There are 49 rooms, and 49 treasure chests, and for the most obvious reason in the world, you have to open them all. It's a good thing the laws of physics flexible around here. In the platform game Pivot by PodBot, you play as a little person with a huge head. You're not super fast, you're not super strong, and you can't fly. But you can rotate the world around you, so long as you're in a corner. As superpowers go, it's a pretty useful one to have.
You can navigate using the [arrow] keys, and press [C] while in a corner to tilt the world to your own devices. If that sounds similar to Fez, that's because it is. But it has its own class of charm that makes it an excellent platformer The art is pixellatedly gorgeous, the mechanics are smooth as butter, and the challenges are just enough to keep you playing. Now where was that 48th chest again?
Walkthrough Guide
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Pivot Map
A MAP YOU SAY?! WHAT A COINKY-DINK! Click for a Map of All Rooms
Thanks to Tricky for providing the map!
Posted by: Dora Breckinridge
September 6, 2013 11:03 AM