Bars of Black and White
New from Gregory Weir, eternally inventive creator of The Majesty of Colors, comes the enigmatic and unsettling Bars of Black and White. It is an escape game, but the point is not to escape the room; it is a social commentary—or maybe it's really just an exploration of one person's mind? The possible interpretations are endless, which is assuredly what Weir intended. One thing is certain, however: you'll leave the game with far more questions than answers.
You begin on your couch in your apartment. Everything initially looks normal enough, though you're a bit confused…when was the last time you went out? You can't even remember. Soon, with the arrival of a very special device, the true surreal nature of your situation becomes apparent. I think that this is definitely a game best played with as few preconceived notions as possible, so while I'd love to expound upon my own ideas of what the game represents, I'll let you develop your own.
Gameplay is simple and intuitive point-and-click, with only a couple of items to collect and one or two fairly easy puzzles. The simple but not sloppy line drawing-type graphics perfectly enhance the game's mood; they hover on the boundary of the real and the imagined, much like the game's protagonist. Weir has done everything right, and Bars of Black and White is truly compelling and emotionally evocative.
Time to escape...but into what?
Walkthrough Guide
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Sorry if you don't like everything so detailed.
You start out facing a table. Turn Right, go straight, turn left, go straight. Click on lampshade.
Turn right, go straight, turn right, and go straight into bathroom.
Turn right and take medicine.
Turn right and go straight. Take baseball bat from closet.
Turn left and go straight twice.
Click the buttons in this order: red, green, dark blue, light blue, pink, yellow.
Turn right twice, go straight 3 times.
Take bar code scanner.
Go back, turn left twice, go straight, turn right.
Scan bar code on wall
that is made by the shadow on the lampshade
Use baseball bat to break down wall.
Go straight, turn left, go straight, turn left, go straight twice.
Click on battery cover. Take batteries.
Click back three times, then right twice.
Use batteries on the electric knife.
Turn right, go straight, turn left.
Use medicine on spider. Take key.
Turn right. Remember the computer game?
Click top, bottom right, bottom left, left middle, bottom middle, right middle.
Put key in keyhole.
Go straight.
Use electric knife on plastic cube.
Take key.
Here is a long list of directions, so follow them carefully:
Step back twice, right once, straight, right, straight, right, straight, left, straight. You should be in front of the door.
Use key on door.
Turn right, go straight twice.
Click on the scanner like you are about to scan a bar code.
With the scanner still in hand, walk ahead.
You are locked in!
When the last bar code comes up, scan it.
It will say "The End". Play again and try to find all thirty bar codes...
29 are found in the game, and the one on the last screen should be your 30th bar code.
Sorry, this is actually the end.
Posted by: gamefreak6701
February 19, 2009 7:42 PM