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Aries Escape No. 18

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Infinity Inc

DoraLibertechno's torso is back, and this time it's getting funky with a karaoke party for one in Aries Escape No. 18, where stylish scarves and laser balls await. To escape, you'll need to scour every inch of the room and keep your eyes peeled for items and clues, especially since there's no changing cursor to help show you what's interactive and what isn't. Double-click an item you're carrying to zoom in on it and interact with it close up, and be sure to pay attention to the white navigation arrows at the edges of the screen, which could lead you to a different way to look at something you're viewing you might otherwise miss. Don't worry if you can't read Japanese... there's no language barrier in this game. Especially not when the language of music is concerned! Now go forth and let your voice be heard... or at least find the two endings! Players with difficulty viewing certain colours should be aware that this game features several colour-related puzzles.

Like all of the Aries escape games, No. 18 tends to focus on puzzling solving more than cleverly configuring items to use. Most of the puzzles you'll encounter tend to revolve around spotting and using the correct codes, which is intuitive to a point, though the reliance most of them have on inputting numbers or colours in long sequences you have to click through to cycle through all options is a little clunky, not to mention the game sometimes won't accept solutions unless you've viewed the corresponding clue in a correct way, such as, say, a close up. A lot of the clues you'll encounter actually overlap... multiple colour sequences, for instance, or codes being used multiple times, but while there's a lot to see and interact with, the room is well designed enough that you won't often find yourself stuck due to pixel hunting, at least. While some of its interface might be a little awkward, Aries Escape No. 18 still dishes up a pleasantly tricky escape with a lot of puzzles to crack whether you're a songbird or tone deaf.

Play Aries Escape No. 18

Thanks to Cyberjar88 for sending this one in!

Walkthrough Guide

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This is a solutions guide rather than a straight-up walkthrough, i.e. I'm assuming that if I say "wall phone" (for example), you'll know where that is because you will have already looked around the room.

You can't cheat in this game: if you haven't seen the clue to the game's satisfaction, it won't accept your solution.

Colorblind instructions are provided throughout, but note that none of the panels reset themselves, so if you want my instructions to be useful, don't click the buttons randomly. (If it's already too late for that, try clicking each button until it cycles back to white, then follow the walkthrough instructions.)

Don't forget to choose the QUICK start method, unless you like seeing interminable Japanese gibberish scrolling across your screen. (Well, that, or you can read Japanese.)

Phone prep

The mobile phone contains clues to three different puzzles, but first you have to activate it.

Get the phone from next to the karaoke book, then look under the napkin on the other table. Take a picture of the QR code you find.


There's a panel behind the beer poster (the one closest to the disco ball). The clue can be found by drinking the yellow drink on the table. (Who drinks beer with a straw? But I digress.)

You need to make sure you've zoomed in on the numbers as far as possible before the game will accept your entry.


Get: jigsaw piece

Coat hooks

The clue is on the back of the karaoke controller (the gizmo with the numbers and "start" and "stop" buttons, on the table).

When you're zoomed in on the controller, notice that there are arrows to the sides. Click either one to see the back of the device.

left, up, right, up

Get: blue key

Karaoke, part I

There's a panel on the side of the karaoke machine (zoom in, then click the arrow pointing to the right). The clue is on the table.

The clue is the book titled "KARAOKE" with the not-quite-rainbow stripes.

yellow, green, blue, cyan, red, orange, pink
Colorblind: 4 clicks, 5, 7, 6, 1, 3, 2

Get: jigsaw piece


You need some clockwise clues, some counterclockwise clues, and a clue for how to combine them.

Check out the maracas.


Look at the phone.


Look at the red poster (between the coat hooks and the beer poster).

The stripes on the maracas are blue, white, green, and pink. Looking at the numbers on the safe dial, those colors translate to 6, 1, 4, 3.

For this puzzle, just read the numbers on the phone from left to right: ignore their colors and positioning. (The circular arrangement juxtaposed with the circular arrow underneath are just there to confuse you. I don't know why the arrow couldn't be a semicircular one, like the ones on the poster.) So 6, 2, 7, 5, 8.

The poster says to alternate between counterclockwise and clockwise. (Point toward the sides of the gray area of the safe dial to see the arrows. This held me up for quite a while; I kept trying to click the dial and/or the numbers.)

left to 6, right all the way around back to 6, left to 2, right to 1, left to 7, right to 4, left to 5, right to 3, left to 8.

If you get it right, all the lights above the dial will light up, and if you have your sound turned on, you'll hear a click. (Dunno why the lights don't light up progressively; I guess that would've made them actually, like, useful.)

Get: nothing. Well, another box to solve, but no actual useful item for your inventory.


The front of the karaoke machine has a box with five sliders. The clue is on the phone.

Ignore the numbers and their colors; just look at their relative heights. If you number the rows 1-4 from the top, this gets you 3, 2, 4, 1, 3. Set the sliders accordingly, then click the word "OPEN".

Get: yellow key

Pink box

The box is on the shelf next to the couch. You need the blue key to open it; if you don't have that yet, solve the coat hooks.
Get: jigsaw piece

Couch cushions, right side

Behind the second cushion from the right, there's a panel with five buttons. The clue is on the phone.

Use the colors of the numbers, from left to right.

Cyan, red, yellow, green, black
Colorblind: 6 clicks, 1, 4, 5, 8

Get: note with blue shapes

Couch cushions, left side

There's a panel behind the third cushion from the left. You need 4 jigsaw pieces and a yellow key to solve this.
Pieces are located:

  1. On the red poster

  2. Beer puzzle

  3. Karaoke part I

  4. Pink box


Equalizer puzzle

Put the pieces into the jigsaw above the couch (you'll need to zoom in). Notice the left arrow? Click it, put in the key, and turn it. Zoom out and read the number.


Get: note with blue arrow.

Box inside safe

You need the two notes that have blue things on them. To get them, open the two panels behind the couch cushions.

Read the shapes on the first note in the order given by the arrow on the second note.

pentagon, triangle, triangle, circle, hexagon, square, circle, hexagon.

Get: screwdriver


There's a panel on the side of one of the ottomans. (To see it, zoom in, then click the arrow to the side.) You'll need the screwdriver and the green scarf to solve it.

Open the box inside the safe. That's one well-protected screwdriver.


It's in plain sight. No, really.

Click the torso to the right of your inventory, then click the scarf.

Use the scarf on the disco ball, then look at the wall.

blue (or is that purple?), pink, yellow, red, cyan, green

Find the panel on the side of the ottoman, then use the screwdriver to reveal the buttons.

7 clicks, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5

Get: green key

Karaoke, part II: turning it on

Use the green key to open the change return slot on the karaoke machine. (Not sure what use a change return slot is if it's locked, but whatever.) If you don't have the green key, solve the ottoman puzzle.
Get: a note with numbers, and crucially, a dash.


The karaoke controller on the table also has numbers and a dash.

Put the numbers into the controller, then press Start.

Get: a new clue

Zoom in on the screen of the karaoke machine.

Wall phone

You'll need to turn on the karaoke machine to see the clue.

Just read the numbers from left to right; the arrows and the different heights are merely to confuse you.


(Don't forget to hit E for Enter after dialing.) Get: an unlocked door.

Normal End

Just exit after solving the wall phone puzzle.

Happy End

Get a microphone from the karaoke machine and examine it. Take a picture of the UPC code and note the new song number.


Click Stop on the controller, put in the new number, then press Start.
Look at the screen of the karaoke machine and note the new phone number.

1072955, and the <blink> tag is still evil

Click C on the phone to clear the previous call, then put in the new number and press E. Get the medal (and here I thought it doesn't get weirder than storing your screwdriver inside a locked box in a locked safe), and then you can finally go out the door.


How can I be happy with the happy end?

I didn't finish the jigsaw


Ok, I'm stumped

on the dial puzzle and the two puzzles (one numbers, one colors) behind the couch cushions. I think the dial puzzle and/or the color puzzle behind the couch cushion have to do with the following clues: 1) the phone message you get after scanning the barcode thing on the plate = combo of colored numbers and direction arrow, 2) the maracas clue = colors & direction arrow, and 3) the left/right clue on the wall poster. These clues most likely have something to do with the dial puzzle, or at least I think they do. But I'm just not getting it to come together in my head. I have 8 items in my inventory - 4 puzzle pieces (used), drink (used), key (used), maracas, and the cell phone with clue. Help please!



For the four-digit cushion you need to solve the stereo puzzle.

Five items of four different heights... ring a bell?

Check your phone.

For the color puzzle you just need to check your phone.

I'm completely stumped on the dial puzzle myself and can't help anyone there, sorry.

I have:

Phone, maracas, shape note, arrow note, and a bunch of used items (scarf, two keys, drink, several puzzle pieces).

Any tips would be appreciated.

Night Stryke October 16, 2015 4:32 PM replied to Chris Ingersoll

The only relevant clues for the dial are

the phone, the maracas, and the poster with the arrows; ignore the colors of the numbers on the phone - I think they tried to pack too many clues into too little information with that phone and it made it confusing.

The poster tells you in which order to turn the dial in each direction, and the phone and maracas tell you the order of and in which direction to turn to each number/color - using the numbers from the phone and the colors from the maracas.

Starting with the phone, turn counter-clockwise to the leftmost number; then, turn clockwise to the number matching the leftmost color on the maracas. Continue back and forth between the next number on the phone and the next color on the maracas until the lights all light up; they don't light up with each correct turn but all at once when you finish.

Hopefully that's not too confusing an explanation.

Cyberjar88 October 16, 2015 5:22 PM replied to Night Stryke

The colors of the numbers are used for the code

under one of the cushions

Coffeeteamix October 16, 2015 5:24 PM

I have a golden key and no clue what to do with it :( and no blue or green key. What am I missing??

nnnou October 16, 2015 6:33 PM replied to Coffeeteamix

When you're up close to stuff check for side view arrows

WillYum October 16, 2015 6:48 PM replied to Coffeeteamix

Regarding the gold colored key...

Look closely at the golden light fixture.

To the left side.

WillYum October 16, 2015 6:51 PM replied to singsurf

For the Happy End...

Do not exit.

Look around to see what has changed.

Maybe it's the entertainment center?

Coffeeteamix October 16, 2015 7:38 PM

Thanks nnnou and WillYum!

RamblinRob October 16, 2015 11:01 PM

I'm with you right there on the music thing, Dora. Music is a universal language that has no borders!

betcaro October 17, 2015 10:35 AM replied to RamblinRob

Music is a universal language, agreed. Just a thought: just like we help the color-blind with color based clues, some of us escape game aficionados are deaf or hard-of-hearing. I am certain that there are those among us who would be unable to solve musical clues w/o help. :-) (I'm HOH but not so much yet that I can't figure it out.)

RamblinRob October 17, 2015 12:22 PM replied to Night Stryke

I'm still stuck on this dial. :\

Could somebody provide the number order that the code goes in? I'm clearly doing something wrong.

@betcaro - I actually had that thought while I was writing my comment. There have been a few cases where musical tone has been required(not in this game, but others) although nothing that a walkthrough couldn't provide the sequence for. I'll be sure to keep it in mind for any future games.

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 17, 2015 12:42 PM replied to RamblinRob

For those struggling with interpreting the clues for the dial code:

Read the numbers on the phone from left to right; ignore their colors and vertical positions. Those are clues for other puzzles.

RamblinRob October 17, 2015 12:57 PM replied to SonicLover

I got it! Thank you! :D

I was struggling with that one for about an hour now.

RamblinRob October 17, 2015 1:39 PM replied to SonicLover

Finally out. I was a little disappointed I couldn't wear the

medallion for the happy end on the torso.

Here is a video walkthrough for anyone really stuck:


I am completely stuck.

I have a 6-color clue from the disco ball, and no idea where to use it. The things left unopened (that I know about) are:

Box in safe - need sequence of 8 shapes (or 8 numbers, if those numbers are 0/1, 3, 4, 5, or 6).
Calculator (?) on table - need sequence of up to 8 numbers and minus signs.
4-digit code behind couch cushion - I tried converting the coat hook clue (on the back of the calculator) into numbers using the safe dial, but it didn't work.
Ottomans - need screwdriver to remove panels on sides
Phone - I haven't a clue, here; I haven't found anything that looks like a phone number.
5-color code behind couch cushion - I've tried the colors from the phone every way I could think of, no luck.

Also, as far as I know, I have the sound turned on; indeed, the buttons and things beep at me just fine. However, I have not encountered any musical clues or puzzles.


I watched the video walkthrough to get unstuck.

Apparently, the circular arrangement of the numbers on the phone exists mostly to confuse the issue. At no point do you actually read the numbers/color/heights in the order given by the arrow.


Re: phone numbers

The counter-clockwise arrow is used in conjunction with the "Escape the Room" poster to determine half of the dial combination, which you already solved. You can't check the maracas any more, but they had the corresponding clockwise arrow.



My point was that at no point do you read the numbers starting at the top and going counter-clockwise around the circle. Even for the safe dial, you read the numbers from the phone in left-to-right order. Having them arranged in a circle was just needlessly confusing.



They're not (necessarily) arranged in a circle, they're at the elevations needed for the stereo puzzle. I can see why you would/could interpret the arrangement as such, though.

baileydonk October 19, 2015 7:52 PM

I'm stuck with the stuff that appears on the video screen. Hint perhaps as to where the info is used?

baileydonk October 19, 2015 8:34 PM

I also have not used the hint from the "karaoke" rainbow box on the table... perhaps the two are related?

baileydonk October 20, 2015 8:24 AM

AND the phone is still showing as active in my inventory, so I assume I still have to use it for something, but I don't know what. Help?


I don't think the phone ever shows as "inactive," since it's used for at least three different things.

Color lock behind cushion, dial lock, and stereo puzzle.

It's also needed for the happy ending.

But if you want to use the "karaoke" clue,

maybe check for side-view arrows you haven't noticed?

Like, the side of the stereo?

Not sure what you mean by the "stuff on the screen" given your other questions. If it's just yellow notes ignore it for now.

baileydonk October 20, 2015 11:30 PM

Thanks, Chris Ingersoll. I guess I did use the Karaoke clue early on - I've been working on this game so long, I forgot! The TV screen now has moving arrows and numbers that I can't figure out how/where to use.


This is a solutions guide rather than a straight-up walkthrough, i.e. I'm assuming that if I say "wall phone" (for example), you'll know where that is because you will have already looked around the room.

You can't cheat in this game: if you haven't seen the clue to the game's satisfaction, it won't accept your solution.

Colorblind instructions are provided throughout, but note that none of the panels reset themselves, so if you want my instructions to be useful, don't click the buttons randomly. (If it's already too late for that, try clicking each button until it cycles back to white, then follow the walkthrough instructions.)

Don't forget to choose the QUICK start method, unless you like seeing interminable Japanese gibberish scrolling across your screen. (Well, that, or you can read Japanese.)

Phone prep

The mobile phone contains clues to three different puzzles, but first you have to activate it.

Get the phone from next to the karaoke book, then look under the napkin on the other table. Take a picture of the QR code you find.


There's a panel behind the beer poster (the one closest to the disco ball). The clue can be found by drinking the yellow drink on the table. (Who drinks beer with a straw? But I digress.)

You need to make sure you've zoomed in on the numbers as far as possible before the game will accept your entry.


Get: jigsaw piece

Coat hooks

The clue is on the back of the karaoke controller (the gizmo with the numbers and "start" and "stop" buttons, on the table).

When you're zoomed in on the controller, notice that there are arrows to the sides. Click either one to see the back of the device.

left, up, right, up

Get: blue key

Karaoke, part I

There's a panel on the side of the karaoke machine (zoom in, then click the arrow pointing to the right). The clue is on the table.

The clue is the book titled "KARAOKE" with the not-quite-rainbow stripes.

yellow, green, blue, cyan, red, orange, pink
Colorblind: 4 clicks, 5, 7, 6, 1, 3, 2

Get: jigsaw piece


You need some clockwise clues, some counterclockwise clues, and a clue for how to combine them.

Check out the maracas.


Look at the phone.


Look at the red poster (between the coat hooks and the beer poster).

The stripes on the maracas are blue, white, green, and pink. Looking at the numbers on the safe dial, those colors translate to 6, 1, 4, 3.

For this puzzle, just read the numbers on the phone from left to right: ignore their colors and positioning. (The circular arrangement juxtaposed with the circular arrow underneath are just there to confuse you. I don't know why the arrow couldn't be a semicircular one, like the ones on the poster.) So 6, 2, 7, 5, 8.

The poster says to alternate between counterclockwise and clockwise. (Point toward the sides of the gray area of the safe dial to see the arrows. This held me up for quite a while; I kept trying to click the dial and/or the numbers.)

left to 6, right all the way around back to 6, left to 2, right to 1, left to 7, right to 4, left to 5, right to 3, left to 8.

If you get it right, all the lights above the dial will light up, and if you have your sound turned on, you'll hear a click. (Dunno why the lights don't light up progressively; I guess that would've made them actually, like, useful.)

Get: nothing. Well, another box to solve, but no actual useful item for your inventory.


The front of the karaoke machine has a box with five sliders. The clue is on the phone.

Ignore the numbers and their colors; just look at their relative heights. If you number the rows 1-4 from the top, this gets you 3, 2, 4, 1, 3. Set the sliders accordingly, then click the word "OPEN".

Get: yellow key

Pink box

The box is on the shelf next to the couch. You need the blue key to open it; if you don't have that yet, solve the coat hooks.
Get: jigsaw piece

Couch cushions, right side

Behind the second cushion from the right, there's a panel with five buttons. The clue is on the phone.

Use the colors of the numbers, from left to right.

Cyan, red, yellow, green, black
Colorblind: 6 clicks, 1, 4, 5, 8

Get: note with blue shapes

Couch cushions, left side

There's a panel behind the third cushion from the left. You need 4 jigsaw pieces and a yellow key to solve this.
Pieces are located:

  1. On the red poster

  2. Beer puzzle

  3. Karaoke part I

  4. Pink box


Equalizer puzzle

Put the pieces into the jigsaw above the couch (you'll need to zoom in). Notice the left arrow? Click it, put in the key, and turn it. Zoom out and read the number.


Get: note with blue arrow.

Box inside safe

You need the two notes that have blue things on them. To get them, open the two panels behind the couch cushions.

Read the shapes on the first note in the order given by the arrow on the second note.

pentagon, triangle, triangle, circle, hexagon, square, circle, hexagon.

Get: screwdriver


There's a panel on the side of one of the ottomans. (To see it, zoom in, then click the arrow to the side.) You'll need the screwdriver and the green scarf to solve it.

Open the box inside the safe. That's one well-protected screwdriver.


It's in plain sight. No, really.

Click the torso to the right of your inventory, then click the scarf.

Use the scarf on the disco ball, then look at the wall.

blue (or is that purple?), pink, yellow, red, cyan, green

Find the panel on the side of the ottoman, then use the screwdriver to reveal the buttons.

7 clicks, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5

Get: green key

Karaoke, part II: turning it on

Use the green key to open the change return slot on the karaoke machine. (Not sure what use a change return slot is if it's locked, but whatever.) If you don't have the green key, solve the ottoman puzzle.
Get: a note with numbers, and crucially, a dash.


The karaoke controller on the table also has numbers and a dash.

Put the numbers into the controller, then press Start.

Get: a new clue

Zoom in on the screen of the karaoke machine.

Wall phone

You'll need to turn on the karaoke machine to see the clue.

Just read the numbers from left to right; the arrows and the different heights are merely to confuse you.


(Don't forget to hit E for Enter after dialing.) Get: an unlocked door.

Normal End

Just exit after solving the wall phone puzzle.

Happy End

Get a microphone from the karaoke machine and examine it. Take a picture of the UPC code and note the new song number.


Click Stop on the controller, put in the new number, then press Start.
Look at the screen of the karaoke machine and note the new phone number.

1072955, and the <blink> tag is still evil

Click C on the phone to clear the previous call, then put in the new number and press E. Get the medal (and here I thought it doesn't get weirder than storing your screwdriver inside a locked box in a locked safe), and then you can finally go out the door.


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