An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

UpBot Goes Up

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4.2/5 (116 votes)

It's an entire philosophy of bot-dom. UpBot is at peace with its purpose in life. It is UpBot. It goes up. It doesn't try to be something it's not. If UpBot needs to go left, then LeftBot is going to have to help it. The makers describe the game as "elegant," and that really is an apt descriptor for the solutions. When you figure it out, everything works together like clockwork. It's the figuring out that's the challenge, and the fun.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Walkthrough (complete)

General Information: To move a bot you can either click on the bot itself or on the button with the bot's color. Every bot must reach the target for its color. If there are several bots of one color you can only move them all together.

To describe what you have to do I will mostly use the bot's color (Y=yellow, R=red, G=green, B=blue) and the number of clicks / panels you must move the bot. When you only have to push the bot to its target I'll use "T" for target, e.g. YT. But don't push it too far!

Thanks to many other users on this forum. Your solutions often helped a lot.

Level 1

I think you can do this one alone.

Are you serious?

Y3 or YT

Level 2

R2, Y3, RT, YT

Level 3

G3, R2, YT, G1,

Level 4

G1, B2, G3, B2,

Level 5

B2, G2, B2, Y2,
R2, GT, YT, RT,

Level 6

Y2, R1, Y3, B2,

Level 7

Y4, R3, YT, RT

Level 8

R2, B4, Y5, RT,
Y1, BT, YT

Level 9

B3, G1, B1, G3,
B4, YT

Level 10

B2, G10, BT, GT

Level 11

R2, Y1, R2, Y1,
R1, Y2, R1, Y2,

Level 12

G3, Y4, B1, G2,
R1, G2, B2, YT,
R3, GT, RT

Level 13

B5, G1, B4, G1,
R4, G1, B4, G1,
B8, G1, B5, GT

Level 14

Y3, R7, YT (the 3 on the left), R9,
now Y until the topmost red bot is on its target next to the teleporter,
R8, Y1, R8, Y1,
R8, Y1, R4, YT,

Level 15

B4, Y1, RT, Y1,
BT, R7 (or RT, B1), YT, RT

Level 16

G4, R3,
do the next three steps 3 times: Y to the top, B1, G5,
BT, Y2, R1, YT,
G3, RT, GT

Level 17

R3, Y2, R2, Y until the 4 red bots are on the yellow targets,

Level 18

B5, Y1, G8, Y1,
B2, YT, BT

Level 19

R3, B3, GT, R2,
BT, Y4, RT, YT

Level 20

R4, Y4, BT, G2,

Level 21

G1, B5, GT

Level 22

Y1, G1, R1, Y4,
R2, G1, R2, GT,
B2, YT, RT

Level 23

R3, Y2, R1, Y1,
G2, R6, G1, R2,
G2, R2, G2, R4,
Y1, R1, G1, R2,
GT, R1, Y1, R8,
Y1, R2, Y2, RT,

Level 24

G3, R2, Y3, R1,
Y1, R2, G2, YT,

Level 25

Y1, R4, G9, B2,
R1, Y3, B5, G2,

Level 26

R14, Y12, R1, Y1,

Level 27

R2, B2, Y2, R4,
Y3, B4, GT, R4,
Y3, B4, Y5, RT,

Level 28

B3, Y1, B1, G1,
Y1, B1, G3, B1,
G5, B1, GT, Y6,
B1, YT, BT

Level 29

B4, R3, Y4, B1,
G6, BT, R1, G3,
R2, GT, Y7, RT,

Level 30

R1, G2, B1, Y2,
R1, B1, R1, B1,
Y2, G2

Level 31

R3, B4, G4, B1,
Y12 (until all yellow bots are at the top), R9,
do the next three steps 3 times: B7, Y1, R7,
Y1, R3, G6, B3,
G11, B11, R11, G1,
R2, Y6, R1, Y1,
B1, GT, R13, BT,

Level 32

Y5, R17, BT, R1,
YT, R18, G1, R18,
G2, RT, GT


Anyone done Level 15 yet? (Labeled Do Not Faceplant). I am soooooo stuck there!!

Anonymous April 26, 2011 8:48 PM

The solution for level 15 is:

blue+4, yellow+1, red+7, blue+1, yellow+1, red+1, yellow+2, blue+5, yellow+4, red+7, yellow+2, red+1


I like this take on block pushing. It can translate well into a phone app.



First push blue up one with yellow, then move it one to the left. Move yellow up one and push with red until yellow is sitting on the red end spot. Make yellow move up to the blue end spot and then push with blue until yellow is under the purple teleporter. Make yellow go up a couple but not beyond the red end spot, then push with red until blue is above yellow, push with yellow until both are on their own end spots and then put red in its place!

Any help on level 18 would be much appretiated as I cannot see any solution.


Thanks for the help! Just solved Level 18...

Use the blue bot to push the green bot all the way to the left. Take the green bot all the way down to the teleporter and go thru. Use the yellow bot to push the blue bot up one so that it is now on the right side of the green one. Use the green bot to push the blue bot 2 spaces right so that the yellow bot can move up one. Now use the blue bot to push JUST the yellow bot (the green one will be between them) thru the teleporter. Note that the yellow one has changed direction. Move it right until it's in its spot. Now send the other two through the teleporter. Use the blue one to get them both down to their spots. Done!

Patreon VIP Chiktionary April 27, 2011 8:06 AM

It's great that a puzzle game allows you to backtrack a step at a time, rather than restart a whole level.
This is definitely an 'elegant' game, and not short on challenge or fun.

roomescaper55 April 27, 2011 8:39 AM

Help with level 16. not coming along well. I've beat levels 17,18 and all levels before 16, but not level 16.
P.S. I will put my casual game play name at the end of my posts

coolbrain April 27, 2011 8:48 AM

I need help with level 24...

i don't see a solution.


This is an amazing concept for a puzzle game. It's like...symbiotic sokoban?


Thanks for the help rhed!


Push green above yellow with red. Push with yellow to the top. Move blue one to the left, push with green all the way down, and then back up with yellow. repeat until all blue are in the right place and then use red to get yellow and green in the right spots.


Naming the reds 1-4 from bottom to top.lets red 1 go through the teleporter, push red 2 with yellow until it is in level with red 4(until the purple tele). Push with reds until yellow is inline with its end spot. Push once with yellow and once with green and let the reds get to their spots. Then just let yellow and green get in place.

Any help with level 29 would be grand, it is getting pretty difficult!


Excellent concept!

For 16

The idea is to line up yellow and green - you can then go up and down and push each blue down one-by-one... The blues will be the first ones in place

Let me know if you need any more hints


For 24

They must all pass through the teleporters

In order (some are simultaneous):

  1. red -> orange teleporter

  2. green -> blue teleporter

  3. red -> purple teleporter

  4. yellow -> grey teleporter

  5. red -> grey teleporter

  6. red -> purple teleporter

You'll have to do some re-arranging at the bottom

Let me know if you need any more hints

neverfakethefunk April 27, 2011 1:36 PM

I don't know if Syntax and I solved it the same way, but my solution for 24 is to move the colors in this order:

R x2
Y x3
R x2
Y x1
G x1
R x1
Y x2
Now, bring the red and green ones home and you're done!

I'm stuck beyond hope on 16, 25, and 28 thru 32. I'm way past wanting hints or nudges, I just wanna know how they're done! D:

Helina Buket April 27, 2011 2:29 PM

Thanks Bleh for the lvl 16 solution--I was ripping my hair out on that one. Still stuck on 25--of course, it's Extreme Shunting. :( Just going back and forth between that and 27...urgh!
So I love this game, but it's the hardest one I've stuck with for a long time. I like that you can back up a step at a time or you can restart the whole level. I also like that you don't have to pass a level to go to the next. Keen!

Helina Buket April 27, 2011 2:56 PM


Level 29

blue 4, red 3, yellow 4, blue 1, green 6, blue 1 (blue done), red 1, green 3, red 2, green 2 (green done), yellow 7, red 1 (red done), yellow 1 (finished).

I'll do more if I manage to finish any more levels. :D

Helina Buket April 27, 2011 3:11 PM

Level 30

Just a hint:

I basically just worked the top left corner, that's the one you have to pay the most attention to--everything pretty much follows from there


red 1, green 2, blue 1, yellow 2, blue 1, red 1, blue 1, red 1, yellow 2, green 2

Helina Buket April 27, 2011 3:16 PM

Sorry but is Level 31 "Facing the Wrong Way" broken? Not all the blue blocks will move for me. :(

misandry April 27, 2011 4:37 PM

great little game. would love to see it as an app. Looooove the music too :)

neverfakethefunk April 27, 2011 4:40 PM

It's not broken; it's just that the blue blocks pointing at each other creates awkwardness when two blocks are trying to move onto the same space.

Thank you for posting solutions; your first hint for 30 was enough to help me solve it on my own!

andy_lsg April 27, 2011 7:32 PM

Help on level 19 (Central Park)?

andy_lsg April 27, 2011 9:21 PM

Now 28 is making me tear my hair out!

Helina Buket April 27, 2011 10:39 PM


Level 19

blue 3, red 3, green 6, blue 3, red 2, yellow 4, red 1, yellow 2

Still working on 25, 27, 28 and 31--which thanks for the heads up neverfake--when I read that I went D'oh! Uh, no it's not broken. Haha.

Helina Buket April 27, 2011 10:57 PM

Level 28 (yay! I finally got it!)

blue 3, yellow 1, blue 1, green 1, yellow 1, blue 1, green 3, blue 1, green 5, blue 1, green 1, yellow 6, blue 1, yellow 3, blue 1


For Level 27:

red 2, blue 2, yellow 2, blue 4, yellow 3, red 4, green 15, blue 4, yellow 1, red 4, yellow 7, red 2, blue 2, yellow 2

Helina Buket April 28, 2011 2:11 AM

Thanks andy--great minds think alike, I was just coming to put up two--that one... and drumroll please:
Level 25 (Finally!!) :D
Starting hint:

The first placement is yellow under the blue...


yellow 1, red 4, green 9, blue 5, yellow 3, blue 2, red 2, green 2, blue 2, yellow 4

neverfakethefunk April 28, 2011 10:40 AM

Solutions for some of the medium-difficulty ones:


R2, G1, B3, Y2, B2, G7


Y1, G1, R1, Y1, G1, B2, Y3, R2, G1, B2, G6, R2, Y5, R3


Seems like there are many ways to do this one, this is the most direct way that I could come up with: R2, Y2, R2, Y1, G2, R4, G1, R2, Y2, G2, R2, G1, R3, G1, R3, Y1, R1, G1, R2, G3, R1, Y1, R1, Y6


R14, Y12, R1, Y1, B17, G5

Anyone figure out 31 or 32 yet? C'mon, quit holdin' out on us! :)

neverfakethefunk April 28, 2011 10:44 AM

Oops, the one above that I labeled "24" should be "26". Mod Powers Activate?


Here's level 31



I just got 32 as well, but only after lots of extra clicks. If I can narrow it down to something I can reproduce then I'll share. Otherwise, this is what I did:

I placed the yellow and blue in their final spot right away. I then used the red piece to push the green piece around, making sure that I never got them facing each other or facing the same direction. Just be careful. Finally, my goal was to place green facing right in the middle spot on the bottom row. Once there, all you need is the red piece to come out the bottom purple teleporter facing up. The first time I set it up the red piece was going into the teleporter facing down so I had to try and scramble them a bit to reverse the red pieces direction. I'm not sure how I did it but I got it to work. Once red is coming out of the bottom red teleporter facing up, I pushed it all the way right with the green piece I left next to it. Then I could place red where it needed to go and green where it needed to go.

Helina Buket April 28, 2011 5:46 PM

@Bob D
Your solution for 31 isn't quite right. But, I doubt I could have got it without it (it's mostly right)

Level 31

B4, R3, G4, B1, Y3, R2, Y9, R7, B7, Y1, R7, B7, Y1, R7, B7, (Y1, R7, Y1, R3, G6), B3, G11, B11, R11, G1, R2, Y6, R1, Y1, B1, G13, R13, B6, R1

Earl Grey April 28, 2011 6:49 PM

Nice game. I wonder if the tag sokoban could be added.

Thanks, E.G.

[Added. Thanks for the suggestion! :) -Jay]


@Helina Buket

Thanks for fixing that! Looks like I left out a line of my solution when I copied it to here.


Level 32

Yx9 Gx1 Yx15 Bx7 Rx27 Yx2 Rx9 Gx2 Rx9 Gx1

No guarantee it is the most efficient, of course


[NB: Dear moderator / blog owner, I'm colorblind and I hope that I got the colors right. So for me the bots on the bottom are from left to right yellow, red, green, blue. The teleporters are orange=square, grey=star, purple=circle, blue=triangle. If I got it wrong, please change the description accordingly or email me the corrections for this version along with my original text. Thanks.]

Walkthrough for Level 32.
I got this solution after trying the one from Bob D (Thanks!) and figuring it out after some tries.
I assume there exists a more elegant solution and I would appreciate if someone would find and post it here. Anyway this one works, too.

I try to explain it without counting the clicks.

1. Move the yellow bot through the teleporters grey, blue and orange until the blue bot is right of the purple teleporter on the upper left. Then move the blue bot down to its final spot.

2. Move the yellow bot 1 click. Then move the red bot through the teleporters purple, grey and blue and push the yellow bot up until it is right under the orange teleporter at the top. Now you can move the yellow bot to its final spot.

3. Move the red bot through the teleporters orange, purple and grey and stop it right before the blue teleporter on the lower right with the green bot right above the blue teleporter at the bottom. Then move the green bot 1 click.

4. Move the red bot through the teleporters blue, orange and purple and stop it right next to the green bot.

5. Now you can move the green bot to the right, then the red bot upwards and finally the green bot to its final spot.

Bugs Duggan April 29, 2011 8:48 AM


Y5, R17, B7, R1, Y2,
R18, G1, R18, G2, R9, G1

Couldn't have done it without your notes, Bob D ;)


Walkthrough (complete)

General Information: To move a bot you can either click on the bot itself or on the button with the bot's color. Every bot must reach the target for its color. If there are several bots of one color you can only move them all together.

To describe what you have to do I will mostly use the bot's color (Y=yellow, R=red, G=green, B=blue) and the number of clicks / panels you must move the bot. When you only have to push the bot to its target I'll use "T" for target, e.g. YT. But don't push it too far!

Thanks to many other users on this forum. Your solutions often helped a lot.

Level 1

I think you can do this one alone.

Are you serious?

Y3 or YT

Level 2

R2, Y3, RT, YT

Level 3

G3, R2, YT, G1,

Level 4

G1, B2, G3, B2,

Level 5

B2, G2, B2, Y2,
R2, GT, YT, RT,

Level 6

Y2, R1, Y3, B2,

Level 7

Y4, R3, YT, RT

Level 8

R2, B4, Y5, RT,
Y1, BT, YT

Level 9

B3, G1, B1, G3,
B4, YT

Level 10

B2, G10, BT, GT

Level 11

R2, Y1, R2, Y1,
R1, Y2, R1, Y2,

Level 12

G3, Y4, B1, G2,
R1, G2, B2, YT,
R3, GT, RT

Level 13

B5, G1, B4, G1,
R4, G1, B4, G1,
B8, G1, B5, GT

Level 14

Y3, R7, YT (the 3 on the left), R9,
now Y until the topmost red bot is on its target next to the teleporter,
R8, Y1, R8, Y1,
R8, Y1, R4, YT,

Level 15

B4, Y1, RT, Y1,
BT, R7 (or RT, B1), YT, RT

Level 16

G4, R3,
do the next three steps 3 times: Y to the top, B1, G5,
BT, Y2, R1, YT,
G3, RT, GT

Level 17

R3, Y2, R2, Y until the 4 red bots are on the yellow targets,

Level 18

B5, Y1, G8, Y1,
B2, YT, BT

Level 19

R3, B3, GT, R2,
BT, Y4, RT, YT

Level 20

R4, Y4, BT, G2,

Level 21

G1, B5, GT

Level 22

Y1, G1, R1, Y4,
R2, G1, R2, GT,
B2, YT, RT

Level 23

R3, Y2, R1, Y1,
G2, R6, G1, R2,
G2, R2, G2, R4,
Y1, R1, G1, R2,
GT, R1, Y1, R8,
Y1, R2, Y2, RT,

Level 24

G3, R2, Y3, R1,
Y1, R2, G2, YT,

Level 25

Y1, R4, G9, B2,
R1, Y3, B5, G2,

Level 26

R14, Y12, R1, Y1,

Level 27

R2, B2, Y2, R4,
Y3, B4, GT, R4,
Y3, B4, Y5, RT,

Level 28

B3, Y1, B1, G1,
Y1, B1, G3, B1,
G5, B1, GT, Y6,
B1, YT, BT

Level 29

B4, R3, Y4, B1,
G6, BT, R1, G3,
R2, GT, Y7, RT,

Level 30

R1, G2, B1, Y2,
R1, B1, R1, B1,
Y2, G2

Level 31

R3, B4, G4, B1,
Y12 (until all yellow bots are at the top), R9,
do the next three steps 3 times: B7, Y1, R7,
Y1, R3, G6, B3,
G11, B11, R11, G1,
R2, Y6, R1, Y1,
B1, GT, R13, BT,

Level 32

Y5, R17, BT, R1,
YT, R18, G1, R18,
G2, RT, GT

Anonymous April 29, 2011 4:13 PM

14 is driving me nuts! Any help would be appreciated.

Anonymous April 29, 2011 5:29 PM

Thanks to the power of posting, I got level 14. So obvious now.

Y3, R7, Y10, R2, Y15, R1, Y1, R1, Y1, R1, Y1, R8, Y10, R6

Drunksurf April 29, 2011 10:39 PM

Help! I'm stuck on 14


I need help with Level 13. I've tried so hard but still can't figure it out.


@Benz, a few hints for level 13:

The empty square that connects the 2 lower rows is the perfect place to park the green downbot we're gonna use to put the other bots into their final position.

You better start by moving the full line of bots through the orange teleporter (using the blue bot to push left - Bx5) so you can put the green bot in its waiting position (Gx1).

Then continue to move the line of bots to put the yellow bot just under the green one (keep using the blue bot to push left - Bx4)

Using the green bot, have the yellow bot to enter the column (Gx1).

Green is now between Red and Blue: use either of those to put Green back into its waiting position.

(Red is better for that job: Rx4, Gx1 ;-)

Move the red bot under the green one (Bx4), so it can push Red into the column (Gx1).

Green is on the left of the red bot, so you have to do the full trip (Bx8) to put Green back into its waiting position (Gx1).

You finally need to move Blue under Green (Bx5) so you can move Yellow, Red, Blue and Green to their final position: Gx2.

TL;DR (the solution):

Bx5, Gx1, Bx4, Gx1, Rx4, Gx1, Bx4, Gx1, Bx8, Gx1, Bx5 and Gx2

Anonymous May 5, 2011 8:59 PM

Level 31 is wrong!!!

Anonymous May 6, 2011 6:02 PM

Level 31 is wrong.
First,it's not R7-Y1-B7 but R8 & B8,for the upper yellow has to stay on 2nd row.
And when you put the down blue block up with the green one,they can't be detached one from another.

Could there be a video,please?


@JIGuest (May 5, 2011 8:59 PM):
The solution from Bob D is wrong (a few steps are missing), but Helina Buket gave the good one 2 comments after.

Anonymous May 8, 2011 3:32 PM

On 04/28/2011 comment?
I'm sorry,but it's plain wrong!
For instance,after Y3 R2,she says Y9,which causes the 1st yellow to be blocked in the row where you can do nothing about it there.
Come on!


@JIGuest (May 8, 2011)

Helina Bucket's solution is definitly correct: I use it to finish that level (shame on me...), and reuse it to write the following demonstration:

  • After B4, R3 you have the green and yellow bots in front of each other, separated by 2 squares and just above the column that hold most of the target zones.

  • After G4, B1, Y3, you get the red and blue bots in a right/left pusher configuration, and just below a up/down pusher made of the green bot and the top most yellow bot.

  • After R2 the left/right pusher (Red/Blue) is positioned between the 2 columns with yellow bots.

  • Then comes the Y9 move you have problem with: when done, you have Red/Blue enclosed between the green bot (on the left) and (on the right) the top most yellow bot from the pack of four.

  • R7, B7, Y1 repeated 3 times followd by R7, Y1 allows you to move the whole pack of 4 yellow bots below the one already under the green bot.

  • R3, G6 moves the Red/Blue pusher on the right of the Green bot;

  • you then do a B3, G11 to put the green bot and the blue upbot in a up/down pusher configuration at one square from the bottom of the arena.

  • B11 put the blue leftbot in its target zone, the Green/Blue pusher just in front of the orange teleporter (more exactly, its green bot) and the Red/Blue pusher at one square from the top-left corner of the arena.

  • R11 move the green bot back on top of the pack of yellow bots,

  • then G1 moves them all down, so

  • R2 moves the Red/Blue pusher over them and you get the red bot on the top of the green bot/yellow bots.

  • Y6 and you have every bots on the red/green/4*yellow bots that move up so the red bot is back to the top most row.

  • R1, Y1 allows you to have all the yellow bots high enough, so:

  • you can do the B1 move and get the blue leftbot (the one on the right) under the green/4*yellow bots stack, and the blue upbot (the one on the left) on the same row (the one with the orange teleporter and the red target zone)

  • G13 moves the green/4*yellow/blue bots to their destination zone, clearing the path for the red rightbot to move itself and the blue upbot closer to their destination:

  • R13 and you have the blue upbot into the red bot target. You have to move it in its own destination zone so you can finaly move Red into its final zone:

  • B6, R1


I do not tell however that you cannot proceed another way (for instance, there is no need to do the R2 move before the Y9 one: you can do a Y12 move followed by the R2 move combined with the first R7 and get (almost) the same configuration).

PS: if you don't trust me, you can also have a look to the walkthrough posted by dee_kay (April 29, 2011 11:36 AM) where the solution for level 31 is the same (with a slight variation: Y12,R9 is used instead of Y3,R2,Y9,R7).


The JIG community are, as usual, first with a complete walkthrough - congratulations!

In case any of you want more, the XBox version of the game (way prettier, many more levels) is now out:

Incidentally, anyone who's completed the Flash version should feel proud of themselves - it's not an easy game! :-)


I don't understand the spoilers whats it mean like Y4 r3 & such? I am having trouble with level 14 I can't get them to move seperately. Please reply My email is [email protected]


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