There are 49 rooms, and 49 treasure chests, and for the most obvious reason in the world, you have to open them all. How can you get to them all? You're not super fast, you're not super strong, and you can't fly. But you can rotate the world around you, which is quite a useful power to have, especially in a platformer. Now where was that 48th chest again?
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Pivot Map
A MAP YOU SAY?! WHAT A COINKY-DINK! Click for a Map of All Rooms
Thanks to Tricky for providing the map!
...Wait, why we're talking about FEZ again? I don't think anyone who says it's like FEZ and isn't joking is actually sane or anything (Which I've seen this kind of comments very frequently at other sites). They're absolutely different except that they share similar graphics, and they're both platformers. It's like saying Cube World is like Minecraft, which is of course, wrong in many, many levels.
Seriously, everyone should stop this kind of "this game is similar to another popular game" argument. It causes great communication problems among the community because some ignorant people keep bashing new games for "some popular game rip-off" - like keep saying all voxel-based game are Minecraft ripoff or all screen-manipulating platformers are like FEZ, which is of course annoying, and even worse, it discourages some indie developers from making games because these kind of arguments totally derails the discussion, and nobody comments on your game itself anymore. (For the record, Minecraft is originally a Infiniminer clone, but almost nobody mentions that at all, right? That's the thing.) Especially since you guys at JIG plays games a lot, this kind of thing should really be avoided.
I have to agree with uncopy2002 here. It happens way too much in the gaming industry, with every game/genre.
Remember Dishonored? People were saying "OH ITS LIKE BIOSHOCK", and it's just like, no, not at all. Similarities yes, but so vastly different and individual. Let's just not mention other games as "like" another just because of a few things, and instead focus on the game and give it its full glory.
Don't insult it by making it feel sub-par or unoriginal.
Actually, the game already has save points. Each treasure chest you pick up is a save point. When you press ESC or close browser and start again, the main menu has extra option "Continue" above "New game". Okay it's not as "fine grained" that you can save anywhere, but it's good enough for me at least.
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Pivot Map
A MAP YOU SAY?! WHAT A COINKY-DINK! Click for a Map of All Rooms
Thanks to Tricky for providing the map!
Posted by: Dora Breckinridge
September 6, 2013 11:03 AM