Mimou Escape
He may be locked in, but this is one kitty that won't be caged for long! Help a kitten break out of his carrier and get some sweet, sweet noms in this short but gorgeously stylish and funny escape game from French creator Sylviepouletpoulet.
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Mimou Escape walkthrough
Poor little kitty, stuck inside your cat carrier. Let's get you out! Start by looking around at everything within reach:
Inspect the lock on the door; there is a screw underneath it.
Back up and lift the left corner of the cushion; a note showing some lines (one is circled).
Back up twice and turn left. Take a look at the pink ball; you find something inside:
A KEY! Take it.
Look through the bars: there's a coin outside but your paw won't reach that far. Tres mal.
Turn left to face the rear of the carrier. Something is scratched into the back wall...make a note of the scratch marks.
Back up and turn left again. Now you're facing the right side of your carrier.
Just as indicated on the note, the sixth bar is loose. Push it out.
Then look through the opening. You'll notice some markings on the bars outside...take note of that.
When facing the right wall of the carrier, lift up the right corner of the cushion to find an oblong grey box.
Enter the correct code:
Open the box and get a SCREWDRIVER! Yay!
Turn left to face the cage door and examine the lock:
Well, you do have a key. What's all this puzzle business I was talking about? Nonesense! You'll just use the KEY, unlock the lock, and out you go...oh oh.
It's okay. There's the screwdriver. Fixing things are what screwdrivers are for. Use the SCREWDRIVER on the lock and soon....
Right about now poor kitty's feeling a bit defeated. But there's something I didn't tell you about sooner that could solve all your problems:
On the right side of the cage door, along the edge...
get the BENT WIRE.
Turn to the left wall and use the BENT WIRE through the bars to reach...
the COIN!
Back up and turn again to the door lock.
Use the COIN to undo the screw on the lock. When you open the lock, you'll find another puzzle to solve.
Click on the dials until each is at the correct position:
With that, the lock comes off and you will escape happily.
Now you're well prepared to make your escape.
It's scratched into the back wall...
2 5 3
The answer is written on the bars outside the cage...Numbering the position starting from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest), the solution is:
1 3 2 4
Meeeooooouuut !
Actually, Sylviepouetpouet (bluntly translated honk-honk Sylvie) is a FRENCH creator of... well, about everything, a mix of girly-sexy-trashy-gory videos, animations, installations, compositions and so on.
So cuuuuute, as many folks say !!!
Anyways, she has a blog you can visit, even if you are french-impaired !
Paris : still damn cold and grey (explains my mood + my gf has dumped me... )
This was adorable, and terms of game-play, very well-designed. I have some little problems in terms of the game logic, though. Why would anyone put a padlock on the INSIDE of a their cat's carrier? Also, when you break off one of the bars, you should be free. Everyone knows that if a cat can get its head through a space, it can get its whole body through. :P
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Walkthrough Guide
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Mimou Escape walkthrough
Poor little kitty, stuck inside your cat carrier. Let's get you out! Start by looking around at everything within reach:
Inspect the lock on the door; there is a screw underneath it.
Back up and lift the left corner of the cushion; a note showing some lines (one is circled).
Back up twice and turn left. Take a look at the pink ball; you find something inside:
A KEY! Take it.
Look through the bars: there's a coin outside but your paw won't reach that far. Tres mal.
Turn left to face the rear of the carrier. Something is scratched into the back wall...make a note of the scratch marks.
Back up and turn left again. Now you're facing the right side of your carrier.
Just as indicated on the note, the sixth bar is loose. Push it out.
Then look through the opening. You'll notice some markings on the bars outside...take note of that.
Now you're well prepared to make your escape.
When facing the right wall of the carrier, lift up the right corner of the cushion to find an oblong grey box.
Enter the correct code:
It's scratched into the back wall...
2 5 3
Open the box and get a SCREWDRIVER! Yay!
Turn left to face the cage door and examine the lock:
Well, you do have a key. What's all this puzzle business I was talking about? Nonesense! You'll just use the KEY, unlock the lock, and out you go...oh oh.
It's okay. There's the screwdriver. Fixing things are what screwdrivers are for. Use the SCREWDRIVER on the lock and soon....
Right about now poor kitty's feeling a bit defeated. But there's something I didn't tell you about sooner that could solve all your problems:
On the right side of the cage door, along the edge...
get the BENT WIRE.
Turn to the left wall and use the BENT WIRE through the bars to reach...
the COIN!
Back up and turn again to the door lock.
Use the COIN to undo the screw on the lock. When you open the lock, you'll find another puzzle to solve.
Click on the dials until each is at the correct position:
The answer is written on the bars outside the cage...Numbering the position starting from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest), the solution is:
1 3 2 4
With that, the lock comes off and you will escape happily.
Posted by: elle
April 6, 2013 1:07 PM