)
Glue Soak (200)
When bloons pop, they still have glue.
Corrosive Glue (300)
Pops glue bloons every 2 seconds (Ceramic bloons are immune)
Glue Splatter (3000)
Glues up to 20 bloons at once.
Monkey Beacon (1000)
Increases attack range for all towers in range. Most useful with super monkeys. Its effects do not stack.
Wider Influence (500)
Increases Range.
Jungle Drums (1500)
Increases Firing Rate of all towers in range.
Sonar Beacon (280)
Allows targeting of camo bloons for all towers in range.
Monkey Storm (3500)
Destroys everything except blimps, with a cost of 1000 and a reload time of 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Monkey Apprentice (550)
Learns new spells with each upgrade. EXTREMELY useful.
Intense Magic (300)
The sorceror pierces 7 bloons...
Fireball (300)
The mage has splash attack and can pop lead bloons...
Summon Whirlwind (2000)
The archmage uses whirlwinds to take them back, all bloons in whirlwind will be unglued and unfrozen... (Permafrost effects are also negated)
Tempest Tornado (8000)
The wizard uses tornados that pop and push 120 bloons at a time...
Super Monkey (4000)
Throws darts at super speed.
Super Range (1000)
Increases Range.
Laser Vision (3500)
Pops 2 bloons at once, pops frozen bloons.
Plasma Vision (4000)
Doubles firing rate, pops lead bloons.
Sun God (20000)
Increased firing rate, shots split into three.
Banana Farm (1000)
Good long-term investment. Generates bananas at the end of each round.
More Bananas (400)
Increased to 120.
Banana Plantation (1200)
Increased to 250.
Banana Republic (2500)
Increased to 500.
Banana Reasearch Facility (10000)
Increased to 2000.
Dartling Gun (1250)
Shoots darts whereever mouse is. Inaccurate and quick.
Steady Barrels (250)
Less spread.
Powerful Darts (600)
Faster Darts, pops 3 bloons at once.
Increase Barrel Spin (2500)
Doubles rate of fire.
Laser Cannon (15000)
Increased rate of fire, massive bloon damage. 2 can destroy a BFB.
Posted by: CJ
June 7, 2011 4:24 AM