An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Jinx: A Dark and Stormy Night

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4.2/5 (420 votes)

Enter Jinx to save the day. This gorgeous and adorable Flash game has kids written all over it, including those who are only kids-at-heart. In his first episode, Jinx comes upon the house on the hill that is all lit up for once on a dark and stormy night. Upon knocking, the door opens and Jinx decides to go in and have a look around.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Jinx: A Dark and Stormy Night Walkthrough

  1. You are in the room that i refer to as the FIRST ROOM.

  2. Click the doubledoor. You are in the KITCHEN.

  3. Click the book. It's a diary. Read it or not, it isn't very useful.

  4. Click the only door you see there (not the refrigerator ;D )

  5. Take the blue diamond on the barrel.

  6. Go back to first room.

  7. Click the other door.

  8. Click the book. It's a diary.

  9. Click the right door.

  10. Take the duct tape on the "lightning rod" box.

  11. Go back to the first room.

  12. Go to the kitchen.

  13. You'll see a broken elevator, click it. It will be fixed automatically.

  14. Go up (by elevator).

  15. Click the book under the table. You have to read it carefully, it is very important.

  16. Exit this room (hot spot is just in front of Jinx).

  17. Now you are in the CORRIDOR.

  18. Click the right "wall".

  19. Click the door behind you.

  20. Click the yellow thing.

  21. Go back to the other screen.

  22. Click the "invisible door" in bottom-left corner of the screen.

  23. Take the red diamond.

  24. Read the book, or not (isn't very useful).

  25. Click the other door.

  26. Click the open box that is connected to the electric rope. You will fix it.

  27. If you want, you can read violet book.

  28. Click the Coca-Cola machine. You'll get a key (it's in your inventory).

  29. Go to the screen of the "cage".

  30. Click the "cage".

  31. Go up.

  32. Click the left border of the screen.

  33. Pick the flashlight.

  34. Go back.

  35. Click the bottom-left corner (the "invisible" door). You enter a bedroom.

  36. Click the right door. You enter into a dark room.

  37. Click the darkest part of the room.

  38. Take the bucket and the toilet plunger.

  39. Go to the flashlight room.

  40. Go to the "invisible door" bottom-left corner. You enter a bathroom.

  41. Click the faucet in the shower (not the one by the mirror).

  42. Click the toilet. You'll get a yellow diamond.

  43. Go back to the flashlight room.

  44. Click the doubledoor.

  45. Click the fire. You extinguished the fire.

  46. Go up (by clicking again the fireplace).

  47. Click the metal door.

  48. Enter the room.

YOU WIN!!!!!!!


Ah, finally a point-and-click adventure game I was able to finish :)


great cute game! even though its really easy


A very enjoyable Halloween romp. The robot's 'malfunction' messages particularly tickled me up. Looking forward to the next chapter; with the current cast assembled, it seems quite promising. On a side note, I enjoyed how the main character was never given a gender, making the game more accessible.


Why am I never able to do this kind of games on my own??? I have the blue gem and the ductape (so I can get upstairs) but that's it! No clue whatsoever how to go on...

karmakaze October 26, 2005 6:36 AM

how cute!


Ok, call me ridiculously dense, but I'm having trouble finding the third stone! I've clicked on everything (i think) and I still can't find it! A little help, anyone? :D


I can't wait to see who asks for hints or a walkthrough first.


And I posted too late.


Upstairs hint:

Find a fuse and use the vending machine once its working

Yellow gem hint:

You can find third stone by cleaning up a mess

I feel special for solving this one my own :)
So what if its for kids...


i finished the game!it is so cute. cant wait for chapter 2 to come out!lol
love ur site jay


this games totally RULES! sadly it to abit too easy but it was fun! wish chapter 2 will come out soon!


That was the cutest game I have ever, ever found. And the first one I could get through all on my own.

But seriously, I spent the entire time I was doing it going "N'awwww!" and the guys who are working on my house were kinda scared. A nice pick-me-up after yesterday's game, which, not going to lie here, gave me nightmares.


wow that was a point-and-click for toddlers... they even had instructions on what EVERYTHING did!




Even though it was ridiculously easy, I had a lot of fun p[laying it. FAST animation and very simple "puzzles" (more like easy to find items) made this a great time-waster when I had a foot out of the door at work!


TO BE CONTINUED?!?!? :( Aww... that was fun. Really cute and great for little kids.

OmegaX123 October 26, 2005 3:59 PM

Haven't touched it yet, but I just wanted to say how cool it is that you're linking games from sites (relatively) local to my area.


Very cute game, I enjoyed it even if it was aimed at kids!


Yes. Very excited that I was able to access this game through characters of ambiguous gender. So often I find myself self-righteously excluded.


Hehe, fun game to play.

I liked upstairs in the bathroom when you look in the mirror. :P


Ok.. TO be continued??? AHhh I enjoyed the game and now I am waiting for part two.


I feel stupid. I really need help. I only have the tape and the blue gem.I think I clicked on everything and it won't let me go upstairs. Can someone give this loser some advice?


Check out Jay's archives for Garfield's Scavenger Hunt I and II, if
you're looking for cute and easy and Halloween-themed.


Nevermind about my other post I am completly stupid after you go up the elevator you can go down....


Teehee... I posted this on Nordinho a couple days back. Glad to see you liked it. :)


Overall, it's a pretty neat little game. ^_^ I love the little labels for the boxes and jars that seem to be in each room. "Random food box", "goo", "robot dog", etc... (Yeah, little things like that amuse me. ^_^") Awesome find for the holiday.

(And I know it's been said by others already, but awesome job on the layout, Jay!)


nice game finised it so fast though lol well then later


The volume of the sound effects differ to much (Eg. the thunder), and the predefined places that Jinx can stand in the rooms are just annoying! Other than that the game is ok, especially the labels on the jars and boxes are pretty funny. :)


where do i get the red gem? hehe i feel stupid


call me stupid but where do the gems go? i have them all but i dont know whats next!


Jinx 2 is out! I just went to the site and played it. Like 1, Jinx 2 is easy but fun.


Jinx 2 is out but in Jinx 2 its a christmas theme!


That was very adorable.


i actually finished that one with out any help...w00t!


oh, and where's Jinx 2, i cant find it on the site...-_-


Help!! i dunno where 2 go!! i jus found the yellow wat?!


I like this kind of games, but always need a little help, i have the 3 gems... now what? i guess i lost or it's missing one item (after the key) what do i have to do?



What a lovely game! Feeling particularly warm and fluffly inside for managing (for once) to finish a game all by my self...she says determindly not recognising the fact that its aimed at kids...

GutterCup March 30, 2006 8:06 PM

aww it was so cute! i want a little ghost!

Lilian Faber April 13, 2006 7:08 AM

Sorry cannot find jinx... link is only shwoing ytv etc. etc.


Lilian, go here and scroll to the bottom of the page - there's a roll-bar, roll over the right-hand arrow, and scroll until you see Jinx and Jinx2. I'd give you a direct link, but it opens just in a flash window with no address.


Cheers, Pam! Using that link I found the new home for Jinx and updated the links above accordingly.

Melissa May 15, 2006 11:08 AM

I compleeted the game! it was wierd! REALLY wierd!


this was dead easy, if you lot r adults then come on, im 13! but when is the next chapter cos till then i wont be able to sleep!


easy easy the lader is behind the fire in the libary

MONKEY THING July 5, 2006 12:36 AM

jay i just have to say that this game is cool i would say the best 5 mins of the day. it was too easy though i hope the next one is harder. from monkey thing ..half man half monkey..


Just a note. Beat the game, and let the "To Be Continued" screen stay open. A cool kind of laid-back beat slowly builds up around the sound effects.

helooooooo August 15, 2006 9:07 PM

this game was fun, i get freaked out with games with nothing around such as submachine, submachine 2, and submachine 3, and im scared of the dark, but this game somehow, wasn't so bad! =] i played jinx 2 just now and i had fun beating it, and now i have to look for jinx 3 (in episode 2 it said to be continued)


I beat it on my own, it was pretty easy. However I had a lot of fun with this one. Point & clicks are my favorite. I try to get my hands on any point & click game possible.


Played and beat no. 2. Ah, they were fantastic, short and sweet (easy too,hehheh). However they have nice logical puzzles, good characters and a nice story going on. Now if only no. 3 would come out already...well, at least I don't see it yet. I have also beat, the first two submachine games they were fantastic as well, nice and hard too (for me anyway) no. 3 is just too...stupid I think.


.....i feel really really stupid for not knowing how to finish Jinx 2. I got the diamond but now, i can't go anywhere or do anything.


re: Jinx 2 Elevator Room

There is a rock on the bottom of the pile that is a slightly different color purple. Click it and the pile falls and you can get to the Elevator Power Room.


aww this game was adorable! and i could actually do it with the sound up and the lights low hehe...


haha..funny ending! to be continue? means there will be more, right?


it is a cute game ever


Hey, Jay. You know that Jinx 2 is out, right? some people might like it if you provided the link to it and told us that it was out. I love the games and the website. And also letting us know when Jinx 3 is out because there has to be one because they went through a portal in the 2nd one.



i have done it(the first and the second)before discovering this page, but i have a really good time playing it. It take me half an hour to solve both. Can someone advise me when the third come?


Jinx: A Dark and Stormy Night Walkthrough

  1. You are in the room that i refer to as the FIRST ROOM.

  2. Click the doubledoor. You are in the KITCHEN.

  3. Click the book. It's a diary. Read it or not, it isn't very useful.

  4. Click the only door you see there (not the refrigerator ;D )

  5. Take the blue diamond on the barrel.

  6. Go back to first room.

  7. Click the other door.

  8. Click the book. It's a diary.

  9. Click the right door.

  10. Take the duct tape on the "lightning rod" box.

  11. Go back to the first room.

  12. Go to the kitchen.

  13. You'll see a broken elevator, click it. It will be fixed automatically.

  14. Go up (by elevator).

  15. Click the book under the table. You have to read it carefully, it is very important.

  16. Exit this room (hot spot is just in front of Jinx).

  17. Now you are in the CORRIDOR.

  18. Click the right "wall".

  19. Click the door behind you.

  20. Click the yellow thing.

  21. Go back to the other screen.

  22. Click the "invisible door" in bottom-left corner of the screen.

  23. Take the red diamond.

  24. Read the book, or not (isn't very useful).

  25. Click the other door.

  26. Click the open box that is connected to the electric rope. You will fix it.

  27. If you want, you can read violet book.

  28. Click the Coca-Cola machine. You'll get a key (it's in your inventory).

  29. Go to the screen of the "cage".

  30. Click the "cage".

  31. Go up.

  32. Click the left border of the screen.

  33. Pick the flashlight.

  34. Go back.

  35. Click the bottom-left corner (the "invisible" door). You enter a bedroom.

  36. Click the right door. You enter into a dark room.

  37. Click the darkest part of the room.

  38. Take the bucket and the toilet plunger.

  39. Go to the flashlight room.

  40. Go to the "invisible door" bottom-left corner. You enter a bathroom.

  41. Click the faucet in the shower (not the one by the mirror).

  42. Click the toilet. You'll get a yellow diamond.

  43. Go back to the flashlight room.

  44. Click the doubledoor.

  45. Click the fire. You extinguished the fire.

  46. Go up (by clicking again the fireplace).

  47. Click the metal door.

  48. Enter the room.

YOU WIN!!!!!!!


I played both games. they were fun.


Jinx Episode 1 was quite hard, since I didn't notice the 'Room' up in the elevator thingy. But Jinx 2 is SO easy. THese games are quite fun, so I hope YTV will create more.

Karin M Designs April 26, 2007 3:02 AM

I first came across this game when my daughter was around 4.5 years old - she loved it and solved most if it herself at the time (I read the story to her). Loved Jinx 2 as well.

I love the variety of games you review here - keep up the good work.


This was a pretty cool game and i think every body should play it(but I am ten years old). Will some one please post a walkthrough for jinx 2?? Thank you!!!:P


Hello my name is eve and I and My friends love jinx the ghost when will 3 be out


can someone make a walkthrough for jinx 2 ?!?!


i dont get what you do in jinx 2 after you scare the penguins away :S:S:S


I wish jinx 3, 4, 5 & 6 will be out now!


I love how in Jinx 2...

Right before the robot dies, it says, "rosebud", and then jinx sleds down the hill on one of its parts.

There are waay too many adult references in this game that kids just won't pick up on.


I need some serious help. I know that i am like really stupid not to be able to figure it out but i really need help. O.K. i am playing Jinx 2 and i am the doctor guy now. I cant get past the peguins and it would be great if some one could help me. Jinz 1 was so easy but i am just stuck in Jinx 2. Thanks


ok i got through the peguins but now i am stuck again i have to get to the north pole after i rescued the doctor. how do i do that???


HELP!!! i am stuck. I got the doctor out of jail but now i am stuck what do i do???? Help me PLEASE!!!!!


Took me a long time but i enjoyed it how do i get onto the 2nd one someone tell me please.!!!!!!!!


Listen here is the WALKTHROUGH!!!

You start at the bottom of the hill. Follow the footprints to get to the mine. Go to the room on your LEFT. Pick up the coal from inside the kart. Go back to the main room and go RIGHT. Put the coal in the machine to turn it into a DIAMOND. Go back to the LEFT room. Click the LIGHT purple color rock at the bottom of the pile. Go into the power room and put the DIAMOND into the machine. This will get the elevator working. Go up. Press the RED button on the green door. You will hear a tune and see different color lights. Click on the pipes next to the door and REPEAT the tune. The door will open. Climb up the boxes and you are free.
As the professor, follow the footprints until you reach the place before the penguins. Click on the trees and follow the SECRET path. Click on the snowball and the penguins will run away. Go back down to where the penguins where and follow the path up. When you get to the BROWN tracks follow them to the RIGHT and you will be captured.

I'll post the next bit later.

Jinx 1, 2, 3? November 5, 2007 9:47 AM

Is there a Jinx 3 coming out?


Hey there!! I am from germany and I played both parts, its a cute and funny game, maybe a little bit to easy, but who cares, its for kids, huh?
I wanna know if there is a 3rd part??
greetings and thanks


This game has been moved. The link takes you to their site map.



(aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww, how cute)


how do you get past the fire


please can immmediately help me out . I am stuck after releasing doctor and I dont know what to do? plaese help me out !!!.



Try seeing how the fire likes bucketfulls of
tub water


when is jinx 3 comin out it is so cool i finished both jinx 1 and 2 they were easy


hey !! i loved it ! its so easy but so cute !!!


how do you find the red gem?


You think you're so good do you Mr. 13 year old? I'm 7 and I found it easy as pie! So there. : )

barbie gee November 11, 2008 6:27 PM

this game was soooooo fun. i finished both of the games. when does the third one come out


both are awesome games! real easy, but that's good... it means i didn't have to tear out my hair in frustration or give up completely. ;D anyone know when #3 is coming out? also, does anyone know any PACs (point 'n' clicks) like this one?
by the way, all you adults who couldn't beat it. you guys need to play more PACs! :) i'm only 12 and i was 11 when i beat them for the 1st time!

Redmess May 12, 2009 1:10 PM

Seems to be gone.


i love this game but to be CONTINUED????? i can't wait for jinx 3 lol

Arya Drottningu January 8, 2010 7:54 PM

Can somebody do a walkthrough for Jinx 3?

Anonymous January 23, 2010 2:11 PM

Me and my mate just played Jinx 1 and 2, and we loved them! My mate is sooo badly wishin' that there is a Jinx 3! Come on, peeps, make a Jinx 3!


Jinx 3 is out!! I must say it is a lot harder than the rest of the series


For anyone else who might be wondering what befell "Jinx" after the cliff-hanger ending of "Jinx: A Dark and Stormy Night"...

YTV has put out four sequel games thus far -- two other point-and-click games, and two additional games both set in the same universe and both starring Jinx but each with different play mechanics. The end of the latest P&C game in the series leaves room for a possible follow-up game, but I couldn't find any info on when it might come out.

In the meantime, here are nice functional (as of the 31st of October, 2012, aka Halloween) links to the other games in the Jinx series:

  • Jinx 2: Miracle in the 34th Dimension picks up right where the first game left off. Jinx, the malfunctioning robot and the mad scientist land in a dimension that seems to revolve around Christmas... but not the version of Christmas Jinx or Dr. Frantic (or we) are familiar with. Point, click and help them get home!

  • Jinx 2 1/2: Portal Peril is a launcher game where your goal is to help Jinx catch up to the two other ...beings traveling interdimensionally with our little sheeted-ghost protagonist, while picking up as much candy and dodging as much interdimensional debris as possible.

  • Jinx 3: Escape from Area Fitty-Two [sic] begins with Jinx and the good(?) Doctor Frantic -- and their accidental stowaway -- closer to home but not quite there. Once again play is a matter of pointing and clicking, but the game area is significantly larger; the puzzles are often more complex, partly due to a degree of open-ended-ness making it at times challenging to figure out which actions need to be carried out in what order; and there is also a new mechanic. This time, you'll need to switch between controlling all three characters in order for them to work together and escape. Episode 3 also had the best jokes (according to my taste at least) so be sure to have each character click each hotspot wherever possible.

  • Jinx Escape, despite the name, is not a typical P&C escape game. It's instead a vertically-scrolling platformer* in which you try to guide Jinx through a seemingly-endless tower filled with moving platforms and fearsome Halloween monsters.

Like some other commenters, I was pleased that Jinx's gender identity is left ambiguous, allowing more players to identify with the Halloween-costumed hero. It didn't escape my notice that we're given no indication of what race Jinx is under that head-to-toe sheet, either. Especially in a game geared towards kids, this kind of deftly-crafted inclusiveness has far more influence on young people's perceptions of themselves and others than most players will be aware of -- in a good way. Game protagonists who are explicitly depicted as female and/or of other than European descent are nice to see, as well, of course. But a 'hero' who could literally be anyone under a concealing costume made an excellent choice for a game series like this one.

* I think that's what this type of game is called, but I don't usually play them because I'm not much good at reflex games. Correction welcome and encouraged if I've mislabeled Jinx Escape's game genre.


Thanks so much the Jack. Heart YTV, and given that I'm not in Canada, that's sayin' something.


Slug salt? That is very cruel. I would never poor salt on a defenseless slug.


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