The Light Asylum Rooms 1 & 2
"Welcome subject 7." With those chilling words begins a new room escape adventure series by talented Portuguese designer, Fausto Fonseca. Welcome to the Light Asylum! At least, welcome to the first two rooms, a very promising start to what looks to be an entertaining, mind-stretching series.
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Loudude -
Try this:
Reset the puzzle, so all the dots are red. Then start at the top. Click on the very top point and it will turn green along with the "row" of four points below it.
Now click on each of the four green points on that row, one at a time. When you are done they will all be red, and the row below them will be green. Now go to the next row down that you just turned green. Click on each of the four on that row and they will all be red when you are done. Now go to the row below that are all green, and click each one until they turn red. At this point the top of the puzzle should be green, and the bottom point and the bottom row of four points should be red. Now click the bottom point and everything should turn green. Once everything is green click on "open". Hope that makes sense.
Thanks but...
I read quarter to 6 and set it at that and pushed the button and nothing happened. It wasn't until I set it at quarter to five that it worked. Its an issue with the placement of the hour hand.
As for the ship I have search all sections and come up with nothing, so I guess I will just have to try it again
Be aware, the site these games are hosted on,, is listed on hphosts as having pages which infect users with malware. According to Google, the last "suspicious content" found there was on 10/13, and the last time they checked was on 11/3.
[Edit: If the last time Google checked was on 11/3, but the last time suspicious content was found was back on 10/13, then the 11/3 check must have come up clean, right? In any event, we'll be hosting the games ourselves very soon instead of linking to coolbuddy. -Jay]
phdavoid -
About the ship:
Here's a screenshot of where the coin is located. It can be a little hard to spot.
About the fuse:
You might try combining two of your objects, like, say, using the swiss army knife to strip the insulation off of the cable.
About the Clock -
In Light Asylum Room 2, the clock puzzle is indeed a little problematic.
The time you are setting is "quarter to six", aka 5:45. However, you can only set the hour hand on the 5 or the 6. Now on a regular clock 5:45 the hour hand would be near the 6, but in the puzzle it needs to be pointing to the 5. A bit of a design flaw.
HulaZombie -
About the chessboard puzzle:
This is a classic type of puzzle called an Eight Queens puzzle. You need to place the queens so that none of them share the same row, column, or diagonal. There are actually several solutions to this puzzle. Why don't you start by placing the first queen coin on the top row, fourth square from the left, and see if you can figure it out from there.
Man I found every queen except one
I think it is related to:
the plant (Green Fancy?)
I have found these queens (mega spoiler):
Crown Jewel
Fuse Panel
Drawer beside ship
I even know how to solve the last puzzle, because
I wrote an 8 queens solver back in college, and I still have it!
Anyone want to give me a hint?
I wasn't overly impressed by these games. Most of the puzzles were very easy, though I thought that gem puzzle on the wall in room 2 was a nice take on the light-up-the-squares puzzle you see so often.
Game two's chessboard puzzle I couldn't get without help from grinnyp and good old Wikipedia. This is probably due to my extreme lack of patience, but I also feel that the difficulty of that puzzle was on quite a higher level than the rest of the game.
Overall, I'd have liked to see some more inventiveness with the puzzles. I hope we see some as the series progresses.
And one question about game 2:
Was there anything we could do with that plant? Or was it just there for decoration?
Aureza -
Clicking on the upper left corner of the frame.
Nerdypants -
I rather like the way the rooms are structured around a central puzzle, with the rest of the stuff being easier. I recognize, though, that not everyone will appreciate it. Still, for me the games were fun. Judging by the progression of the puzzles between room 1 and 2, I am hoping for really good things for room 3. As for your question:
As far as I can tell it is just for decoration.
The Light Asylum Room 1 Walkthrough
General Information / Tips
You need to find 7 tiles and place it on the panel on the door (you got tile 5 already)
There are some tiles that is very hard to see, because the colours are quite similar
You have already get IV tile in your inventory
Click door and notice the Roman numerals and places to put tiles
Turn right and click the sink
Get the key from the drain
Click the picture on the desk and then click to the left to look behind it
Get the IX tile
Click the desk drawers and then use the key to unlock the top one (get the VI tile)
Get the hammer from the bottom drawer
Back up to see the whole desk -- click under the opening where a chair would go
Get the pocket knife
Click the bed pillow -- move it to get the III tile
Click under the bed to get the VII tile
Click the vent over the bed
Use the knife on the screws (you don't have to open the knife)
Put the knife back in the inventory then click the unscrewed cover
Get the I tile
Click the floor halfway between the bottom bed rail and the corner around where the baseboard is to zoom in
Take the VIII tile from the corner
Turn right 2 times
Use the hammer on the mirror to get the II tile
Turn left and click the door puzzle
Note the XV numbers (15 in Roman numerals)
You want to place the tiles so each line (across, down, and diagonal) = 15
Or if you prefer
The door automatically opens. Click the arrow to see you need to wait for room 2
I had the same problem getting the clock hands to move. I was finally able to get them to move just by clicking near them... Can't really explain it better than that. I'm also using Firefox.
I assume the page says "The Light Asylum Rooms 1 & 2 walkthrough now available" because the title of the post is "The Light Asylum Rooms 1 & 2".
Hopefully a Room 2 walkthrough will be available soon, I'm also stuck on finding the 8th queen. :)
Walk through for Room 2. I've sorted them by Queen so that you can more easily find the one you missed, since they are fairly independent. I've also included visible titles that should give you a little hint if you just need to know where to look. Note that you start with Queen 7 in your possession, along with a hammer and a Swiss Army Knife.
Queen 1: Fuse Box
From the starting position facing the chess board, turn left to face the shelf. Take the power cord from the lower shelf.
Turn left again, where you will see a panel with a red button (the power is out) and below it, a small box.
Click on the box to zoom in. Use your Swiss Army Knife to remove the screws. Take the fuse inside.
Use your SWA to strip the power cord down to bare wire and place it where the fuse used to be. Back out, click on the panel to zoom in, and press the red button to find the coin.
Queen 2: Light puzzle
The easiest way to turn all the lights green is to just click each point once, in any order. Then click the Open button.
Queen 3: On the HMS Queen Mary
Use the hammer to break the glass and click on the ship to zoom in. Click to the left so you are looking at the front of the ship. The coin is hard to see but it's on the deck of the ship above where "QUEEN MARY" is printed
Queen 4: Hidden lock-and-key
While facing the full view of the HMS Queen Mary podium, click the gap at the lower-right of the podium to find a key. Back out and click a tiny pixel somewhere in the gap at the lower-left of the podium to find the corresponding lock
Queen 5: It's Greek to me
On the shelf to the left of the starting door, there are some books and a box with 5 different turn-wheels. Each turn wheel is in a different alphabet. You need to figure out the word and then the translation
The word: This should be easy to guess - a 5-letter word that is very important to this whole room...
The word is "QUEEN"
The translation: On the top shelf is a book called "Ancient Glyphs and Signs". You can turn the pages with the left arrow. Make sure you look up the correct letter for each alphabet system.
Open the box to find the coin.
Queen 6: Alice in Wonderland
On the shelves to the left of the starting screen, there is a stack of books where "Alice in Wonderland" is open-able. Click the right arrow to turn to the last page and use your Swiss Army Knife to open the small white indent on the bottom of the page.
Queen 8: Cucoo clock
If you are facing the door that you entered from, there is a cucoo clock on the right-hand wall. I wonder what time we need to set it too? Perhaps if you consult a book from the bookshelf (Alice in Wonderland, perhaps?)
The time mentioned in the book is 5:45. Click the hour hand to set the hour to "V" and click the minute hand to set it to "IX", then click the grey button at the base of the two hands to get the 8th coin.
Now that you have 8 coins, they need to be placed on the chessboard so that no two coins are in the same row, column, or diagonal line. I pretty much placed them randomly until I found a solution that worked, but you can find one possible solution on the wikipedia page for "8 queen problem"
Now you are free! Or are you?
The Light Asylum Room 1 Walkthrough
All the tile numbers are roman numerals.
You begin with a tile already the number IV. Now you just have to find the other eight.
Examine the puzzle on the door. Notice that the number V tile is already in place. Guess we just have to find seven others, then. And doesn't that look like a math problem puzzle?
Turn right.
Click on the sink for a close up. Click again on the hole beneath the faucet for a second close up.
Take the key from the drain and back up.
Turn right to face the desk.
Click on the picture on the desk for a close up.
Click on the upper left corner of the picture to turn it around. Take the IX tile.
Back up then click on the desk drawers for a close up.
Unlock the top drawer with the key you found in the sink.
Take the VI tile and close the drawer.
Open the bottom drawer and take the hammer.
Back up then click in the space underneath the desk (it may take a few tries to find the hotspot).
Take the swiss army knife taped underneath the desk and back up.
Turn right.
Click on the pillow for a close up.
Click on the pillow again to move it and take the III tile.
Back up and click underneath the bed.
Take the VII tile and back up.
Notice the air vent above the bed?
Let's take a closer look.
Use the swiss army knife to remove the screws around the vent.
Remove the vent cover (return the knife to your inventory first) and take the I tile.
Back up.
Now click on the floorboard of the wall, between the end of the bed and the corner.
Now that the floorboard is in close up, you should see a slight irregularity on the baseboard, near the corner.
Click on the small white square, it is the VIII tile.
Back up and turn right twice until you are facing the sink again.
Click on the mirror for a close up.
It's hammer time!
Use the hammer to break the mirror. Take the II tile and seven years bad luck!
Back up and turn left.
Time to face the puzzle.
Click on the door puzzle for a close up.
Notice the roman numerals for 15 around the outside?
This is one of those "each row, column, and diagonal should add up to 15" puzzles.
The 5 is already placed for you.
If you can't figure it out, here's a solution. Top row: 8 3 4, middle row 1 5 9, bottom row 6 7 2.
Once the tiles are properly placed the door will open.
Congratulations, you are out of room 1!
The last remaining Queen Coin, I also had found the others mentioned above.
There are two books that you can open.
One has the hint for the clock and the other has the hint for the box.
Make sure that you find the last page of each book.
Take a second look at the Alice in Wonderland book.
The pages turn on this book as they did on the Glyph book. Move your mouse along the right side of the open book until you see a right pointing directional arrow.
When you see the words, "The End" on the left side, look on the right side at the bottom corner and you will see a raised up part.
Use your knife on it. A hole will be cut on the page and reveal number 6 Queen Coin.
The Light Asylum Room 2 Walkthrough
This one will be a little tougher.
You will start with one queen coin, all you need to do is find seven more. Simple.
Notice that you still have the swiss army knife and hammer from room 1.
To the right of the door is what looks like a picture. Click on it to zoom in.
Oh look, one of those puzzles.
You need to turn all the red points green.
There are lots of different ways to do this.
Remember, each point affects the ones around it.
A quick and easy way to solve: make sure the puzzle is reset before you begin. Click on the very top point and it will turn green along with the "row" of four points below it.
Now click on each of the four green points on that row, one at a time. When you are done they will all be red, and the row below them will be green.
Now go to the next row down that you just turned green. Click on each of the four on that row and they will all be red when you are done.
Now go to the row below that are all green, and click each one until they turn red. At this point the top of the puzzle should be green, and the bottom point and the bottom row of four points should be red.
Now click the bottom point and everything should turn green.
Once everything is green click on "open".
Once you open the puzzle take the queen. Back up.
Turn right and you are facing a model ship in a glass case.
Click on the bottom right of the stand that the model is on to see that side of the stand. Take the key and back up.
Now click around the bottom left of the stand to see that side. Look, a keyhole!
Use the key you just picked up to open the little cubby.
Take the queen and back up.
You know, maybe there's something on the model ship.
Let's get destructive, shall we?
Break the glass case with the hammer.
Click on the ship for a close up and search from bow to stern. Maybe you will find a coin.
The coin can be found in the bow section. Look closely on the forward deck at the bow.
Take the coin from the model ship and back up.
Turn right.
You are now facing a door with a panel to the left and a cuckoo clock to the right. Click on the panel for a close up.
Hmm, there's no power to operate the panel. Back up.
Look below and to the left of the panel, there's something on the wall there. Click on it for a close up.
Oh goody, screws! Use the swiss army knife to remove the screws, then remove the panel.
Remove the burnt out fuse.
Well, we don't have anything to replace it with, so back up.
Turn right and you are facing a couple of shelves. Hey look, there's the smiley face picture again!
There's a gray object on the right of the bottom shelf, pick it up. Yay, power cable!
Click on the left set of books for a close up. Gee, Alice in Wonderland!
Pick up Alice in Wonderland and read it. Is that a time clue? Where have we seen a clock...
Move the cursor to the right of the book and an arrow appears. Click on the arrow to turn the page.
Wait, the end? But, look closely! There's a suspiciously round bulge on the bottom right corner of the right page.
Use the swiss army knife on the bulge and collect another coin.
Back up until you are facing the shelves again.
Now click on the box on the left of the bottom shelf.
Okay, we need a code to open that. Nevermind. Back up.
Click on the books on the right of the top shelf for a close up.
Hey, a book on ancient Glyphs and Signs! Now that's the ticket!
Pick up the book and read the pages.
Maybe this will help open the box?
The dials on the box represent the letters q-u-e-e-n.
The first dial is Egyptian (Q), the second dial is greek (U), the third dial is Malachim (E), the fourth dial is Phoenician (E), and the fifth dial is Theban.
Look up the corresponding symbols then back up.
Back up then click on the box.
Set the dials to spell the word "queen" using the various alphabets in the book above.
Take the queen coin and back up.
Turn left and look at the cuckoo clock.
Did you read Alice in Wonderland?
Set the clock to 5:45 and click on the button in the center of the clock face (over the dials).
Take the queen coin and back up.
So we now have seven queen coins, just one to go!
What's left?
Oh yeah, the mysterious panel that has no power, and the power box below it with the burnt out fuse.
Click on the electrical panel (the smaller one that is below and to the left of the main panel) for a close up.
We still need something to replace the fuse.
How about that power cable we picked up?
Well, that won't work.
We need something metal...
Use the swiss army knife on the power cable to expose the wiring.
Put the now naked wires in the fuse holder.
Once you have the electrical panel working back up then click on the large panel.
Click on the red button to open the panel and take the last queen coin.
Back up.
Turn right twice until you are facing the door.
Gee, a chessboard, and we have eight queen coins.
I guess we should place the coins on the chessboard in some pattern.
Maybe if we place them so that they can't take each other in a game of chess.
That would mean that each piece should not be in the same column, row, or diagonal as the other.
This is a classic puzzle known as the "Eight Queens Puzzle".
There are several different patterns to place the coins, here is one:
Picture each row of the chessboard from top to bottom being labeled A through H.
Picture each column of the chessboard from left to right being labeled 1 through 8.
Place the coins like this: A4, B2, C7, D3, E6, F8, G5, and H1.
Click on the chessboard for a close up and place the coins so that no queen shares a row, column, or diagonal.
If you place the pieces correctly the door opens and you are out!
Very enjoyable! And even better because it was made by a portuguese just like me! So, if you allow me, I'll just leave a few words for the creator in our own language!
Fausto, grande jogo mesmo! É dos meus estilos de jogos preferido, e passados vários anos como frequentador assíduo deste site, é um prazer ver um conterrâneo a contribuir com uma pérola desta!
Continua o bom trabalho, espero continuar a ver aqui outras boas contribuições tuas!
Grande abraço!
Miguel Suarez
Reading the comments now I see that other people had trouble
turning the pages of the books. Normally in these games, you click on the edge of the page to turn it, and since I clicked all over that edge, I figured I wasn't supposed to turn it. It took me forever to figure out that you had to click at the edge of the screen, rather than the edge of the book. Sort of counterintuitive, if you ask me.
The link to Room 2 pulled a severe spyware threat on Symantec - I won't dare click it again to diagnose. Not kidding here. I'd advise to have the developer check his security asap.
This particular threat btw:
[Edit: It looks like there was some suspicious files on coolbuddy within the past 90 days, but none within the last month, according to Google: So, I'm working on hosting the files myself anyways, which may help those apprehensive about it. -Jay]
"Hello subject 7. You are mentally ill, so we put you in a bunch of locked rooms, given you access to a knife and a hammer, and won't let you out until you solve several sets of brain teasers that require calm and focus in the first place. Oh, and the penalty for failure is death."
I really hope this turns out to not be something different, because I just can't take this at face value. Spending an hour looking for white-on-white is enough to make anyone question someone's sanity. Still, the series' best feature is how everything relates to piecing together the last puzzle of the room. It gives direction to the series, so even when you're clicking around randomly, you always know what you're looking for. It can even make the final ones seem easier, since you can think about them while you're looking elsewhere.
I also had no idea that the pages could turn, being used to the "opens-only-to-one-page" books. The alphabet book tipped me off, but the "turn page" arrow looks like the "back" arrow. Also, a possibly game-ruining bug: "Queens can't harm other queens", preventing you from putting a queen token back in your inventory on the board. You have to place it first, then pick it up again. There's a formation, using only five queens, that can threaten every space on the board, thus preventing you from being able to change the formation again.
Okay, the puzzles were not inventive nor original. I learned the eight queens puzzle as a child. But today, anyone can just Google it. Why even have it?
Nevertheless, as I played, I found myself enjoying it immensely. I don't know why. Practically everything from music to movies are derivative But perhaps quality is inherently enjoyable. Even if we've seen/heard it before.
That's my guess. Because I liked them both and am looking forward to more.
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Walkthrough Guide
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The Light Asylum Room 1 Walkthrough
General Information / Tips
You need to find 7 tiles and place it on the panel on the door (you got tile 5 already)
There are some tiles that is very hard to see, because the colours are quite similar
You have already get IV tile in your inventory
Click door and notice the Roman numerals and places to put tiles
Turn right and click the sink
Get the key from the drain
Click the picture on the desk and then click to the left to look behind it
Get the IX tile
Click the desk drawers and then use the key to unlock the top one (get the VI tile)
Get the hammer from the bottom drawer
Back up to see the whole desk -- click under the opening where a chair would go
Get the pocket knife
Click the bed pillow -- move it to get the III tile
Click under the bed to get the VII tile
Click the vent over the bed
Use the knife on the screws (you don't have to open the knife)
Put the knife back in the inventory then click the unscrewed cover
Get the I tile
Click the floor halfway between the bottom bed rail and the corner around where the baseboard is to zoom in
Take the VIII tile from the corner
Turn right 2 times
Use the hammer on the mirror to get the II tile
Turn left and click the door puzzle
Note the XV numbers (15 in Roman numerals)
You want to place the tiles so each line (across, down, and diagonal) = 15
Or if you prefer
The door automatically opens. Click the arrow to see you need to wait for room 2
Posted by: orangeall
November 4, 2009 9:11 AM
The Light Asylum Room 1 Walkthrough
All the tile numbers are roman numerals.
You begin with a tile already the number IV. Now you just have to find the other eight.
Examine the puzzle on the door. Notice that the number V tile is already in place. Guess we just have to find seven others, then. And doesn't that look like a math problem puzzle?
Turn right.
Click on the sink for a close up. Click again on the hole beneath the faucet for a second close up.
Take the key from the drain and back up.
Turn right to face the desk.
Click on the picture on the desk for a close up.
Click on the upper left corner of the picture to turn it around. Take the IX tile.
Back up then click on the desk drawers for a close up.
Unlock the top drawer with the key you found in the sink.
Take the VI tile and close the drawer.
Open the bottom drawer and take the hammer.
Back up then click in the space underneath the desk (it may take a few tries to find the hotspot).
Take the swiss army knife taped underneath the desk and back up.
Turn right.
Click on the pillow for a close up.
Click on the pillow again to move it and take the III tile.
Back up and click underneath the bed.
Take the VII tile and back up.
Notice the air vent above the bed?
Let's take a closer look.
Use the swiss army knife to remove the screws around the vent.
Remove the vent cover (return the knife to your inventory first) and take the I tile.
Back up.
Now click on the floorboard of the wall, between the end of the bed and the corner.
Now that the floorboard is in close up, you should see a slight irregularity on the baseboard, near the corner.
Click on the small white square, it is the VIII tile.
Back up and turn right twice until you are facing the sink again.
Click on the mirror for a close up.
It's hammer time!
Use the hammer to break the mirror. Take the II tile and seven years bad luck!
Back up and turn left.
Time to face the puzzle.
Click on the door puzzle for a close up.
Notice the roman numerals for 15 around the outside?
This is one of those "each row, column, and diagonal should add up to 15" puzzles.
The 5 is already placed for you.
If you can't figure it out, here's a solution. Top row: 8 3 4, middle row 1 5 9, bottom row 6 7 2.
Once the tiles are properly placed the door will open.
Congratulations, you are out of room 1!
Posted by: grinnyp
November 4, 2009 2:02 PM
The Light Asylum Room 2 Walkthrough
This one will be a little tougher.
You will start with one queen coin, all you need to do is find seven more. Simple.
Notice that you still have the swiss army knife and hammer from room 1.
To the right of the door is what looks like a picture. Click on it to zoom in.
Oh look, one of those puzzles.
You need to turn all the red points green.
There are lots of different ways to do this.
Remember, each point affects the ones around it.
A quick and easy way to solve: make sure the puzzle is reset before you begin. Click on the very top point and it will turn green along with the "row" of four points below it.
Now click on each of the four green points on that row, one at a time. When you are done they will all be red, and the row below them will be green.
Now go to the next row down that you just turned green. Click on each of the four on that row and they will all be red when you are done.
Now go to the row below that are all green, and click each one until they turn red. At this point the top of the puzzle should be green, and the bottom point and the bottom row of four points should be red.
Now click the bottom point and everything should turn green.
Once everything is green click on "open".
Once you open the puzzle take the queen. Back up.
Turn right and you are facing a model ship in a glass case.
Click on the bottom right of the stand that the model is on to see that side of the stand. Take the key and back up.
Now click around the bottom left of the stand to see that side. Look, a keyhole!
Use the key you just picked up to open the little cubby.
Take the queen and back up.
You know, maybe there's something on the model ship.
Let's get destructive, shall we?
Break the glass case with the hammer.
Click on the ship for a close up and search from bow to stern. Maybe you will find a coin.
The coin can be found in the bow section. Look closely on the forward deck at the bow.
Take the coin from the model ship and back up.
Turn right.
You are now facing a door with a panel to the left and a cuckoo clock to the right. Click on the panel for a close up.
Hmm, there's no power to operate the panel. Back up.
Look below and to the left of the panel, there's something on the wall there. Click on it for a close up.
Oh goody, screws! Use the swiss army knife to remove the screws, then remove the panel.
Remove the burnt out fuse.
Well, we don't have anything to replace it with, so back up.
Turn right and you are facing a couple of shelves. Hey look, there's the smiley face picture again!
There's a gray object on the right of the bottom shelf, pick it up. Yay, power cable!
Click on the left set of books for a close up. Gee, Alice in Wonderland!
Pick up Alice in Wonderland and read it. Is that a time clue? Where have we seen a clock...
Move the cursor to the right of the book and an arrow appears. Click on the arrow to turn the page.
Wait, the end? But, look closely! There's a suspiciously round bulge on the bottom right corner of the right page.
Use the swiss army knife on the bulge and collect another coin.
Back up until you are facing the shelves again.
Now click on the box on the left of the bottom shelf.
Okay, we need a code to open that. Nevermind. Back up.
Click on the books on the right of the top shelf for a close up.
Hey, a book on ancient Glyphs and Signs! Now that's the ticket!
Pick up the book and read the pages.
Maybe this will help open the box?
The dials on the box represent the letters q-u-e-e-n.
The first dial is Egyptian (Q), the second dial is greek (U), the third dial is Malachim (E), the fourth dial is Phoenician (E), and the fifth dial is Theban.
Look up the corresponding symbols then back up.
Back up then click on the box.
Set the dials to spell the word "queen" using the various alphabets in the book above.
Take the queen coin and back up.
Turn left and look at the cuckoo clock.
Did you read Alice in Wonderland?
Set the clock to 5:45 and click on the button in the center of the clock face (over the dials).
Take the queen coin and back up.
So we now have seven queen coins, just one to go!
What's left?
Oh yeah, the mysterious panel that has no power, and the power box below it with the burnt out fuse.
Click on the electrical panel (the smaller one that is below and to the left of the main panel) for a close up.
We still need something to replace the fuse.
How about that power cable we picked up?
Well, that won't work.
We need something metal...
Use the swiss army knife on the power cable to expose the wiring.
Put the now naked wires in the fuse holder.
Once you have the electrical panel working back up then click on the large panel.
Click on the red button to open the panel and take the last queen coin.
Back up.
Turn right twice until you are facing the door.
Gee, a chessboard, and we have eight queen coins.
I guess we should place the coins on the chessboard in some pattern.
Maybe if we place them so that they can't take each other in a game of chess.
That would mean that each piece should not be in the same column, row, or diagonal as the other.
This is a classic puzzle known as the "Eight Queens Puzzle".
There are several different patterns to place the coins, here is one:
Picture each row of the chessboard from top to bottom being labeled A through H.
Picture each column of the chessboard from left to right being labeled 1 through 8.
Place the coins like this: A4, B2, C7, D3, E6, F8, G5, and H1.
Click on the chessboard for a close up and place the coins so that no queen shares a row, column, or diagonal.
If you place the pieces correctly the door opens and you are out!
Posted by: grinnyp
November 4, 2009 2:05 PM