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Warthog Launch

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4.6/5 (42 votes)

Warthog Launch is an exceptionally good physics puzzle game with gratifying gameplay that feels a bit like bowling. Simply position the Warthog, add grenades, and blast-off. Clear all the creatures on the play field in one fell-swoop to advance to the next level. More fun that it should be, this game is the bomb.

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Hi Jay,
This game is sooo satisfying. It is nice and simple, and really fun, i just played it for 30 minutes when i should have been working on code. :-) ,Paul


Hey Paul, I'm glad you're enjoying the games here, but get your work done first. That way, playing is so much more rewarding! =P


Very fun got to level 26. quit b/c I was tired :p


hey ns game, i played till lvl 32 whith the box of alien creature things and i couldn't pass that part, i got 2 left twice which is my record for that... i have proof but i ai't going through the trouble to show everyone....i still have the window open and am still trying every once and a while...


Reached level 40... And guess what - the things start MOVING!!!

Micromag April 22, 2005 3:31 PM

I got to the box on level 32 as well. Does anyone know how to get past this level. It is driving me nuts.


i can not pass level 30 i have been working on it for 30 minutes


I got to level 38 (where the monsters are majorly overlapping each other in 3 groups) For those who want to know what the other levels look like (and to prove I passed the box on level 32) theres one after level 32 that looks like a mushroom or a weird looking "A" before that is a a level that has the monsters in a "S" shape going from big to small.


Update: Beat level 40 (yes they do move) by sheer luck. After that it shows you the congratulations screen(pic)
Easter Egg: If you click the launch button at this screen the yellow arrow will show up, click that and it'll take you to a special stage where there are tons of monsters, all moving, and they're all multicolored.


I'm stuck on level 39. GRRR!!


Level 1 is hard for me.


whoever beat level thirty two, please tell us at about where the bar placement was


I cant beat level fifteen(15) how do i do it???


Man I can't beat lv 32, I'm still trying though.


please tell me how to get past level 32 i've been playing it for 20 minutes plus and just can't do it


omg please help me get past level 30 lol


hey how do you get past level 14 please tell
i would really appreciate it if you would
thnx, chris

SGT Superman October 14, 2005 4:11 AM

O.K. I need help on Lv. 30, no matter what I do there is always one left. Help please.

SGT Superman October 14, 2005 4:35 AM


ok, here is a pictue of how I did it. You will hit the center guy first, then the top left, top right, bottom right, hit the ground and bounce back up to hit the bottom left


no ones telling how to beat what plz tell how to beat lvl 30


PLZZZ On level 30 no clue always one left

carlito June 2, 2006 8:40 PM

ok iv just passed level 32. Took me a while but i finally did it. here is the pic:

If u really wna know how it's done then take a look at the pic; if not then keep trying... it's what i did ;)


how do you get past level 39?


I can't get past level 38, any advice?

digitalWarp July 11, 2006 10:38 PM

I got past lvl 30 the first time I played the game, but I have no idea what I did. The warthog just doesn't bounce high enough to take out the last one.


Man im stuck on level 38 ive gotten it so theres 1 blue guy left but i cannot seem to persue that little bastard helpppppppppppppp

reapaninja August 21, 2006 7:07 AM

anyone got a screenie for the solution to 26? i'm well stuck

beautifidelity September 4, 2006 10:19 AM

There are 40 levels in all, plus what appears to be an impossible bonus level. Here's how I beat level 39, the positions are very specific, one pixel off and it won't work.


I like it, it's fun.


Levels finished: 41
Grenades used: 10149
Launches made: 523
Warthog bounces: 1679
Engineers popped: 5021
Time spent: 1:36:29

haha i rule!! sweet christ that game's hard! accidentally pressed back on level 32 so i had to restart lol

I did it! October 16, 2006 4:58 PM

Here is level 38. I added vertical lines to help you line up the sliders.


I cant beat level 34


I cant beat 34 either

Toroshnial January 1, 2007 5:26 PM

I have decided to make a walkthrough starting at level five. I may add on to it later.
Level 5: The big bar: all the way left
Top bar: 1/3 of the way from the left
bottom bar: 2/3 of the way from the left
Level 6: Big Bar: unmoved
Top bar: a littl under half way
bottom bar: all the way to the right
Level 7: Big Bar:all the way to the right
Top bar: exactly half way
bottom bar: all the way to the right
Level 8: Big Bar: made so jeep is directly under the bottom-right monster, whatever it is.
Top Bar: slightly over half way
Bottom Bar: all the way to the right
Level 9: Big bar: Made so jeep is directly under line of monsters
Top and Bottom Bars stay the same
Level 10: Big Bar: Might not get it at first, but, made so jeep is between middle and far right monster.
Top and Bottom Bars stay the same
Level 11: Big bar: the same
Top Bar: 3/4 of the way from the left
Big Bar: the same
Level 12: Bottom and Top Bar the same
Bottom bar: almost all the way right
Level 13: (one of my favorites)
Bottom and Big anywhere you want
Top Bar: 5/6 of the way from the left
Level 14: Big Bar: made so jeep is colinear with the bottom-right monsters
Top Bar: Maybe a third of the way from the left, just play around with it until u get it
Bottom Bar: all the way to the right
Level 15: Big Bar: a little over half way
Top Bar: the same as last
Bottom Bar: slightly under all the way to the right
Level 16: Same exact settings with all as last time
I stop here for now, but trust me, i'll keep going.


Woohoo... got past level 40. For the solution:

Since the aliens are moving around, I couldn't get their exact positions of them to launch. It's very close to this arrangement though, if anything, it's a split second before what is shown in the screenshot.

Toroshnial January 3, 2007 3:47 PM

Level 17: Big Bar: 3/4 from left
Top Bar: 1/4 from left
Bottom Bar: almost all the way to te right
Level 18: Big Bar: 2/3 from left
Top Bar: unmoved
Bottom Bar: unmoved
Level 19: everything unmoved, but bottom bar is slightly moved farther left, very slightly
Level 20: Big Bar: a little over half way
Top Bar: unmoved
Bottom Bar: all the way right
Level 21: Big Bar: almost all the way left
Top Bar: unmoved
Bottom Bar: slightly under all the way right
Level 22: Big Bar: slightly farther from left, everything else, unmoved
Level 23: everything unmoved
Level 24: everything unmoved
Level 25: Top bar: moved slightly closer to left, Big and Bottom Bar unmoved
Level 26: Big Bar: close to all the way left, everything else, unmoved
Level 27: everything unmoved
Level 28: everything unmoved except bottom bar, which is moved about half a cm.
Level 29: everything unmoved except top bar, which is moved slightly to the left
to be continued


stuck on lvl 36 plz help me


i beat it in under 1 hr! holy crap its hard. Thanks guys for some of the solutions :)

Levels finished: 41
Grenades used: 9965
Launches made: 604
Warthog bounces: 1334
Engineers popped: 5569
Time spent: 55:18

warthog eyes hurt January 21, 2007 8:47 PM

someone with 37...impossible...the pain..


i so desperately need a screenshot to level 38 please im dying

Alex Samuel January 31, 2007 12:09 PM

ive done em all

(not) Jay February 4, 2007 6:16 AM

Levels finished: 40
Grenades used: 9424
Launches made: 518
Warthog bounces: 1253
Engineers popped: 4751
Time spent: 0:38:18

Copy and pasted


OMG!! level 38 is soooo frustrating, like its been the only one i have spent more than 10 min. on and i think its impossible, can someone post a screen shot of the solution? plz and thanks.....


Anyone have any ideas about level 38? can't seem to even find what concept to use..


OK SO I FINALLY BEAT THE GAME!!! the lvl i had the most trouble with was level 38, and im sure most of you did im gonna post a screen shot of it to help people

well i hopes that helps those of you who were stuck, and u have to play with it to get it exact, so good luck


please show a pic of level 35 solution


finalli done

Levels finished: 40
Grenades used: 9086
Launches made: 495
Warthog bounces: 1848
Engineers popped: 4082
Time spent: 1:11:45

dan n jack May 9, 2007 4:13 PM

Levels finished: 41
Grenades used: 5794
Launches made: 347
Warthog bounces: 1554
Engineers popped: 2561
Time spent: 0:32:46


LEVEL 30!!! Help always i'm always left with 1!

Kwandae May 19, 2007 5:42 PM

Levels finished: 40
Grenades used: 8603
Launches made: 445
Warthog bounces: 1199
Engineers popped: 2975
Time spent: 0:30:34


I am on level 42, i cant figure out how to beat it. YES there is a level 42. once you beat level 40, the congratulations screen is level 41. if you are on that, don't hit "enter high score" or whatever it says. hit LAUNCH! then click on the yellow button. voila, level 42. basically impossible. just for looks.


I need help on level 30. Help the poor and needy.


Levels finished: 41
Grenades used: 10388
Launches made: 546
Warthog bounces: 1624
Engineers popped: 5544
Time spent: 0:48:24


i cant beat level 42 ITS SO ANNOYING!!! is it possible, and if so HOW???!

wired1139 October 3, 2007 10:43 PM

love halo! Master Chief Forever!

Poly Ester October 15, 2007 2:19 PM

Levels finished: 41
Grenades used: 8034
Launches made: 107
Warthog bounces: 1376
Engineers popped: 5544
Time spent: 0:11:19


I got to level 42 but the farthest i got was three aliens left, ive been trying too hard, i need to go outside......


Levels finished: 40
Grenades used: 9390
Launches made: 505
Warthog bounces: 1418
Engineers popped: 3150
Time spent: 0:55:27


HELP! im on level 39 and in desprete need of help


Levels finished: 40
Grenades used: 8150
Launches made: 495
Warthog bounces: 1942
Engineers popped: 5540
Time spent: 0:35:59

alex martin December 29, 2007 2:32 AM

Levels finished: 40
Grenades used: 7126
Launches made: 389
Warthog bounces: 1059
Engineers popped: 2998
Time spent: 1:09:33

freak yeah man


to all the ppl who need help on lvl 34

big bar-all the way to the left,top bar-a little bit to the left of the middle,bottom bar-all the way to the right,and if it doesnt work the first time then keep messin around with it.And can anyone tell me how to get a screen shot?


How the hell do you get to the bonus level? i'm pissed now because i finally beat the 40 levels, and then quit out before i knew about the bonus level......D=


I need the screenie to level 30. Plz Help!!!!!!!

Mastur Cheef March 22, 2008 11:34 PM

Yeah I got to level 42 but had to end up giving up because I wasn't even sure if it was possible. Best I did on level 42 was 3 left. If anyone has beat it, please say so because I am curious.

Anonymous April 18, 2008 9:51 PM

omg i need help on lvl 32 screenie not helping

Spider-Man May 21, 2008 1:54 AM

My current high score:
Levels finished:
Grenades used:
Launches made:
Warthog bounces:
Engineers popped:
Time Wasted:


level 30 spoiler no help please


I've had only 1 left on lvl 42.

Haha I Rule!!!!


Levels finished: 40
Grenades used: 11526
Launches made: 616
Warthog bounces: 1860
Engineers popped: 4592
Time spent: 1:06:02

finally finished

Anonymous July 8, 2008 5:04 PM

wow the bonus level sucks to complete, any pointers?

Twilitlord October 11, 2008 10:27 AM

I think those aliens are the Flood (Halo 2). I've only seen them once though, and that was a long time ago, but I think they looked a bit like jellyfish in their original form. It's definitely not the Covenant, they look like lizards. What do you think, Halo players?


stuck on level 38, any screenshots anyone?


stuck on 39
any tips?


level 26 help


Help with level 30 please!

Sharp1337X August 2, 2009 7:28 PM

OMG.. That was hard :D
Level 42.. stuck.. once I had 1 alien left..
Those aliens aren't flood,
it are covenant engineers,
they were in the Halo books, but not in the actual game, they where organic, boneless aliens which only repaired stuff of the covenant, you can still pick them out of the 1st Halo though, by modding it, not too tricky either :)

My lovely Halo book,
and my modding experience


Darn! I got to level 40 then firefox died on me!
At first I was like: no... surely not, not now...

so I had to do all of the levels AGAIN

Levels finished: 40
Grenades used: 11554
Launches made: 626
Warthog bounces: 1777
Engineers popped: 4806
Time spent: 0:47:16 + about an hour for the first time I did it.

Too tired to even try the bonus level, i need sleep =P

Anonymous August 11, 2009 9:54 AM

need help on level 39 please

Anonymous August 19, 2009 7:19 PM

Stuck on level 5


Seriously, I'm at 50000 (fifty thousand) engineers popped, and 1:30 minutes. I've gotten it down to one guy left, but I can only get it to two consistently. But I CAN'T BEAT IT.


Just wanted to note, these aliens are called Engineers. A model is included in part of the code for the original Halo on Xbox. They have since been included in Halo 3: ODST as a key part of the story.

The video that started it all:


how do you beat leave 30. I'm stuck.

ilikechocolatesoup September 1, 2010 6:24 AM

How do you beat level 38 GAH!?!


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