Think you're the master of unlocking achievements? Have you already earned a good 350 in other, lower-numbered, flash games? Well, get ready to more than double that score, since in Achievement Unlocked 3 there are 400, yes, 400 achievements available for the little blue elephant avatar that could. He'll really have to earn them, though, since he'll need to battle his way through a hamster habitat from heck. Armor Games' John Cooney and Jimp are ready to give you all the puzzle platforming you love, and all the surprises you'd never expect. The only question is, how fast will you fill the list?
Achievement Unlocked 3's story, if you can call it that, starts with our beloved pachyderm trapped in a terrarium ruled by the malevolent Hamster King. You can tell that that the king is a villain since he cares only for pellets and nothing for earning achievements. Move and jump with [WASD] or [Arrow keys], exploring, collecting coins, triggering boxes, dying, regenerating, changing clothes, getting drenched, catching on fire, and any other number of insane activities that will help you fill your list. More to the point, coins can be traded at a vending for the pellets the king so desires. Give enough to him, and he'll start unlocking more of the habitat's pathways. Will you be able to overthrow this terrible tyrant? Well, if so, you can be there'll be an achievement for it.
Analysis: Whatever it is you love about the Achievement Unlocked series, Achievement Unlocked 3 has more. More achievements. More rooms. More things to collect. More options. More characters. More everything. Some may be wary of the addition of a plot, however threadbare it is, but worry not: The Hamster King is a wonderful addition who gives you all the motivation you need to complete your quest. Conceptually, a chatty, humongous hamster is the perfect choice to antagonize a silent, tiny elephant, and he is given some hilarious dialogue. On the mechanics side, the ability to sort the achievement list to highlight those currently-in-progress or in-close-proximity is a big help when trying to figure out what needs to be done for those last lousy one-percent. Also, "collect pellets for new rooms" works quite well at keeping things fairly non-linear, while still allowing for a guided progression of exploration. It would be nice if the trade-ins happened a little faster, but hey, elephants are nothing if not patient.
Achievement Unlocked 3 eschews the minimalist graphics of the previous two in the series, instead having an aesthetic more akin to Elephant Quest. Jimp's art is varied, gorgeous, and colorful, like a living cartoon, but without the sleek lines and bold colors we've come to expect, something feels a little... off. This is not the series we're used to, which is both good and bad.
Play all of John Cooney's Elephant games:
The "joke" of the original Achievement Unlocked, was how a simple one room game with simplistic graphics could be overwhelmed with a hilariously large number of achievements granted for literally every action you could do. However, the gaming world has surpassed it in the interim. 400 achievements? Isn't that about how many Team Fortress 2 has? How can satire stay relevant when real life keeps moving the bar? Since Achievement Unlocked 3's game world is exponentially bigger than the previous ones in the series, 400 somehow feels merely a "large" number, rather than a "hilariously large" one, especially since you can earn a chunk even before you take your first step. There will come a point when you're really concentrating on firing hamsters through a basketball hoop, and then start to wonder how exactly the series got to that point. Achievement Unlocked 3's trunk is packed with content, but it's starting to get pretty crowded in there.
Even if Achievement Unlocked 3 feels less incisive of a parody, it is still a massively entertaining game. John Cooney knows how to make settings that beg to be explored, and Achievement Unlocked 3 is no slouch. And, of course, seeing a long list of achievements get ticked off one by one is as satisfying as it has ever been. Whether you are stomping on hamsters, or running a marathon on a treadmill while inexplicably on fire, or accelerating yourself into a patch of ceiling spikes for the hundredth time, there is still pure gaming joy to be found in watching that little blue elephant trundle around. Achievement Unlocked 3 is a little different from what we're used to, but it fully earns its place alongside the authors' other achievements in Flash gaming.
Walkthrough Guide
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Achievement Unlocked 3 Walkthrough Achievements 1-40
Important Info
You can also use WASD. You can also double jump, up arrow, or W in midair. When it repeats an achievement with x30, or whatever, you meet the requirement that many times. Also Press spacebar to poop a pastry. (When did he have time to eat so many pastries, is it a part time job aside from being a game protagonist?)
Achievement 1, Jump And Get Down
Press up Arrow, or W to jump.
Achievements 2-7, Happy Day
Jump X times.
Achievements 8-14, Double Dutch
Double Jump X times.
Achievements 15-17, Hang Time
Be in midair X seconds
Achievements 18-19 Impalephant, and
Double Impalephant
18.Jump on an spike.
19.Double jump on a spike
Achievements 20-21, Jump to Another Level, and Double Jump Tube
20.Exit a hamster tube in midair.
21.Double jump in hamster tube.
Achievement 22, Jump Jump Swicharoo
Switch direction 5 time in midair.
Achievements 23-24, Elecoptering, Jump 5 With no sides
23.Hold up Arrow, or W for 3 seconds
24.Jump 5 times strait up
Achievement 25, Up Ten Without Death
Jump 10 time without dying.
Achievements 26-27, Click Jump, and Pause Jump
26.Click while in midair.
27.Pause While in midair. (Click the settings button in top left corner.)
Achievements 28-30, Three times a jumpy, A to G midair, and No One Can Hear You Jump.
28.Try to triple jump.
29.Type the letter A trough G while in midair.
Achievements 31-33, Jumping Prick, Mouse Jump, Hamster Tube Hop.
31.Jump into 10 different spikes.
32.Jump to the spot the computer mouse is at.
33.Jump while inside a tube.
Achievements 34-35, Everywhere I Jump, and Free Fallin
34.Jump in every screen
35.Fall 200 pixles
Achievements 36-40, Hot Cross Bun
Fire X pastries.
Posted by: Walkthrough101
April 19, 2012 2:59 PM
I've almost got all the achievements so I guess I can help out a bit with this walkthrough :D
Fire and Water Meters
These turn anticlockwise from the top. When your fire meter is full (turned all the way back), you will die.
When the water meter runs out, you will run out of water, but not die
Torch Lighting
To light other torches, carry the flame from the first torch in King Hamster's room and whilst you are alight, jump into the black torch holders in other rooms (these looks like little Ts)
Extinguishing torches
Use the water from the Hub to pour onto the lit torches to put them out.
Achievements 41-60
Achievement 41 Stationary Confectionaries
Fire a pastry without moving
Achievement 42 Skewered Treats
Fire a pastry into spikes (so long as they touch the spikes)
Achievement 43 Let them eat cake!
Fire a pastry into King Hamster
Achievement 44 Tubed Treats
Fire a pastry into a tube. You can also stand in the tube and fire a pastry to receive this.
Achievement 45 Mid-flight snack
Fire a pastry while jumping
Achievements 46 & 47 Pastry Buffet 10x and 20x
Have x number of pastries on the screen.
Achievements 48-51 Tasty Pastry
Consume x pastries. e.g. 10x means ten pastries eaten
Achievement 52 In-flight snack
Consume a pastry in the air (whilst jumping). Fire the pastry and jump towards it to eat it before it hits the ground.
Achievement 53 Mega Tart
Fire a large pastry. Hold down space and a circle will appear with a percentage. Let go as it gets to about/over 50% to fire the pastry.
Achievement 54 Uber-Tart
Fire a huge pastry. Same principle but fire at a larger percentage. Just make sure you don't reach 100% if you're trying for this achievement.
Achievement 55 Constipation Annihilation
Die from pastry. Hold spacebar until it gets to (supposedly past) 100%
Achievements 56 and 57 Mini tart and mini tart 50x
Collect the mini tarts from death by pastry.
Achievement 58 Flamephant
Catch the elephant on fire. In King Hamster's room, use the launchers to jump into the fire on the left hand side of the room (underneath the coins) Make sure you aim for the red centre of the flame.
Achievement 59 Flamebroilephant
Die from fire. Your death meter appears on the left.
Achievement 60 Up to Snuff
Extinguish a fire.
Use the water in the Hub to extinguish the closest torch that you have lit. Be wary of the meter.
Achievements 61-100
Achievement 61 Flaming Tart
Set a pastry on fire.
Either fire it into a torch or set elephant on fire and then fire a pastry.
Achievements 62- 66 Firestarter 3x, 10x, 18x, 27x and 67. Soakaphant
62-66. Light x torches.
67. Become drenched in water.
Achievement 68 Let there be dark
Extinguish a torch.
Achievements 69 and 70 Funeral Pyre and Funeral Pyre 5x
Catch a deadaphant on fire x times.
Achievements 71. Flaming Deadaphant Kills, 72. Fire by Pastry, 73. Pastry Torch Lighter, 74. Hot!
71. Deadaphant lights you on fire
72. Flaming pastry sets you on fire
73. Flaming pastry lights a torch
74. Be on fire.
Achievements 75-95 Loose change
75-86. Collect x level coins (the ones in the rooms)
87-95. Collect all the level coins in their respective rooms.
Achievements 96 and 97. Kickem when theyre down
96. Kick a deadaphant
97. Kick the same deadaphant 5 times
Achievements 98-100 Kickadeadaphant
Kick x deadaphants
Posted by: Zakuro
April 19, 2012 9:10 PM
Achievements 101-150
101 Bounceadeadaphant
Jump on a deadaphant 5 times
102, 103 Sacrifitial pellet
Make X pellet offering
Unlock next room
109 Monumental achievement
Unlock the Final Statue
Visit next room
Move X tiles (in general)
Move 50 (25 in wardrobe and secret rooms) tiles in rooms
134 Tilecake
Touch a tile with a pastry
Touch X Launchers
139 Pastrylauncher
Touch a pastry to a Launcher
140 Deadaphantlauncher
Touch a deadaphant to a Launcher
141-142 Xtinguish
Darken X torches
143 Skewerephant
Die from a spike
144-148 Skewerephant - X
Color X spikes
149 Ultimate skewerephant
Color all the spikes
150 Skewerdeadephant
Color a spike with a deadephant
Posted by: Voqo
April 20, 2012 7:43 AM
Achievements 151-199
151-154,Stalagtitespike,Stalagmiteaspike,Spike on Left,and Spike on Right
151.Jump to your death
152.Fall to your death
153.Hit a spike on the left wall
154.Hit a spike on the right wall
155-157,A Pack of Derms
Have X deadphants on the screen.
158,159,Don't Panic, and Really Don't Panic
158.Panic once
159.Panic 10 times
Die x times
164,Death in a Spikeless land
Panic in the secret Chambers
165,In and Out
Stay in a room for less then 2 seconds
166,167,Stay a While
Stay in a room for X time
Stay alive for X time.
171-174,Fractions are your friend
Have the time YOUR computers clock show divisible by all numbers 2-5. (Not all at the same time.)
175,176 Arrows are for Sissys, and WASD is for Geeks
175.Use WASD
176.Use Arrow keys
177,Dont Panic Back
Hit Backspace
178-181, Bathroom Break, Did you wash your hands, I cant hear you, and Can you hear me now
178.Pause the game
179.Unpause the game
180.Mute the game
181.Unmute the game
182,183,STOP SHOUTING, Talking Animal
182.Press shift key
183.Talk to an overweight animal (A.K.A. Giant hamster.)
184-186,AFK is Sexy,Keymasher, and Why?!
184.No movement for 5 seconds
185.Press left and right arrow keys (or A and D keys.) at the same time. the Y key
187,188,Knowing is Half The Battle, and Good Better Bingo!
187.Open the walkthrough, then close it. (Jayisgames has better walkthroughs.)
188.Change the game quality.
189-192,Clickity-Click, Move That Mouse, Move That Mouse More, and Touching is OK.
189.Click the screen.
190.Move the mouse 5 feet.
191.Move the mouse 10 feet.
192.Click the elephant.
193-195, More is Better, Still More is Better, and All is Best
193.Start scrolling through the achievements
194.Scroll through 50% of the achievements
195.Scroll through all the achievements
196,197,Losing Focus, and Refocusing your efforts
196.Click outside the game window.
197.Then click inside the game window.
198,199,Right click follies, and Royale With Cheese
198.Right click
199.Royale with cheese.
Posted by: Walkthrough101
April 20, 2012 8:36 AM
Achievements 200-249
200-205 Hamsternator - X
Shoot X hamsters
206 Hamster instadeath
Kill a hamster in less than 1 second
207-209 Pyrohamstermanic - X
Light X hamsters on fire
210 Standstill Hamsterer
Shoot 5 hamsters without moving
211 Because theyre squishy
Bounce on a hamster
212 Hamster dousing
Extinguish an on fire hamster
213-215 Dont feed the animals
Feed X pastries to hamsters
216 Flaming rodents
Shoot a hamster into a torch
217-225 Ignitor
Light all torhces in rooms
226 Elephants never forget!
Save the game
227-236 Sales receipt
Purchase X pellets
237 Tossed tarts
Keep a pastry airborne for 3 seconds
238 Tossed deadaphant
Keep a deadaphant airborne for 5 seconds
239 Tossed firey deadaphant
Firey deadaphant airborne 5 sec
240 Abrahamster Lincoln
Get a rare stovepipe hat hamster
241 Fire but no focus
Click off the screen when on fire
242-248 Falling down
Fall X pixels
249 Hooverific
Suck the guinea pig down into oblivion
Posted by: Voqo
April 20, 2012 8:53 AM
Achievements 250-310
250 - 263 x% done
Get x amount of achievement done
264 - 265 look nice
Be in the game
266 Dedication
Play for a little time
267 Restraint
Don't earn an achievement for 10 sec
268 You're on your way
Earn an achievement
269 - 270 Take the tour x rooms
visit rooms 10 and 20 times
271 - 272
Don't do anything but use your mouse
279-282 Move and look
Use your arrow keys
283 It's good to be the king
Jump on King Hamster
284 An ounce for a pound
Use the space bar to land a pastry on the weight scale
285 On the balance of things
Jump on the weight scale
286 Hamsters for kings
use the B key to fire a hamster at king hamster
Just play the game
289 Turned back on leader
face away from king hamster
290 Hop on the tread
Jump on the treadmill in the gym room
291 - 294 Here it goes - x
Run on the treadmill for x amount of time
295 Off the treadmill end
Fall of the end of the treadmill
296 Runner trots/treats
Fire a pastry while on the treadmill
297 Fast food
let a pastry hit the treadmill
298 Fast food x3
Have 3 pastries at the treadmill at once
299 Exercised to death
Panic while on the treadmill
300 Deadaphant workout
Leave a corpse on the treadmill
301 Disrespect the dead #3
Jump on a corpse on the treadmill
302 Hamster running hot
fire a hamster on the treadmill
303 Running hot
Be on fire on the treadmill
304 Jumping through hoops
Jump through the basketball hoop
305 - 309 Pastry hoops x
Fire x amount of pastries through the basketball hoop
310 Dead shot
fire a corpse into the basketball hoop
Posted by: Maria Bj?rkg?rd
April 22, 2012 10:30 AM
Achievement 311 - 400
311-313 Hamster Hoops X
311: Hamster Hoops
- Get a hamster in the hoop
312: Hamster Hoops x 5
- Get 5 hamsters in the hoop
313: Hamster Hoops x 10
- Get 10 hamsters in the hoop
314: Flaming Rodent Swish
- Get a flaming hamster in the hoop
315: Flaming Deadaphant Basket
- Flaming deadphant into the hoop
316: Running Swoosh
- On treadmill hoop shot with pastry
317: Elephants can jump
- Double jump on treadmill
318: Rodent trampoline
- Jump on hamster on treadmill
319: Firey Treat on Tread
- Land a flaming pastry on treadmill
320: Big Pastry on Tread
- Land a big pastry on tread
321: Tread-Ham-Fire-Bouce
- Jump on Firey Hamster on Treadmill
322: Magic carpet ride
- Ride the entire treadmill length
323-325 People mover jumper X
- Jump on the treadmill X times
326: People mover panic!
- Panic on the treadmill
327: Pause from Treading
- Pause on the treadmill
328-340: Clothing
- Take off all your clothes
- Dress in the full wizard outfit
- Dress in the full pirate outfit
- Dress in the full jester outfit
- Dress in the full basketball outfit
- Dress in the full formal outfit
- Pirate Hat and Jester suit
- Wizard hat and basketball suit
- Jester Hat and wizard suit
- Afro and and pirate suit
- Open up the dressing dialogue
- Scroll through the choices for clothes
- Leave the changing curtain
341-342: Portals
- Enter a portal
- Exit a portal
343-346: X launcher
- Launch a pastry through a portal
- Launch a deadaphant through a portal
- Launch a flaming pastry through a portal
- Launch a hamster through a portal
347: Going nowhere fast
- Get yourself into a portal loop
348: Cupcake Loop
- Fire a pastry into a portal loop
349-351: Bronze/silver/gold Portal Runner
- Visit 20 portals
- Visit 50 portals
- Visit 100 portals
352: Deadaphant 5 Portal Run
- Get a deadaphant through 5 portals
353: Portal Fire
- Enter portal on fire
354: Portal Reentry
- Re-enter a portal just entered
355: Hidden Skybox
- Get to the secret skybox
*In the testingroom, as high as possible*
356-358: Push button get hamster - X
- Push the hamster button X times
359: Hold that hamster button
- Hold down hamster button for 5 sec
360: Hamsterbuster
- Clear the room of hamsters
361: There can be no more hamsters
- Max out hamsters in hamster room
362: Max Hamsters on Fire
- Catch all 10 hamsters on fire in room
363: Afraid of a bunch of rodents?
- Spawn maximum hamsters and leave
364-869 Rodent bouncer X
- Combo X jumps in the hamster room
370: Hamster propeller
- Shoot a hamster into hamster room
371-374 Here have a hamster - X
- Dispense X hamsters
375: Here have a fancyhamster
- Dispense a tophat hamster
376: Lame Combo!
- Combo only 1 jump
377: Do or do not. There is not try.
- Talk to the Elder Hamster
378: Pit Cliff diver
- Jump off the cliff
379-380: Pit Deaths - X
- Die X times in the pit
381-395: And youre safe - A-O
- Make it to safe spot A-O
396-398: And youre safe - X
- Hit X safe spots
- Hit All safe spots
399: Bottom of the Pit
- Make it to the bottom
400: Pitscaler
- Climb out of the pit from bottom
Posted by: Mendica
May 1, 2012 10:12 AM