The Wok
When some despicable and toothy crooks burst into your village and make off with your people's most prized possession - a powerful wok which fell from the heavens one day in a cloud of smoke and fire - it's up to you to get it back in this whimsical point-and-click puzzler. Click around on each scene to interact with various objects and figure out how to successfully navigate past hungry monsters, deadly traps, and lava-filled caverns in your quest to recover your stolen mystical cookware.
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The Wok Walkthrough
Stage 1: The Broken Walkway
Click the left side of the broken wooden walkway.
Click the right side of the broken wooden walkway.
Click the arrow to cross.
Stage 2: The Plant
From the left, pull the fourth black chain.
Collect the uncovered plant.
From the left, pull the third black chain.
Collect the uncovered plant.
From the left, pull the last black chain.
Collect the uncovered plant.
Click the top plant to drip liquid into the bottom one and clear it.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 3: The Angry Fly
Click the portion behind the main character.
Click the portion at the bottom left.
Click the speaker portion just below the thick green vine in the middle.
Click the balloon at the top of the contraption.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 4: The Key Bugs
Click the button above the door to turn on the red light.
Counting clockwise from the top left, click the 8th key (the one that glows only red).
The yellow light should turn on.
Counting clockwise from the top left, click the 7th key (the one that glows only yellow).
The green light should turn on.
Counting clockwise from the top left, click the 5th key (the one that glows only green).
Click the door and it should open.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 5: The Hanging Vine
Click the nail just in front of the main character.
Once the bubble pops, click all four buds that were inside of it.
Click the purple flower on the branch below the buds.
Click the hanging vine once the bugs are gone to lower it.
Click the arrow to climb up.
Stage 6: The Spider
Click the top portion of the broken branch at the left of the screen to reattach it.
Click the match at the bottom left (just below the branches) to light it and the cigarette.
Click multiple times on the cigarette quickly to send puffs of smoke up the branch.
Click the horn-shaped branch at the top of the screen to smoke the bugs out.
Click the web around the main character to undo it.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 7: The Slug
Click the hook hidden in the tree just above the main characterís head.
Click the slugís mouth to shut it.
Click on the branch the slugís sitting on.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 8: The Blue Orbs
Click the note just on the other side of the bridge for a hint.
Counting from the left (not including the big one), click the 6th blue orb.
Counting from the left (not including the big one), click the 11th blue orb.
Counting form the left (not including the big one), click the 4th blue orb.
Click the glowing necklace.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 9: The Switches
Click the birdís tail feather for a hint.
From the bottom ñ flip the 2nd yellow switch, the 3rd and 4th purple switches, the 5th yellow switch, the 6th purple switch, and the 6th yellow switch.
Click the tip of the plant with all the switches to get rid of the baddie.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 10: The Giant Tree
Click the stone embedded in the platform on the left to release the blue bug.
Click the largest stone embedded in the platform the main character is standing on to release the 2nd blue bug.
Click the treeís mouth.
Click the log inside the treeís mouth.
Click on the arrow to proceed.
Stage 11: The Bird and the Boat
On the right tree stump sticking out of the lake, click on the top branch to turn it downwards.
Click the bowl behind the main character.
Click the spider.
Click the bird.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 12: The Cage
Click the right most lever to pop it off.
Click the left most lever to unlock the cage.
Click the top lever to open the cage.
Stage 13: The Musical Hanging Shapes
Click the matching shapes in the order they are etched on the tree.
Click the blue orb in the tree to light it up and scatter the bats.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 14: The Rope Ladder & the Skull
Click the skull.
Click the tiny black sphere hidden in the one of the branches near the top of the screen (between the ladder and the boulder).
Click the tiny black sphere hidden under the boulder.
Click the boulder.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 15: The Lava Fall
Click the small boulder wedged at the top of the screen to knock it loose.
Click the other boulder dangling at the top of the screen to knock it loose.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 16: The Lava Claw
For the three boulders blocking the way, click them from left to right (smallest to largest).
Click the lever at the bottom of the screen.
Click the boulder that rolls down.
Stage 17: The Beast
Click the three branches at the bottom of the screen (between platforms) in order from bottom to top.
Click the circular root in front of the beast.
Click the boulder at the top left of the screen.
Click the boulder in front of the main character.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 18: The Arrow Traps
At the left, click the second arrow from the bottom.
At the right, click the bottom arrow.
Click the spikes just above the baddie.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 19: The Beast Returns
Click the branch at the top right of the screen.
The graphics were good, but this guy is clearly a terrible coder. The motion paths are real basic, and there's so many examples of things that don't make sense, such as
[spoiler]That you have to put the left eye in before the right (twice). Or maybe that when you crossed the bridge on the ent level and he brings his fist down, you still die. Or perhaps the fact that you are immune to the timed deaths (what was the point of those anyway) when you're going through walking animation.[/spoiler]
Oh, and the game just in general didn't make sense. At all.
I thought the game was visually gorgeous other than the jarring "try again" screen, which I grew to hate, almost enough to make me rage-quit.
I wish I could have turned off the music but kept the sound effects. And/or that they had separate volume control. When the music was loud enough to hear more than the drum plus the occasional flute sound, the sound effects were way too loud.
But I confess, I didn't like the music even when the volume was ok. It sounded computer generated (apologies to the composer if it was composed).
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Walkthrough Guide
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The Wok Walkthrough
Stage 1: The Broken Walkway
Click the left side of the broken wooden walkway.
Click the right side of the broken wooden walkway.
Click the arrow to cross.
Stage 2: The Plant
From the left, pull the fourth black chain.
Collect the uncovered plant.
From the left, pull the third black chain.
Collect the uncovered plant.
From the left, pull the last black chain.
Collect the uncovered plant.
Click the top plant to drip liquid into the bottom one and clear it.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 3: The Angry Fly
Click the portion behind the main character.
Click the portion at the bottom left.
Click the speaker portion just below the thick green vine in the middle.
Click the balloon at the top of the contraption.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 4: The Key Bugs
Click the button above the door to turn on the red light.
Counting clockwise from the top left, click the 8th key (the one that glows only red).
The yellow light should turn on.
Counting clockwise from the top left, click the 7th key (the one that glows only yellow).
The green light should turn on.
Counting clockwise from the top left, click the 5th key (the one that glows only green).
Click the door and it should open.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 5: The Hanging Vine
Click the nail just in front of the main character.
Once the bubble pops, click all four buds that were inside of it.
Click the purple flower on the branch below the buds.
Click the hanging vine once the bugs are gone to lower it.
Click the arrow to climb up.
Stage 6: The Spider
Click the top portion of the broken branch at the left of the screen to reattach it.
Click the match at the bottom left (just below the branches) to light it and the cigarette.
Click multiple times on the cigarette quickly to send puffs of smoke up the branch.
Click the horn-shaped branch at the top of the screen to smoke the bugs out.
Click the web around the main character to undo it.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 7: The Slug
Click the hook hidden in the tree just above the main characterís head.
Click the slugís mouth to shut it.
Click on the branch the slugís sitting on.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 8: The Blue Orbs
Click the note just on the other side of the bridge for a hint.
Counting from the left (not including the big one), click the 6th blue orb.
Counting from the left (not including the big one), click the 11th blue orb.
Counting form the left (not including the big one), click the 4th blue orb.
Click the glowing necklace.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 9: The Switches
Click the birdís tail feather for a hint.
From the bottom ñ flip the 2nd yellow switch, the 3rd and 4th purple switches, the 5th yellow switch, the 6th purple switch, and the 6th yellow switch.
Click the tip of the plant with all the switches to get rid of the baddie.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 10: The Giant Tree
Click the stone embedded in the platform on the left to release the blue bug.
Click the largest stone embedded in the platform the main character is standing on to release the 2nd blue bug.
Click the treeís mouth.
Click the log inside the treeís mouth.
Click on the arrow to proceed.
Stage 11: The Bird and the Boat
On the right tree stump sticking out of the lake, click on the top branch to turn it downwards.
Click the bowl behind the main character.
Click the spider.
Click the bird.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 12: The Cage
Click the right most lever to pop it off.
Click the left most lever to unlock the cage.
Click the top lever to open the cage.
Stage 13: The Musical Hanging Shapes
Click the matching shapes in the order they are etched on the tree.
Click the blue orb in the tree to light it up and scatter the bats.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 14: The Rope Ladder & the Skull
Click the skull.
Click the tiny black sphere hidden in the one of the branches near the top of the screen (between the ladder and the boulder).
Click the tiny black sphere hidden under the boulder.
Click the boulder.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 15: The Lava Fall
Click the small boulder wedged at the top of the screen to knock it loose.
Click the other boulder dangling at the top of the screen to knock it loose.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 16: The Lava Claw
For the three boulders blocking the way, click them from left to right (smallest to largest).
Click the lever at the bottom of the screen.
Click the boulder that rolls down.
Stage 17: The Beast
Click the three branches at the bottom of the screen (between platforms) in order from bottom to top.
Click the circular root in front of the beast.
Click the boulder at the top left of the screen.
Click the boulder in front of the main character.
Click the arrow to proceed.
Stage 18: The Arrow Traps
At the left, click the second arrow from the bottom.
At the right, click the bottom arrow.
Click the spikes just above the baddie.
Click the main character to proceed.
Stage 19: The Beast Returns
Click the branch at the top right of the screen.
Posted by: Alex
January 11, 2012 11:26 AM