There is more than one way to enjoy this simple but effective platform game construction set created in Flash. Leveraging the power of player-generated content and the Web, Block Action puts level design into the hands of millions.
Choose a stage to play from thousands already available, or use the level editor to create your own stage. Either way, Block Action offers virtually unlimited variety in ways to enjoy its gameplay.
Like many platform games, you control a game character in the third-person perspective with the goal being to advance it from start (yellow dots) to finish (blue dots) for each level, or stage. Use the arrow keys for movement [left] and [right], press [space] to jump. It's as easy as that. A Mario-style wall jump is even supported!
It is important to become familiar with the variety of block types that may exist within each level. Thankfully, there exists a game manual that does a good job of explaining everything you will need to know. Japanese and German language versions are also available.
The level editor allows you to personalize your creation by including your name and a comment that are both displayed on the stage's title page when done. Players may even search for other stages that you have designed.
To facilitate finding the best stages, an integrated rating system allows voting on whether a stage was good or bad, and the game keeps a running count of the votes for each.
Analysis: There is amazing depth to this game as evidenced by the thousands of stages already created by players. The graphics are rather simple in appearance, and yet this simplicity ensures that the game engine will run satisfactorily on a wide variety of system specifications. The integrated rating system is a nice touch and may help to reward the best designs with more players for them.
One thing I would like to see is support for sharing stages with friends via URL query strings, similar to the method employed by the previously reviewed Brain Strainer. Presently, sharing a stage requires knowing the stage number, and then a search for it using the game's integrated search facility. Update: Daigo wrote to tell me he has added support for URLs! =D
Some people may prefer the physics implementation, graphics and interface of N—a downloadable Flash game by Metanet Software—over Block Action, as both offer similar experiences. However, the simplicity of the browser-based Block Action makes it accessible to a wider audience.
Although level editors are nothing new, there is no doubt in my mind that the killer game apps of tomorrow will give players tools with which to easily add their own touch of creativity and to share their creations with others. Block Action, created by Daigo, is an admirable effort in this area.
Jay, at least in Firefox the links to blockaction.net requires also lang-definition. Otherwise the url stucks into some kind of a loop. So try this: http://www.blockaction.net/?lang=en
Cheers, Amor Lassie! Fixed. =)
I like the fact that there's so many different levels to choose from, and the gamemakers seem to use good judgement in screening them, because I enjoyed all the levels I tried (even though I didn't have the patience to beat some of them!).
dang...I dunno. It's not Super Mario Bros. Good, but it's not bad. Some creators are just stupid and waste space, (eg levels you don't have to even move on, they just take you to the finish line). I wish someone would organize the levels and seperate them into groups (eg. easy, normal, hard, insane, stupid.)
Jared: yea, about my last comment... after posting it, I did find some that were a waste of space... but it would be a big job organizing them all considering the amount. But I agree with you. : )
Hey Jay still bringing us some great games. Yes this game needs some organization and no its probably not possible (in a few days time neways)but its great for us action puzzle lovers. Oh! I also created one try it out its number code is 20493. Enjoy!
Some user-made levels are insanely hard.
i just made 3 new levels!
I love it!
It's very fun, challenging at times too
I made up 3 quick levels. its funn to play around with the editor.
try out 20505, 20799 and 20801
What is the no. of the level in the screenshot?
Looks like fun!
Shouldn't we be posting our levels?
I don't have any yet, but...
My Level is No. 20816
Don't use the second gravity change block!
My level is #20826
The level in the screenshot is #20356.
If you click on the "Pick Up" button, the game will filter only "good" examples, though I'm not sure of the mechanism the game author is using to determine what gets picked up.
My first creation is: #20744
I think its fairly hard, although certainly not impossible. I would love to hear any feedback on it, especailly relating to how easy/hard you found it. I don't think theres any shortcuts in it, but if you find one, let me now and I can change it.
20898 was clever.
Jay, to answer your question, the creator just picks levels he thinks are good to put in 'Pick Up".
Also if click 'creator' it will show you all the other levels made by that person.
Try my levels: ID 855
If you click creator you can play my other levels too. I have about 2 pages of levels and they are all pretty good.
I'm not sure how the "Pick Up" works--but I am happy that my level (#20857) made it in! I'm guessing that it's primarily Daigo's choice, seeing as a few of the "Pick Up" levels have more negative ratings than positive ones. Then again, ratings aren't the most reliable indicator of a level's quality, especially since you can rate one map multiple times.
Also of note--you can run by holding down the CTRL key, which is occasionally necessary to finish a level.
What are the wall kicks??
I just made a level,20992
It can be very easy or more challenging
I've designed another one, #20986.
I realised that my first one, #20744 was actually really really hard. When I made it I tested each bit of it by itself, but didn't realise how hard it was to complete all of it in one go until I tried to set a time for it!! Its currently at 535 plays, 1 clear (and that was me!).
Anyway my latest one, #20986 is much easier and much less fustrating. Its much harder to die (instead there is at least one place where you lose a bit of progress but you get to carry on playing), although i'd be surprised if people managed it first time. It also uses more kinds of blocks than my first one, it makes use of some moving ones for example. Hopefully this one is much more interesting as a result. Once again I would love any feedback (positive or negative)
Mine is 21003.
I also have another , but I can't find it.
If you find another stage under the name Gryph other than this one, could you post the #?
Gryphon the other one is #20924
ooooh try mine:::::
theres a secret to getting a really low time.
David, I did your first one and cleared it simple. It may have been 5th try, but it was still simple. I even beat your score! :)
21035 is one of the best levels ! (And I don't say that only because i'm the creator of it... =)
Check also :
21087 and 21097
Oddity, I actually put your level in 'pick-up'. Daigo trusted me enough to give me the password so I've been looking for good levels to put in 'pick-up'.
Hey Jay I saw your name somewhere...
In blockAction
Stage 21504 I got 4 seconds faster than you....or maybe it isnt you ?!
I just made another one
It's very easy
kinda fun :) the engine is simple, i would add more interesting things to it. like keys, doors, switches.. etc. one interesting thing was that it tells you the address of your level, so you can show them in a easier way than saying the number and all that stuff
i've made a level: http://www.blockaction.net/?action_id=21582
i dont think ppl like it! lol is it too hard? i've made the first gravity shifter as a second option to get to the fininsh! its hard to maintain it in that way, but makes it a lot easier and.. you got the point! :D
what a wonderful concept. I would really like to see someone expand on it before I grow old and die. Maybe a Super Mario Bros. for the DS with a more involved editor that allows you to trade levels via wifi. consoles/handhelds online open such a wonderful variety of options that just couldn't be possible via internet. The touch screen on the bottom would make people wonder how they lived clicking to make levels, and extraordinary graphics would make it a more enjoyable experience.
I noticed almost all of them were based on skill. None on how smart you are. So I made one entirly based on knowledge and I keep you updated on my smart levels. #21614 Is my current one. Remember though that two of the wins were me testing it.
Just made one myself! That was a fun waste of work. :)
is my new evil level HAHAHA
I'd gotten pretty bored with this pretty fast, but then came across one stage that is really, very very clever. With actually clever use of gravity flippers, you'll be going over most of the obstacles more than once. Terribly clever!
Stage #21610.
All of my levels:
Try please! I've added in some intense wall jump action at the beginning, and watch the timing on the springboard! Enjoy!
For those that haven't noticed the update I added to the review, Daigo has added support for URLs direct to your levels, so you can create clickable links to your creations when entering them here.
For example:
screenshot level
Ok, here's mine. http://www.blockaction.net/?action_id=21770
Yes it is possible, because I finished it myself. Just be able to get past the first mining wall jumps, and figure out the long jump with the spring, and the rest is easy :P
check out 21772 it is very hard and im the onl one on the scoreboard !!
Ive made a very cool level that challenges every side of your brain... The No. is 21797
My name is everywhere it is (Lyman)... ive made 3o+ levels and id have to say this one i even had trouble beating but i beat it. CAN YOU?
Actually, I am. I put my name as Blah...
Because it was kind of boring...
So yeah.
I'm not sure how to make it into a link with alternate words...
Please try and finish it; I put a lot of time and thought into it. I hope they can implement buttons and door because that would rock. I haven't seen one like mine yet, but I'm sure they're out there!
Reminds me of the old marios with the flying carpet and obstacles.
mordecai, that level is insane >_
i'm surprised anyone finished it at all, but apparently someone did...
I made one: http://www.blockaction.net/?action_id=21609
But so far no one other than me has been able to complete it.
This level is hard!!!
also please play my other levels too by clicking creator
Lavkian, that was me who finished it, just to prove it's possible. No-one else has the patience to do it though; the hardest part is after the gravity switch mechanism where you have to drop down the spikey hole-it gets me there a lot :P
If you haven't figured out the gravity, you have to position your ride a fair bit under it, and then walk off the edge. When you hit the gravity switch, you fall back onto the top side of the ride.
New one created: http://www.blockaction.net/?action_id=22409
I hate it when people demote them because their moderately hard. I can do them :P
Did 2 hard ones
8 out of 119 ppl beat this one: 22394
Then i decided to make an easy one, turned out not that easy lol. 14 ou of 259ppl beat this one 22402
Hey Jay! I've been visiting your site for a while but have never posted before. I honestly have to say that I had never come across a good source of online games until I stumbled upon this site!
Anyways, this is a pretty good game. I like when games have editors in them, it gives me a chance to be creative and design crazy levels!
Anyone care to review my levels? I can't figure out why my first is more well liked than my second and whatnot.
Also, check out my first level, the ID is 22495.
Do u look at all the games that get suggested? cause mine is sweet and u didnt post it. k just wondrin.
It's weird, when I try to make hard levels Almost everyone beats them.When I try to make easy ones only like 10our of 200 people beat them
Mordecai- I am planning on beating your level. I have patience... :)
oh, i'm talking about #21883... still working on it!
Hey there's an auto JIG level (level 22471) , very nice. And in regards to the levels that just take you to the end, I find the ones that are more complex that do this tend to be visually amazing and I'm impressed with the development. Thanks for the great game.
I noticed on the JIG level that it ends with a 666 loop if you let it go by itself... wonder if it's just a conicidence?
Here's a couple of new levels I made:
Sliding Ice Level
Maze Level
Ro I like the level that only 8 out of so many have tried, that's because as of right now I have first on it.
Here is one that is a hard one that I made, its possible to do it because I did it.
Also check out the other ones I have made.
23198 is mine. I'm Mike H.
My newest (and probably last) level
It is possible because I beat it myself, but it's probably one of the most annoying levels I've played or made so far.
is my level. Can you beat them all?
I had to edit it a LOT after I put it up. I really should've playtested it more... Well, I hope you guys like it! My first attempt, 24764, is pretty bad. But my second one is better. I hope. Good luck!
While you all have fun i sat and made a level, its the first i have posted here and probabley the last, check this out and also check my other levels.
P.S. Can i also ask how you make the hyperlinks please - looks jazzy :D
Keep it up - :-P
I just got back from vacation yesterday and I have to say: I'm impressed.
You've got a lot of games in here sience the past week and a half and I love all of them, especially this one. Does it run on flash 8 or 7, btw? Just wondering.
P.S. I'm working on a frogger-like html game and, in your personal opinion, which do you value more in a casual game, length or visual quality? Please reply -MANAX
Thanks, Manax, and I'm not sure what version this game requires. I'd be surprised if it doesn't run under Flash 7.
As for your question of length vs. visual quality, it's tough to say. I guess it depends on what you mean by "length". I would rather casual games don't require a huge time investment from me, which is actually why I prefer casual games over most other games.
But if you're trying to decide whether to spend extra development time on adding more levels or making it prettier, well, I'd say focus on making the game fun to play above all else first. That includes getting other people to play test it to be sure it is fun to play, and then listen to what they have to say.
Thanks Jay. That's exactly what I was thinking. I'll be sure to try that out and I'll tell you when it's done. I'm also working on another puzzle based game that requires 3 answers per level that you can get based on clues and links. (e.g. A jumbled picture of 6 parts of a brain strainer and you are supposed to re-assemble them in the correst order as to get a certain amount of points) I want to fill it with stuff like that to be a treat to JIG'ers, but I thought I'd ask you permission first. once again -MANAX
My Block Action levels:
Some of Mine are Pac-man Themed
(my Game name is YAY)
PAC REVENGE lvl 34852
Pac jump lvl 34857
AH lvl 34829 wait for like 225 loop, it is funny
also do anyone know what the numbers at the top represent?
This is my puzzle, tricky, but easy if you figure out what to do :D
whoops, puzzle is 47917
search mrguy753 under name for my levels
Try my levels. My game name is qwertyuiop.
hi. i go on this site all the time but my posts never work. neway, when u go onto blockaction, in the 2nd search box, search for 'flappy j'. tell me if u like them or not. the newer the better.
To ensure your comments always get posted:
1) stay on topic. Talk about the game and provide relevant discourse. We have a community of intelligent, discerning gamers and I want to keep it that way.
2) write in complete sentences, and be sure your comment is not heavy in AIM-speak abbreviations. Again, we have a community of intelligent, discerning gamers and I want to keep it that way.
3) do not curse or provide inflammatory content that may offend anyone. Again, what I said before. =)
Everythings undefined on mine! Nothing works! Is something wrong with the system?
Refreshing the page might work.
try No. 85389 and my other ones
My level is #20826
Posted by: LSK | July 4, 2006 12:28 PM
LSK, you are a genius.
my user is chancey455. try all of mine
Diago is planning on making a new blockaction!
he said that a while ago, and i think it is almost ready. i cnt wait nd i've totally run out of ideas for new stages. does anyone know what has happened to the forum? there was a problem with spammers so he might be getting a new forum or summin.
new blockaction is coming out in a few days!!!
How did you find out?
Hey if you would like to check out a level I created, search for
ID :20356
check it out
Just search any levels with the name "Justin", those are mine.
hey check out any of my levels, just use the search name Justin....NEW LEVELS
Good Luck!
newbie- i know because i go on it like every day and daigo said a few months ago that there's new 1 comin out in 2 months and bout 2 weeks ago he sed it's out in 2 weeks. it's still not out but it's just delayed i think. i will say when it is out if i remember
New Blockaction is out
www.blockquest.net =D not as good as the old one in my opinion
I agree with flappy j.
btw, this is only a beta version so there is improvements to come.
Everyone, I have this really awesome level on blockaction you may like to try. It's number 101888. So far nobody has been able to beat it. It shows puzzle, action, and a general design in it. There may also be some glitches in the game that may be required to help you beat the level however.
My levels are under the creator name juju.
i have a couple of levels on this game you should check them out just search R guy under names
mine is 22222
I think that this game died. It can't load anything on the site anymore :(
ok...what's up with this game. I am sure that there was once something there, but now all i get is a gray box. no game. no hint that there is a game to be played. I have absolutely no ability to locate any levels to play. If I press the "pickup" button the "game" just laughs at me and does nothing.
has this game been taken off line or something?
It's loading fine. Update your Flash Player.
So why is it that I cannot load any levels? I can't figure out how to search for levels, i cannot get any list of levels to choose from. Do I have to create a level before I can play other people's levels?
At least the sequel http://www.blockquest.net/ is working for me...
i think it is dead because of the sequel.
It's back, and has been back for about a year now. The crash that happened was the result of a server error between Daigo's web provider (based in Japan) that wasn't compatible with computers with English operating systems.
I quit this game for good about a week ago, but anyone who dares attempt my levels is free to do so.