Minoto, that glorious purveyor of point-and-click puzzle oddities, graces us with 2011 A Father's Travel, which contains most everything you'd expect to find in a Minoto game. That is to say, comb-overs, aliens, abstract puzzle solving, the sun making faces, surreal worlds, and above all... cuteness. This time you actually start out with a bunch of items you can already use to solve puzzles, though you'll gather more as you go, and figuring out to use everything is just as big a challenge as figuring out what's going on. Just remember to try everything, no matter how strange it seems, and examine items up close when you get stuck. Odd? You bet. But if you're a Minoto fan, you probably wouldn't have it any other way.
Here you go, Paul :)
2011 A Father's Travel Walkthrough
Inventory items are indicated with Bold.
Screen 1
Use the Rope on the comet rushing past the screen from left to right.
Move right twice to Screen 3.
Screen 3
Use the Solar Ray Gun on the sun to charge the weapon.
Go left to screen 2.
Screen 2
Give the charged Solar Ray Gun to the alien in the ship.
Use the Chisel on the hammer the spaceship's robotic arm has pointed at the top of the large meteor.
Click the large glittering star at the bottom of the screen to receive the Coin.
Go right to Screen 3.
Screen 3
Click the smiling black box hanging from the ship to pull out a cannon.
Load the cannon with the Artillery Shell to fire it at the ground.
Click the spaceship to drop the black box into the bomb's crater.
Click the spaceship two more times to bury the box and fly away.
Click the rocket to go to Screen 4.
Screen 4
Use the Screwdriver on the screw sticking out of the blue box between the connected pipes.
Click the top Pipe above the blue box to add it to your inventory.
Place the Handle at the top of the air tank connected to the fish bowl to remove the fish.
Take the empty Goldfish Bowl.
Go right twice to Screen 6.
Screen 6
Take the Lever on the ground directly below the left window.
Go left to Screen 5.
Screen 5
Use the Coin on the coinslot at the right side of the control panel.
Use the Scissors to remove the screw from the left side of the control panel.
Put the Lever into the newly made hole on the left side of the control panel.
Go right to Screen 6.
Screen 6
Give the Goldfish Bowl to the father.
Go out the door to return to Screen 3.
Screen 3
Use the Pipe on the front of the rocket as a ladder for the father to climb down.
Give the Hoe to the father.
Click the angry black box.
Use the Comb and then the Scissors on the father's hair.
Click the father's head.
Ojisan End (currently only one ending)
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Walkthrough Guide
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Here you go, Paul :)
2011 A Father's Travel Walkthrough
Inventory items are indicated with Bold.
Screen 1
Use the Rope on the comet rushing past the screen from left to right.
Move right twice to Screen 3.
Screen 3
Use the Solar Ray Gun on the sun to charge the weapon.
Go left to screen 2.
Screen 2
Give the charged Solar Ray Gun to the alien in the ship.
Use the Chisel on the hammer the spaceship's robotic arm has pointed at the top of the large meteor.
Click the large glittering star at the bottom of the screen to receive the Coin.
Go right to Screen 3.
Screen 3
Click the smiling black box hanging from the ship to pull out a cannon.
Load the cannon with the Artillery Shell to fire it at the ground.
Click the spaceship to drop the black box into the bomb's crater.
Click the spaceship two more times to bury the box and fly away.
Click the rocket to go to Screen 4.
Screen 4
Use the Screwdriver on the screw sticking out of the blue box between the connected pipes.
Click the top Pipe above the blue box to add it to your inventory.
Place the Handle at the top of the air tank connected to the fish bowl to remove the fish.
Take the empty Goldfish Bowl.
Go right twice to Screen 6.
Screen 6
Take the Lever on the ground directly below the left window.
Go left to Screen 5.
Screen 5
Use the Coin on the coinslot at the right side of the control panel.
Use the Scissors to remove the screw from the left side of the control panel.
Put the Lever into the newly made hole on the left side of the control panel.
Go right to Screen 6.
Screen 6
Give the Goldfish Bowl to the father.
Go out the door to return to Screen 3.
Screen 3
Use the Pipe on the front of the rocket as a ladder for the father to climb down.
Give the Hoe to the father.
Click the angry black box.
Use the Comb and then the Scissors on the father's hair.
Click the father's head.
Ojisan End (currently only one ending)
Posted by: Trinn
October 28, 2011 2:55 PM