Sometimes all you want to do is kick back and relax with a disembodied, bikini-wearing torso, and in times like these, Aries Escape has you covered with Aries Escape: Episode No. 15. You find yourself in a cozy little woodland cabin, perhaps ready for one last summer fling judging by your wardrobe and the seasonal decor. But who can really relax with all these puzzles around them? You literally can't sit down without coming across a coded lock box, and if you ever want to escape, you'll need to find and correctly interpret the clues needed to open them. Just click around to move and interact, using the white arrows that appear at the edges of the screen to navigate, and double-click an item in your inventory to view it up close. The text is all in Japanese, but none of it will prevent you from finishing the game. Watch for the cursor to change to indicate interactive zones, and keep your eyes peeled for clues and codes. So many clues and codes. But hey, that's all in a day's work for an escape veteran, right? Especially if you want to get the Happy End...
Aries Escape: Episode No. 15 is one of those games that manages to be both perfectly pleasant and juuuuuust challenging enough to make you really get your brain engaged. There's a lot of code breaking going on, to the point where you might have wanted a few more inventory-centric puzzles instead of all these lockboxes scattered everywhere, but the puzzles here are still clever (and even sneaky) enough to make up for it. One of the easiest ways to get "stuck" is to simply miss some of the white directional arrows when they pop up unexpectedly, or to forget yon swimsuit torso can be used with some items as well. Mix it all up with a clean User Interface, bright and clear graphics, and a sunny soundtrack (not to mention a save function), and you have a perfect example of a developer who knows how to craft a well made, user friendly escape game. Don't be sad when it's time to say goodbye to summer... celebrate the upcoming holidays instead with Aries Escape!
Walkthrough Guide
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Aries Escape: Episode No. 15 Walkthrough
General notes
This can be used as a step-by-step walkthrough, but as always, isn't it more fun to explore a bit first? If you get stuck, just refer to the section that concerns the first puzzle you haven't solved. I'll let you know if you need a clue and/or inventory item from an earlier section to proceed.
There are three "rooms" in this escape: the bedroom (where you begin), the living room, and the porch (which you can't access yet).
The turquoise box with the nine-letter code
This box can be found in the bottom drawer of the bedroom nightstand.
Take a look around both rooms. The nine letters shouldn't be hard to spot!
They're on the purple hats on the shelf in the living room.
Hmm. "AWELNLHOE" doesn't work, but perhaps it can be rearranged into something more appropriate?
"HALLOWEEN." That's a lot of clicking, but you'll be rewarded with the GOLD CIRCLE KEY.
Getting some fresh air
The porch looks inviting, but you're not exactly dressed for the occasion.
There's some appropriate clothing in the furniture nearby, but it'll need to be unlocked first.
Use the GOLD CIRCLE KEY to unlock the top drawer of the bedroom dresser.
Take the BATHROBE and place it on the avatar next to your inventory. Now you can go outside!
Finding a few things
Now that you have access to all three "rooms," this seems like a good time to look around and grab anything that isn't nailed down, including the following:
Turquoise paper (left half)
In the magazine pile on the dining table.
Paper with symbol code
Under the turquoise dish on the porch.
Wooden handle
Behind some plates in the top of the large living room cabinet.
Inside the rightmost jack-o-lantern in the living room.
In the middle drawer of the large living room cabinet.
In the third drawer of the bedroom dresser.
In the green box within the bottom drawer of the bedroom armoire.
On one of the chairs on the porch.
In the blue and gray bin on the porch.
The orange box with three shapes
This box can be found on the coffee table in the living room. Perhaps its color is significant?
Take a close look at the jack-o-lanterns across the room.
The eyes of the jack-o-lanterns form six matching symbols, but they don't seem to work.
Even if you reverse the order as suggested by the "nose" of the jack-o-lantern on the right.
But maybe those aren't the only six shapes to be found here?
Take a closer look at the mouth of that rightmost jack-o-lantern.
Following the direction of the arrow: triangle, square, triangle, circle, circle, triangle. Take the PAPER WITH NUMBERS.
The purple box with sliders
This box is under the red pillow on the couch in the living room.
Hmm, six sliders, each with five possible positions. Is there something else nearby that resembles this?
Take a look at the bat painting above the couch.
From left to right, with 1 at the top and 5 at the bottom, move the sliders to these positions: 3,1,2,5,3,4. Take the TURQUOISE PAPER (RIGHT HALF).
The yellow numeric code box
This box is in the top of the large living room cabinet.
To solve this code, check the walls for something with numbers. Lots of numbers.
Take a look at the calendar in the bedroom.
How can you narrow this down to just the numbers you need?
Placing both halves of the TURQUOISE PAPER on the calendar reveals five numbers "x"?
Or is that a multiplication sign?
Multiplying the five numbers reveals the code you need: 6 x 12 x 17 x 22 x 31 = 834768. Take the SUNFLOWER SEEDS.
The pink box that needs a key
You may have noticed this box in the top drawer of the bedroom dresser.
The key you need is somewhere on the porch.
Hey, that bird on the fence is guarding the key! Looks like you'll need to distract him.
You'll need to bribe the bird with a certain item from your inventory.
Place the SUNFLOWER SEEDS in the turquoise dish on the table, and back away to give him some privacy.
When you return to the scene, you can take the SILVER KEY.
Open the pink box with the key and take the BATTERY.
The green box with the seven-letter code
This box is in the second drawer of the bedroom dresser.
You'll need two clues to solve this: one from your inventory and one from a piece of art.
Take a closer look at the ghost picture in the living room. (There's some kind of storyline here, but I don't know what it is, and you don't need to know, either.)
Note the directional arrows: you can click to the right of the picture.
Looks like a job for that BATTERY you found.
Inserting the battery reveals a grid of nine letters. Given the theme of the game, you may be able to make sense of it already.
The PAPER WITH NUMBERS will reveal the order of the letters.
Enter "PUMPKIN" into the box and take the SCREWDRIVER.
The middle drawer of the armoire
Hmm, this drawer won't open, but there's no keyhole. Perhaps it's being held shut by other means?
Click the directional arrows to see two screws on either side of the armoire.
Remove the screws with the SCREWDRIVER and open the drawer to get the ACORN.
The small living room cabinet
Another locked door with no keyhole? This is becoming a habit.
Click the arrow to zoom in on the top of the cabinet and reveal another pair of screws.
Remove the screws with the SCREWDRIVER and open the cabinet to get the ACORN. (Also, something tells me that those books aren't purely decorative.)
The turquoise box with the colored seven-digit code
This box is in the bottom of the large living room cabinet.
It needs a seven-digit code, and each digit needs to be a different color.
Yep, it's the code from the books in the small living room cabinet.
The numbers are 6341975 and the colors are red, blue, yellow, blue, green, red, yellow. (For the color-blind: that's 1, 4, 2, 4, 3, 1, and 2 clicks.) Take the ACORN.
The pink box with the five-digit code
This box is on one of the chairs next to the dining table.
You'll need a clue from your inventory to solve this.
Symbols like the ones on the paper appear somewhere else in the house.
Take a look at the bedroom clock.
The five symbols on the clock seem to correspond to the numbers 12, 3, 6, and 9. But how?
The code is based on the number of circles in each symbol.
Enter 48725 into the box and take the GOLD BLADE.
The orange star box
This box is in the bottom drawer of the bedroom dresser.
You'll need a key for this, but not a normal one.
In fact, you may need to construct it.
Open the WOODEN HANDLE in your inventory and combine it with the GOLD BLADE to produce the key. Open the box and take the ACORN.
The blue and gray bin
This bin is located on the porch.
By now you've probably opened it and taken the ACORN, but there's more to be done.
Click the arrow to zoom on the right side of the bin and reveal a code panel.
Have you seen a sequence of five colors like this anywhere else?
Take a look at the cups in the large living room cabinet.
Green, turquoise, red, yellow, blue. (For the color-blind: that's 4, 6, 1, 3, and 5 clicks.)
Remove the top of the bin and take the ACORN BOX.
You know what to do here! If all went well, you should have ten ACORNS by now.
Insert the acorns and take the GOLD SQUARE KEY.
Escaping (regular ending)
Once again, don't you think you're a little underdressed?
And once again, the clothing you need is behind a locked door.
Use the GOLD SQUARE KEY to unlock the top of the bedroom armoire.
That's a perfectly nice DRESS, so place it on your avatar.
Now that you're dressed for the day, you can leave if you wish...but there's another ending, so you really should save your game first.
Escaping (happy ending)
Proceed as with the regular ending (or load your saved game), but don't leave yet!
Hmm. There's nothing left in your inventory to use, but maybe something has changed in your surroundings?
Taking a good look around should provide some "illumination."
That pool of light shining on the small living room cabinet wasn't there before.
Use the left directional arrow to reveal a hidden panel on the side of the cabinet.
Another code involving six shapes? Talk about deja vu.
This time it's the eyes of the jack-o-lanterns, not the teeth.
Square, triangle, square, circle, triangle, circle. Take the SUNFLOWER SEEDS.
Well, you know what to do with these.
Feed the seeds to the bird on the porch and take the RING. Now you're leaving in style!
Posted by: abfdrumz
October 30, 2014 8:56 PM