I've learned that making room escape games is a lot like cooking. There are a few standardized recipes that anyone can follow (1/2 cup wastebasket with something useful in it, three tablespoons password-locked computer, etc., etc.), but there are also some masters of the trade whose unique style can be detected in every single one of their individual dishes. You know the ones: GUMP, Robamimi, Bianco-Bianco, Tesshi-E, and the recently discovered Petithima site, by Yanokimi.
When we first learned of the Petithima site we were all over this new chef's succulent games, but we also missed one or two older ones by the same. Today we see a somewhat older project by Yanokimi, the slightly aged but still lip-smacking Akarimado.
Akarimado brings nothing new to the room escape genre; you're locked in a one-view room (with an unlockable side room that's also one-view), and you have to solve many and various puzzles to get out. To examine items, click the "?" in the corner of the item icon; to use them, click the icon and then what you want to use it on.
Analysis: Although this particular dish of room escape contains few if any unfamiliar ingredients, there's not much to complain about; we enjoy these particular ingredients and we know it. Akarimado doesn't try to wow us with unfamiliar territory, instead giving us more of what we know and love. It's like going to a restaurant and getting a nice, juicy hamburger instead of taking your chances with the "Venezuelan Platter Deluxe", whatever the heck that is.
The puzzles are very cleverly made, and a bit more straightforward than Dharma Doll (thank goodness; I was stuck at that letter puzzle for quite some time). The music is a bit more obnoxious than Yanokimi's more recent installments, but that's why the BGM button is there in the lower right corner to turn it off... along with the save button so you can take a break if you get stuck. It's a very satisfying journey all in all, and one that should not be missed. Bon appetit!
Walkthrough Guide
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(with help for people who have trouble seeing colors)
You start facing a brown door which is, of course, locked. (Not to be confused with the side door to the left, which is also locked.) To the far left is a cup with a pencil in it. Take the pencil.
On the top shelf of the bookshelf is a box you have to enter a three-digit code into. Notice the arrow pointing downward. The clue to open the box is on the bottom two shelves of the bookcase.
First, look at the books. Some are red, and some are blue. The red books make the shapes of Roman numerals: three separate numbers, not one three-digit number. The numbers are
Second, look at the bottom shelf of the bookcase. Notice the plus sign above the cat doll. If you move the cat doll back and forth, you see it conceals the number
Using those two clues, you can deduce that the code to the box is
155 + 38 = 193
Enter that code into the box and take the remote.
Click on the book to the right of the cat doll. In it, you see a picture of a television and a series of colored rectangles. This is the code to the remote.
Put the code from the book into the remote:
green, black, green, black, black, green (or just click the first, third, and last switches)
Remember to push the square button to the right of the switches in order to turn on the tv.
Click on the tv to zoom in. Click the tv until you see channel 4, which has another code for the remote. This one turns on the fan.
Put the code from the tv into the remote:
black, black, black, green, green, green (or rather, the first three should be white on the bottom, and the last three white on top)
Click the square button again to turn on the fan.
The fan has blown a piece of paper onto the floor. Pick it up and click it to uncrumple it. You should see a little scribble in one corner. (If you don't, click one of the corners to flip the paper over.)
Use the pencil on the paper. You should see a circle with the letters H, M, and S on it, and an X to the lower left of the circle.
The circle represents the clock on the wall, and the X indicates a spot for you to click.
Click the spot on the wall indicated by the piece of paper. Get the power cord.
On the wall to the right of the bookshelf is an electrical outlet. Plug the power cord into it. Then click the loose cord on the floor to connect it to the power cord.
Now might be a good time to notice that there's a light switch on the wall to the left of the brown door.
On the desk to your left is a box with a gray circle on it. Click that box, and it turns around to show you a smaller circle (actually a switch). Flip that switch to the right, then turn off the lights.
You should now see an illuminated circle on the wall with colored squares in it. The colors are
red, blue, orange
Turn the lights back on. To the left is a door with a black panel to the right of it. Click that panel to zoom in. Here's where you use the colors you just got from the circle of light. The colors are
red, blue, orange -- don't confuse red and pink
Or, if you have trouble with colors:
From the starting white position, the number of clicks you should give each square is 2, 5, 3
After you've entered the code, hit the Enter button below the squares to open the side door.
Go through the door to the left you just opened. In front of you is another box wanting a three-digit code. To the left is a table with tape on top of it, and a transparent sheet with orange squares on the shelf below. Take both of those, as well as the picture hanging above the table. Notice that this picture has orange squares on it as well.
Bring up the transparent sheet in your inventory. Notice that it has three separate sections.
Bring up the hanging picture in your inventory. Use the transparent sheet on it. Move the sheet back and forth, and you'll see the orange squares line up to make three numbers:
Put that number into the box under the windows and open it. Get the box cutter.
Well, now you have a box cutter, but you can't cut any of the boxes. What you CAN cut is the rope from the hanging picture.
So now you have a pencil and paper, a rope, and some tape. Oh, and you can open the middle window in that side room. That window's too small for you to fit through, but maybe you could get a message out the window instead?
Bring up the paper in your inventory. If you still see that HMS circle, click one of the corners to turn the paper around. Use the pencil again. You should now have an "SOS" note.
Bring up the rope in your inventory. Use the SOS note on the end of the rope. Now use the tape to attach it.
Open the middle window, then use the note-on-a-rope on the open window.
Congratulations! You're out!
Posted by: nerdypants
September 11, 2010 10:26 PM