Classic Hashi Light Vol. 2
The name of Hashi, the Japanese logic puzzle, is short for Hashiwokakero, literally "Building Bridges". This is entirely appropriate for the game of lines and connections that it is. It's interesting however, that "Hashi" can also be translated as "chopsticks", which also would be a perfectly applicable title. Of course, the appeal of the game goes far beyond linguistic trivia. That should be clear from the success Conceptis found in its previous browser collection of the puzzle. Classic Hashi Light is back in a second volume, and, with a palpable boost in difficulty, your logical reasoning will be tested like never before.
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Hashi Light Vol. 2 Tips & Solutions
Hashi Tips
Look in the corners.
2's cannot be fully connected to another 2.
3's always have a connection to both sides.
4's are always fully connected to both sides.
Look at larger numbers.
8's are fully connected to all four sides.
7's are connected at least once on all four sides.
5's and 6's are connected on at least three sides.
Look at smaller numbers.
2's cannot be connected to two 1's.
3's cannot be connected to a 2 and 1.
4's cannot be connected to two 2's.
Try to think ahead.
When trying to place a bridge, consider what restrictions you'll be placing on nearby numbers.
The connections you block are just as important as the ones you make.
Remember that all the numbers have to be connected in the end. Click and hold a number to see what other numbers are connected to it.
Along the same lines, it can be helpful to look at the overall puzzle for what numbers are along the same row or column. No connection should completely block off a set of numbers.
If you haven't already, play through the first Hashi Light set to help familiarize yourself with it.
Hashi Light Vol. 2 Solutions
Level 1
Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 5
Puzzle 6
Puzzle 7
Puzzle 8
Puzzle 9
Puzzle 10
Level 2
Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 5
Puzzle 6
Puzzle 7
Puzzle 8
Puzzle 9
Puzzle 10
Level 3
Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 5
Puzzle 6
Puzzle 7
Puzzle 8
Puzzle 9
Puzzle 10
One good thing: These are named "hard" and they actually are!
One bad thing: I do not like having to repeatedly go "OK, if I put *this* brigde then...(14 steps later: found a blind end)". Logic puzzles should be solved by logic, not by trial-and-error.
This fault would be somewhat lessened if it was possible to do something like pencil marke or color changed lines.
Standard Hashi rules exclude multiple solutions, and all islands must be joined by bridges into one contiguous cluster.
This is what Concentris calls advanced logic, you'll have to reason ahead to conclude that a certain bridge should or should not be there. It's not really trial and error, it is what you do with many bridges you place, you just have to reason many steps ahead, a bit too many to my taste as well.
You can use the undo option (U) to go back to the offending bridge, there is no need to mark specific bridges. If you do not run into problems, you probably have made the right guess, and if you are reluctant to move ahead with another guess, you can always check for wrong bridges. It's a bit like cheating, but if you use it wisely, it increases the fun.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Hashi Light Vol. 2 Tips & Solutions
Hashi Tips
Look in the corners.
2's cannot be fully connected to another 2.
3's always have a connection to both sides.
4's are always fully connected to both sides.
Look at larger numbers.
8's are fully connected to all four sides.
7's are connected at least once on all four sides.
5's and 6's are connected on at least three sides.
Look at smaller numbers.
2's cannot be connected to two 1's.
3's cannot be connected to a 2 and 1.
4's cannot be connected to two 2's.
Try to think ahead.
When trying to place a bridge, consider what restrictions you'll be placing on nearby numbers.
The connections you block are just as important as the ones you make.
Remember that all the numbers have to be connected in the end. Click and hold a number to see what other numbers are connected to it.
Along the same lines, it can be helpful to look at the overall puzzle for what numbers are along the same row or column. No connection should completely block off a set of numbers.
If you haven't already, play through the first Hashi Light set to help familiarize yourself with it.
Hashi Light Vol. 2 Solutions
Level 1
Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 5
Puzzle 6
Puzzle 7
Puzzle 8
Puzzle 9
Puzzle 10
Level 2
Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 5
Puzzle 6
Puzzle 7
Puzzle 8
Puzzle 9
Puzzle 10
Level 3
Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 5
Puzzle 6
Puzzle 7
Puzzle 8
Puzzle 9
Puzzle 10
Posted by: Kyh
October 24, 2011 11:04 AM