Nyan Cat FLY!
Have you Nyan'd yet? If you haven't you will when you try the bizarre endless game that is Nyan Cat FLY! Pilot a flying oddly shaped cat through the expanse of space to catchy music, collecting yummies and avoiding veggies until... until someone stages an intervention. As if you needed another excuse to Nyan even harder, Krang Games' addictive arcade experience gets sneaky with a bunch of new cheats that do a variety of things to your beloved pop-tart space cat and the playing field.
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Nyan Cat FLY!
Comprehensive Cheat Codes List
To use:
Type any of the following codes on the keyboard while in any of the game's front-end menus. A notification popup should appear on screen notifying you of a successful cheat input.
There are two types of codes: CHEATS and OUTFITS. CHEATS can be turned on and off, and must be reactivated whenever the player returns to the main menu after a game-over (though will stay activated if selecting Play Again from Game Over). OUTFITS immediately change the appearance of the Nyan Cat itself.
FunkyFace: Modifies the bottom-screen text notifications in game
OmNomNomable: Changes "Nyans" to "Noms" in gameplay
VertigoKitty: Flips the galaxy upside-down
ColdWintersDay: Makes Nyan Cat move slowly from lane to lane
DownInFront: Moves Nyan Cat far up the screen
SnookiesCookies: Changes the word "cookies" to "Snookies" in the text notifications
ReverseEngineering: Reverses the galaxy horizontally, and inverts the rainbow trail
TastingTheRainbow: Reverses Nyan Cat
NyanCatMarch: Replaces bottom-screen text notifications with a parade of Nyan Cats
UseYourWhiskers: Disables the HUD
Leprechaunitis: Disables Nyan Cat's rainbow
CatBreadForTheWin: Replaces all yummies with Cat Bread!
InvisibilityCloak: Makes Nyan Cat completely invisible
BlackAlbum: Makes Nyan Cat completely black
WhiteAlbum: Makes Nyan Cat completely white
DreamsComeTrue: Makes Nyan Cat flash rainbow colors
SummerNyan: Turns Nyan Cat into a watermelon
ChocoKittyTart: Makes a Chocolate Pop-Tart Themed Nyan Cat
YouLookLikeAPopTart: Makes Nyan Cat white, pink and purple
NyanOLantern: Makes Nyan Cat Hallowe'en-Themed
NyanFisher: Makes Nyan Cat stealth themed (a la Sam Fisher)
GGGGhostNyan: Makes Nyan Cat transparent
NyanTheDarkLord: Makes Nyan Cat black and glow red. Red glow is retained after reloading the game, black is not.
NyanStamp: Embosses Nyan Cat
ForgotMyGlasses: Makes Nyan Cat blurry and nearly invisible
DivideByZero: Makes Nyan Cat invert the color of whatever is behind it
Lately I've been having problems opening spoiler tags, and i would really like to see these cheats. Any help?
[Spoiler tags require Javascript to be enabled in your browser. If you're having issues with Javascript, try emptying your browser cache and reload the site. If you're still having issues with it, send an email to our contact address and I'll try to help you troubleshoot the problem. -Jay]
Stephen, me too. I've always been able to view them before (in google chrome, windows xp), and I've always had javascript enabled, btu for some reason, a few weeks ago they stoppped working for me. I can still view them if I use IE, but that's a hassle :P. For some reason it only seems to be a problem in Chrome, and I'm sure I have everything enabled. (Java seems to work on other sites, but those give me the little option of 'run script y/n' near the address bar. There does not seem to be a way to change this so the scripts run automatically without asking in Chrome.)
Regardless, I didn't even think to check the sourcecode for the text.. thanks to Setia for thinking of that. :)
[If it only seems to be a problem in Chrome for you, and you have Javascript enabled, then it must be something in your browser cache. Spoilers definitely work in Chrome on both Mac OS and Windows 7 (I just retested them to be sure). Try emptying your browser cache and reload the site. Also, Java is not the same thing as Javascript. They are two entirely different technologies. -Jay]
i tried the VertigoKitty setting with the TasteTheRainbow setting, and it drove me CRAZY. boy, they weren't kidding when they said 'upside down' -- everything's upside down! up is down and down is up! also my cat was going backwards (TasteTheRainbow) and that just added more chaos to it
but it was fun. xD
sorry for asking all the weird questions. i answered some myself if anyone else is looking for answers...
you need to turn off the game and turn it back on to reset the cheats. TasteTheRainbow didn't work because it's supposed to be TastINGTheRainbow.
And something else...
Having the ability to turn off the sound should be a cheat code. My signifgant 'other' took over and turned off the sound but quickly turned it back on. I am addicted to Nyan Cat, 'nuff said.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Nyan Cat FLY!
Comprehensive Cheat Codes List
To use:
Type any of the following codes on the keyboard while in any of the game's front-end menus. A notification popup should appear on screen notifying you of a successful cheat input.
There are two types of codes: CHEATS and OUTFITS. CHEATS can be turned on and off, and must be reactivated whenever the player returns to the main menu after a game-over (though will stay activated if selecting Play Again from Game Over). OUTFITS immediately change the appearance of the Nyan Cat itself.
FunkyFace: Modifies the bottom-screen text notifications in game
OmNomNomable: Changes "Nyans" to "Noms" in gameplay
VertigoKitty: Flips the galaxy upside-down
ColdWintersDay: Makes Nyan Cat move slowly from lane to lane
DownInFront: Moves Nyan Cat far up the screen
SnookiesCookies: Changes the word "cookies" to "Snookies" in the text notifications
ReverseEngineering: Reverses the galaxy horizontally, and inverts the rainbow trail
TastingTheRainbow: Reverses Nyan Cat
NyanCatMarch: Replaces bottom-screen text notifications with a parade of Nyan Cats
UseYourWhiskers: Disables the HUD
Leprechaunitis: Disables Nyan Cat's rainbow
CatBreadForTheWin: Replaces all yummies with Cat Bread!
InvisibilityCloak: Makes Nyan Cat completely invisible
BlackAlbum: Makes Nyan Cat completely black
WhiteAlbum: Makes Nyan Cat completely white
DreamsComeTrue: Makes Nyan Cat flash rainbow colors
SummerNyan: Turns Nyan Cat into a watermelon
ChocoKittyTart: Makes a Chocolate Pop-Tart Themed Nyan Cat
YouLookLikeAPopTart: Makes Nyan Cat white, pink and purple
NyanOLantern: Makes Nyan Cat Hallowe'en-Themed
NyanFisher: Makes Nyan Cat stealth themed (a la Sam Fisher)
GGGGhostNyan: Makes Nyan Cat transparent
NyanTheDarkLord: Makes Nyan Cat black and glow red. Red glow is retained after reloading the game, black is not.
NyanStamp: Embosses Nyan Cat
ForgotMyGlasses: Makes Nyan Cat blurry and nearly invisible
DivideByZero: Makes Nyan Cat invert the color of whatever is behind it
Posted by: Dora
July 26, 2011 11:39 AM