Bamba Snack Quests 1 & 2
I can say with certainty that I've rarely run across games quite as cute as Bamba Snack Quest 1 & Quest 2. These fun, quirky little point-and-click diversions star a large-headed, unusually plucky baby who must traverse land, sea and even across the street to rescue his beloved bamba snacks from the clutches of an evil squirrel (and then, when things take a turn for the weird, from a giant mosquito). So...adorable...excuse me while I go suck on a lemon to balance the sweetness.
Happily, in addition to being charming, the Bamba Snack Quests are also clever, entertaining and well-made. The gameplay is of the "clear a path" variety, in which the player must utilize elements of each scene in the correct order and combination in order to proceed. The first quest is comprised of eight unlockable chapters, all of which are now available online; the second has seven to solve.
The Quests have a wonderful, cheerful sense of aesthetics. Cartoony characters are combined with colorful, almost photorealistic environments, creating a sort of Roger Rabbit-like juxtaposition of the lifelike and fanciful. The puzzles are, admittedly, somewhat uneven; some chapters are ingeniously clever, some simple, and others head-scratchingly unintuitive. This, along with obnoxiously long load times, is the biggest drawback to an otherwise excellent series. Still, the [tab] key cheat is always available as a last resort, and the enjoyment in playing these quirky, whimsically surreal games is more than worth the occasional annoyance.
Note: While the website is entirely in Hebrew (wow! a new one), the game itself is language-free.
Come on, the baby's hungry!
Walkthrough Guide
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Verse Walkthrough for Bamba Quest 1
Prologue: Snack Snatch
The boy was at his PS2 while munching on his snacks,
When a sly squirrel snatched his bag of treats and then made tracks.
To get it back, the boy would have to follow right away;
But would he catch the squirrel by the ending of the day?
Part 1: Street Feat
The squirrel crossed the street, but then the signal changed to green;
The boy would have to turn it red; the drivers here were mean.
Two cans of paint were green and blue; there wasn't any red;
To get a can of crimson, he would need to use his head.
A branch came off the tree's right side; he took it in his hand;
'Most everything is useful, as he came to understand.
The painter had some nice red paint, but he had to distract him;
That proved to be quite easy when a flying bee attacked him.
He took the branch, he took the paint, and set it on the ground;
And then he took an orange from a cart; they were quite round.
A dip in red, the orange had become the perfect hue;
The boy then flung it with the other branch; his aim was true.
The orange hit the signal, and the light was colored red;
The traffic stopped, and now the boy could cross without a dread.
Part 2: Park Shark
The trail led to the park, but now his chances seemed quite fewer;
It led right to a manhole, and far down into the sewer.
He couldn't lift the cover, as it had a lot of weight;
But he knew to continue with no slowness in his rate.
He opened up a toolbox, and inside a pair of shears;
You wouldn't find a better tool if you took seven years.
He sheared away a bush; a crate was what he had to gain;
It made the perfect step-stool so that he could use the crane.
The windshield held the clues to send the hook up high or low;
He set it middle, left and left, and then hit green to go.
The hook had now been lowered down; he hooked it to the cover;
Then set it left-mid-right and then hit green to make it hover.
The hole was so wide open, but so deep and full of woes;
So he then turned a faucet off to stop a nearby hose.
The gardener that used the hose then threw it on the dirt;
The boy could use it to climb down, and he would not get hurt.
Part 3: Sewer Skewer
The pipes were all in disrepair, or so the boy suspected;
So he spun them around and back 'til they were all connected.
He took a valve wheel colored red, and on the wall it fit;
When he gave it a turn, a flow of water filled the pit.
He picked a patch of greenery, and to the turtle fed;
Now he could cross, but first he would remove the wheel of red.
He crossed upon the turtle's shell, and reached the other side;
A firm lock held a gate in place, but then a key he spied.
He turned the wheel upon the wall when it was well attached;
This started up a turbine, and the key could now be snatched.
He took the key, unlocked the gate, and soon was out of there.
But would the pending trials be much too much for him to bear?
(Coming soon: Parts 4, 5, and 6)
Posted by: SonicLover
June 12, 2008 4:29 PM
Hm... following SonicLover's example, here's a Bamba Quest 2 Walkthrough in haiku.
Part 1: Chemistry Lessons
How do I keep the fly from flying away when I reach for the snack?
An insect may fly
Carrying your stolen snacks
But not through a flame.
How do I light the bunsen burner?
Use a match, silly.
At this rate you have no hope
Of solving Zen koans.
I can't reach the hole
Flowers bloom in spring.
Fertilizer helps plants grow.
Too bad we have none.
How do I make the projector work?
Thank you for calling.
Are you sure it is plugged in?
Try the red button.
I can't make out the image
Focus, grasshopper!
The arrows will adjust it
Til all becomes clear.
What do the slides mean?
Each drawing you see
Is a possible outcome.
Color is the key.
How do I keep the chemicals from spilling on the ground?
Erlenmeyer flasks
Are the usual answer
Bottle caps work too
OK, I did that but I still can't reach the hole
Did you create roots?
Perhaps you'd have better luck
With a different slide
Hm... Too much work for a game that really doesn't need much of a walkthrough. :-)
Posted by: dna
June 12, 2008 5:36 PM
Walkthrough for the first one:
Scene 1:
Break the right branch. Pick it up. Click the bee. When the painter is disturbed, bring the can of red paint down. Take an orange. Paint orange red. Catapult orange from the left branch. Cross the road.
Scene 2:
Open toolbox. Get hedgecutter. Cut hedge. Push the box. Climb into the cockpit. Click the viper and note the symbols on the right - they will tell you the position of the levers for up and down. Put them in "down" position and press the green button. Climb out. Click on the hook. Climb in and put the levers in the "up" position. Press the green button. Climb out. Turn off the faucet. Take the hose.
Scene 3:
Rotate the pipe segments so the pipeline is complete (it's really rather easy). Take the valve, put it on and turn it. Pull out a leaf from the bush and give it to the turtle. Take the valve back. Jump on the other side via the turtle. Put the valve on the other side and turn it. Get the key. Unlock the door.
Scene 4:
Open the blue shell. Get the pearl. Throw the pearl on the left shell on the bottom right. Get another pearl and hit the starfish. Go catch the bottle. Exchange the left shell with the bottle. Get another pearl and hit the right shell. After the crab climbs into the bottle, grab the bottle and the fishing rod. Wake up the whale on the left.
Scene 5:
Get the pick and put it beside the rock on the right. Click the opossum. Grab the meat on the left. Get a fruit from the hole and put it in the cauldron. Pick up the feather and move the snake. Get another fruit and throw it in the cauldron then click the opossum while the parrot is on the other tree. Combine bone and the coconut. Wear it to enter the cave.
Scene 6a:
Each shell has a "correct" position. Once you find it one of the masks will light up. Pick one shell and search where it goes, and the repeat the same procedure for the rest of them. (hint - the starfish goes on the third place in the second row and the middle is empty).
Scene 6b:
Remove the green gem from the door. Now click the spider and notice how the beam reflections work. Your first task is to let the beam hit the tentacle - it's easy if you work your way backwards. Grab the green gem and put it on the statue. Now play with the light again but the beam should now hit the gem. Climb down.
Scene 7:
Find the right mushroom combo so the bug gets on the other side. Hint - one pf the mushrooms must be hit three times in a row. Click the vine so the bug climbs up. Wait until the plant gets infected. Click on the beast and then on the flower. While the beast has convulsions get the key and pull it towards the door. Jump on beast's head. Unlock the door.
Scene 8;
Get the dirty rag and put it in the basket. Once it gets pressed, use it to get on the other side. Open the box. You must click the tumblers when they align with the upper hole. Work your way from the outer rims toward the inner ones. Don't forget to pull the pins. Get the detergent, cross on the other side, open the washer with the yellow button and put the detergent inside. Get the rag back and put it in the washer. Close it with the yellow button. Click the red button and light the fire with the brush. Click the red button and then the green. Get the clean rag. Jump in the basket.
Scene 9:
Try to get the yellow gem. Get the red gem and put it on the wall. Click it so the line turns red. Push the red button and get the cheese. Give the cheese to the mouse and get the yellow gem. Put it in the wall. Mix red and yellow to get orange. Look under the rug and get the key. Push the orange button. Put the key on the hook and press the orange button again. Pull the thingamajig under the cuckoo clock and click on the blue gem. Put it in the wall. Mix red and blue, hit the button, then blue and yellow and hit the button. Wait until the ogre runs out. Get the white gem on the window. Mix red and white. Click the button. Climb the ladder.
Posted by: baba44713
June 12, 2008 5:45 PM
Verse walkthrough for Bamba Quest 1 (cont'd)
Part 4: Ocean Notion
His raft collided with a rock, which left him rather stranded;
There had to be a way to get to where the squirrel landed.
An oyster held a shiny pearl, he pitched it very well;
It hit its destined target: on a rock, the leftmost shell.
The crab that dwelt inside the shell moved over to the next one;
The boy was now about to prove he wasn't a perplexed one.
Another pearl he took and tossed; the starfish let him pass;
He hopped upon their rock and grabbed a bottle made of glass.
He stood upon the right rock, switched the left shell with this bottle;
Another pearl was thrown, and right inside the crab did waddle.
The bottle he picked up, and, too, a stick that bore a string;
When used as bait, a bottled crab can be a big whale's thing.
Part 5: Island Highland
The trail led to an island cave, but its one guard was crass;
The boy did not have native looks, so he just couldn't pass.
So he picked up a rusty pick, and by a rock applied it;
And then a lemur scaled a tree and one large fruit provided.
A coconut split clean in half would make a dashing hat;
But to disguise himself, he'd need a small bit more than that.
He tried to take some roasting meat, but then a parrot beat him;
So he found spices in a hole and tossed them in to heat 'em.
The parrot dropped a feather which he used to tease the snake;
The snake moved to the other tree; five seconds it did take.
More spices met the pot, the parrot perched upon the tree;
But then the lemur climbed that tree and shook the leaves with glee.
The parrot dropped the meat bone, which would do well to suffice;
Combine that with the coconut, the guard did not think twice.
Part 6: Cave Rave
The cave door had nine slots, and eight of them contained one shell;
Some rearrangement would suffice to ring this cave's doorbell.
Each time a shell was in its spot, a skull's dark eyes turned green;
Some trial-and-error was the key to getting past this scene.
Once that was done, the boy was in; the cave was dark inside;
But what was that green stone that rested in the door's backside?
He pulled it loose, but then a tentacle just had to grab it;
But luckily, this boy did have a puzzle-solving habit.
A spider moved, so through a little hole some light would gleam;
The floating diamonds in the room reflected this bright beam.
When this beam struck the tentacle, it lost its shiny prize;
He picked it up and put it in the statue's hands; how wise!
The light beam hit the gem, and this a staircase did uncover;
Now what surprises down these stairs would our hero discover?
(Coming soon: parts 7, 8, and 9!)
Posted by: SonicLover
June 12, 2008 8:08 PM