Zombie Society #1
A mystery has erupted in the peaceful zombie society and its up to Detective Margh and his sidekick Ghvnn to figure it out. Read along and help Margh make choices that will alter the plot in future chapters and perhaps find out that this mystery goes deeper than you thought.
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I'm not exactly sure what a "successful" playthrough of this game consists of.
It'd be nice if it gave you some clues as to whether your performance was good or bad.
I finally impressed the commissioner though!
I tried to play this game (Chrome browser, Windows 7) and I can see and hear the starting 'comic' panels, where the zombie arm comes out of the grave to an alarm clock noise.
But then the screen turns grey and never changes to the next scene.
Which is a shame, because it sounded rather interesting.
Sorry you're having issues! I tried the game on the same setup and didn't have any problems. Please try clearing your cache, make sure your browser and flash player are updated, and disable any adblockers.
Ah yes, either clearing the cache or just trying to play on a different day worked for me.
I think the only wrong choice I made was
not getting the police to look at the Lurr crime scene, because I remember there was something about not trusting the Commissioner.
Of course, the Commissioner ends up being the one you talk to later, so I probably should have gotten the police involved.
And like the first commenter, it's difficult to tell whether you have had a "successful" play-through, though I did see a "Successful Interrogation" medal appear in the corner. Usually I get those medals for stupid things, like dying the most times.
I enjoyed this and I'm looking forward to more, but I am perplexed as to how my choices now are likely to impact the story down the line. Are we relying on cookies/cache for player continuity? I feel like I'm missing something here.
I have a feeling that you're not supposed to know which choices were the "right" ones, just as the character doesn't know what his decisions have changed. It makes you play to your own decisions and not 'oh I didn't succeed so I'll chose the other option'. But I'm not too sure how it will work out with the later episodes. I guess we'll just have to find out. =)