Bird's Eye View Escape
Wow, do we have a doozy for you this week. Bird's Eye View Escape is a unique, well-made room escape game that offers a new perspective (literally) on the genre; it also happens to be really tough. Well, tough to me, anyways; y'all will probably rip it apart in an hour.
For reasons that are never fully explained, you find yourself hovering above what looks to be a small house, complete with bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Clicking on a certain room or area allows you to zoom in and get a closer look; the house is quite detailed, and you'll find much to interact with. Along the way, you'll pick up assorted household-y items, find mysterious cards and symbols and look at diagrams—and, if you're anything like me, will be baffled. For me, the difficulty is that there is simply too much to look at, too many clues to put together; after a while it all starts to pile up and become overwhelming. Still, when progress is made, it's deeply satisfying.
Bird's-Eye View Escape has a lot going for it; the game is polished, good-looking, intriguing and creative. The aerial view is unlike anything I've seen before, and it's quite interesting to be able to take in the entire scene at a glance. Also, a piece of advice: click on everything. If you're willing to take on a challenge and have the stamina to crack open some seriously enigmatic puzzles, we heartily recommend this game.
Cheers to Sanna and Karmen for suggesting this one!
Walkthrough Guide
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Zoom in on the kitchen and click the bottom shelf of the right most cupboard to get the first card.
click on the beaker under the cupboard and next to the cofee maker to get it
in the hallway by the door rip door down by clicking on the top
get the shoehorn from the cabinet
click on the picture above where you got the shoehorn to see an 8
go to the bedroom and click on the desk near the wall until you see two footsteps appear and then click the card
mess up the bed fully and open the drawer under the bed. also move the pillow to get a coin
in the drawer you will see half of a key mould and a diagram showing you how to operate the red box. it works like this: all closed and you get a diagram. all opened and you get an item
close drawer and move chair and open the second drawer under the bed. click ladder to get it
open top nightstand drawer and get a third card
go to entertainment room and get fourth card from top left drawer under the t.v.
open the right drawer under bookcase and notice how it doesn't come out as far. click towards the back until it comes out and grab the other key mould and then put it back
click the closet to open it and click on the jackets to get a note that contains characters
go back into bedroom and look at the computer and not the date (march 23)
click on the picture above the comp and find the numbers when you click the tiles
i got the next part throuhg guess work but you're supposed to use the numbers and the paper and the glowing thing where the door was when you turn off the lights to find out the order. the numbers are 57623, but the order is
click on the pad above the lightswitch by where the door used to be abd enter the code
click on the door next to the bathroom to open it and get the ladder
go to entertainment center and put back in drawers in book case and put the step ladder there and use the shoehorn to get the key
use the key on the bathroom
lift the toilet tank to get the bottle a and open the medecine cabinet to get the last card also close the plug turn on the water and note the number four
close everything and make the bed close the blinds then open the red box to get the note
the note says to bounce the coin off of the bed so click the coin then click the center of the bed (took me a dozen tries)
open the blinds and check the set up click the cards then the five slots
click the last thing on the sil and enter the date mar. 23
click the button to make the light green then close the blinds turn off the lights and look at the blinds note the constellation turn on the lights
click on the books in the bookcase until you get an astronomy book.
the book mark say to note the bottom left page number go to the page that has the constellation and note the number 14.
examine the cards, the squigglies represent the water which you found the 8 on the frame
circle:coin on the back is seven
+ is a +
square: the bathroom tile which was a four
star: 14 for the constellation
87+414 = 501 which is first code for computer
go out and look at the cads again the + has tilted 87*414 = 36018 which is the second code for the computer
open everything, set the clock to a random date and close the box then open it to get the knob.
put the knob in and put the rope ladder up on the knob
go out and look at the cads again the + has tilted 87*414 = 36018 which is the second code for the computer
move the ladder to reach the top shelf and click on it until you get footsteps then get bottle b.
examine beaker and pour bottle a and b into it
examine key mould and pour beaker into it and then use coin to pry it open
put key on door and take elevator
and you're out!
Posted by: Gibel
July 30, 2008 1:39 PM