Transylvania is without a doubt the best point-and-click game about a sleepwalking potato who accidentally drives his car into the depths of hell that I have ever played. The bar has definitely been raised for that particular niche. But be warned: the dangers in this place aren't just of being scared, nor even of being trapped there forever. No, you can expect to die many, many times on your quest to escape back to Miss Potato, often in extremely unfair (but hilarious!) ways.
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Transylvania Walkthrough
Level 1
Click the door to open it and click on yourself to walk through the door.
Level 2
Click on the key to open the door.
Click the door to open it and click on yourself to walk through the door.
Level 3
Click on the cage to open it.
Click on the creature inside to set it free.
Click on the demon to chase after the creature.
Click on the right and then the left parts of the trapdoor.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 4
Click on the third and then the first wheel controls. The other controls will kill you.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 5
Click on the apple.
Click on the creature.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 6
Click on the winged creature on the upper left to see the pattern.
Follow the pattern on the creature on the right (click its left wing, right wing, and then center).
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 7
Click on the center door.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 8
Click on the flashing point in the upper left to get a key, and click on the key.
Click on the now unlocked gate at the bottom.
Click on the hanging levers in this order: 2, 4, 1, 3. Don't click on 5.
Click on the key and click on the gate to open it.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 9
Click the left mirror and then the bottom mirror.
Click on the demon.
Click on the trapdoor above to drop the rocks on the demon.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 10
Click on the rock to roll it off the elevator.
Click the up control to bring the elevator to you.
Click on yourself to get in, and click on the down control.
Click on the minecart control to get trapped!
Level 11
Click on the upper middle cell to release the creature.
Click on the demon to make it chase after.
Click on the lid of the box to open it, and then the key within to unlock the gate.
Click on the gate to open it and on yourself to walk out.
Level 12
Click on the two rocks at the bottom to stop the lava geyser.
Click on the broken cord to mend it.
Click on the lever to blow up the rocks.
Level 13
Click on the right hand lever.
Click on yourself to enter the cage.
Click on the right hand lever.
Level 14
Click on the creature in the cage to let it escape.
Click on the wagon with the sleeping demon to send it down the trapdoor.
Click on the left and then right trapdoors to close it.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 15
Click on the upper left key to unlock a gate and then open it.
Click on the key behind the gate to unlock another gate, then open it.
Click on the lever behind that gate.
Click on the ladder slat lying in the center to fix the ladder.
Click on yourself to walk out. This all has to be done fast.
Level 16
Click on the prominent brick to reveal a key, then click on it.
Open the box and click on the bottle within twice to scare off the executioner.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 17
Click on the minecart to send it away.
Click on the top most button next to you.
Click on the gate in the lower left.
Click on the platform behind the cart to bring out a creature in a cage.
Click on the dinosaur to have it start walking on the treadmill.
Click on the wheel above you to have it attach to the treadmill wheel and bring up the bridge.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 18
Click on the bubbles in this order: 5, 2, 1, 3, 4.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 19
Click on the little peg next to the key to push it in.
Click on the bell to drop it.
Click on the key to free the creature and open the door.
Click on the creature to set it free.
Click on the door to open it.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 20
Click on the trapdoor just next to you to reveal an underground area.
Click on the small wheel in the generator to stop the fog.
Click on the lever to stop the large wheel.
Click to the bottle attached to the fan to free the ghost.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 21
After the cutscene, click on the peg locking down the alarm clock to take it out, then open the box that has the alarm clock in it and pull up the bell.
Detach the cord attached to the clock.
Click on the key to unlock the gate.
Click on the gate.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 22
Click on the creature for a cutscene. You win!
Sign of an enjoyable game: When losing not only isn't frustrating, but is actually amusing.
The first example I can recall was the old 2600 game, Circus Atari. I had a difficult time getting the trapeze artists up into the bricks to play it properly, but i could entertain myself for hours watching them go SPLAT on the floor.
This game entertains me in much the same way, just with the addition of that little burp.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Transylvania Walkthrough
Level 1
Click the door to open it and click on yourself to walk through the door.
Level 2
Click on the key to open the door.
Click the door to open it and click on yourself to walk through the door.
Level 3
Click on the cage to open it.
Click on the creature inside to set it free.
Click on the demon to chase after the creature.
Click on the right and then the left parts of the trapdoor.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 4
Click on the third and then the first wheel controls. The other controls will kill you.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 5
Click on the apple.
Click on the creature.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 6
Click on the winged creature on the upper left to see the pattern.
Follow the pattern on the creature on the right (click its left wing, right wing, and then center).
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 7
Click on the center door.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 8
Click on the flashing point in the upper left to get a key, and click on the key.
Click on the now unlocked gate at the bottom.
Click on the hanging levers in this order: 2, 4, 1, 3. Don't click on 5.
Click on the key and click on the gate to open it.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 9
Click the left mirror and then the bottom mirror.
Click on the demon.
Click on the trapdoor above to drop the rocks on the demon.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 10
Click on the rock to roll it off the elevator.
Click the up control to bring the elevator to you.
Click on yourself to get in, and click on the down control.
Click on the minecart control to get trapped!
Level 11
Click on the upper middle cell to release the creature.
Click on the demon to make it chase after.
Click on the lid of the box to open it, and then the key within to unlock the gate.
Click on the gate to open it and on yourself to walk out.
Level 12
Click on the two rocks at the bottom to stop the lava geyser.
Click on the broken cord to mend it.
Click on the lever to blow up the rocks.
Level 13
Click on the right hand lever.
Click on yourself to enter the cage.
Click on the right hand lever.
Level 14
Click on the creature in the cage to let it escape.
Click on the wagon with the sleeping demon to send it down the trapdoor.
Click on the left and then right trapdoors to close it.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 15
Click on the upper left key to unlock a gate and then open it.
Click on the key behind the gate to unlock another gate, then open it.
Click on the lever behind that gate.
Click on the ladder slat lying in the center to fix the ladder.
Click on yourself to walk out. This all has to be done fast.
Level 16
Click on the prominent brick to reveal a key, then click on it.
Open the box and click on the bottle within twice to scare off the executioner.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 17
Click on the minecart to send it away.
Click on the top most button next to you.
Click on the gate in the lower left.
Click on the platform behind the cart to bring out a creature in a cage.
Click on the dinosaur to have it start walking on the treadmill.
Click on the wheel above you to have it attach to the treadmill wheel and bring up the bridge.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 18
Click on the bubbles in this order: 5, 2, 1, 3, 4.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 19
Click on the little peg next to the key to push it in.
Click on the bell to drop it.
Click on the key to free the creature and open the door.
Click on the creature to set it free.
Click on the door to open it.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 20
Click on the trapdoor just next to you to reveal an underground area.
Click on the small wheel in the generator to stop the fog.
Click on the lever to stop the large wheel.
Click to the bottle attached to the fan to free the ghost.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 21
After the cutscene, click on the peg locking down the alarm clock to take it out, then open the box that has the alarm clock in it and pull up the bell.
Detach the cord attached to the clock.
Click on the key to unlock the gate.
Click on the gate.
Click on yourself to walk out.
Level 22
Click on the creature for a cutscene. You win!
Posted by: joye
April 18, 2011 7:01 PM