Me and the Key 2
Bart Bonte's Me and the Key sent us all on a voyage of self- and key-discovery. But the hunt for the self/key is an eternal quest, is it not? Luckily, the journey has been lengthened by another 25 levels in Me and the Key 2. As you progress through this series of abstract thinking puzzles and mini-games, maybe you'll discover that the key that you were searching for was around your penguin-thing's neck the whole time.
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Me and the Key 2 walkthrough
Drag the penguin up with the cursor and click the key.
Look at the letters in the balls, and type them on your keyboard to make them pop. When the last ball pops, the key will fall out. Click on it.
Click all the white blocks to change them into purple blocks in the shape of a key.
This is a game of snake. Click anywhere on the screen to cause the snake to make a clockwise turn. Don't hit yourself or the walls as you gobble up the orange balls and the key.
Click on the penguins to spell out "me and the key 2". The penguin with "2" on its chest will then have a key around its neck.
When you move the cursor left and right, the bands move left and right. Guide the ball through the gaps in the bands all the way to the bottom to land on the key.
Drag the pale pink band on the far left to reveal a key behind it.
Click on the ball, and then click on the new balls as they appear. When you click on the final ball a key will fall out of it.
Move your mouse into the space to the upper right of the penguin and then don't move your mouse. The penguin will thought bubble a key, which you can then click on.
Keep the cursor on top of the ball while it float to the top, where it will break and drop the key.
Drag the ball to the other penguin's head without touching the walls.
Type the letters of the balls to pop them. You can't pop the letters K E Y even if you try. When you get down to just K E Y, you'll get the key.
Click on the penguins and the letters on their chests will go through the alphabet. Make the penguins spell K E Y and the Y penguin will have a key around its neck.
This is another level of snake and plays the same as before, only it takes longer before the key appears.
Hit delete on your keyboard three times.
Spot the differences and click on them in the upper tv screen. They are: the bottom ball of the thought balloon, the left eye, the beak, the rightmost bar in the background, and the orange ball. The key will drop from the ceiling.
This is an odd one. You're dragging both the light pattern and the ball at the same time. Once again, you don't want the ball to leave the light pattern. Just go slow and it shouldn't be a problem.
Change all the blocks to white color, they will form a key.
Click on the penguins to spell out "Bart Bonte" (the name of the designer).
This is another snake game. This time, you must also click on the blocks to clear a path for the snake. Click on the blocks will also count as a click to turn the snake, so be careful! Basically, you will need to clear a vertical path in the center column of the pink blocks, which will cause two blue blocks to appear. When you get the orange ball from within the pink squares, another orange ball will appear within the blue squares. When you get the second orange ball, the key will appear in the upper left, and you must collect that. Good luck, it's tricky!
Click on the penguins to spell out the number of the level, "twenty-one".
Drag the first keyhole to the lower left corner to find the second keyhole. Drag the second keyhole to the right upper side, not the upper corner, just below that, to find the third keyhole (you also have to drag the first keyhold over to see through the layers). Finally, drag all the keyholes up to the upper left corner to find the key.
Match the backgrounds on the tv to the orange background, and make all the penguins crouch down, and the key will drop from the ceiling.
This is like level 8 but it lasts longer. Click on each new ball as it appears.
This is a game of breakout. You must clear three sets of blocks and then get the key with the ball. And that's the end!
For Level 22:
Since you're actually dragging the layer rather than the keyhole, I think you can just drag everything into the upper left corner to begin with. That is, drag the big keyhole layer so the keyhole is in the upper left, then repeatedly drag up and left drag inside of it until the next keyhole appears, then drag up and left inside of that one to find the key.
For Level 24:
I managed to complete every level, but the design was weak. The snake only being able to turn left? Ridiculous, especially at the prolonged level. A lot of the actual puzzles were just trial-and-error, with little to no clue as to what you were supposed to be doing. I'm not even going to comment on how bad the breakout level at the end was.
Seems to me this was not the puzzle game it was billed as.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Me and the Key 2 walkthrough
Drag the penguin up with the cursor and click the key.
Look at the letters in the balls, and type them on your keyboard to make them pop. When the last ball pops, the key will fall out. Click on it.
Click all the white blocks to change them into purple blocks in the shape of a key.
This is a game of snake. Click anywhere on the screen to cause the snake to make a clockwise turn. Don't hit yourself or the walls as you gobble up the orange balls and the key.
Click on the penguins to spell out "me and the key 2". The penguin with "2" on its chest will then have a key around its neck.
When you move the cursor left and right, the bands move left and right. Guide the ball through the gaps in the bands all the way to the bottom to land on the key.
Drag the pale pink band on the far left to reveal a key behind it.
Click on the ball, and then click on the new balls as they appear. When you click on the final ball a key will fall out of it.
Move your mouse into the space to the upper right of the penguin and then don't move your mouse. The penguin will thought bubble a key, which you can then click on.
Keep the cursor on top of the ball while it float to the top, where it will break and drop the key.
Drag the ball to the other penguin's head without touching the walls.
Type the letters of the balls to pop them. You can't pop the letters K E Y even if you try. When you get down to just K E Y, you'll get the key.
Click on the penguins and the letters on their chests will go through the alphabet. Make the penguins spell K E Y and the Y penguin will have a key around its neck.
This is another level of snake and plays the same as before, only it takes longer before the key appears.
Hit delete on your keyboard three times.
Spot the differences and click on them in the upper tv screen. They are: the bottom ball of the thought balloon, the left eye, the beak, the rightmost bar in the background, and the orange ball. The key will drop from the ceiling.
This is an odd one. You're dragging both the light pattern and the ball at the same time. Once again, you don't want the ball to leave the light pattern. Just go slow and it shouldn't be a problem.
Change all the blocks to white color, they will form a key.
Click on the penguins to spell out "Bart Bonte" (the name of the designer).
This is another snake game. This time, you must also click on the blocks to clear a path for the snake. Click on the blocks will also count as a click to turn the snake, so be careful! Basically, you will need to clear a vertical path in the center column of the pink blocks, which will cause two blue blocks to appear. When you get the orange ball from within the pink squares, another orange ball will appear within the blue squares. When you get the second orange ball, the key will appear in the upper left, and you must collect that. Good luck, it's tricky!
Click on the penguins to spell out the number of the level, "twenty-one".
Drag the first keyhole to the lower left corner to find the second keyhole. Drag the second keyhole to the right upper side, not the upper corner, just below that, to find the third keyhole (you also have to drag the first keyhold over to see through the layers). Finally, drag all the keyholes up to the upper left corner to find the key.
Match the backgrounds on the tv to the orange background, and make all the penguins crouch down, and the key will drop from the ceiling.
This is like level 8 but it lasts longer. Click on each new ball as it appears.
This is a game of breakout. You must clear three sets of blocks and then get the key with the ball. And that's the end!
Posted by: joye
November 10, 2010 8:17 PM