October 21, 1888. A scientific excavation discovers a perfectly spherical chamber fifty feet into the solid rock of the Wyoming mountains, filled with mysterious devices. Who made them? Are they safe? In any case, it's time to explore. Worldgate is a new point-and-click adventure game by William Buchanan, developer of the Free Will Cycle series. Improved navigation of his CHARM engine, and a cool sense of sci-fi atmosphere, make it another fine release from a developer on the rise.
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Worldgate walkthrough
General information: There are a few documents sprinkled about, which, while not strictly neccesary for completion, will help you understand the plot.
A Scientific Expedition
Pick up your leather journal from the table. Examine it to read through and get a few hints of what to do next.
Turn left and pick up the brass key from the cot. Turn 180 degrees, and use the key on the locked chest. Open the chest and take the woolen shirt, leyden jars, dynamite and lighter.
Turn right, walk forward, turn left, and examine the wooden table with the wire leaning against it. Put the leyden jars on the table, then click the wires to connect them to it. The lights in the passageway will now be on.
Back away, turn left, walk forward and turn left again. Walk forward through the passageway, all the way up to the room with the circular frame. Pick up the wand on the left side of the circular gate.
Turn right. Pick up the whiskey bottle and click the cabinet to open it. Click the purple pentagonal gemstone to pick it up. Examine the wand in your inventory. Use the purple gemstone on the wand. Back out of the examine screen, and turn to face the circular frame.
Click the wand in your inventory and use it on the holster on the left side of the circular frame. The Worldgate should now be activated. Click the portal to walk through it.
Through The Gate
Walk to the end of the alien corridor and turn right. Click the large fuse on top of the control cabinet to pick it up. Turn 180 degrees, and walk forward as far as you can. Turn right to face the caved-in corridor.
Click the dynamite and place it on the caved-in rock. Examine the lighter in your inventory, then click it to light a flame. Use the lighter on the dynamite. You will automatically (and intelligently) walk away from the blast. Turn 180 degrees back to the now not-caved-in corridor.
Walk forward as far as you can into the room with the marble pillars. Turn left to face the Water Repulsion Device. Click the access panel to open it. Click the large fuse and place it in the docket. Click the plug attached to the wire, and it will attach itself to the repulsion device. From the now-drained pool of water, pick up the adjustable keypad. Click the power cable to detach it, then click the Water Repulsion device to pick it up.
Turn left and wall forward up to the railing. Turn left and walk forward all the way up to the control cabinet. Click on the cabinet to examine it.
Examine the keyplate in your inventory. Click the various circular knobs on the keyplate to rotate the bits on the plate to make a mirror image of the slots on the cabinet, so that the plate will fit in to them. Click the top left circle once, the top right circle once, the bottom left circle zero times, and the bottom right circle three times. Click away from the examining screen, then use the keyplate on the control cabinet. Open the cabinet and click the lever so that the flow is directed to the green tube.
Return to the room with the marble pillars. Once you walk in, turn to the right to face the globe-like container. Press the button to open the container, and take the battery inside. Return to the portal and click through to return to the mountain.
Return To Wyoming Mountain
Once you have returned through the portal, walk forward till you are out of the cave, then turn right and examine the table with the leyden jars and wire. Disconnect the wires from the leyden jays, click the battery on the leyden jars to charge it, then reconnect the wires.
Examine the water repulsion device in your inventory. Click the battery and use it on the device to give it power.
Back away from the table, turn left, walk forward twice, then turn to the right to face the pool to the left of your base camp.
Click the pool to examine it. Click the Water Repulsion device in your inventory, then wave it over the pool until you find the pickaxe around the upper left. Click the pickaxe to pick it up
Back away from the pool, then navigate yourself back to the portal, and click through to the alien corridor.
A Bit of Mining
Go as far forward as you can then turn right to approach the control cabinet. Open the cabinet and click the lever to divert the flow to the red pipe.
Turn around 180 degrees and walk forward. As soon as you've walked down the stairs, turn right to face the large green crystal. Click the pickaxe, then use it on the crystal to get a crystal chunk. Turn left and advance to the Pillar Room.
As soon as you walk into the pillar room, turn left and note the sequence of shapes on the plate. Turn right, walk forward, and turn left to face the furnace.
Click the furnace door to open it. Examine the woolen shirt in your inventory. Click the whiskey and pour it on the shirt, to make a whiskey-soaked shirt (which, Btw, is in the running for my favorite adventure game inventory item of the year). Click the Whiskey-Soaked Shirt in your inventory, then place it in the furnace fuel compartment. Use the lighter to light the shirt on fire.
Close the furnace door, and press the hydro-solenoid button. The gate at the end of the room will open, and you will turn to face it automatically.
Walk through the gateway. Turn right to face the strange container. Click the container to examine it.
Place the chunk of green crystal in the green inset to power the container. Click the shapes in the order they were on the nameplate: Hexagon, Triangle, Square, Circle. Use the lighter to melt the ice. Pick up the core and back away from the container.
Navigate your way back to and through the portal. Once through, move forward once and turn to the left to face the alcove. Click the series of receptacles to examine it. Click the access panels to open them up. Click the core in your inventory and place it in the receptacle. Back away, and enjoy the ending!
So just want to chat about this, not use the walkthrough--once you get into one of the worlds, do you have to finish all the puzzles there before you move on? If not, how do you get the wand back to get into another world? I'm not finding everything I need for the first world, so either it's somewhere else, or I need to look harder!! :D
Other than one really dumb moment on my part (something I thought was part of the setting turned out to be a very necessary object) this is a beautiful little start to the world. I look forward to more.
Tiny quibble: When you hover over your inventory you have a woolen shirt, but when you examine it it's a cotton shirt. Not *quite* the same thing, even if it is totally irrelevant to the story
unless you want to get into the comparative combustibility of either substance with or without the whiskey :D
Love this game. Look forward to the next in the series.
One change I'd make regarding the engine: I'd alter it so that when using the keyboard controls, W/up can be used to zoom in on something in front of you the same way S/down can be used to zoom out. It just feels weird using the mouse to step towards something (like that little table you put the leyden jars on) and the keyboard to back away.
I love this. I'm a big fan of Myst, so this brings me back but without feeling like a copy. It feels more like fresh re-telling.
I hope the designer will go through and clean up some of the typos (like "chuck of ice") and little glitches that can take you out of the world.
( words that sometimes flash when you're holding an item and
the reflection of the water repelling device in the water after it has been taken
Besides those minor things, this was a really enjoyable game and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Great beginning to an interesting looking series!
PS. Jay- It is extremely annoying that upon clicking to play MANY of your games, instead of running a normal ad that plays before you hit start, there is audio from an invisible ad that you have no control over. I cannot find the source of the ad audio and it often times keeps playing after I start a game, so you hear both the game music/sound AND the annoying ad.
[I'm sorry you're experiencing this. I can't replicate this issue, however. Perhaps it is due to a browser extensions conflict. Try disabling your browser extensions. Try updating your Flash Player to the very latest version (11+). Try a different browser. -Jay]
I agree that this is more of a retelling of Myst than a rip-off, and in a most marvelous fashion. The music is perfect and the mood is simply astonishing. This felt like a warm-up exercise, to have us players provide feedback so the creator can sweeten the design even more in the future.
I am REALLY looking forward to sequels.
i can't get past
the treasure chest at the beginning. walk through says after collecting everything in the chest, backup, turn left, forward then left again and i have gone everywhere i can and i can't find this circular gate. there's a circular hole but when i try to go in it won't let me, and there's something about a wand but i see no wand. i'm stuck.
OK, here's a weird question--I was nearly through, but had to go to rehearsal earlier, so I saved the game and quit. Came back just now and wasn't able to resume the old game--it forced me to start over. Any ideas? I am playing on a MBP using Chrome. I have my settings such that I always allow unlimited saved data from JiG.
[My apologies, dsrtrosy, that was my fault. I changed the file name of the game to stop other sites from deep linking to the game, and doing so may have disrupted your save game. There is a way for Flash devs to provide a name for the shared object save games, thus preventing this situation from happening; if a name isn't provided, then the file's name is used instead, which must be what's happening here. Again, my apologies. -Jay]
I've completed the game. I admit I had to use the walkthrough - because I didn't realize that you can take water repulsion device with you. But maybe it's just me :D
As for controls - I was skeptical about keyboard movements at first but then it felt really convenient, perfect for 360 degrees of freedom in this game.
I would only change 2 things:
- when examining objects, clicking outside the popup window while holding an item should close the popup.
- sometimes when moving item around the screen fast enough, I had the 'examine' label visible for a fraction of second. This should be fixed as it looked like I was hovering over something important with mouse cursor, while it only was this little glitch.
All in all it is really nice, enjoyable game :) I like it!
Nice ideas, logical puzzles and great general theme.
Looking forward for the sequel - Indeed!
Hi all,
Lovely game, gameplay feels very natural, music is nice and atmospheric without being obtrusive. Main complaint - the bloody keyplate. I'm mildly dyslexic, so 'mirror visualization' is doomed from the start, and the walkthrough description only works if you haven't already tried to fiddle with the keyplate. I've re-started the game just so I can get through that bit. Its an irritant in an otherwise soothing game. Either a screenshot or mention of how the pie shaped wedges are supposed to face would be very helpful. Many thanks - Des
Incredible!!! Absolutely beautiful grafx, hypnotic and serene music with straightforward puzzles. I am hooked 100% and am very anxious for the next installment. Thanx for the great find Jay and thanx for the game Wylock.
One observation...when trying to use an item the exam button was so big I kept opening the window instead, and when combining it would just switch items instead of picking it up.
All I think of during this game are Myst and Riven. Myst was amazing. And I never managed to finish Riven. This was a lovely piece. A little easy for me, but I loved it all the same with the seeming throwbacks to the directing of steampower from Myst and Riven. 10/10 for me and I can't WAIT for the sequels. :)
What a lovely adventure. I'm surprised at how do-able and actually enjoyable the combination of keyboard + clicking was. I'm so looking forward to the next chapter. The music is just beautiful. And as someone who came late in life to games, and never really knew what Myst is, I'm excited to go find it now. Thanks, kiddies!
OK, the first time I started playing this game, I could get the keypad/keyplate into its' slot. Now, when I play it, I cannot.
The set up SHOULD be the mirror image, so that the keypad/keyplate is the reverse of what appears.
I have done that, and I cannot get the keypad/keyplate into the slot. I have a screenshot of my setup, if this will help.
A teaser, for anyone who still stumbles onto this page at this point...
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Walkthrough Guide
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Worldgate walkthrough
General information: There are a few documents sprinkled about, which, while not strictly neccesary for completion, will help you understand the plot.
A Scientific Expedition
Pick up your leather journal from the table. Examine it to read through and get a few hints of what to do next.
Turn left and pick up the brass key from the cot. Turn 180 degrees, and use the key on the locked chest. Open the chest and take the woolen shirt, leyden jars, dynamite and lighter.
Turn right, walk forward, turn left, and examine the wooden table with the wire leaning against it. Put the leyden jars on the table, then click the wires to connect them to it. The lights in the passageway will now be on.
Back away, turn left, walk forward and turn left again. Walk forward through the passageway, all the way up to the room with the circular frame. Pick up the wand on the left side of the circular gate.
Turn right. Pick up the whiskey bottle and click the cabinet to open it. Click the purple pentagonal gemstone to pick it up. Examine the wand in your inventory. Use the purple gemstone on the wand. Back out of the examine screen, and turn to face the circular frame.
Click the wand in your inventory and use it on the holster on the left side of the circular frame. The Worldgate should now be activated. Click the portal to walk through it.
Through The Gate
Walk to the end of the alien corridor and turn right. Click the large fuse on top of the control cabinet to pick it up. Turn 180 degrees, and walk forward as far as you can. Turn right to face the caved-in corridor.
Click the dynamite and place it on the caved-in rock. Examine the lighter in your inventory, then click it to light a flame. Use the lighter on the dynamite. You will automatically (and intelligently) walk away from the blast. Turn 180 degrees back to the now not-caved-in corridor.
Walk forward as far as you can into the room with the marble pillars. Turn left to face the Water Repulsion Device. Click the access panel to open it. Click the large fuse and place it in the docket. Click the plug attached to the wire, and it will attach itself to the repulsion device. From the now-drained pool of water, pick up the adjustable keypad. Click the power cable to detach it, then click the Water Repulsion device to pick it up.
Turn left and wall forward up to the railing. Turn left and walk forward all the way up to the control cabinet. Click on the cabinet to examine it.
Examine the keyplate in your inventory. Click the various circular knobs on the keyplate to rotate the bits on the plate to make a mirror image of the slots on the cabinet, so that the plate will fit in to them. Click the top left circle once, the top right circle once, the bottom left circle zero times, and the bottom right circle three times. Click away from the examining screen, then use the keyplate on the control cabinet. Open the cabinet and click the lever so that the flow is directed to the green tube.
Return to the room with the marble pillars. Once you walk in, turn to the right to face the globe-like container. Press the button to open the container, and take the battery inside. Return to the portal and click through to return to the mountain.
Return To Wyoming Mountain
Once you have returned through the portal, walk forward till you are out of the cave, then turn right and examine the table with the leyden jars and wire. Disconnect the wires from the leyden jays, click the battery on the leyden jars to charge it, then reconnect the wires.
Examine the water repulsion device in your inventory. Click the battery and use it on the device to give it power.
Back away from the table, turn left, walk forward twice, then turn to the right to face the pool to the left of your base camp.
Click the pool to examine it. Click the Water Repulsion device in your inventory, then wave it over the pool until you find the pickaxe around the upper left. Click the pickaxe to pick it up
Back away from the pool, then navigate yourself back to the portal, and click through to the alien corridor.
A Bit of Mining
Go as far forward as you can then turn right to approach the control cabinet. Open the cabinet and click the lever to divert the flow to the red pipe.
Turn around 180 degrees and walk forward. As soon as you've walked down the stairs, turn right to face the large green crystal. Click the pickaxe, then use it on the crystal to get a crystal chunk. Turn left and advance to the Pillar Room.
As soon as you walk into the pillar room, turn left and note the sequence of shapes on the plate. Turn right, walk forward, and turn left to face the furnace.
Click the furnace door to open it. Examine the woolen shirt in your inventory. Click the whiskey and pour it on the shirt, to make a whiskey-soaked shirt (which, Btw, is in the running for my favorite adventure game inventory item of the year). Click the Whiskey-Soaked Shirt in your inventory, then place it in the furnace fuel compartment. Use the lighter to light the shirt on fire.
Close the furnace door, and press the hydro-solenoid button. The gate at the end of the room will open, and you will turn to face it automatically.
Walk through the gateway. Turn right to face the strange container. Click the container to examine it.
Place the chunk of green crystal in the green inset to power the container. Click the shapes in the order they were on the nameplate: Hexagon, Triangle, Square, Circle. Use the lighter to melt the ice. Pick up the core and back away from the container.
Navigate your way back to and through the portal. Once through, move forward once and turn to the left to face the alcove. Click the series of receptacles to examine it. Click the access panels to open them up. Click the core in your inventory and place it in the receptacle. Back away, and enjoy the ending!
Posted by: Tricky
November 5, 2012 12:21 PM