Achievement Unlocked
John Cooney, author of TBA, TBA2, Grid16, and the Ball Revamped series, has unveiled his latest epic adventure. Along with timeless, classic platforming gameplay, Achievement Unlocked offers you the opportunity to earn no less than One. Hundred. Achievements. Holy bat farts on a bus.
"100 achievements!?!?" I hear you splutter, spraying muffin crumbs all over your keyboard, "That is so many achievements, it puts me in personal danger! The dopamine-eating dwarf who lives in my brain will grow fat and heavy, and then my head will loll to one side and I'll have to walk all funny! My important work as a photograph-straightener will suffer! Please don't make me click on the game, Mr. Man With the Words."
But it's not me who requests your clickage. It's the elephant. He throws marvelous rave parties, his skin is a fetching shade of blue, he appreciates polka and ragtime music, and he thinks that you should play his game. It will hurt his feelings if you don't. Why do you want to hurt the elephant? Can't you understand the depth of his elephant emotions? He only wants to help you get achievements. Pretty, shiiiiiny achievements. Achievements are very useful. Maybe you can share them with your friends, or make a little house out of them. And then you and your friends can all live in the house with your new elephant buddy and you will be happy together and you can eat achievements for all your meals until there's no more house left.
And then you will be free.
Thanks to Repairmanman and Loki for sending this one in!
Walkthrough Guide
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Great and easy game! If you're having problems here are a few pointers I'd like to show you. I have broken it up into groups to make it easier:
#0: Don't Move a Muscle: DONT MOVE!
#1: It's a Jump to the Left: Jump and move left.
#2: And it's a step to the Ri-i-ight!: Strain yourself to move right
#3: Fight Gravity: Jump
#4: Elephant Skewers: Hit yourself on any spike
#5: Ascension: Use the orange lift pads to move up
#6: Lefty: Hit the left wall (color will change from dark to light purple)
#7: Righty: (Hit the right wall (color will change from dark to light purple)
#8: Purple Ceiling: Hit the ceiling (color will change from dark to light purple)
#9: Rock Bottom: Move down to the bottom of the screen
#10: Speedy Downfall: Fall from the top of the screen to the bottom (easiest way to do this is to be left of the "01" and fall before the moving spikes hit you)
#11: Escape Velocity: Using the launching pad near "04" go the the top of the screen without stopping
#12: Stalactite: Kill yourself by going to the right launching pad and aiming yourself so that you are skewered on the spikes
#13: Stalagmite: Go and hurl yourself into the pit
#14: Found Point 0: Top left hand corner
#15: Found Point 1: Top right hand corner
#16: Found Point 2: Near the outmost wall on the left
#17: Found Point 3: Bottom center of screen
#18: Found Point 4: Near the largest launching pad (Bottom right corner)
#19: Found Point 5: Center of screen. Below respawn platform and above the spike pit.
#20: Bloodhound: Finding all points mentioned above.
#21: Floating Corpse: Get a skeleton stuck in a launcher
#22: I Can Count to 5!: Go to points in this order: 0,1,2,3,4,5
#23: We Have Liftoff: Go to points in this order: 5,4,3,2,1,0
#24: Airwalking: Using the mini pads on the top of screen, stay afloat for 10 seconds
#25: Hellbound: Launch corpse to bottom
#26: Heavenbound: Launch corpse to ceiling
#27: Secret Alcove: Get surrounded by three sides (it's diagonal to "02")
#28: Secret Cave: Get surrounded by three sides (it's utmost bottom left corner)
#29: Secret Hideout: Get surrounded by three sides (utmost top left corner by "00")
#30: Death at 0: Fire a corpse at Point 0
#31: 1 o'clock murder: Fire a corpse at Point 1
#32: Get Off Your Seats: HOLD down the up arrow (jump) for 10 seconds
#33: Cemetary: Have 5 live corpses on the screen (do this quickly because they disappear!)
#34: Graveyard: Have 7 live corpses on the screen. (Either dying by moving spiked board or a combo of the pit and the spiked boards seem to be the quickest)
#35: Half-Century: Die 50 times
#36: Century: Die 100 times
#37: And One More... : Die 101 times
#38: Stayin' Alive: Stay alive for 15 seconds
#39: Longevity: Stay alive for 30 seconds
#40: Gone in a Flash: Die in less 0.23 seconds (easiest way to do this is to kill yourself on the moving spike platform when it's directly above you at respawn)
#41: Wrecking Ball: Hit the center spike platform
#42: In the Pit: Land a corpse in the pit
#43: Pit Hat Trick: Land 3 corpses in the pit
#44: 10 Pin Pit: Land 10 corpses in the pit (remember be quick!)
#45: Double Play Pit: Have two corpses in the pit at once
#46: Triple Play Pit: Have three corpses in the pit at once
#47: Horizontal Confusion: Hold both the left and right arrow keys
#48: Vertical Confusion: Hold both the up and down arrow keys
#49: Total Confusion: Press the Space Bar
#50: My Favourite Spot: It's located on the bottom left ledge by the pit
#51: 60 Seconds: Play for 1 minute
#52: 180 Seconds: Play for 3 minutes
#53: 300 Seconds: Play for 5 minutes
#54: Pi : Hit points 3,1,4 in that order
#55: THIS IS SPARTA: Hit 3,0,0 in that order
#56: Meaning of Life: Hit 4,2 in that order
#57: (2*125)+3: Hit 2,5,3 in that order
#58: 3*(30/(15-13)): Hit 4,5 in that order
#59: Paint 10: Touch 10 blocks (remember they'll change from dark to light purple)
#60: Paint 25: Touch 25 blocks
#61: Paint 50: Touch 50 blocks
#62: Paint 75: Touch 75 blocks
#63: Paint 100: Touch 100 blocks
#64: Masterpiece: Touch every touchable block
#65: Jet 5: Hit 5 launchers
#66: Jet 10: Hit 10 launchers
#67: Master Jetter: Hit every launcher
#68: 3 Spikes: Hit 3 stationary spikes
#69: 7 Spikes: Hit 7 stationary spikes
#70: Spikeful: Hit all stationary spikes
#71: Extreme Makeover: Recolour all areas (remember dark to light purple)
#72: True Blue: Hit 1 to turn blue
#73: Shocking Pink: Hit 2 to turn pink
#74: Sweet Orange: Hit 3 to turn orange
#75: Stealth Black: Hit 4 to turn black
#76: Cheater: Click the "hint?" button
#77: Programmers Credit: Type jmtb02
#78: Too Much Contra: Type Contra
#79: No Cheese for You: Click anywhere
#80: Bandwidth Exploiter: Don't worry about this one. Already achieved it before you started to play the game :] Congrats!
#81: You Are El: Click the Armor Games link
#82: Menu Explorer: Again, don't worry, it was taken care of in preload.
#83: Quality Snob: Click on the "quality" button
#84: Scrolliastic: Scroll the achievements section
#85: Play the Game: Start playing the game.
#86: Get to Level 1: Play.
#87: Not Listening: Click "mute" button
#88: Clink Clash Clink: Part of preload
#89: Best Player Ever: Again, part of preload
90-99 are just percentages of how many achievement you have done. And there you have it! The whole game made UBER easy.
Posted by: jiffyner17
January 30, 2009 7:22 PM