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4.6/5 (576 votes)

Step into another surreal world created by Amanita Design (Samorost). With eight totally separate environments, Questionaut feels like a cohesive whole. It's like stepping into a story book and becoming one of its characters. And thanks to Questionaut's powerful imagery, it feels like a living universe that continues to exist even after you've shut down your browser. Just delightful.

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Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

(sans answers to the questions — you'll have to do some of the work(!)

Level 1:

Click on the leaves on the right of the island. They will fall and reveal a wire. Click on it do discharge it and the man won't be able to read. Click on him and he will ask you questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about literature

Level 2:

Scroll your mouse over the tree on the right and leaves will start growing. When the tree is fully grown a man will appear from the left side. Click on him to get him to ask you the questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about maths

Level 3:

Click on the cat, then the bird, then the hole in the tree, then the worm, then the bird, then the rabbit and the bird again. The bird ( owl ) will ask you questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about biology

Level 4:

Click on the key, use it on the first lock. A football will appear. The fisherman will kick it. While he is doing that you must grab the key and use it on the second lock. A box will appear. Click it and use the key inside on the third lock. A jar will appear. Click on the man when he comes to drink of it and he will start asking you the questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about proportions, rotation and translation

Level 5:

Click on the ice-shards and put them in the big jar. Light one match from the matchbox to create a fire. A man will appear. He will ask you the questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about chemistry

Level 6:

Check out the numbers on the satellite dishes.

Think how they can correspond to the colors of the dishes.

Try clicking the little squares under the scientist dude.

Click the boxes until there are the same amount of boxes per color that it says on the dishes. i.e. make one yellow box, two greens, three blues, and four reds.

The scientist will ask you the questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about arithmetics and probability

Level 7:

Put the battery on the appropriate space. Click the bulb to turn it on. Flip the little switch in the lower left to switch all the power to the large bulb, et voila! A man comes out and starts asking you questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about physics

Level 8:

This one is really easy. You can handle it on your own.

P.S: all of the questions are about grammar

Questionaut's Diary

Questionaut's Diary, Page 1

My Thought Air Balloon has been itching for a test run for a few days now, and today I finally got a chance to test it out. My wife's hat was carried away by a bubble, and I volunteered to fetch it. Now I'm on my way across the landscape of islands. I can't wait to test the filling procedure.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 2

I just landed on a novel little island. An eccentric scholar was lost in reading while his wife typed feverishly, presumably to create more books for him to read. It must have been a happy marriage. I had to unplug his reading lamp to get his attention, but when I did, he was quite cooperative. We traded knowledge concerning literature and the written word, and my Thought Air Balloon filled up in no time. Now I'm off again. Maybe I'll visit him again someday to read a book or two.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 3

This time around I landed on a peculiar figure-eight-shaped island where a single tree grew. It bore buds in the form of pluses and minuses, and before my eyes an insect-keeper sent out a series of number-flies to pollinate the buds. The insect-keeper turned out to be a math specialist, so we had a nice discussion about arithmetic and so forth. The knowledge we shared was sufficient to fill the Thought Air Balloon once more, and I bid him farewell. Maybe the next time I come there, I'll talk to him about what it's like to raise number-flies...

Questionaut's Diary, Page 4

The places I arrive at are getting more and more peculiar. This time I landed on a land populated by nothing but animals. After a cat jumped between branches, a small bird plucked a worm out of the ground. A flower then grew, which a rabbit jumped over and munched on a leaf of, and then an owl flew over to me and spoke to me. Not only did he speak in words I could understand, but he was very well learned in the field of biology. Unusual for an owl, but very beneficial for the Thought Air Balloon's fuel supply. Someday I'll ask him where he got all that knowledge.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 5

My Thought Air Balloon touched down near where a surveyor was inspecting the hemispherical island with a weight on a string. I picked up a key and unlocked a drawer, in which a soccer ball was sitting. The surveyor came down from his post to kick away the soccer ball, at which point I swiped his key and unlocked another drawer, which contained a third key. The drawer that key unlocked contained a glass of soda, and it wasn't until the surveyor began to drink the soda that he really noticed me. I suppose I should've expected him to be a geometry specialist, but the Thought Air Balloon runs on any subject, so I didn't really care. Where will I land next...

Questionaut's Diary, Page 6

This was a particularly cold island, covered in ice. I broke off an icicle and stuck it in a gigantic flask, which resided above a Bunsen burner which I lit and turned to full power. When the icicle melted and then evaporated into steam, it drove a windmill which rose a lid. An ice skater jumped out, skated around, and then stopped to chat with me. His knowledge of chemistry and state-changes was perfect fuel for the Thought Air Balloon. I wonder if he'll teach me how to ice-skate the next time I come by here?

Questionaut's Diary, Page 7

The resident of this island reminded me of that book-reading old man on that earlier island. This man was busy trying to sort out data he was gathering from something or other. After I helped him out, we had a chat about graphs, charts, and probability, and my Thought Air Balloon filled up quite nicely. I suppose I could learn a thing or two from him about data management... but that will have to wait until another day. I've got a hat to save.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 8

This island's electrical system was in disrepair. I fixed it up, and its single resident, who seemed fond of sunbathing in its bright light bulb, was more than happy to talk with me about the science of sound, light, and electricity. He knew so much about it that my Thought Air Balloon filled up in no time, and I bid farewell. All I have left to say is, I'd hate to be him if that big light bulb burned out.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 9

Two folks in white were hard at work on this island here, sorting out sentences by chopping out words and pulling out stray punctuation marks. I moved a pot over to find a valve wheel, and used it to stop the flow of letters they were working on. They seemed happy to have a break, and we discussed the finer points of grammar and punctuation, a topic that made excellent Thought Air Balloon fuel. Now I'm ready for the last leg of my journey. Hat, here I come!

Questionaut's Diary, Page 10

At last, my wife's hat is back in safe hands. It's a bit of a shame that I lost the Thought Air Balloon as I fetched it, but I don't really care, and neither does my wife. What matters is that I did it! My journey will be one I'll remember for a long time.

Forgive me for all this. I love to let my creative streak out sometimes.


Grant Thurston March 15, 2008 1:06 PM

Okay. I'm already stuck and I just got to the part ehrwe he's on the little floating library with the typing woman....-_- Any help please???

Grant Thurston March 15, 2008 1:08 PM

Never mind, I got past that but I'll probably have another problem later.... Still, it's very interesting!!


I've been a big fan of Amanita Design, and it's awesome to see them creating for someone like the BBC. While the questions weren't difficult, I do wonder how many variations there are. A great quiz game that I'll have to show off to my teaching friends.


Of course with any game like this, the pool of available questions usually limits the replay value significantly. However, with this one, there are enough questions that make replaying the game several times quite enjoyable.


Oh heavens above! I remember now why I was so excited that I didn't have to take math or science in college...
That being lamented, this is a fantastic little game. Amusing, yet not too taxing - and the animations you need to go through to open up the levels are really clever!


I can't get the fourth level to load :(


Very interesting. Loved how on the next to last level

The little people were seperating words, very cute!


Quizzes aren't my favorite kind of game (mainly because I suck at most trivia categories), but I found this one surprisingly fun! And the graphics, so nice!
So, things I've learned today:

School subjects make great trivias;
Samorost CAN be mixed with a trivia game;
The Moon kills all knowledge;


Answer for level 6? I have no idea of what to do.



level 6:

Check out the numbers on the satellite dishes.

Think how they can correspond to the colors of the dishes.

Try clicking the little squares under the scientist dude.

Click the boxes until there are the same amount of boxes per color that it says on the dishes. i.e. make one yellow box, two greens, three blues, and four reds.


How do i get the questions on the level with the animals?? it's driving me nuts!!


I'm totally stuck on level 6.

I assume I'm supposed to make a pattern with the colored windows, but for the life of me I can't figure it out


This game was so cute! The easy questions and the simple plot was actually quiet refreshing, too!

mysteriousracoon March 15, 2008 3:32 PM

This was a great game. Even though the questions were quite basic the world really came to life with the great artwork and brilliant music.


I can't seem to figure out the biology puzzle on level 3. Any suggestions?

Groogokk March 15, 2008 3:56 PM

Played this when it was announced on indiegames, and I found it as enjoyable as everything from Amanita. What I really yearn for is a how-to for their graphics style, as they manage to create a cohesive picture from photos, hand-drawn and computer-drawn pictures.

paranoid March 15, 2008 3:57 PM

I think i solved the biology puzzle like this:

klick the cat

klick the bird hole

klick the bird

klick the leaf of the flower, when the rabit is looking

klick the owl (maby twice)


The game is gorgeous, but would be ten times better if those pesky questions were nuked from orbit. Yes, yes, I know, the point of the game is to educate, but still.. Amanita Design's games sorta transcend spoken or written word, and these quiz questions just stick out like a sore thumb in this lovely atmospheric world.

Also, I've found a smallish bug. If you pick up the pot at the last level just as the dude is going up in a balloon, the cursor disappears. Not a biggie, but could frustrate some kids who might not be able to finish the game because of it.

OrigamiMarie March 15, 2008 4:15 PM

Here's how to get level 4 to launch:

Click the key that is dangling off the left side of the island, and use it to unlock the left-most drawer.

Click the drawer to open it, and while the little guy is going and kicking the soccer ball away, fetch the key he was sitting on.

Use the key to unlock the next drawer from the left, open it, click the box to open it, and collect the next key.

Use this last key to unlock the next drawer, click it open, and watch the little guy come to get a drink. Now you can get him to ask you questions.

This is my first time with spoiler tags, so I hope I didn't botch them too badly.


aww, cute.


Does anyone know what the man in the fourth level is supposed to be doing and how it relates to the questions?


Very cute game! (And I actually beat it all on my own!)


How do you light the match on level 5?


How DO you light a match, usually? :)

nihongowasha March 15, 2008 6:31 PM

Level 8 (language arts) tells me, "You can't use an adverb and an adjective together." That's a very strange notion.


(sans answers to the questions — you'll have to do some of the work(!)

Level 1:

Click on the leaves on the right of the island. They will fall and reveal a wire. Click on it do discharge it and the man won't be able to read. Click on him and he will ask you questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about literature

Level 2:

Scroll your mouse over the tree on the right and leaves will start growing. When the tree is fully grown a man will appear from the left side. Click on him to get him to ask you the questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about maths

Level 3:

Click on the cat, then the bird, then the hole in the tree, then the worm, then the bird, then the rabbit and the bird again. The bird ( owl ) will ask you questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about biology

Level 4:

Click on the key, use it on the first lock. A football will appear. The fisherman will kick it. While he is doing that you must grab the key and use it on the second lock. A box will appear. Click it and use the key inside on the third lock. A jar will appear. Click on the man when he comes to drink of it and he will start asking you the questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about proportions, rotation and translation

Level 5:

Click on the ice-shards and put them in the big jar. Light one match from the matchbox to create a fire. A man will appear. He will ask you the questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about chemistry

Level 6:

Check out the numbers on the satellite dishes.

Think how they can correspond to the colors of the dishes.

Try clicking the little squares under the scientist dude.

Click the boxes until there are the same amount of boxes per color that it says on the dishes. i.e. make one yellow box, two greens, three blues, and four reds.

The scientist will ask you the questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about arithmetics and probability

Level 7:

Put the battery on the appropriate space. Click the bulb to turn it on. Flip the little switch in the lower left to switch all the power to the large bulb, et voila! A man comes out and starts asking you questions.

P.S: all of the questions are about physics

Level 8:

This one is really easy. You can handle it on your own.

P.S: all of the questions are about grammar


I feel so much smarter now :-) I had never heard of a "magic e" before.

Cerulean March 15, 2008 8:55 PM

Jessica: Perhaps it's a strange way of checking that the points on the circle are equidistant from the center.


What a fantastic little game.


I played this game earlier, and I'm back to play it again. It's got all the spiffyness I'd expect.

I found the puzzles easy, but the questions did remind me how much I need to brush up on Math. Talk about a leaky sieve!


This is amazing! Lucky for me, I only missed one question--and I disagreed with the "correct" answer, as it is something I teach at the college level. Well, I can't account for what they teach in British grammar school.

Thank you thank you thank you! I just replayed Samorost a week or two ago, and hoped they would come out with something new.


I love Amanita. That's all there is to it. I cannot wait for their big release - Machinarium...


It was a neat game, I enjoyed it very much. I wish that MY school quizzes were this much fun to solve back then! :-) Amanita Design did a great job bringing Samorost-like gameplay and quizzes together.

Most questions were solvable simply by remembering school knowledge, though some relied on UK culture, which posed some difficulty for me.

Like, how many liters is 2 pints. Gosh! Why don't they ask about other obscure units like bushels or gills while they're at it? :/

Fortunately, Google bridged the cultural gap. :)
Also, like dsrtrosy above, I've also encountered some questions where one could dispute the "correct" answer.

There was one question about which material lets light through. Both "translucent" and "transparent" were amongst the possible answers, but both of these materials let light through; the difference is only their capacity to do so.

Thanks for doing a great review on this game! (Psst... Psychotronic... you might want to correct that typo about "Samarost" ;) )

Coldfrog March 16, 2008 3:42 AM

I just can't get enough of these guys... I'm so itching for them to finish Machinarium, I hope it has no language barriers like most of their stuff has so far. I'll buy it the first day, it's like I'm just itching to give these people all my money.


The last level was rather hard: I did learn English, but not IN English... So it was a bit of guesswork.

Pretty cool game indeed.


Had the most trouble with the questions in the last level.. no idea how many questins I had to answer, but seeing as my first language isn't English.. sometimes had no idea what they were talking about

The rest was nice, fun and easy :)

Bluejuce March 16, 2008 8:13 AM

So... When he *adds* the basket, the balloon becomes strong enough to lift him?


What a sweet and relaxing game. I really enjoyed playing it. :)


fun and sweet game (:
won it all on my one, no walktrough.
In level 7:

You pick up the battery and put it in the thing on the left side of the "planet", clikc in the lightbulb ond you got light, to make it brigter so the man comes out : there is a lever on the bottom left side of the "planet" click that and the man comes out, click him and ansver all the questions.



ugh. I can't get past lvl 5. How do I light the match?


I'm going to have to play again--it sounds as though the questions change with each play. So far, none of the questions discussed here were in my game! COOL!!! Replay!!!

@rahari, if you didn't find the answer to your question earlier in the discussion

think about what you would normally do to light a match

and then, if that doesn't help,

click it against the strip on the side of the matchbox as if you were "striking" it


for the ice lvl, click on the icicle and put it in the glass thing. turn the wheel at teh bottom to the left and click on the match box.strike the match by clicking it on the side of the match box. then, click the match on the stove burner under the glass. turn the wheel left again. then, a guy should pop out. click on the pole next to you on the left. click on him and answer the Earth Science questions.

hope it helps!

fuzzyface March 16, 2008 12:28 PM

The balloon is filled with "hot air" the people speak? :))

Patreon Crew SonicLover March 16, 2008 1:26 PM

Questionaut's Diary

Questionaut's Diary, Page 1

My Thought Air Balloon has been itching for a test run for a few days now, and today I finally got a chance to test it out. My wife's hat was carried away by a bubble, and I volunteered to fetch it. Now I'm on my way across the landscape of islands. I can't wait to test the filling procedure.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 2

I just landed on a novel little island. An eccentric scholar was lost in reading while his wife typed feverishly, presumably to create more books for him to read. It must have been a happy marriage. I had to unplug his reading lamp to get his attention, but when I did, he was quite cooperative. We traded knowledge concerning literature and the written word, and my Thought Air Balloon filled up in no time. Now I'm off again. Maybe I'll visit him again someday to read a book or two.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 3

This time around I landed on a peculiar figure-eight-shaped island where a single tree grew. It bore buds in the form of pluses and minuses, and before my eyes an insect-keeper sent out a series of number-flies to pollinate the buds. The insect-keeper turned out to be a math specialist, so we had a nice discussion about arithmetic and so forth. The knowledge we shared was sufficient to fill the Thought Air Balloon once more, and I bid him farewell. Maybe the next time I come there, I'll talk to him about what it's like to raise number-flies...

Questionaut's Diary, Page 4

The places I arrive at are getting more and more peculiar. This time I landed on a land populated by nothing but animals. After a cat jumped between branches, a small bird plucked a worm out of the ground. A flower then grew, which a rabbit jumped over and munched on a leaf of, and then an owl flew over to me and spoke to me. Not only did he speak in words I could understand, but he was very well learned in the field of biology. Unusual for an owl, but very beneficial for the Thought Air Balloon's fuel supply. Someday I'll ask him where he got all that knowledge.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 5

My Thought Air Balloon touched down near where a surveyor was inspecting the hemispherical island with a weight on a string. I picked up a key and unlocked a drawer, in which a soccer ball was sitting. The surveyor came down from his post to kick away the soccer ball, at which point I swiped his key and unlocked another drawer, which contained a third key. The drawer that key unlocked contained a glass of soda, and it wasn't until the surveyor began to drink the soda that he really noticed me. I suppose I should've expected him to be a geometry specialist, but the Thought Air Balloon runs on any subject, so I didn't really care. Where will I land next...

Questionaut's Diary, Page 6

This was a particularly cold island, covered in ice. I broke off an icicle and stuck it in a gigantic flask, which resided above a Bunsen burner which I lit and turned to full power. When the icicle melted and then evaporated into steam, it drove a windmill which rose a lid. An ice skater jumped out, skated around, and then stopped to chat with me. His knowledge of chemistry and state-changes was perfect fuel for the Thought Air Balloon. I wonder if he'll teach me how to ice-skate the next time I come by here?

Questionaut's Diary, Page 7

The resident of this island reminded me of that book-reading old man on that earlier island. This man was busy trying to sort out data he was gathering from something or other. After I helped him out, we had a chat about graphs, charts, and probability, and my Thought Air Balloon filled up quite nicely. I suppose I could learn a thing or two from him about data management... but that will have to wait until another day. I've got a hat to save.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 8

This island's electrical system was in disrepair. I fixed it up, and its single resident, who seemed fond of sunbathing in its bright light bulb, was more than happy to talk with me about the science of sound, light, and electricity. He knew so much about it that my Thought Air Balloon filled up in no time, and I bid farewell. All I have left to say is, I'd hate to be him if that big light bulb burned out.

Questionaut's Diary, Page 9

Two folks in white were hard at work on this island here, sorting out sentences by chopping out words and pulling out stray punctuation marks. I moved a pot over to find a valve wheel, and used it to stop the flow of letters they were working on. They seemed happy to have a break, and we discussed the finer points of grammar and punctuation, a topic that made excellent Thought Air Balloon fuel. Now I'm ready for the last leg of my journey. Hat, here I come!

Questionaut's Diary, Page 10

At last, my wife's hat is back in safe hands. It's a bit of a shame that I lost the Thought Air Balloon as I fetched it, but I don't really care, and neither does my wife. What matters is that I did it! My journey will be one I'll remember for a long time.

Forgive me for all this. I love to let my creative streak out sometimes.

Patreon Crew SonicLover March 16, 2008 2:07 PM

What the-? My last two posts were edited and combined into one, and that one post was put up as a walkthrough? I guess my little Questionaut's Diary creativity binge had more than one purpose in the end.


I did that, SonicLover, I hope you don't mind. I enjoyed reading them so much, and it was so clever what you did, I thought they should be featured and preserved in the top section. :)


Awesome game. I didn't even need help, for once. It was quite relaxing, and though it was easy, I felt quite accomplished!


i loved soniclover's diary, so cute! the game was really cute, only level 6 stumped me (imo, the numbers were too subtle... or maybe i am just not observant enough)

really cute game.. enjoyed it



I love all these games...but this one was so relaxing, I didn't have to tax my brain! Even at age 49, when peoples' minds start forgetting, I AM as smart as a fifth grader!! Hooray!


Last Level, lost your cursor?

If you picked up the pan and lose the cursor, right click and click play to get it back.


I don't know what's wrong but I have problems loading this game.... I have to keep reloading it. Is there a different link?


great review, and great game =)


I absolutely cannot figure out #6


a beautiful sweet educational game!

wonderful lovely graphics!

very nice work!

well done


That was incredible, great to see a full amanita design I don't have to pay for!
Some of it really stumped me I bet there's 11 year olds who'd wipe the floor with me! LoL,
Sonic lover that was a really nice diary, I loved the creative streak. I felt so ashamed getting stuck on the last level for so long.
I hope that game brings some better grammar into the discussions
well found Jay, great game


That was so beautiful! Graphics are gorgeous, as always. I love how even the locale and action/objects on screen always match the type of questions being asked. The puzzles were good; not too hard, not too simple. Music was fantastic.

The only thing that I had a problem with... there's not enough of these games! More more more!

hespetre March 17, 2008 3:47 PM

I waited forever for another Amanita game. I loved the previous ones, and I loved this one, too. Cute and smart. And the sound is so good.
I'm excited to learn there's a big one coming up, anyone care to give us some more info on that?

Anonymous March 17, 2008 6:09 PM

Really cool little game. My only gripe is that the questions were a little too easy. Would have been nice if there were different modes for easy, medium, and hard.


Oh, I wish I'd played this earlier on! It's like that Curious Village DS game, only surreal instead of mysterious!

It put me in mind of Carmen Sandiego, but with a hat instead of an enormous landmark. My only problem was with the conversion of imperial to metric, since I could never remember that...


whoops, just resubmitted this without remembering i'm like a million years out of the loop. anyway, it's freaking fantastic.


Ooooh that was loads of fun!

I was taught British English, and I STILL had some trouble with a couple of questions, but not enough to make it any less fun. Lovely little gem =)

Architectonic March 18, 2008 9:52 AM

Like, how many litres is 2 pints. Gosh! Why don't they ask about other obscure units like bushels or gills while they're at it? :/
I believe the US uses pints too, although apparently they're different sized pints to UK ones (16 fluid ounces as opposed to 20). Since we still have a weird mix of metric/imperial measurements in this country (metres but miles? Buh?) it's useful stuff for kids to know.

Anyway, lovely game! Really enjoyed the mix of quiz questions with "click to make stuff happen" games. Beautiful.


In the last level, don't miss what the two guys are spelling :)

SmileyRiley March 19, 2008 8:13 AM

When we became metric (ha!)..I remember " A litre of water's a pint and three quarters"
I buy petrol in litres but my car will show me miles per gallon...Just as well, as us old fogeys can't relate to kilometres per litre!

Terran Nytefyer March 19, 2008 7:19 PM

That was a cute little game. However, this game made me remember just how bad my math skills are. :-D


Wow, what an artist. The music is amazing, the atmosphere is beautiful...I never wanted to get that hat...Who knew multiple choice could be fun? I loved the last level

The guys chopping and seperating the unneeded pieces in the sentence...wow!

And I found my new favorite quote...
one of the wrong choices:

"by light reflecting off our eyes and entering the tree"

I think I may have to turn it into a song...after asking permission of course ;)


the music on stage 6 is great!


can anyone help im stuck on level 7?

Nicol3 May 1, 2008 8:22 PM

Raaagghh! Curse you, grammar level! Way to make me feel like an idiot.


help me plz i dont get level 7 wat do i do HELP!!! we were doin this in class and well i kinda got lost plz help!!!! and i was like the 3 person tht couldnt finish it HELP


PLEASE tell me how to do stage 3 PLEASE!!!!


Cute game! I love Samorost, and this one is just as fun. Plus, I only had to use a hint once! Hooray for me! :)


What a lovely game. Great fun and the questions were a bit of a thinker for even at 25.

Yumichi May 31, 2008 3:14 PM

This was a wonderful game, and even for an 18 year-old like myself, this game cased me to use parts of my brain that I thought I didn't have to use anymore! (like the mathematics, and such) Thanks for sharing this with us!


I need lvl 3 help!

cenovis June 14, 2008 9:51 PM

I heartily enjoyed this game. Questions were pretty simple but I still missed one or two (the part of my brain that holds information from my school days has obviously atrophied.) The animation and music are amazing.


I have decided that this is the best game ever. Uh. Well, one of the really best ones. It's so endearing >

I failed, of course, but it made a lazybones like me try. :D



I forgot about tags so my post was half eaten. :P What I meant was after I played Questionaut, I immediately picked up Flash and tried to make a point 'n click adventure game. My first ever game idea! I know nothing of game design and animation... Er... But, as I said, it made me try my hardest for a few weeks.


.The match will not do anything on the chemistry level for me!

I have hit it against the side of the box which is what you are supposed to do right?


Love this game! I like how it got me thinking a bit. I love their style and we don't have to pay to get the whole thing! (Playing small parts of Somarost (sp?) was still fun though) Very nice game, I'm going to send it to my pals.

Music was great, graphics were great, characters were cute, and the puzzles weren't too hard, though some of the questions were a bit simple, but I think this is prolly made for younger audiences. Still fun though.

Ah, found out how to do Level 7 for those who are confused. I was afraid I'd get stuck without a walkthrough. Been trying hard not to use the walkthrough, though I had to use it on the animal planet.


Look at the -8- squares on the machine and then look at the -8- lines coming out of the rays on the left.

Don't get it? Answer:

Starting from top left... Yellow, green, green, blue, blue, blue, red, red, red, red. 1 Yellow cause 1 yellow line coming out of side, 2 green cause 2 green lines coming out of side, ect.

Anonymous December 5, 2008 2:10 PM

I am stuck on level 7


Alright. The walkthrough didn't help a bit. I need help on stage 5.

I put the big ice shard in the jar thing, I lit a match and made the burner light, I melted the shard, and now nothing! No person, and NO evaporation. I have already tried this before..


For azziebon, who's having trouble on stage 5...

Maybe the water isn't getting hot enough to evaporate...

Did you notice that you can turn the gas valve in either direction?

Hopefully you didn't just turn it off. If you did, though, at least you have an unlimited supply of matches.

Did you notice that you can still turn the gas valve in either direction, even if you've already turned it on?

And if you're still stuck:

Turn the valve once more in the same direction you turned it to turn the gas on. The flame will burn hotter, and the water will begin to boil and eventually produce enough steam to move the turbine and lift the plug.

As for me, I got stumped on level 6.

I had figured out

that I could click on the little square windows below the guy to change the colour of them


that there were numbers on the satellite dishes

but I couldn't figure out what one had to do with the other. (I thought

the binary ones and zeroes coming out of the horn were

a fantastic red herring... in retrospect! Before I finally figured out what I was doing wrong, that just added to the frustration.

Someone had offered a spoiler-tagged solution further up which mentioned

there being eight square windows beneath the guy which corresponded to the eight lines on the satellite dishes

-- which had me ready to beat my head against my monitor, because

there are of course ten windows, and four doesn't divide neatly into ten,

which was the very point I was stuck on and which had me looking at the walkthroughs and other hints here in at all.

But then I said to myself, 'Wait a minute. What


?' And then I went back and looked, and lo and behold, there were

a different number of coloured lines going into each dish. The colours I'd noticed, and the numbers on the dishes, but

somehow I'd missed that detail.

Once I saw that

there are ten lines: one yellow, two green, three blue and four red

I had no trouble figuring out what to do.

(Although I don't think, contrary to what someone else posted about this level, that the order in which the colours go is important.)

So basically the solution was just "snaking" me (as in "if it was a snake, it would've bit me" i.e. it was right in front of me) but I figured I'd leave some clues for others, since I hope I'm not the only visitor to this site so thick as to have not figured it out even with all the hints already provided. Or, at worst, perhaps I've provided some measure of schadenfreude amusement to my fellow site visitors...

Finally, about page three of SonicLover's (fabulous!) Questionaut's Diary: Surely the author meant to refer to the insects as num-bees?


utterly beautiful

Anonymous January 31, 2009 8:16 PM

The answer to one question in vocabulary was wrong. It asks you which punctuation is wrong, I chose what I thought was the wronger of the two, but they told me WRONG answer! I'm pretty sure that you cannot use apostrophes in place of quotation marks.


Level 7:
put the battery in.
put in the bulb.
move the stick by the bulb :o

Anonymous May 4, 2009 4:07 AM

This game is so cool. I've only just completed it because I got stuck on level 5. :(


I would have to say I love this game were it not for the fact that I couldn't replace the match in the fifth level. It's driving me nuts whenever I forget to grab a step and have to reload the game completely to make it work.

TheMusicGirl November 16, 2009 12:50 AM

Lovely! I really wish a teacher could control the questions, because I was thinking about recomending it to mine. Some of the questions are too hard, and some are waaaaay to easy. See if he likes it anyways!


Oh this game is GOOD. Many times if I got something correct, it would go something like, "Great! You remembered that 'blah blah'" and I was like, "I remembered!" :D


You click on the folded up paper by the old man, it falls away to show a plug, you click it and it comes off. The old man tries to turn it on when hes done click on him.




ugh im stuck on the 3rd level i got past tht before but i forgotten how 2 do it and thw walkthrough didnt help

Anonymous April 15, 2010 7:32 AM

why cant i click the cat or the worm on level 3? can someone tell me please!


I've seen a few people saying about level 3 it took me a while too, I hit myself when I realised.

The cats tail, click the cats tail, after that follow the instructions, (and if it helps click the flower, you'll know what i mean.)

Anonymous June 6, 2010 3:58 AM

It's pretty embarrassing I'm stuck on level two. How do i get past it? Please?!


Lol i finished it. it was so fun but the funny thing is that it was all for a hat!!!
lol but i had great fun


I managed to get to level 7. :D
I put the battery in place and clicked the light bulb. The light turned on but no man came out of the house.

Maddison ;D November 21, 2010 5:18 AM

Im stuck on the lazer granny what do i do seriously xD??? LAZERRRRR GRRRAAANNNY ATAKKK!


This game is ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant belive they thought of all those worlds and stuff! I have to play again!

Gisella DeNoir March 28, 2011 7:12 PM

It won't let me click on the cat in level. 3!

sophie fielder May 14, 2011 9:36 AM

help im stuck on level seven the man wont come out of the hut

Sciencegeek23 August 1, 2011 10:53 AM

Wow! Thanks a bunch! I finally finished the game!


Was so excited to see this one come up in The Vault!

Unfortunately, I'm having the same problem that sophie was having in 2011--the battery is in place, the bulb is lit, but no little man appears to ask me questions.


I just tried it, here's what I got: https://jayisgames.com/images/questionaut_level_7.jpg

My guess is you haven't flipped the little switch in the lower left that directs all the current to the big lightbulb. Then and only then will the little guy come out to sunbathe.

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy April 10, 2012 6:25 PM

Aha!! I thought I had clicked on everything--even went to the walkthrough and STILL didn't get it!


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